Member Reviews

This is a fantastic children's story about a new student who excels in some subjects but struggles with the reading and writing and how she overcomes it. I think it will be relatable to a lot of younger children who may struggle in certain subjects in school.

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Thank you NetGalley, Sarah More, and Indigo River Publishing for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review!
this book was so enjoyable and I feel like it reaches kids who learn to read at different rates. Yes, the primary focus is on dyslexia but, I have also found that I use many strategies presented in this book daily with my preschool students to help them learn letters and letter sounds. I have also found that I use them with my children when working on reading skills. The images in the book are beautiful and so many kids love dinosaurs, so this can help keep their attention and interest. Also, what an amazing tool this book will be for families who are currently working through a dyslexia diagnosis or need some additional tools to help motivate a struggling reader.

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😊So inspiring (and cute, too!)📚

What a supportive, inspiring story to help children with reading problems face their fears and embarrassment! And using Daisy the T-Rex and other dinosaurs as the characters: I thought that was a great move by the author because kids are mostly dinosaur-crazy; I know I was! It did not just showcase Daisy's reading problem but also mentions some of the strategies to overcome it. Plus, I loved that there was so much positive reinforcement to build Daisy's self esteem, both at home and in the classroom.

The story was a bit longer than I expected, but all for the good. The illustrations moved really well with the text. And I thought the author capped it off nicely by listing some brilliantly successful people from history and the present who overcome their dyslexia. A young child would not immediately recognize these names but an adult can explain their achievements and relevance.

Altogether a winning, informative story that would be a good addition to any kindergarten classroom's bookshelf.

Thanks to Indigo River and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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Daisy T-Rex is so excited to begin 1st grade. She's smart and talented and she knows it! When school starts, however, Daisy is dismayed to learn that the one thing she isn't good at is reading. She can't get the jumble or letters on the page to form words she can understand in the way her best friend and her classmates can. Fortunately, Daisy is brave and tells her teacher about her struggles. Her teacher quickly connects Daisy with her school's reading intervention teacher. I, too, am a reading interventionist and was so happy to see Daisy using some hands-on, multisensory approaches to conquering her reading difficulties! Although some of the vocabulary in this book may be challenging for many dyslexic kids to decode and read independently, this book would be a great read-aloud. The book uses a dyslexic-friendly font, too. I'll be adding this one to my permanent collection.

Thanks to Indigo River Publishing and NetGalley for a review copy of Daisy T-Rex is Dyslexic.

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A reminder that everyone is different, which means that everyone has different strengths and weaknesses, all of which make us important and special. Also, a reminder that everything is possible with a little work and effort.

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Daisy T-Rex is Disléxico is a great to help young children better understand what dislexia is and to not be ashamed of it.

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My youngest son was identified with Dyslexia and has been struggling with all that comes with being Dyslexic. This book was the perfect book to read with him to help him understand his dyslexia doesn’t define who he is. He’s a creative, smart, fun kid who needs a little extra help learning to read. The font in this book is great for those with dyslexia. The illustrations are detailed and colorful. The book is well written. This would be a great addition to any library.

Thank you NetGalley and Indigo River Publishing for the opportunity to read this book prior to publication.

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This was a great picture book for kids about dealing with Dyslexic I would have loved a book like that is one I was a kid. And as someone who loved Dinosaurs as kid like many kids do having a T-Rex as the main character with Dyslexic was perfect.

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This was a heartwarming and informative story about Daisy, who found out she struggled to read. I love how accepting and normal this story made dyslexia sound. My sister also struggles with dyslexia and watching her feel like she was alone was heartbreaking. This is a story that every child should read so they can realize that it’s normal to have difficulty reading, we all just learn differently from each other.

