Member Reviews

Kevin Kwan's books are always a cause for celebration - glitzy, glamorous, and jet-setting, a peek behind the curtain into rareified worlds. They have always been such treats to read - and Lies and Weddings is no different!

In Lies and Weddings, a forbidden affair 'erupts volcanically' against the backdrop of a tropical destination wedding. As always, the ridiculously rich are ridiculously fun, and Kwan brings just the right amount of humanity to insane situations. A fun-filled summer read that I'll definitely be recommending!

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Reading this book was like coming home. Even though I by no means live an extravagant life as close to the characters in Kwan's books (I wish), I had missed that 'Crazy Rich Asians' escapism and this just brought it all right back. 'Lies and Weddings' spared no expenses when it came to high drama and lush backdrops. It made my heart flutter the way it jumped from locations to location (I wish I could go to all the place!) Less to the degree of craziness of CRA, I thought this book had a tasteful amount of extravagance. It kept me on my toes and I really couldn't put this book down. What I also loved about this book is that it has a real light and shade to it. It touched upon things such as racism and bankruptcy rather than heading down the full-on glamour route. I thought that was a nice element to the story line. And of course, who could forget the sweet little sprinkle of romance there.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a fun and exciting kind of adventure and I would definitely recommend it for that little bit of escapism.

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An entertaining and dramatic read, reminiscent of Kwan at his best. The perfect beach or travel read it moves along at a pace and is full of chaos, humour and all sorts of extravagant narrative. (Copy received from Netgalley in return for an honest review).

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It begins with a killing. But hold on, Kevin ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ Kwan hasn’t lost it, he proceeds to slay in his latest novel of the lives and loves of the super rich.

Eden Tong, a capable NHS doctor, lives with her father in the shadow (actually in the garden) of their lifelong friends the aristocratic Greshams. Led by bumbling Brit Lord Greshamsbury and his formidable wife Lady Arabella (née Leung), all seems fine until their only son and heir announces his undying love for the non-U Eden. The family goes into meltdown after a volcano disrupts their daughter’s massive wedding and ruins Lady Arabella’s showcase Hawaiian resort. Things truly fall apart as family secrets, bad actors, penury and loss of status threaten an end to the ancient house of Gresham.

Like a display case in Tiffany’s, the dramatis personae are opulent and sparkling. Kevin Kwan doesn’t short the reader on details, offering educational pedigrees for each character so that we, too, can get our snob on. Each carries a chance for redemption but it hurts so good to revel in the bad. (I imagined uber-matriarch Lady Gresham in a pointy black hat clutching a poisoned apple when she appeared). The book has lots of old money and new money, but everyone’s got money. Even the weird Guru character turns out to be landed gentry of the DAR type. There’s lots of delicious name-dropping too so take notes for googling later. The mystery of that killing is woven in like a golden strand from a Persian rug.

‘Lies and weddings’ is a glorious slice of escapism for our paper plate lives. A peek into the problems of the super-rich (they do it so you don’t have to) is immense fun. The cast is diverse and their perils are cathartic. Kevin Kwan has also included a subtext of eco-responsibility that keeps the story relevant with a moral undertone amid the excess. I found this to be the best thing I read over Spring break. The fantasy of wealth and greed was balanced against the trials and tribulations that are all too human and recognisable.

Thanks to NetGalleyUK and Random House, Cornerstone for the eARC.

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I'm a huge fan of the Crazy Rich Asians series and have been looking forward to reading Kevin's new novel. I saved it for a long train journey and am so glad I did, because it was brilliant and full of his trademark humour and amusing characters. I loved how global this book was, taking us to Hawaii, Devon and Venice. If you love Crazy Rich Asians, you'll love this, and I'd say it's worth saving it to read until you're on holiday. Sheer bliss.

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I was so happy when I saw Kevin Kwan's new book because I loved Crazy Rich Asians and I missed that world full of luxury and drama but love as well and this book definitely didn't disappoint because it's full of exactly these three things luxury at its maximum and the drama in the family and out of it but it doesn't lack the love either I mean the word weddings (I know not all weddings happen because people love each other) is in the title. I was happy to see that some of the characters could communicate their feelings and weren't afraid of expressing themselves when it was about love or family.

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Thank you to Netgalley for letting me read my first Kevin Kwan novel. The story is full of drama and keeps you wondering whats going to happen next. The characters are mainly likeable with the exception of Arabella. Hoping for a next installment.

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I love 'Crazy Rich Asians' and so was excited to read Kevin Kwan's new novel 'Lies and Weddings.' The Gresham family, more specifically the matriarch of the family, Arabella, is desperate to stay relevant and overcome their deep money problems. The solution? Marry each of the children off to someone rich and relevant themselves, starting with a huge wedding on Hawaii (who cares if there is an active volcano - just good backdrop). Heir to the family title, Rufus, has been in love with the normal girl next door since they were children. Will he get his happy ending?

