Member Reviews

I love books with messy characters and this was full of them!
If you enjoy books about the coming end of the world and the rich getting what they deserve then you would like this.

I absolutely loved this book! Eva Seymour's narration brought this story to life.

I just reviewed She's a Killer by Kirsten McDougall. #ShesaKiller #NetGalley

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This book is very unique for me because I don’t read satirical book often. I liked the POV and the character developed and the way the author and narrator made this book enjoyable. My only trouble was that it feels like I was reading a different amount of books at the same time and feel lost for that reason. Thank you Bolinda Audio and NetGalley for the access to this arc

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Dystopian cli-fi satire set in New Zealand with pitch black humor and a delightfully hate-able POV character.

Best bits
_Delightfully unlikable POV character, if you can't a little of your worst self in Alice -- I don't believe you.
_ I can think of so many novels that would be improved by having a snarky invisible friend offering commentary.
_ Smart speculation about how people would behave in bad circumstances a la Birnham Wood

This is a smart book worth your time.

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2.5 ⭐️

While the storyline didn't resonate with me, I found the exploration of a world grappling with climate-induced changes intriguing. The multitude of storylines vying for attention, however, diluted the intended message. The book delves into the repercussions of climate shifts, making countries uninhabitable and delving into the socio-economic challenges and resource implications, offering a thought-provoking read.

Though not a typical thriller, I understand its appeal. Personally, the audio format and the narrator made the experience for me, despite my reservations about the plot.

While this genre may not be my preference moving forward, the book undeniably possesses a compelling hook. If this type of narrative aligns with your tastes, it's worth considering.

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I'm unfortunately not one of those people who enjoys a lot of satirical stories. I've enjoyed a few, of course, but it's not something I seek out. This though was fun and ridiculous (though I guess I can see some of these things actually happening). I enjoyed it, she's a good writer.

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This was somewhat of a mixed bag for me, it felt like reading two separate novels at times. I deeply appreciated the sentiment though. The setting being somewhere in the not too distant future, post climate change if you will. Much of the story was saddeningly believable, yet it was edgy punchy and smart, with dashes of humour.

I’m left unsure on my feelings regarding our protagonist, I’m not sure I’m supposed to like her, and similarly unsure she’d give a damn anyway. I do know how u felt around the “take back the land” thread that ran throughout the story. A tale literally as old as time. I can back that, maybe without the kill list though.

Thought provoking, and for that reason it’s a 4 star review from me.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bolinda audio for the opportunity to listen to this audio book in return for an honest review.

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There is something about satire that makes me feel smart and dumb at the same time and I find it delightful when done well.

This was one of those. The writing was smart and sometimes funny with some of the most unsettling characters I’ve read in a long time. I don’t know that I liked anyone but they were all so interesting liking them was irrelevant to my enjoyment of the book.

It’s a dystopian-set in the NEAR future. The planet is at collapse. Wealthy people (wealth-ugees) are fleeing to New Zealand because the land isn’t as fucked as everywhere else. Alice is a near genius but a huge self saboteur, lives alone and really doesn’t want to get involved in anything. She meets Pablo, a wealthugee, and they start a lil romantic tryst when he drops his 15 yo daughter off at her house and turns her life completely upside down.

Definitely be in a satirical mood but this was really good-recommend.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bolinda Audio for an advanced audiobook

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A U D I O B O O K R E V I E W 🎧🎵

Title: She’s A Killer
Author: Kirsten McDougall
Genre: Thriller, Fiction, Mystery

Story: ⭐⭐.5
Audio: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

This is a little different to what I would normally read but after @Bolindaaudio so kindly gave me access to the new audiobook of ‘She’s A Killer’, I couldn’t resist.

I must admit, the story itself is not one that I enjoyed. I felt like there were far too many storylines pulling for my attention which then tended to weaken the message I believe this book was trying to achieve.
There were a lot of interesting points about a world where the change in climate has made countries inhabitable and how this would affect the everyday person and influence immigration. Personally the sections of the book that spoke to economic challenges and resource availability is what I enjoyed most.

While this thriller wasn’t really for me, I was pleased with the quality of the audio and loved the voice actor Eva Seymour. The way this book was delivered is what had me hooked. While I may stay away from these types of stories in the future, I will come back to @Bolindaaudio audiobooks again and again!

If you loved ‘Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine’ and you enjoy thrillers with a bit of mystery, this may just be the book for you!!😼

Thank you @Bolindaaudio for gifting me this audiobook.

This review was also posted on my Goodreads and Bookstagram accounts.

