Member Reviews


I had really enjoyed Pierlot's debut Bluebird when I read it in 2022 so I had kept her on my radar and I was really excited when I saw that her next project was going to be a poly vampire fantasy. Unfortunately, this was a pretty mixed reading experience.

The book follows Kazan, a blacksmith who is attacked by vampires and then captured to take part in a ritual where she is forced to act as "Queen" for three days and then will be sacrificed. I generally love books that have some sort of time limit or countdown element because it increases tension and I love isolated settings but despite having both of those elements, I mostly found myself bored. Kazan is doing what she can to survive and ends up making alliances with some of the vampires but I struggled to believe some of the leaps of logic and I'm not sure if it's because a lot of the worldbuilding felt flat or if it's because I didn't like Kazan as a main character and none of the side characters were really present enough on the page to make a mark. Which after loving both the world and the characters in Bluebird, I am really disappointed about my apathy for them here.

Overall, I didn't hate this but I think I went in with expectations that were too high. That being said, I do think there is an audience for this book and I love that 2024 seems to be the era of queer vampires.

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A little lax on plot with a less than likable main character, The Hunter's Gambit is exactly how the vampires in Twilight SHOULD have been. Not to the mention the fact that THAT sex scene was incredibly hot.

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I was really excited for this book, but it didn't really stick out to me. It felt like any other vampire romance, and I found it to be a little boring.

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Thank you netgalley, this was a good vampire novel. It kept me hooked throughout the whole book. The book has a nice balance of adventure and spice. I look forward to reading more from Ciel Pierlot.

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First off, what a beautiful cover! I am new to reading about vampires, so was very excited to get into this book. Ciel did a great job of setting up the world and atmosphere. I did feel as though the plot was rushed at times. Thank you for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my review.

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3.5 stars
Honestly I'm a sucker for a vampire book (no pun intended) so I couldn't resist requesting this one as I loved the sound of it. I really liked the premise of this one and I really liked the setting!

Kazan is an amazing and morally grey character. She's strong, resilient and she also has flaws, making her a more realistic character. I liked getting to know her story and seeing how she navigated the situation she found herself in.

I liked the love interests in this one and found them to be interesting characters in their own right. I would have loved to have gotten to know more about them! While I enjoyed the romance I do wish that there was more of it and it was a bit more developed between them.

This was a quick read that I found myself enjoying and could have easily read another 100 pages with these characters and this world.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The beautiful cover of this book grabbed my attention immediately and made me want to apply for this ARC.

I did want to preface this by saying that while I did like the book, I did not love it. There was potential in the story line, but then the story just became a mess and stopped making sense. The characters didn't really stand out to me and Kazan was unremarkable as a main character. She was not the kind of character that I would like to read the story of.

The more I read, the more I felt myself just wanting to finish the book to get done with it.
Thank you to Ciel Pierlot, NetGalley, and Angry Robot for the copy of this book. This is my honest review.

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I’ll be honest, the reason I wanted to read this was because I saw a TikTok that just showed the dedication. Overall I was not disappointed! This was a solid vampire read. I would have liked a bit more world building. I loved the FMC. This one will keep you on your toes with the action. I really enjoyed this book.

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I’m sorry have i missed the memo where this books was half mff and i was unaware or what?
But that should be the least of my worries since this book felt like a fever dream
I was very intrigued by the premise and the aspect of vampires BUT NON OF THEM HAD ANY POTENTIAL Except adrius and you make them a threesome of some sort??????????? Girl some things should be left only jn romance books. In case some of the authors don’t know we read fantasy because of the fantasy not the other way around

Unforch this a a very big no
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the arc

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After reading The Serpent and the Wings of Night, I reignited my love for vampire novels (a node to my sixth grade self and Twilight) but alas, I was pretty disappointed with The Hunter's Gambit and I'm pretty upset with that :(

It had an interesting take and I thought there was a lot of promise in the beginning but then just kind of lost its way as the story progressed on. The tropes were promising (I love a locked-room trope) and I appreciated the FMC. But that's kind of where it ends for me, unfortunately.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review :)

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3.5 rounded up! This was my first vampire read in a while. Honestly, the dedication had me really intrigued. Some of this story was really great and well written and some of it fell really flat for me personally. Kazan’s character got a little annoying at times but overall I liked her. I really loved Adrius and Reya though. The plot is twisted and things get pretty intense towards the end then just falls off pretty abruptly. I honestly have no idea if this is a one stop shop or going to be a series? The ending was left pretty open. If you enjoy vampire tales, give it a whirl!

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In just under 400 pages, Ciel Pierlot pulls the reader into a lavish, extravagant ball – one full of savage duels, sadistically saccharine vampires, and a self-centered human determined to bring them all down.

