Member Reviews

One thing about Freida McFadden... she's gonna write a ADDICTIVE thriller,
one that makes it hard to put down, and walk away from until you finish it and
find out the twist that ties everything together. The Teacher is definetly that kind
of book. I listened to this on audio and finished it in less than 24 hours, I couldn't stop!
The narrators were great, animated when needed & it helped bring this story to life.

This was a five star for me, I loved the story itself, the characters and the different POV's
and the audio experience was great.

Read this if you are looking for:
multiple character POV's
twists, on twists, on twists
a fast paced read
an ending you'll want

TW: Grooming, student-teacher relationships

Thank you to NetGalley, Dreamscape Select, and Freida McFadden for this ARC in exchange for an
honest review!

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Ohhhh this one is going to be hard. Like...I guessed nearly every twist from the first chapter. It wasn't exactly groundbreaking suspense or anything new, but it was still enjoyable to read and rather fast paced.

Both narrators did a good job, though sometimes Addie's voice would DRINK ME BONKERS. But I think that was the point. She was erratic, stressed, annoying, etc.

I think the reason this got a bump up from a star was the epilogue. THAT I didn't see coming. I feel like it kind of got thrown in last minute, like "Oh wait, this could totally work. Let's add it." But either way, it was still decent enough of a note to leave on.

I liked that, despite every character being annoying AF, Eve still got the ending she deserved and so did Nate.

If I spell names wrong, it's because I obviously did the audio. Worth a listen if you are looking for something easy and bingeable.

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Frieda McFadden has crafted another addictive, shocking, entertaining and twist filled book. I always know that I am in for a thrilling reading experience when I pick up one of her books. She never disappoints! I listened to the audiobook version of The Teacher and thought the narration was fantastic.

Eve and her husband Nate are both teachers at a local high school. Addie is a student at the high school where Eve and Nate are employed. Last year she was involved in a scandal that rocked the school. This year, their paths will collide in this gripping book!

I loved the twists, turns, and reveals in this book. Oh, what a tangled web we weave! What a fabulous tale of obsession, secrets, lies and revenge! I enjoyed the character's POV's. They are not the most likeable bunch, which made this book even more entertaining.

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The Teacher is one of the most addicting thrillers I've read recently. I was completely hooked by it, I couldn't stop, I needed know to what master twist would come from it.

The characters are honestly all hard to trust. I didn't know who to believe, who was lying. Which is something I love immensely in a thriller. You will not like any character and want to root for them but that's the best part.

It was such a fast paced one, that will have you flipping the pages so quickly !! Was it perfect, no, was their plot holes, yes. But honestly it was highly entertaining that you'll definitely let it pass !!

The ending… was amazing that final twist just did it!

🎧 Leslie Howard & Danny Montooth did a truly amazing job with the narration. Leslie was so good at acting out the teenager and then the adult, they were easily distinguishable. The tones and suspense they added to the story was amazing. Highly recommend the audio.

✨️Thank you to @netgalley, @dreamscape & @freidamcfadden for my free ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was fantastic! The story, the narration, everything about it was enjoyable. I finished this is under 24 hrs. I could not stop until I finished. What a ride! And that last little tidbit at the end, I did not see that coming!

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Reminds me of: Gone Girl meets Hulu's A Teacher

Three Reasons You Should Read This:
1. So many twists, so many turns (That epilogue made my jaw drop!)
2. By the time you get to the end, you will be happy with the ending.
3. The pacing and the alternating POV really keep you hooked.

One Thing You Should Know Before You Pick This Up:
This teacher/student relationships with scenes of grooming. As a teacher who works with teenagers, that is always very off-putting for me personally. This might not bother others since it is a work of fiction, but just be aware.

Content Warnings: Loss of a Parent, Abuse, Stalking, Bullying, Alcoholism, Murder, Cheating Spouse, Statutory Rape, Teacher/Student Relationship, Grooming

Audiobook: Overall, this was great in audio format. There were just a few times when the narrator was reading as Addie in a frantic state that it was off-puttingly shrill, but besides that the female narrator did a great job narrating for multiple POV. The male narrator was only with use through some of the book and it definitely gave a different vibe for him I think.

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McFadden does it again—

This lady gotta be crazy as hell but her books are so addicting! I love how she delivers on the thrill, the mystery, the twists and most importantly the foolery that keeps you so entertained the entire time. I’ll read anything she writes for the rest of my life!


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4/5 ⭐
1/5 🌶
5/5 🎧

That was a frick fracking trip. I don't even know what to say without spoiling it. It was twisted and twisty with so many turns and I spent my afternoon delightfully entertained. Please be advised of some major triggers that occur in this book, there's some really heinous acts that go into some detail.