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This great book shows that being unable to read words because of dyslexia is not shameful, but finding someone who can teach the ways to overcome it gives you a superpower. Learning to overcome dyslexia can be done by adults as well as children!
I only wish that the use of an altered file card to limit visible words and limit the dancing of the letters.
The illustrations by Gus Duenas are fun, imaginative, brilliantly colorful, and delightful.
Well suited for reading WITH someone of any age including ESL, and great for gifting to anyone, but especially to a school or your local public library!
I requested and received a free temporary e-book on Adobe Digital Editions from Indigo River Publishing via NetGalley. Thank you!
Pub Date 12 Mar 2024 #Dyslexia #Dinos

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I absolutely love seeing more books with Dyslexia rep for kids! Daisy tires is Dyslexic did such a great job of portraying how it could feel for a student with dyslexia to struggle with reading. It touched on emotions and feelings that students at might have when they see how successful their peers are with reading. As a kindergarten teacher we are still figuring out which students are Dyslexic but I think this would be a great book to read to your whole class to discuss the many different ways kids learn and open up that conversation at an early age. I also loved the illustrations and colors used in this book! I will definitely Italy add it to my wishlist for my class library!

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I read this book with my niece and nephew and my nephew asked right away what the words were in one of the illustrations. He couldn’t read them, since they were mixed up, so we talked about how Daisy has dyslexia and that’s why the words looked the way they did. We all really enjoyed the book, and we talked about how not everyone learns the same way. It would be a great story for a child who has dyslexia and feels not as smart as their classmates because they learn differently.

The illustrations helped to tell the story and definitely added to it. I will recommend it to parents and teachers who may want to use it as a learning tool in their classroom or at home.

Thank you to NetGalley and Indigo River Publishing for allowing me to read an ARC of this novel. #NetGalley #DaisyTRexisDyslexic

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This is such a great book, with amazing drawings and a cute story. I recommend this book for schools and for parents to read with their kids who are dyslexic. I love how it emphasizes the positives of having dyslexia, along with a list of famous dyslexic people in the back. I love the use of dyslexic superheroes! It educates children about dyslexia but doesn't make them feel bad, which is just as it should be. I love it!

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This is very cute, and does a good job of being educational and informative while being straightforward. I would guess the appropriate education level as being 8-10, though, as a lot of the words are very complicated! But it is written in a font that is readable for the most part, and with some help I do think those who struggle with reading would find it relatable!

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This is a good book about a dinosaur who is so excited to start first grade. She is ready to be a reader, but soon discovers that reading isn't as easy for her as it is for her friend. Along the path of trying to learn to read, she discovers she has Dyslexia. The topic of dyslexia is presented in a way that young children will understand what it means to have dyslexia and also gives some ideas on how help children learn to read (ex: chunk the words). The only downfall to this book is that it is a little wordy for young readers and a lot of the words are tricky words.

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Thank you to Indigo Publishing, the author and @NetGalley for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review.
I loved this book! My daughter, now 23, was diagnosed with dyslexia by first grade. Suddenly, so much made sense. We found one book that did a good job explaining the situation, but sadly, that was it.
Now Daisy T-Rex is Dyslexic is here, and it's fabulous.
If you have a child with dyslexia, realize there is light in the tunnel, but helping the child understand is key.
I wish I'd written this book.

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This book does a great job of iterating what exactly dyslexia is and what it means for someone who has it. I liked that it went through different strategies of what can help with dyslexia and how it emphasizes that just because you might struggle in one area, does not mean you are lesser. It really highlights how excellence is not derived from one trait, and that you can be talented in various areas while still needing help in one. I think it was great to show self affirmation, and not letting the difficulty stop you from trying.

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Daisy is excited about all she will learn in the first grade. While she excels in other subjects, Daisy
struggles with reading and spelling. Rather than ask for help, Daisy hides the fact that she is struggling.
When she is finally confronted by her teacher, she is told that it just means she learns differently.
Discovering that her mother also struggled with reading nd spelling. Daisy is up for learning the ways
that will help her the most.
Touching story.
#DaisyTRexisDyslexic #NetGalley

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Thank you so much for the representation. I looved this beautiful book. It was done so well. I hope the kids that wants to read a relatable story can achieve it. Sarah you’ve done an amazing job.

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As a person who has dyslexia I really loved seeing a book about it for kids.
I love that the book showed how whose who have the condition have some amazing strengths that make us brilliant. It was great to have a book that said yes you struggle with words but you are amazing. That it just means learning in a different way.

I read this book to my six years who loves the pictures and that fact that daisy was a dinosaur but who doesn't love a dinosaur.

I think this is the perfect book for any kid struggling to read.

Such a lovely read, wish this book was around when I was a kid.

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