Member Reviews

I have never read Kevin Kwan before so was interested to give this a go particularly seeing the reviews.

Personally I liked the story of this but found it excessively long winded, almost with too much going on. The references may have been useful or interesting however did not translate well into an ebook so in the end I skimmed them as they were pointless.

As an overall, I felt that were better stories out there.

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Funny, wild and decadent, this a book full of the,good life.. A happy escapist read .
I enjoyed the,story and name dropping very much.

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I bloody loved this book. It was like a Jilly Cooper esque dynastical drama- full of glamour, secrets, and generally unreasonable behaviour!
I really loved the characters, the locations and the constantly evolving story which kept me guessing right to the end. I absolutely want to read more!

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What a great read. This is not normally my genre so am so glad that I stepped outside and took a chance as this story contained everything. It was a really easy read full of scandal as well as everything that goes with crazy rich people.

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I loved the Crazy Rich Asians series, so it was a real treat to get this to review. Pleased to report that Kwan remains true to form and it’s delightful. Like a modern day Jilly Cooper, but far more international and with an amazing cast of rogues, villains, and crazy rich Asians. Loved the detailed scenery, setting, amazing food, and fabulously well drawn characters. Gulped it down in a day and already want to reread everything Kwan has ever written.

10/10 no notes. A joy.

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Lies and Weddings offers readers a glimpse into the world of the ultra ULTRA-wealthy, filled with opulence, romance, and family drama. At its heart, the novel follows Rufus Leung Gresham, the future Earl of Greshamsbury, as he grapples with mounting debts and the looming pressure to secure the family's financial future. His mother, the formidable Lady Arabella, devises a plan: Rufus must attend his sister's wedding and charm a wealthy woman into marriage.

Set against the backdrop of stunning locales around the world—Hawaiian volcanoes, Marrakech's bustling markets, and the glitzy mansions of Beverly Hills—the narrative unfolds with all the allure of a high-society drama. Kwan's meticulous attention to detail shines through in his vivid descriptions of opulent ballrooms, extravagant wardrobes, and lavish events, immersing readers in a world of luxury and excess which manages to feel both aspirational and abhorrent.

Throughout the novel, we encounter a diverse cast of characters as diverse as they are intriguing who provide a mix of the absurd and the relatable, as we witness the lengths people will go to protect their status and fortunes whilst still retaining their humanity (some manage this better than others...).

Central to the story is the forbidden romance between Rufus and Eden, his childhood friend and the proverbial "girl next door." as they navigate the expectations of their families and the complexities of their own emotions. Their romance was sweet but I found myself hoping for a deeper exploration of their relationship. While the chemistry between them is evident, I wished for more nuanced interactions and the development of their central relationship. Additionally, without spoiling anything, it would be nice if one of Kwan's heroines was able to stand on her own merits, as an accomplished doctor and good person.

Lady Arabella emerges as a standout character, a force of nature whose antics both entertain and exasperate - think Eleanor Young on turbo mode. Her schemes to marry off Rufus to a wealthy bride provide moments of comedic relief amidst the drama, and her interactions with her son reveal layers of a woman torn between tradition and the modern world.

As the plot unfolds, with volcanic eruptions, scandalous affairs, and clandestine trysts, Kwan keeps readers on their toes. While the storyline may follow a familiar trajectory of love, money, and family secrets, it is the author's wit and sharp observations that elevate the narrative. Moments of biting satire and astute social commentary pepper the pages, offering a glimpse into the absurdities of the ultra-wealthy.

In conclusion, Lies and Weddings may not reinvent the wheel when it comes to its themes, but it delivers a thoroughly enjoyable romp through the world of the elite. Fans of Kwan's previous works, will find much to love in this latest offering. It's a book that transports readers to a world of glamour and intrigue, where love and loyalty collide with ambition and deception.

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A fun fast beach read, for the full review go to

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This is the first book I've read by this author and clearly I've been missing out!! Heck I just devoured this in one sitting [ minus a break to make a coffee ]

Honestly this was just so damn entertaining from the get go. The only minor thing that had me vexed was how Dear ole Arabella treated Eden but that was all part and parcel of the story... and I'm a true believer in karma and the ending just had me laughing out loud!!!

The scene setting was exquisite throughout and having never left England I was well and truly experiencing a holiday abroad through the pages of this book.

I cannot wait to read more from this author. Thank you Netgalley for putting him on my radar.

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I’m afraid I can’t finish this book. Not because I don’t like it, but I’m currently reading on my kindle at the formatting is terrible. It’s spoiling the whole experience for me. However, the ten percent I struggled through I actually really enjoyed! If there is a chance for a physical Arc I would love to be considered, but for now I think I will need to wait until full release to buy the physical copy.

