Member Reviews

This is an incredible read. Truly brilliant. I have read Caroline’s books since her first and they get better and better! I have spent a lovely day curled up on the sofa devouring this clever, atmospheric read. This has shot to my favourite read this year.

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The book that has everything
Caroline Mitchell does it again! She doesn't seem able to write a bad book. Certainly The Last Guest House is one of her best and I've read them all. It's got crimes past and present, for the police to investigate, it's a thriller, it's spooky++. It certainly keeps you guessing and the twist at the end....well! You'll have to read it for yourself to find out more. Definitely a 5* recommendation from me.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy. All opinions are my own

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I can not tell you how much I loved this book! It had all the boxes. Mystery, crime, short engaging chapters, that high a reader gets needing to know whodunit while their eyes are so tired but you just need to keep going until it's done.

This was the PERFECT way to send a gloomy storm filled Australian autumns day.

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The first chapter was unsettling and ramps up the intrigue level fast.

I enjoyed the jumping between the different POVs and adding in the podcasts bits.

However the author does remind you about 40+ times that the main character is a police officer before the first half of the book is even over. Could use an editor to clean that up. It’s as if you could possibly forget this person’s occupation by the time you got to the next page.

Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for the eARC.

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Wow!! I really enjoy Caroline's books and this is the best standalone of hers I've read! The story starts with Nicola (a police detective) , her partner Matt and son George on a trip to the Isle of Skye to witness the Northern Lights. When they reach the luxury hotel that Matt has booked them in to they are told that they are there on the wrong dates and the only place on the island left with spaces is The Loch House. As they head to the guest house a winter storm comes down leaving them with no choice but to stay in the creepy house where the door is locked behind you and your mobile phones are taken from you at reception! The guest house is run by Dorothy and Henry, an elderly couple who are terrified of something and the talk soon turns to murders that had taken place 10 years previously. This story is a very quick read as you struggle to put it down! I particularly love the way the characters are described and the atmosphere in the room when all the guests are together and as the story develops, you really feel you are there. The book also runs a concurrent story following a murder mystery podcast and you are left wondering what the significance of this is. The ending is fabulous and I highly recommend this thriller to all who enjoy a well written and fast paced book that leaves you breathless! Many thanks to Net Galley for an advanced copy of this book.

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A brilliant plot from one of my favourite authors.
Gripping and creepy, a dark and dingy old guest house is not all as it seems. The snowstorm outside added to the atmosphere.
Likeable and unlikeable characters, it drew me in.
Loved the true crime podcast running along side the story, giving snippets of info to get me thinking!
Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the early copy.
Highly recommended.

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I was intrigued by this book and enjoyed it but I felt it was a bit too long. By the end of the book I was mainly just reading it to get through it. If it was even 30-40 pages shorter I think it would never held my attention better.

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I was drawn to the description of this book, being set on the Isle of Skye, as it's one of my favourite places in the world. Tie that in with psychological thriller and I just had to read it

The story start distracted me a little, with the main characters (Nicola, Matt and George) driving through the onset of a snowy blizzard, towards a grand hotel to watch the Northern Lights, however on arrival, they discovered that their booking was unavailable. With many tourists flooding the island to see the lights, every other hotel and guest house were fully booked, apart from one. The Loch House.

This is where the story really starts, and the excellent description of the guest house really put me on edge, and the author brought all the characters to life with her descriptions.

Fear, worry and being on the edge of the seat. What happened all those years ago, and why are the guest house owners, Dorothy and Henry, filled with anxiety for this night?

The only downside I found in this book was not off the story itself, but of the layout on my kindle. Every few pages, the name of the book appeared halfway down the page, right in the middle of the text, and every so often, the authors name was there too. This distracted and confused me the first couple of times I noticed it, as I was wondering why they were in the story, but soon I realised something wasn't quite right, so I just skipped over it in the text.