Kazan Korvic’s life has been marred by vampires – literally. Not only was she orphaned in a vampire attack as a child, but the tragedy that destroyed her family resulted in a severe scar that’s transformed her face forever. Intent on saving herself at all costs, Kazan put everything into her blacksmithing business after being denied entry to the Wardens – a tight-knit group of guards whose sole intent is to protect the human population from vampires. She’s learned to fight through cunning exchanges of skill, bits of training passed off for favors and lies and weapons, of which she makes the best around. Anointed with holy water, covered in the finest silver, and crafted with rowan, her craftsmanship is unmatched in Mavazem to the point that she can no longer make a sale within the city’s borders.

A skilled pickpocket, cunning manipulator, and trained liar, Kazan’s quite charming even if she’s not perfect. She may not be the best fighter, but she’s got a strong survival instinct and is incredibly observant. When paired with her steadfast, stubborn nature, she’s a born survivor; she’ll do anything to protect herself, even if it means backstabbing an ex-lover, thwarting a decades’ long plot for revenge, or leaving behind her travel companions and going up against an entire vampire hunting party alone. Her tendency to lie, cheat and steal to get what she wants makes her something of an unreliable and unpredictable narrator, one that is self-centered, self-sufficient, and morally grey – something not often seen in female characters, but that makes for an exceptionally well-crafted, fast-paced narrative once she’s captured, forced to fight Adrius de Vere, and her plans to sell to the neighboring country’s High Warden are thrown into tension-fueled chaos when she is forced to become Lord Dasar’s Vampire Queen instead.

What unfolds across the three-day feast that follows is addicting, exhilarating and charming, written in a deft, incredibly detailed hand that is exceptionally skilled in building layers of atmospheric detail as we run with Kazan through the halls of Dasar’s expansive castle. Add in a strong enemies-to-lovers rival in Adrius de Vere, with whom she has something of a tense, sizzling chemistry after their initial banter-filled encounter at Madam Rask’s (the merchant’s party the beginning of a downhill battle for freedom that (in)directly resulted in Kazan’s defeat and capture), and a sultry, compassionate heiress in Aishreya, and Pierlot sets the reader up for the beginning of a seductive and charming game that promises not only a spicy vampire threesome, but betrayal, manipulation, and incredible tension that propels the entire narrative forward on multiple occasions as the countdown to Kazan’s ritual death plays out.

Sultry, seductive and dark, The Hunter’s Gambit is an unforgiving vampire romp that is as beautiful as it is deadly: a gripping dark fantasy with a touch of romance that breathes fresh life into the brutal, savage nature of vampires in a locked-room adventure in the same vein as Gideon the Ninth, if Cytherea was a bloodthirsty vampire instead of a lyctor – and if Harrow, Gideon, and Ianthe were a throuple. Come for the vampires and stay for the fire that is Kazan Korvic on a self-serving mission to save her own life, whether it means betraying her new lovers or not.

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This book was not for me. It was slow, boring, and couldn’t keep my attention. I finished solely because it was an ARC.

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I really like vampire books and this did not disappoint. The Hunter's Gambit feels like a sexier The Invitation. I loved how Kazan was wholly in charge, even until the end. I really liked the MFF romance aspect, too, and I felt that Pierlot really did that justice.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I am really on the fence about this one; there were parts I enjoyed but the story as a whole seemed to fall a little flat. There was some great initial set up; the tension between Kazan and Adrius, the mysterious Madam Rask and the idea of Kazan wanting to be a Warden but being rejected. I also liked the queer rep. However, after Kazan was captured the intrigue dropped off. The events only take place over a few days and as such there wasn't much chance for development of characters such as Isidora and Reya who doesn't reappear until later on in the book.

I loved the relationship between Adrius and Reya and was more invested in that than Kazan after their interaction in the prologue. As much as I liked Adrius, I also liked the dynamic between Kazan and Dasar and the fleeting moment it looked that might go somewhere. Ultimately though I felt like there was just one subplot too many (such as the geist element and Adrius' connection to them) in such a short time frame that it meant most of the development was surface level. This definitely had a lot of potential though and I would read another from Pierlot in the same universe as the world building did make me want to come back.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Angry Robot, and Ciel Pierlot for providing me with an eARC of this book.

The hunter’s gambit tells a story of Kazan, a blacksmith obsessed with (killing?) vampires. Kazan is taken by vampires to be their “vampire queen” during a 3 day celebration after which she will be sacrificed to uphold the magic keeping their castle up.

