Member Reviews

After reading The Mind of a Murderer - the first in the Olivia Winter series - also my first book by this author, I have gone on to discover the wonderful Matilda Darke series and am busily working my way through those books. Meanwhile, I spotted this, his new standalone book, obviously I snaffled it up and pretty much devoured it in just one day...
We start back in the past, 20 years ago, with the abduction of Stephanie White on her 13th birthday while she is out playing on her new roller skates. Her body subsequently found brutally murdered. Her killer, Dominic Griffiths, brought to justice and jailed.
Back in the present and Dominic is about to be released early due to a "technicality". This is not happy news to many, and also means that a secret must now be told, one that Dawn Shepherd's mother has been keeping from her. Dominic is her father.
Dominic has always maintained his innocence, Dawn wants to get to know her father. After questioning her mother, she is determined to get to know him, from him, but will she believe in his innocence...?
Well... in Dawn, the author has created a multi layered, multi faceted, cracking character. One whose world is turned upside down and inside out, throwing her completely. Making her question many many things. I can't imagine what was going through her head, but the author has done a brilliant job of recreating her thought processes. And also her determination to get to the bottom of whether he is guilty or innocent, irrespective of the "technicality".
It's fast paced and, as you would expect from a book of this genre, chock full of twists and turns, secrets and lies, and a few red herrings and obfuscation. It definitely kept me guessing all the way through. spitting me out at the end shocked but satisfied.
If you haven't already discovered this author, I would heartily recommend both this book and his series. Me, I'm going to crack on with Matilda... My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Dawn Shepherd has always dreamed of meeting her dad, but her mum has never told her who he was; not until now, when Dawn not only learns his name but also that he has been in prison for the last 20 years for killing 13-year-old Stephanie White. Dawn's dad has always maintained his innocence, and new evidence suggesting he may not have been responsible has helped his lawyer obtain his early release. Dawn is torn between wanting to believe her dad is innocent and wanting nothing to do with him, especially after she realizes Stephanie was the daughter of her favorite elementary school teacher. Dawn starts her own investigation into what happened 20 years ago, revealing information the police missed. The story is mostly told from Dawn's perspective and we get to know her every thought and emotion (which, for me, was sometimes a bit too much). Good plot development and a nice twist or two at the end.

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I have read and enjoyed books by this author. This book was for the first 50% a slow burner and the pace built up during the second half. The premise was good . There was some suspense in the storyline to keep me guessing. Overall just ok. Will look forward to his next offering Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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What would you do if after twenty-one years your mum told you your dad wasn't a stranger but a convicted murderer? Who twenty years ago murdered thirteen year old Stephanie White and is about to be released from jail.

Well, that's the dilemma facing paralegal Dawn Shepard and she rightly has lots of questions including the big one did her dad Dominic Griffiths really kill Stephanie White?

And it's a question she's determined to answer. Even though her mum thinks she should let sleeping dogs lie and stay far away from him, his family and especially Stephanie Whites.

Only Dawn can't thanks to all the conflicting stories she is being told and especially after meeting Stephanie's parents and her newly found granddad.

And as author Michael Wood brilliantly takes us on a journey into the heart of fractured families. Whose ideas of justice and truth are not the same. The twists just keep on coming and so do the shocks and I was utterly hooked from that very first page to the last. So much so I read this story in an afternoon it was just that good!

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Phew! I am still reeling from this story. A real range of emotions flooded through me throughout the book but the ending knocked me for six! Absolutely gripping.

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An incredibly powerful and compelling read with strong storylines running through. The overarching themes of evil and nature re nurture and vengeance are brilliantly portrayed and the narrative is addictive and pulls you in.
I liked the central characters and was very invested in the idea of finally finding your father only to be deeply conflicted because you also find out he is a child killer. The themes are very thought provoking and pull at your conscience and the questions of morality and vengeance.
I’ve read books by this author previously and as usual was definitely not disappointed. A definite recommend.

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I really loved this standalone novel by Michael Wood, it kept me guessing right to the end whether Dominic was guilty of murdering a 13 year old girl and chopping up her body. The pace and tension was there but I disliked the ending otherwise this would have been a 5 star read

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EXCERPT - “My father the killer, my father the victim”

But which is he?
This book had me gripped, I absolutely love Michael Woods writing, it’s so authentic and realistic and I flew through the pages but didn’t want it to end. There is so much tension, and the urge to keep reading “just one more chapter”
This was a solid 5 star read for me.

In her early twenties Dawn is told of who her absent father is, he is a man serving a life sentence for murder, the murder of a 13 year old girl. Her father Dominic is due release and Dawn is determined to find out as much about him and the case before he is released. The twists in the story will blow you away, the characters were all relatable and interesting, and the ending flooded me.

Im definitely going to start the DCI Matilda Darke series very soon as I’ve enjoyed the authors standalones and really love his writing style.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for my arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Imagine finding out, after being raised by a single mom, that your biological father is a cold hearted murderer. Dawn finds herself in this position and can’t resist finding out more about her father and then meeting him. The story that follows shows Dawn connecting with her grandfather and the parents of the young girl who was murdered. When her biological father is killed, the suspect list is long. This was a crazy story about an evil man.