This book was funny and bonkers in the best way. We travel the globe with these characters from wedding to wedding and extravagance to extravagance. (I am not sure why I didn't think of getting married on a *spoiler* hot air balloon!). I love the juicy layers Kwan weaves in this story with twists and turns, secret relationships and flashbacks to the past. There are a myriad of characters to follow and remember their connections, both past and present, but the soap opera like pay-off is totally worth it. A great return to form for Kwan and worth the read! 4 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher who provided an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The book is so good like a roller coaster ride filled with a lot of unthinkable happenings, truths, secrets, lies, scandals, betrayals and twists. It will take you to places and in the life of each character. I think this will make a great film.

A secret that a mother is keeping from her son and her son wants to confess his love for the one he loves. A man is drowning in debt and his mother’s plan will go in vain if he will not approve of the choice made by his mother. Get yourself ready to enter in the world of ultra wealthy family. Where you can expect secrets and lies rise on surface with scandals and betrayal. There were a lot of gossips, family drama and amusing moments as well. I absolutely loved the book.

Thanks to the Publisher, Author and Netgalley.

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This isn’t my usual type of read, but I loved this.

I was hooked from the first page. Wrapped up in this crazy life the other half live.

Lies and weddings is a drama filled novel based around Rufus Leung Gresham, future Earl of Greshamsbury and son of a former Hong Kong supermodel, is drowning in debt. The only solution, according to his mother, is for him to attend his sister’s wedding and seduce a woman with money.

Will it be the French hotel heiress with a royal bloodline? The venture capital genius who passes out billions like lollipops? Or will Rufus betray his family and confess his love for his best friend and ‘girl next door’ Eden? But when a volcanic eruption burns through the nuptials and a hot mic exposes a secret tryst, the Gresham family plans – and their reputation – go up in flames, making Rufus’ choice all the more impossible.

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A fun, easy read, lots of scandal and romance, and a look at how the other half lives. I might have to Google the author to see how he knows so much about the uber wealthy. Very well done for this type of book. Thanks to him, the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Loved loved loved this new novel from Kevin Kwan! Smart, witty and deeply cutting!

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for my advanced reading copy.

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This was a really funny time. This was my first Kevin Kwan and he's a solid writer and his characters so likeable!

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The true meaning of serendipity: looking for a needle in a haystack and finding the farmer’s daughter/son. ‘Lies and Weddings’ proved a serendipitous read for me – and I wasn’t even looking for a needle.
The dialogue is quick, slick, satirical, sarky, funny and accurate. Ditto the characters, who carry off this marvellous romp with charm and flair, salaciousness and a great deal of artful humour. The ingeniousness of delivery is pure therapy in these miserable days of political shenanigans. Matchmaking, romance, volcanoes, juicy jealousies, social climbing, name-dropping, the most outrageous weddings you could never imagine, settings to tempt the palate, inside info on those settings, blended with a wee mystery on the side guarantee enjoyment and escapism. The footnotes are superb. The ARC was a joy to read.

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Having devoured Crazy Rich Asians I was so excited to read Lies and Weddings - it did not disappoint.
Kevin Kwan is a really fun writer, the stories are great but the DRAMA is joyous. There's an ease to the writing, it feels frivolous and gossipy which just adds to the reading experience.
4 stars.

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Kevin Kwan has done it again. I loved the 'Crazy Rich Asians' series and I was really excited to receive this as an ARC and I was not let down. I love having this insight into the ultra rich, and the footnotes always seem so fun and add a special touch to the story. This has so many twists and you're always left on the edge of your seat not knowing what crazy lie and scandal will happen next. Kwan never lets me down with his work and I highly recommend.

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Although I have watched the Crazy Rich Asians film, I have never actually read one of Kevin Kwans books until now and I am so glad I did! I really enjoyed this dip into the world of the ultra rich. The will they wont they love story between Rufus and Eden had me hooked and I was rooting for them all the way. I do feel like the book had its flaws, I wasn't a fan of the naming of the schools attended, after each new character is introduced and the footnotes were a little bit annoying. I would have liked a bit more of Eden and Rufus' backstory and I felt like the ending came upon me pretty abruptly. All in all though I really enjoyed reading this and I still give it 4 stars so that shows it is a solid read.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Lies and Weddings' by Kevin Kwan.

'Lies and Weddings' is the newest novel by the absolute legend Kevin Kwan. The way Kwan writes about the upper class is just s sight to behold and I am in awe. From romance to scandal, lies and deceit, there is truly something in this novel for everyone. If you enjoyed 'Crazy Rich Asians' and you miss having a story like that, definitely pick up his latest work and you won't be disappointed.

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I will read and enjoy everything Kevin Kwan writes. This was no exception: loved it. His novels are always entertaining and take you to places you've likely never been to (and likely never will) given the extreme wealth and privilege of the characters. Fun!

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Besieged with debt and worry, the mother of Rufus Leung Gresham makes a decision. The only possible way out of the appalling situation in which they find themselves is for Rufus to marry into money. Serious money. He is, after all, the future Earl of Greshambury. And so, it begins. Delightfully delicious, wholly entertaining and wickedly enjoyable familial drama populated with an eccentric, eclectic and deftly drawn cast and a pacy narrative bubbling with humour and drenched in glamour.

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