I thought the plot was really unique and intriguing. I enjoyed seeing Kazan try to fight, scheme, and lie her way out of the situation she was put in. This was more of a 3.5 for me because while I enjoyed the story I was craving a little more romance instead of spice.

Goodreads link:

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Thank you NetGalley and Angry Robot for the e-arc!
I have been dying for more for more adult vampire books and The Hunter's Gambit hit every mark! Aristocratic vampires are terrorizing human citizens, but Kazan uses her expert crackling abilities to make weapons specifically for killing the vampires. When the vampires attack and steal her and her magical weapon she is forced into the vampire court. Three days after being queen where she will be spoiled rotten and then killed at a feast. How will she escape the Vampire Court when the vampires are as trapped as she is?
This is definitely a book for vampire lovers who want to see more epic and interesting plots full of action, gore, and ancient rituals. Kazan is a great MC; She is intelligent, strong, and resilient. I loved getting to see her survive the castle and try to figure out those around her. I do wish the romantic characters were a bit more fleshed out, but I still enjoyed the romance nonetheless!
Overall I definitely recommend checking this book out especially if you were looking for more vampire books!

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Bring on all the vampire romances!! I really hope we continue to see a resurgence vampire romantasy because it hits so good! This was a really fun one, Kazan is a strong FMC, she's a blacksmith that gets kidnapped by some vamps who make her their "queen" for 3 days then they are going to sacrifice her to maintain their fortress. I loved the tension in this book, she's desperately trying to save herself while they are throwing parties and encouraging her to live it up while she can! The vampires here are not your twilight, teen, sanitized versions, they are powerful and cruel, and oh so sexy! This is a throuple romance which I didn't know going into but I really enjoyed the dynamics of all three, it was definitely lighter on the romance and the story focused more on the politics and world building but I was sucked right in!

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How do you like your vampires? I prefer them with a bit of an edge and a bit stabby. "The Hunter's Gambit" by Ciel Pierlot gave me that. The dog paws are irrelevant to the story.

OK, Kazan is in a pickle. She is an unwilling party guest for some vampires. Seems they need her to be their queen/be mocked for entertainment for 3 days and then die horribly. Not exactly the best deal. And wouldn't you know it, seems there is bad blood between several of them. Kazan has to navigate their vendettas and motives if she wants to survive party. Been there.

Reasons to read:
-Pace keeps to a good clip, no explaining what exactly a vampire is for a hundred pages
-Great dedication
-Nice violence to spice ratio

-There was a plot line that didn't really land for me, but didn't detract too much

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Poly bisexual vampires and a human blacksmith all come together in this locked castle mystery steeped in survival, lies, and blood. Kazan Korvis is as skilled a blacksmith as she is a liar. When her latest trip to sell her new deadly blade has her crossing paths with the handsome and charming vampire Adrius... and a bit of kissing before they part ways. Too bad for Kazan she ends up in the cross hairs of a vampire party on the hunt for a human... and Adrius is the one who brings her in. Kazan has been chosen as the new Queen and taken to the vampire Citadel where she will be spoiled and doted upon for three days by the Vampire Court before being feasted on by them. Kazan is completely trapped inside but is determined to find a way out. Trapped inside a castle with vampires watching her every movement she'll have to use her wits, her lies, and her charm to find a way out. The only people she can ask for help from are Reya, a gorgeous vampire who can shape shift into a black cat and Adrius, the outcasted and feared vampire... and they both happen to be lovers with a plan of their own for wanting to steal Kazan's sword and work with her... apart from wanting her for themselves. Can Kazan find a way to escape and to trust both Reya and Adrius or will she lie her way and destroy everything? So this was definitely an interesting read, it starts off fast and has such an interesting premise and I am absolutely a sucker for a bisexual poly vampire thrupple. The ending just kind of felt lacking and Kazan honestly got on my nerves. Like what was the point of all her actions for her to only go : well I guess nothing matters and I don't really care anymore, also wait I do want to go be part of the vampire thrupple??? SERIOUSLY??? I initially enjoyed the thrupple dynamic but Kazan kind of ruined it for me and if I'm being honest, I definitely wouldn't Kazan to be part of the thrupple, it just doesn't feel like she deserves it anymore and that both Reya and Adrius would be so much better off without her after she not only ruined all their plans, stole Adrius's revenge, destroyed Reya's inheritance ... and all for nothing. Seriously, she is not the one to be welcoming into your thrupple is all I'm saying. Despite that, I loved Ciel's writing style and the story is fast moving and hooks you in. So while I didn't particularly vibe with the ending or the main character, I did have fun reading this and will absolutely be reading more from Ciel Pierlot in the future!

Release Date: June 25, 2024

Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (

*Thanks Netgalley and Angry Robot for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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