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In 1999 Harry and Barbara White’s 13 year old daughter was murdered on her birthday and her body parts found in a young man’s attic. Dominic Griffiths is charged, found guilty and sentenced to 25 years. 20 years later Dawn Shepherd is shocked when her mother Rita tells her that Dominic is her father and is due for early release after new evidence came to light. That would ruin anyone’s breakfast!

Briefly, Dawn wants to know more about her father and speaks to the White’s as well as her now g randfather Anthony. As she goes through this process she uncovers matters that have been hidden for more than 20 years, involving both families. Then a shocking incident occurs.

The author brilliantly describes how any crime can have devastating affect on not just the victims family but also the perpetrators family. Great twists and turns and excellent red herrings kept me guessing until the thrilling end. An excellent stand-alone novel, quite emotional and a first rate read.

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4.5 Stars. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an early copy of this gripping, tension-packed book. The level of suspense made it difficult to put down. Dawn Shepherd finds her normally stable mother in a high state of emotional distress. Her mother informs her that her father, Dominic Griffiths, was sentenced to prison for twenty-five years in 1999 for the gruesome murder of 13-year-old Stephanie White. She has just learned that he is being released early due to technical issues. The girl's body was found in his parent's attic, where Dominic lived. Stephanie's body had been cut into fifteen pieces.

Dominic had been taking a drug for depression at the time of the murder. The medication was withdrawn by the drug company when side effects causing violence and memory loss were recorded. The distributors of the medication have compensated those with adverse effects from the drug, and they have received high monetary settlements. Now, Dominic will be a free man with a large sum of money. The well-written and thought-provoking book focused on how the parents of the perpetrator and victim still suffered from the horrendous crime. The case was widely known and still remembered with horror.

Dawn is shocked and conflicted. Has she inherited her father's propensity for violence? Was he wrongfully convicted of the murder? She decides she must learn more about Dominic by talking to his parents and friends while trying to decide whether to meet her biological father. After meeting Stephanie's parents, she knows her mother is still filled with hatred, while her father is more accepting of the legal justice system. Was justice served?

She has a new-found and loving grandfather, and they have become close. He despises his son and wants no contact with him. He considers his wife a victim as she committed suicide. Her newly discovered grandfather gives her his wife's journals. In them, she describes her son as a troublemaker and evil as a child. Dawn's mother describes Dominic as a kind, gentle man but rather controlling before the murder. Most of the people interviewed have negative feelings toward Dominic. How much of the crime was due to the drugs he was taking? As Dawn pursues the truth about the murder, she hears instances of his violence as a child. She has decided to visit her father in prison before his upcoming release. She knows that pursuing the subject is causing a rift with her mother, who demands she leave the case alone.

Dominic says he remembers nothing of Stephanie's murder and mutilation due to the medication. Dawn is thinking of other possible suspects. Could he be innocent? She has connections that find him a warehouse job and a place to live upon release. Not many are happy when they learn of his true identity.

There is a brutal murder where the victim is horribly beaten and then stabbed. Who committed this savage act? Who does the phrase 'Vengeance is Mine' refer to? A tragic suicide follows.
This is a riveting tale with a well-constructed plot, many twists and turns, and realistic characters. The story involves revenge, blame, lies, deceit, long-held hatred, medical malpractice, and conflict.
The final reveal is a jaw-dropping shocker that I did not see coming. 'Vengeance is Mine' is due to be published on June 29th. Recommended.

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Dawn Shepherd had always been told that her mother didn’t know who her father was.
Until, one day her mother finally tells her that her father is in fact a notorious child killer who is about to be released from prison.
Shaken Dawn is initially angry that she was lied to, then she begins to ask for more information about him. But how much does Dawn really want to know about the man who killed a young girl, what if she shares more than DNA with him?
This is a story of a young woman desperate to find the truth about her family and how far the ripples spread when someone is killed.
Having read the Matilda Darke and Olivia Winter books I knew Michael Wood was a great writer and this standalone does not disappoint. It’s pacy, different. With a good twist.

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"Vengeance is Mine" by Michael Wood, is a gripping tale that unravels a haunting mystery spanning two decades. The story opens with the gruesome murder of Stephanie White, a young girl whose tragic death haunts the quiet streets of Northumberland to this day.
Dawn Shephard, who has spent her life in the shadow of her father's unknown identity, is thrust into a labyrinth of secrets when her mother reveals the shocking truth about her parentage as the release of Stephanie's convicted killer looms ominously close.
As Dawn delves deeper into her father's past, she uncovers a chilling connection that blurs the lines between innocence and guilt, pushing her to question her own identity and the dark legacy that may be intertwined with her bloodline. The narrative unfolds with tension and suspense, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as Dawn races against time to uncover the truth.
Having previously enjoyed Michael Wood's work, particularly "A Mind of A Murderer," I approached this novel with high expectations. While the structure and storyline took an unexpected turn, focusing heavily on Dawn's journey rather than a traditional police procedural, I found this deviation to be a refreshing and original take on the genre.
Despite the innovative approach, I struggled to connect with the characters, especially Dawn, who came across as somewhat unlikeable. The repetitive nature of certain phrases detracted from the overall reading experience, although the novel presented thought-provoking moral dilemmas and intriguing concepts that kept me engaged.
While "Vengeance is Mine" may not have surpassed my expectations set by Wood's previous work, it remains a compelling read that delves into the complexities of family secrets, unseen truths, and the blurred boundaries between justice and vengeance. Fans of psychological thrillers and twisty mysteries will find much to appreciate in this dark and atmospheric tale that challenges perceptions and keeps you guessing until the final page.

