Member Reviews

We are back with Charles and Sven the Boar..

Sven returns home after a fierce battle.. you’d think surviving a battle is something to celebrate but not this time… many many many men died and Denmark no longer has a King… this has left bands of disbanded and leaderless warriors ransacking Denmark…

And that’s only part of Sven’s trouble… he learned that his grandson Charles has been taken..Charles is Sven’s redemption in life so his loss breaks the man but at least this time he has people around him to try and knock some sense into him.

His anger soon returns when Abbess Hildegard arrives and pushes him a little too far… there’s a blast from the past that I’ll not spoil but by god I felt the fury pouring of Sven… Abbess Hildegard who we learn is Charles mother so we finally get to learn more about why Charles has been brought up to believe she was dead…I could only imagine how this felt for Charles as he learns the truth about himself.. who he really is.

I really enjoyed that we also learned more about the cross that Charles has been carrying ever since his father’s murder.. Charlemagne’s Cross… of which, if the stories are believed has the power to reunite Francia..

What really makes this instalment shine is the character development, not only do we meet and get to know new characters we see some established characters grow, Thora, Rollo and Sven all have a greater depth added to them while they deal with the aftermath of the battle and Charles kidnap.

Charles’ himself has some very big things to deal with.. being kidnapped… the deaths that have occurred to keep him safe.. it becomes his internal struggle and we see his faith in god shaken…

Plot wise… oh wow… it develops at a fast pace but nothing is really rushed or forced…but by god there’s a lot crammed in and credit to the author that it’s been done in such a well balanced way allowing the reader to keep up the events…and the ending!!! Oh my.. I need more!!

The Charlemagne’s Cross series has quick become a firm favourite!

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Political games between Danes and Franks abound in Thor's Revenge, where we find some familiar names again. Young Charles has been abducted by Ivor, Thora recovers slowly from a near-fatal injury, and Sven seeks solace in the cups, drowning his sorrows. As for the Charlemagne cross – the reason for murder, betrayal, and abduction – it is missing.

Charles' mother, Abbess Hildegard, has arrived in Ribe, looking for her grandson (and the cross, obviously). But neither Thora nor Sven trust the woman who had joined Holy Orders and left her son behind. Sven has not forgiven his own son's death (Charles' father), for which he blames the East Franks, Hildegard and her ilk.

Sven and Thora keep searching for Charles, but with treacherous Franks trying to get to the boy, it's no easy feat. Will they manage to save him, alive and well? Find out in the book!

Thor's Revenge begins rather slowly, in my view. The early chapters sum up the recent action, and this slows the pace. In between these long paragraphs, however, we find intriguing action surrounding Charles, the boy everyone is after. So keep reading! Once the pace picks up, the plot unfolds, with more battles and the unavoidable injuries.

I found the Frankish plotters intriguing, as this reveals much about these Christian kings of East and West Francia (usually at each others' throats), at a time when religion was in flux. The Danes, still holding on to their ancient beliefs, are looked down upon by the seemingly superior Franks, but they aren't as well-organised as they'd like to be, and both sides get their share of comeuppance. That's an aspect of the novel that I really enjoyed.

There are, however, some editorial issues with the novel, and I hope the published version is improved. For example, I found the repeated reference to Hildegard as 'Charles' mother' (from Sven's or Thora's point of view) tiring. Using her name would have added immediacy, and the flow of the narrative would have been improved. There are also quite a few repeats within a paragraph or two of each other, all through the novel – something the editor should have noticed.

But overall, Thor's Revenge is an enjoyable adventure full of intrigues, battles, losses and gains, with wonderfully flawed main characters and a clever plot, which is hopefully due to be resolved in Book 4 of the series. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Fans of Viking and early medieval fiction will enjoy this riveting chase for the elusive Charlemagne's Cross.

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What an amazing ending to a fantastic story! Read this viking epic ! Characters were great but the story is so so good! A lot of action!

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Having read the first two books in The Charlemagne’s Cross series, I was so excited for the third instalment, and it has not disappointed!