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I loved this book! It’s very similar to Crazy Rich Asians, but then again I loved that book too. The characters in Kevin Kwan’s books are always complex. You might on the face of it feel one way about someone who behaves a certain way , but as you keep reading , more and more is revealed to show you why someone might have ended up the way they have. I love that the story builds and builds, making you get really involved with each character’s story. It’s a light read, and one that should appeal to a large proportion of people. Thank you for the opportunity to read this advanced copy.

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From The Cover📖


Rufus Leung Gresham, future Earl of Greshamsbury and son of a former Hong Kong supermodel, is drowning in debt. The only solution, according to his mother, is for him to attend his sister’s wedding and seduce a woman with money.

Will it be the French hotel heiress with a royal bloodline? The venture capital genius who passes out billions like lollipops? Or will Rufus betray his family and confess his love for his best friend and ‘girl next door’ Eden? But when a volcanic eruption burns through the nuptials and a hot mic exposes a secret tryst, the Gresham family plans – and their reputation – go up in flames, making Rufus’ choice all the more impossible.

Taking us from the sand beaches of Hawaii to the skies of Marrakech, from the glitzy bachelor pads of Beverly Hills to the inner sanctums of England’s oldest family estates, Kevin Kwan has written a juicy, hilarious and sophisticated tale of love, money, murder, sex, and the lies we tell about them all.

Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Full disclosure Crazy Rich Asians is one of my all time favourite books so I can't say that I have given this fair unbiased review, as Kwan can do no wrong in my eyes.

All of Kwans books at a first glance they can be dismissed as trashy fluff but you would be very wrong in thinking that. His work is a masterful layered work of satire in its most vulgar and indulgent full of glorious characters, wit and smarts with a underlaying heart and deep meaning on the matters that affect the world.

Lies and Weddings opens with a tragedy that will cast echos for many years to come. Told in the third person POV we hear from a cast of brilliantly written characters as they navigate though what can one be described as a world of pure indulgence and what is for most people pure fantasy. In keeping with all his previous books we are taken to the places and told of luxury that I don't think we mere non billionaires could even dream off. I adore his detailed writing, particularly the inclusion of explanatory footnotes that make you feel as if you are having a playful conversation with the narrator. What this man doesn't know about fashion and luxury brands is not worth knowing, I love all the titbits on the fashion , the places to be seen and eat.

The plot centres around the Gresham family, who are facing financial ruin. Mum, Arabella’s solution to this financial crisis is to marry Rufus off to a rich woman. Woven within is sub plots that involve a lot of private jets and weddings. Kwan stays in his safe comfortable lane with this, story itself follows the same pattern, the characters are the same types from the previous novels albeit both still feel fresh, it was a little predictable butI found it comforting to jump back into his writing which is smart and witty. His characterisation is immaculate and as always his droll commentary on contemporary high society sparkles with wit, I love how he can entertain with such a moreish, gossipy, outrageous style but still make real strong points about racism, the disruption of wealth and resources, climate change and just the general state of the world we live in.

I have given this four instead of five stars as while I found the book a pleasure to read and found it entertaining, there was nothing shocking or surprising in terms of the plot or characters from the previous novels. I found Lady Arabella a bit one dimensional and very extreme to the point she became like a joke character, she was for sure a Asian tiger mum but she could have done with being toned down a little she needed a little touch of Elenor Young. I also didn't really get much romantic chemistry between Eden and Rufus. So, I wasn't necessarily rooting for them to eventually get together like I should have been. In fact I think a great twist would have been Eden not loving him back or something like that, it would have made the book something different from the usual format that would have given it a new edge.

That being said this didn't disappoint it was fun romp of a read perfect to escape with. Nothing will ever line to standard of Crazy Rich Asians*, but this is good effort you will be glad you read it.

*loved the little titbit on Kitty Pong. I would love love even a short story on where all the characters from the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy are now

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC!
I think Kwan stays in his safe comfortable lane with this, which is essentially a combination of all his previous books. Was it entertaining? Yes, but there was nothing shocking or surprising. I liked Eden as a character, but Arabella NEEDED to get her shit rocked. Also Augie and Bea were just not good friends to Eden ..

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Lies and Weddings is a really entertaining read, full of glamour, scandal, humour, drama, and lies. The story follows the Gresham family, who are facing financial ruin. Mum, Arabella’s solution to this financial crisis is to marry Rufus off to a rich woman.
A great holiday read - pure escapism!!!

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Surprisingly, I have never watched or read Crazy Rich Asians but I heard amazing things about it and all of Kevin Kwan's novels.