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This book will give you chills. The atmosphere is spooky but exactly right for the book.
Nicola her partner and her soon have travelled to Scotland for a break. Unbeknown to her the time at the hotel that is booked is incorrect. They are all directed to Loch house a beautiful old mansion with a few too many secrets.
There are several characters in this book other than the 'main' characters and they are not at all as they seem. A really good read. Thankyou for advanced copy.

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Creepy ad hell for a start, love Caroline Mitchell she never fails to brings it to the table! This is a riveting thriller that hooks readers from the very first page and doesn’t let go until the final, shocking reveal. With its intricate plot and well-developed characters, this novel is sure to keep you turning well into the night.

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I loved this book! It has a perfectly dark atmosphere that you can’t help but immerse yourself in. Nicola, her boyfriend, Matt, and her son, Georgie are traveling to the Isle of Skye to see the northern lights. Things go downhill almost as soon as they set off – a major snowstorm hits and the beautiful hotel room they booked is unavailable. Fortunately, there’s a room available at The Loch House, which they’re able to reach before getting caught in the storm. But there’s a reason this place is not fully booked like everywhere else. Can you guess why??

It's a gorgeous old building that has seen better days, but it has a sinister feel to it as soon as they walk in. The owners are quite eccentric, but are they dangerous, as well? There is a history to this place that Nicola and Matt had no idea about. By the time they hear it, it’s too late to leave. Will they be safe until morning, or will The Loch House claim three more victims?

There’s so much more I could say but I’m trying to keep it mysterious and not accidentally spoil anything. The history of The Loch House is horrific and central to one of the key mysteries of the story. There are hidden characters in more ways than one! It’s a really engaging story and I couldn’t wait to see how everything would turn out. It would be a perfect horror movie that I would love to see on screen. Anyone would, especially after reading the book. Which I recommend to everyone!

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Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel received in exchange for an honest review.
Expected publication date: April 16, 2024
A guest house with a haunted past plus a locked-in mystery PLUS a cult component? Caroline Mitchell, you know the way into this girl’s heart.
Nicola’s partner, Matt, and her son, George, are going to Scotland for the weekend to see the aurora borealis. Matt hopes that the break will give Nicola the rest she needs, as well as a brief respite from her job on the police force. Until the hotel they originally reserved is double booked and they end up at The Loch House, the creepy, dilapidated guest house with strict rules, eccentric hosts and a dark past. But it isn’t long until Nicola finds herself putting her police skills to work- with an incoming snow storm, all of the guests are stranded with no phones and no access to the outside world. But if no one can get out, how did an unexpected visitor named Larry show up? And what secrets is he hiding?
“The Last Guest House” by author Caroline Mitchell had absolutely everything I look for in a psychological suspense novel; twists and turns, a completely un-guessable ending and pulse-pounding excitement and tension.
The novel is narrated by various players, primarily Nicola and her partner, Matt. There are segments of a murder mystery podcast at the end of each chapter that provides the background detail that the story itself does not. This was a unique and clever format, and I really enjoyed how Mitchell revealed details of the guest house’s past while still staying on task. The novel flowed well and I was hooked from the start.
I expected great things, as I have grown to love Caroline Mitchell, but “The Last Guest House” provided more than I anticipated. Anyone who loves psychological suspense and locked-in mysteries, but is looking for a break from the often predictable and overused plot lines that are the norm in this genre, check into Caroline Mitchell’s “The Guest House”! You won’t be disappointed.

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Creepy, chilling, and a great use of different characters and medium..
The Last Guest House was a brilliant read, I romped through it in two days as I wanted to know how the stories connected and who was to blame for the awful massacre at the guest house ten years previously.
I loved the way the creepy house and the owners made me feel chilled.
Highly recommended.

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I really enjoyed this book. The first chapter creeped me out, so I knew I was off to a great start. Some of the characters are a bit odd, and those that aren't leave you looking at them differently as the chapters roll on. Someone would say or think something, and you think, "Oh really?." There is one character who will grab your heart. Ok, maybe two. The plot itself is perfect.

If you have read a Caroline Mitchell book before, you know you're in for a good ride. If you haven't read her before, can you really call yourself a lover of mysteries?

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