Picking up from the ending of the second book, Loki’s Deceit, we launch straight into the events of the aftermath of battle and loss.

Anyone who reads my reviews knows I hate spoilers, so I won’t ruin it, but I thoroughly enjoyed seeing some old characters back and the introduction of some new faces! This is another fast-paced book that delivers battles, loss, and some humour

Donovan Cook is brilliant at setting the scene, so you can almost see the fighting take place in front of you. I also very much like how some of the characters have developed throughout the series, Sven being my favourite when I wasn’t sure I liked him in the first book. I am a big fan of series where the characters grow, and I definitely feel this is one of those series.

I intended to take my time reading this, but it’s impossible! I could not put it down, I had to know what happens next. If you are looking for historical fiction with brilliant characters, fantastic battle scenes, and an excellent storyline, I highly recommend this series.

Thank you to Donovan Cook for another excellent series of events in the company of Sven and Charles, i cannot wait for the next instalment!

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I have never read anything by Donovan Cook but I can now say I will start looking for more of his boos as this is a book that really told a story in a story-teller kind of way. The story of a kingdom, a boy, revenge and Vikings of course. I was enthralled from the first page as there was excitement, revenge, deception, secret's and so much more.

The character development throughout the story was great and I can't wait to see what comes next. An entertaining, exciting and action packed read.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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This is the third book in the Charlemagnés Cross series. I have not read this series, nor anything else by this author. I gathered from other reviews that this book continues where book 2 ended. It took me some time to get into this story, probably because I didn't read the previous books. But for those (like me) interested in Vikings and history... this series is for you! I will definately read book 1 and 2 and then read book 3 again. I feel I can't give a fair review now.

The writing is good and solid. Lots of mystery and ofcourse history! Blood and gore doesn't shy me away, so I was quite happy with how descriptive these scenes are. Looking forward to read the rest!

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Thor's Revenge by Donovan Cook is a splendid historical novel, set in Denmark and Francia.
This is the third book in the Charlemagne's Cross series. This book reads as a standalone, though it would help reading the previous novels to better understand the dynamics between the main protagonists, and also the political intrigues that set the actions in motion.
It is a riveting, galloping, compelling narrative, which brings the distant historical period to life. It begins where Loki's Deceit ends, smoothly picking up the thread of the narrative.

Cook has a gift for evoking the spirit of time and place.
Thor's Revenge is a well-plotted, fast-moving blockbuster, with compelling characters and a cracking plotline.

This is a brilliant series, that got me hooked on the distant past. I cannot wait to read the next book.

Blog tour with Rachel's Random Resources.

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Thor’s Revenge is the third instalment of the Charlemagne’s Cross Series, and it’s better if you read the previous two before starting this one since it picks up right after the previous book events. We continue to have the same conspiracy vibe, full of secrets but with a few answers to the secrets we got previously, as we’re introduced to new characters.

It's a story packed with action scenes with a bit of blood and gore which is not really my thing. But as we go through the story, we start to unravel the mystery that surrounds Charles, and it became such a great historical fiction book. We got some nice character development and I felt like this was such an exciting adventure that it was hard to put it down.

Overall, it’s a great historical fiction book, that ends on a cliffhanger and will make you anxious to see what’s to come. This is such a great read; it has Norse history and some references to historical figures. I definitely recommend it to fans of the genre.

Thank you, NetGalley & the publisher, for approving me to read this arc and write this review.

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Reader's interested in Norse-Viking type personas of Denmark may well be interested in this saga. It depicts fierce warriors of yesteryears in constant battle over land, power and religion - or lack of it and in dependance upon gods or God, as the case may be. Battles being between West & East Francia and Denmark.

It took a few chapters to build up enthusiasm for the narrative for me as there is much blood, gut and gore sort of lore that just is not my cup of tea. Eventually, though, the mystery surrounding Charles and a certain cross got the curiosity juices flowing. Historical fiction although loosely wrapped, does get my attention. Other readers may well have greater appreciation overall in the third book in the Charlemagne Cross series. I believe a fourth is forthcoming.