I both loved and hated the end. Can't say more, but what the heckkkkk was that?

The audio was amazing. Leslie Howard and Danny Montooth did wonderful jobs narrating this book and I'll definitely be on the lookout from more by them.

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3.5 stars
TW: Grooming, inappropriate teacher-student relationship

I absolutely love the narrators Freida chooses. I am pretty sure the same female narrates all of them and she's perfect! I also love listening to Freida's books in audiobook format vs. reading as there is just so much tension and build up and it's impossible to stop listening until I am finished. I listened to this in one sitting while working and it was easy to follow.

This is the first Freida book where I guessed the majority of the twists, except the one final twist. It didn't take away from my enjoyment of this book. I found the scene in which Addie is trying to explain her relationship with her teacher and how x person will never understand so heartbreaking. It makes me so sad to see people in power take advantage of those younger who don't necessarily know any better.

The only thing I did feel could have been improved on was the ending. The epilogue wrapped up all the loose ends, BUT it also felt so abrupt that I felt like I wanted a bit more. I can't say much without spoiling, but definitely wondering how other people felt about the ending.

Thank you Freida and netgalley for the arc in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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4.5. Her best yet! That epilogue had me yelling in the car 😂
It read a little YA, but I don’t mind that at all. Addie really embodied the hormonal love struck teenager that we all were perfectly.
The narrators were fabulous perfection.

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✨ARC Review✨


Another fast paced psychological thriller from Freida, and I finished it within a day! This thriller is told from the perspective of Eve, the teacher, and Addie, the student. This was my first audiobook for the year and it did not disappoint. This story has multiple twists that had me shocked.

Eve has a good life with her husband. They both teach at the local high school. Last year, there was a scandal that revolved around one student, Addie. It’s the start of the year and Eve finds the girl in her class. She knows that Addie can’t be trusted. Everyone including the students think Addie is a liar that can’t be trusted. But nobody knows the secrets that could destroy her. Addie will do anything to keep it quiet. But what happens when her secrets might be discovered by fellow classmates or even worse Eve?

I will note to please check the trigger warnings before starting this one!

I highly recommend this book! It publishes February 6th!

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As a high school teacher myself, I struggled with the whole student-teacher affair thing. Other than that, the book was interesting, but overall infuriating lol. I cant say much without spoilers but wow all of these people are just awful humans.

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okay wow! this was my first freida mcfadden book and i must say the ending truly did shock me. like had to pick my jaw up off the floor kind of shock lol. i am giving this one a 4/5. literally not a single character in this book was likeable so that is making me go from 5/5 to 4/5. i was sucked into the story though! would definitely recommend.

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I love this author. I am captivated every time. As a teacher I knew I needed this book. It didn’t disappoint. I was hooked from the beginning. It was a roller coaster of twists and turns and absolutely fantastic. Some of the subject matter is icky though. Be warned.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape Select for this ARC.

I’ve read almost all of Freida’s books, but I’d say this was one of my least favorites. There were a couple twists near the end that I thought were well done, it just ended up falling flat for me. Both narrators did an excellent job, but the POV of Addy felt very YA at times.

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The teacher
Expect a classic Freida McFadden book when you read this. If you liked her other ones, you’ll love this one.
Mr. And Mrs. Bennett are teachers at a high school and Addie is one of the “troubled” students that goes to school there. The characters all have unlikable qualities, but it didn’t stop me from wanting to know the outcome.
Freida is spot on for the dialogue of the teenager and the female narrator does a fantastic job at voicing all of the characters. Therese male narrator doesn’t have much dialogue, but he did a great job as well.

This is a solid read to add to your lists!

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Select for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The Teacher
by Freida McFadden
Narrated by Leslie Howard; Danny Montooth

So…. Preview of my review:
Let’s see if it’s redemption time for Ms McFadden here. As much as I loved her earlier work, her latest musings have left a bad taste in my mouth, I am sorry to say. I really don’t like talking negatively about an author of whom I read her entire backlist, but it seems to be a trend these days to push out novels at breakneck speed, that’s all I am saying. Also… If there is any poking fun at autism, I am done. I’ve read her books pretty much from the start and been a loyal reader, but I am sensing a theme lately. So, with the highest of hopes, I’ll get to listening now!

Eve and Nate, a married pair of high school teachers. He English, she math. Eve gets a new student this year, Addie, who was part of a scandal last year. She is accused of having had an affair with an (older) teacher. Surprise, now there is the looming affair of Addie and the hottest of the hottest teachers, Nate, looming on the horizon. … lifetime movie ahoy, here we go!

My opinion:
What’s the consensus…
Ok, no real making fun at mental health this time, that’s evolvement. But…. Welcome to outlier island, it’s only inhabitant, me apparently.