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For Dawn Shephard, life was fairly simple. She grew up not knowing her father, but her mother was more than enough. Then the stories start circulating that a murdered will be released on a technicality after 20 long years and her mother has no choice but to let her know this is her father.
Initially, she can't decide if she's even willing to meet her father or if she wants him in her life, so she starts with her grandfather who has not seen his son since he went to prison for a brutal murder 2 decades ago, despite always proclaiming his innocence. Dawn keeps digging deeper to see if she can find the truth about what really happen all those years ago.

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Twenty years ago teenager Stephanie White was murdered and now her killer is due to be released from prison. Dawn discovers her father is a convicted killer, however he protests his innocence. Can Dawn trust someone she’s never met and will she uncover what really happened?

I read my first Michael Wood book, A Mind Of A Murderer, not so long ago and enjoyed it, therefore was excited to read his new book. The structure and overall storyline wasn’t what I was expecting, as I thought it would read more like the usual police procedural, however this was split in two parts with a lot of focus on Dawn. This wasn’t a bad thing overall and added something a bit more original to the novel.

I felt like the main characters were quite unlikeable and I found it hard to connect with them, especially Dawn. I also found it quite repetitive with a lot of phrases being repeated. Although I preferred this author’s other book, this definitely wasn’t a bad read and makes you think about moral dilemmas while creating some interesting concepts. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in return for an honest review.

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This is a standalone novel by Michael Wood. Dawn Shepherd's mother, Rita, is about to reveal to her who her father is. He is about to be released from prison after 20 years incarcerated. Dominic Griffiths murdered Stephanie White who was 13 years old in 1999. She was found in his attic close to her home. Dominic does not remember killing her. He was taking a drug called Fenadine which made him do violent things. His early release is due to the drug being found to make people violent. He is receiving 1 million from the drug manufacture and an early release. Dawn wants to meet her father and try to get to know him and is curious if he is a murderer. Does a killer's blood run through Dawn's veins? She goes to visit Dominic's parents to find out what they know about their son. This is a gripping novel and as Dawn learn the truth about her father, we also learn the shocking truth in the end. If you like suspenseful novels with a twist, you will love this book. I'm looking forward to reading Michael Wood's DCI Matilda Drake series as I found him to be an excellent writer.

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Wow. Just wow. I loved this book. Michael Wood is one of my favourite authors as his books never, ever disappoint. Dark, gruesome and twists you don't see coming I can't recommend this book highly enough!

Winter series, comes a standalone thriller to keep you up all night!

'An engrossing read that kept me guessing throughout’ Patricia Gibney


Twenty years ago, a young girl vanished from a quiet street in Northumberland. When her body was found in an attic close to her home, the whole neighbourhood was shocked.


For her entire life, Dawn Shephard has never known her father. But when news breaks that a murderer is about to be released from prison, her mother has no choice but to reveal his identity.


As Dawn digs into her father’s history, she lands on a chilling connection. And the closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous it becomes. Just how far will she go to discover if a killer’s blood runs through her veins.

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I love Michael Wood and I loved this book. Excellent storyline and well written.
I would thoroughly recommend.

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Vengeance is Mine. I had no idea how this story was going to evolve. Throughout the book I guessed, wrongly, I might add,, as to who to believe. 21 year old Dawn has just been informed who her father is , the murrderer Dominic Griffiths. Dawn investigates her father's life before deciding whether she wants to meet him.. This is a tense gripping read which I enjoyed thoroughly.

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Twenty years ago, a young girl vanished from a quiet street in Northumberland. When her body is found in an attic close to her home, the whole neighbourhood was shocked.


For her entire life, Dawn Shephard has never known her father. But when news breaks that a murderer is about to be released from prison, her mother has no choice but to reveal his identity.


As Dawn digs into her father's history, she lands on a chilling connection. And the closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous it becomes. Just how far will she go to discover if a killer's blood runs through her veins?

This is a new standalone novel. Twenty years ago, thirteen-year-old Stephanie is kidnapped and brutally murdered. We are kept guessing throughout this book to the identity of the culprit. There are some great twists and lots going on in this gripping read. The suspense builds throughout. This domestic thriller has plenty of drama. Dawn wants to find out the truth about her father, Dominic - is he a murderer? But will she like the answers she's looking for?

Published 29th June 2024

I would like to thank #NetGalley #HarperCollinsUK #OneMoreChapter and the author #MichaelWood for my ARC of #VengeanceIsMine in exchange for an honest review.

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