I loved Lies and Weddings so much, at first I found it a bit difficult to follow all the different characters at the beginning of the book at Augy's wedding as there just seemed to be so many people. I also think this could be a personal preference and possibly is Kevin Kwan's style but I don't like it when books have footnotes because by the time I reach the end of the chapter and see them I have forgotten what they are in reference to. I feel some of the information could be worked into the narrative, especially the phrases in Cantonese. I either would have understood the phrases in the context or looked it up if I really wanted to know. I also didn't understand why we were told where every character when to school but once again it might just be Kwan's writing style.

Apart from that I was in love with the story! The characters were so well developed and I felt like I was sucked into the world of the Tong's and The Gresham's. It's one of those novels where when you put it down you feel like you're being sucked out of their world and dropped back into your own. When I saw there was only a few pages left I was so sad even though the story had been tied up nicely. It was a great way to shine a light on topics like racism and excessive wealth without taking away from the fun of the story.

If I could give any testament to how much I enjoyed this book, when I finished reading it I immediately went and ordered the entire Crazy Rich Asians trilogy.

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If you liked crazy rich Asians you will like this story too. It’s a third person account of rich people connected by a wedding. I think it would be a good summer read.

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This is a wonderfully vicarious read with beautiful settings and outrageously lavish weddings, property and lifestyles. The main characters are the Greshams with their inherited titles and the responsibilities of the family estate. The three younger Greshams need to marry well to keep the family estate (and their mother in the life she has become accustomed to). During the course of the story the Greshams interact with other wealthy characters who exhibit various degrees of greed or philanthropy. The weddings feature lava, ice castles, hot air balloons and stunning fashions (often borrowed rather than bought). There is a juxtaposition between the younger generation, that have benefitted from the wealth rather than earned it, and the older generation who have struggled to gain wealth and lied and schemed to keep it, or at least to keep up the appearance of it. Then there are the Tongs, who are on the periphery of this world but not a part of it - which makes them all the more attractive. There are lovable and loathsome characters throughout and I found I couldn't put this book down. This will be a great holiday read and the characters will stay with you long after you've finished the book.

I received an advance Digital Review Copy of this book from the publisher Random House, Cornerstone via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are my own. #liesandweddings #netgalley #kevinkwan

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4.25 stars
As a huge fan of the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy, I was really excited to see which glamorous and opulent world Kevin Kwan would invite us into next.
And I have to say, I really enjoyed being transported across the world and getting another peek into the lives of the ultra-rich.
This does follow a somewhat similar formula to Crazy Rich Asians, so it was a little predictable. But I found it comforting to jump back into his writing.
I enjoyed the footnotes, as always, even if reading it on my Kindle meant that I had to wait pages or until the end of the chapter to read them. But maybe this is just a formatting issue at the moment, which will be resolved.
The brief Kitty cameo was a nice touch too.
Now, I do understand why Lady Arabella is the way that she is. But at times she felt a bit one dimensional. I would have loved to see even a slight thawing of her towards the end.
I also didn't really get much romantic chemistry between Eden and Rufus. So, I wasn't necessarily rooting for them to eventually get together like I should have been.
But this was a fun and captivating romp that I devoured within 48 hours.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Lies and Weddings is an absolute screamer of a novel! I am not usually one for novels regarding the rich and shameless, decadence and affluence but every now and then, we all need to imbibe a little bit of drama and this novel has it in spades

This is not a fluffy romance, it is the anti-hero, the people we envy but without basis, the kind we love to hate, pretend we secretly wish we had what they have, then read on and realise we are actually happy just the way we are

Kwan is an incredible writer, creating books to gorge on, to devour and feel satisfied upon completion. The pace is indulgent, the settings pure opulence and the storylines gripping

Thank you to Netgalley, Random House UK, Cornerstone, Hutchinson Heinemann and the author Kevin Kwan for this fabulous ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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New author for me. But now looking for his other books. Stunning high flying writing.

I just loved the book, fast moving plots, greed ambition or lack of in some cases. Some of the characters portrayed would be the worlds worst nightmare to do business with. You had to feel sorry for Rufus and Eden, but strength of character shone through.

Thank you Netgalley for letting me read this.

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As a long time Kevin Kwan fan I was highly anticipating this latest release, and it did not disappoint. As ever I adored his detailed writing, particularly the inclusion of explanatory footnotes that make you feel as if you are having a playful conversation with the narrator – any fans of the Crazy Rich Asian trilogy will be familiar with these. Characterisation is immaculate and as always his droll commentary on contemporary high society sparkles with wit. This is the perfect escapist summer read, add to the top of your list of beach reads.

FAO publisher – point of inaccuracy. Eden completes her two year foundation programme in London (pg. 23), later Bea refers to her as a first year doctor (pg. 30). As she is now doing her ‘core medical training at a hospital in Plymouth’ (pg. 23) she is at minimum in her third year of practicing as a doctor.

Many thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for providing an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased review.

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