Oh well. I just can’t anymore. This is borderline ridiculous and that with such a severe topic as grooming children. It’s fiction. I can take a lot. I get that authors need literary freedom, but this? What’s wrong with me that I just can’t like her books anymore. I can’t take them seriously anymore and believe me, this hurts, because I really used to love her books. I couldn’t just figure out if this was serious or intentional “comical”.

So what else…

Yeah… I mean…. I listened this fairly quickly, I wanted to know what happens. I am almost thinking that this is so bad that it’s almost good.

But there are so many times when I wanted to throw my phone against a wall. Let me give you some examples:

In The Co-Worker it was frogs and now it’s freaking shoes. Why does she always have to exaggerate this one thing? I mean, I get it, our girl Eve loves shoes. Like Eve in the bible was tempted by the apple, our Eve is tempted by LOUBOUTINs… it’s like beating a dead horse. If I had to take a shot for every time she mentioned some kind of designer shoe, I would be in the ER with serious alcohol poisoning. I might as well be dead. 💀

Did I seriously just hear “I needed the bathroom, so did he, were seriously on the same wavelength “. Please. I really wanted to like this; but I can not, I really can’t not.
And it gets better…. TOILETPAPER! Who doesn’t have a roll of toilet paper in their pants… I mean ok, Addie is 16, I get it. But for someone who thinks they are so smart, she is so naive that it really hurts. It is painful.

Everything is so stereotypical…. The stuck up math teacher, than we have the hottest English teacher eeeever, the mean girl, the outsider with a sob story. Can we get a tiny bit creativity please?

The saving grace? The narration is quite good and kept me going! I think I would have ripped a book to shreds. I wonder if the narrator can say “shoe” anymore without rolling her eyes….

Publication: February 6th 2024 by Dreamscape Select, Hollywood Upstairs Press

Thank you NetGalley and Dreamscape Select for the gifted copy. I was under no obligation to review, all opinions are my own.

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3.75 stars

As an experienced McFadden reader, I've learned that there's no predicting how I might respond to one of her books. I've run the whole spectrum from loving to strongly disliking, but they usually fall in the realm of positive outcomes. Such is the case with this read, but there's a vital caveat with this.

The audiobook is well narrated, and 16-year-old Addie's disturbing mentality and naivete (and over-the-top worldliness in other areas) especially shine through thanks to a skilled narrator in this format. Addie is a high school student who faces many challenges. After somewhat recently losing her father, she ends up embroiled in a scandal with one of her male teachers. He pays dearly for this situation. When the book begins, Addie is coming back to school with all of this baggage and with many classmates who are upset with her (and definitely let her know). Her isolation is reinforced by her unkind math teacher but counterbalanced by her math teacher's husband, her attentive English teacher. While readers have many strong signs that Addie may be a dangerous and/or disturbed individual, there are also indications about why. Readers are left to grapple with their own biases and assumptions, especially as Addie's present relationships begin to change.

As is always the case in this genre, the twists and surprises are the best parts, and I'm keeping this review intentionally vague so as to avoid those. That noted, I'm not a monster, so I'm going to get into some TW territory now. Right at the start of the novel, readers are led to question whether Addie, a young teen, and her obviously adult teacher had an inappropriate physical relationship. This is not the end of the grooming, sexual assault, gaslighting, etc. material in this novel. In fact, these issues are central and constant. Readers who are sensitive to this material need to know that it's ubiquitous. Those who can manage it will enjoy seeing how all of the pieces come together, who pays for what and how, and what McFadden has done to our eager, warped minds this time.

Like usual, I look forward to reading what's next from this author.

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Thank you Netgalley and Dreamscape for an ARC of The Teacher!

WOW! This might be my new favorite Freida read! I read this in less than a day, and (obviously) could not put it down!

This book was fast-paced, kept you guessing from start to finish, and constantly made you question which character you could trust.

I would definitely say the themes of this book are dark, but in the end the real villain gets their due.

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THE ENDING??? Oh my lanta. Freida did it again. I’ll admit, I was a little nervous going into this one only due to the fact that I didn’t love her last two as much as her past books. This one though.. redemption!

I have so many questions. I will have to go back and reread because I feel like I missed some things I shouldn’t have missed. Freida always has you thinking one twist is it and you’ve figured it all out, but then out of nowhere ANOTHER twist is revealed. Once the first twist happened, the second came, but also because of the characters storyline, it wasn’t much of a surprise. You’d think the twists would stop there but the epilogue had me mind blown.

The story was reminiscent of a typical Lolita trope, with the added perspective of the wife. I devoured it all. Highly recommend!

Thanks so much NetGalley and Dreamscape select for the arc audiobook!

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