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ALICE: 30-something, IQ of 159 (almost a genius), only communicates with her mother in Morse code. Her imaginary friend is back.

ERIKA: 15, daughter of hot ‘wealthugee’ who loves Russian literature, genuine genius, killer eyeliner and killer instincts.

The climate is in crisis and wealthy immigrants are flocking to New Zealand for shelter, stealing land, driving up food prices and taking over. But Alice has far more important things to worry about: hating her best friend’s husband, getting free wine and quiet-quitting her dull day job. Until she meets Erika.

Now, Alice is about to find herself drawn into action of the most radical – and dangerous – kind. Just what is a slacker to do?
Thank you for granting me early access to this audiobook and a special thank you to the narrator. What a performance. I loved it so much. Five stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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In the not to distant future, the world is entering into a dystopian state, with our climate in disrepair. As other countries fall, an influx of ‘wealthugees’ invade New Zealand, bleeding dry the local resources, and disrupting the economy and social systems. All of this simmers in the background as we follow the story of Alice, a nihilistic almost-genius, and her imaginary friend, who take on the care of the mysterious Erika after a tryst with her father Pablo.

She’s a Killer is a dark, sometimes funny and often uncomfortable read. It’s well paced, and I was quickly immersed in the story. Eva Seymour does a wonderful job with narration, evoking a degree of empathy in the reader towards some quite unlikeable characters. I also really enjoyed reading via audiobook to experience the pronunciation of much of the local language throughout the story.

This is my first experience of a ‘dystopian cli-fi thriller’ and one I know I will be reflecting on for a while.

Thank you Belinda Audio and NetGalley for a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed are my own.

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If you are looking for a book with a female main character that is totally unhinged, gives zero effs and has no moral compass, then this one will be right up your alley. I was instantly sucked into the narrative of this book and couldn't put it down.

In a not to distant future where climate change is wreaking havoc on NZ, Alice is faced with change all around and is being forced to adapt. "Wealth-ugees" are buying their way into the country and living as though money is expendable while current population suffers. Alice thinks she may have met her meal ticket with wealth-ugee Pablo, but he has other plans which change Alice's current living conditions.

This book is a chaotic roller coaster ride filled with satire, humor, wit and a general feeling of unhappiness but its a fun, quirky read.

The audiobook narrator, Eva Seymour does a wonderful job.

Thanks to NetGalley, Bolinda Audio and Kirsten McDougall for the ALC in exchange for an honest review.

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“Wealth-u-gee” will most certainly appear in websters dictionary’s words of the year one of these days. This book fit neatly in my preferred genre of futuristic rich people behaving badly, in a sort of eco-terrorist way.

I would especially like to shout out the narrator Eva Seymour, and her flexibility in portraying both a six year old and the young protagonist. The reading of the text is dramatic without being overly cheesy, and she keeps good pace. Thank you to Bolinda Audio and NetGalley for this ARC!

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A solid introduction to climate fiction.

Premise - in a dystopic future world where wealthugees flee their nations’ crisis for the relative safety of remote New Zealand, a nihilistic anorexic woman with a near-genius IQ and an imaginary best friend becomes a terrorist.

The book is divided into halves - the first half is slow moving and mostly plot-free world building. The second half is full of action and explosions. I enjoyed the first half much more, before Pablo leaves his teen charge, Erika, in our FMC’s care. I think that means I’m in the market for cozy scifi??

Anyway, the future world was interesting and seemed frighteningly realistic. I’m not sure why most of the women in this future world have eating disorders (mostly anorexia or bulimia, with an obsession with obtaining and maintaining skeletal frames) but I suppose it’s a comment on unhealthy responses to a loss of control.

📚 Series or Standalone: standalone
📚 Genre: clifi
📚 Target Age Group: adult
📚 Cliffhanger: not really

✨ Will I Reread: no
✨ Recommended For: dystopic clifi fans

💕 Characters: 3/5
💕 Writing: 4/5
💕 Plot: 3/5
💕 Pacing: 3/5
💕 Unputdownability: 3/5
💕 Enjoyment: 3/5
💕 Book Cover: 3/5

Thanks, NetGalley and Victoria University Press for the gifted ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author and narrator for providing a free copy in exchange for an honest review!

DNF @ 30%

Sadly, I could not get into this book. I was excited to listen to this dystopian plot related to climate changes, but the multitude of characters and the rather problematic main character did not work well for me.

The story's start was also too slow and I had no idea where it was going even after listening to one third of it. The narrator's style was not that engaging. Overall, the idea seemed promising but the execution just didn't hook me.

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