~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

February 2024

Disclaimer: This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary review copy sent to me by NetGalley and the publisher.

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Thor's Revenge picks up where the previous book left off and Thora is just waking up from her injuries to come to terms with the fact that Charles has been kidnapped. Thora and Sven must work and battle to save Charles. I enjoyed how the characters develop in this book and we get a deeper understanding of their pasts .Thora is the best as she is a kind but leave no prisoners kind of gal. The brutal battles continue with quite a few injured in this book. The book ends on a cliffhanger which has me enthusiastically waiting for the next book. Donovan Cook I believe has a talent for leaving you just wanting more. The story took me on a heart pumping adventure that I didn't want to end. I read the book in one sitting and woke up very tired.

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Thor's Revenge is the third book in the Charlemagne's Cross series by Donovan Cook. I have read the previous two books.

Thor's Revenge begins immediately after the previous book's events, with Sven the Boar recovering from the events of the great battle. At the same time, conspiracy and secrets continue to swirl around him and his grandson, Charles.

In book 3, we learn more answers to the secrets and also meet a few new characters who have previously been alluded to but not 'seen' on stage, as it were.

The many threads take a while to get into, but when I did, I flew through the story, really enjoying how well they connect. I also greatly enjoy the 'light' touch adopted for the competing religions of paganism and Christianity. Questions are asked by those of both faiths, especially Sven and Charles, who can perhaps see that not everything is as black and white as might be believed. The conniving members of the royal family in East and West Frankia add a layer of 'sophisticated' conspiracy above that of the more 'immediate' concerns of Sven and Charles.

There are also several battles and fights, and I'm looking forward to Book 4, where I hope we may find some resolution for Sven and Charles.

It is a fine addition to the series that develops depth as the story progresses and has an ending, making me desperate to read more. So, get on with it Donovan:)

Fans of the genre will delight in the continuing tale of Sven the Boar and Charles.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my review copy.

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When the book starts Charles had just been kidnapped by Ivor and Thora is waking up from her grievous wound after three days of everyone thinking it could go either way. Charles‘s mom is in Rye with Father Bernard and Gerald, I just want to step away from the review and say with so many geralds in Denmark… Why oh why would Donovan Cook name one of his main characters Gerald? At this point in the review you may ask yourself where is Finn the bore? I mean he must be tearing up Denmark looking for Charles right? No after the battle when he found out Charles was gone and Thora may die he decided to start drinking again. He is a very angry man and when Charles‘s mom announced who she is and why she is there it doesn’t help Sphins mood at all and when Gerald decides to act indignant and disrespectful to Sphin things just go downhill from there. Over in the big trading town Charles is going through his own hell. When the duplicitus Franc Ren shows up Charles knows there’s something important about him but like everything having to do with the cross in his dead or not dead mother he doesn’t know why. When Iver tries to change the game plan Rin
Is more than happy to let him know the rival for the throne is dead and when I Iver acts smog as if he is next in line for royalty he’s soon find out his father is dead as well. Ren does have a deal for Ivor despite he and his father‘s mistakes and the greedy Dane agrees to it but just like the things that are going on in Rye Think soon get worse for Charles and all this happens long before King Louis even knows his daughter isn’t in West Francia. Denmark has no king and before it’s over Sphin Will lose the only leverage he had the kings daughter and the cross but just like always we know never count the man out. This book is so good it says a lot about Love a family religious beliefs how we think of those who are different from us but more than that it was a great story with action pack scenes endocringe worthy injuries and then this one it almost looks like he has lost it all but not quite. I cannot wait for the fourth book in the Charlemagne cross Siri‘s Donovan Cook has really done a great job giving a narrative to a time that has none. There is no way I could give a proper review because there is a lot going on in these books I love these stories and cannot get enough. I want to thank Boldwood Books and NetGalley for my free Ark copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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