Member Reviews

Vengeance is Mine by Michael Wood is a gripping standalone thriller.
Dawn Shepherd learns that her father is a convicted murderer who is soon to be released after serving 20 years. His defence claim that his crime was due to the use of a prescription drug that affected his behaviour. Is Dawn's father a cold-blooded killer or the victim of a miscarriage of justice?
As Dawn searches for the truth, she talks to the people involved in the case and builds up a strong relationship with her paternal grandfather.
This is a well-written story with plenty of twists that kept me turning the pages. The pace picked up towards the end, leading to the shocking conclusion.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for an arc. All opinions are my own.

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A brilliant thriller.
Kept me wanting more. so many twists and turns that I didn't see coming.
Loved the standalone book

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The notorious disappearance of 13-year-old Stephanie White, and subsequent discovery of her body, shocked and revolted Newcastle twenty years ago. Dominic Griffiths was convicted of her murder, but now he has served his sentence and is about to be released.

When Dawn Shepherd finds out that Dominic is the father she grew up not knowing, she digs into his case - not realising how dangerous this may be for her, especially as she knows whose blood is running through her veins.

This is another great standalone book from Michael Wood - what stops me from giving it the full 5* is that I guessed the ending, so it felt a touch obvious to me! Still a great book though - 4*.

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Michael Wood is a new author to me this year, and after reading The Mind of a Murderer, I was keen to read more. Vengeance is Mine is a stand-alone thriller that I could not put it down. It was compelling reading and kept me guessing until the very end. And what an ending!!! Wow, this is another must read by this author.

Dawn Shepherd was raised by a single mother in Newcastle, England. She has never known her father.l and she is about to get the shock of her life. Her mother finally tells her the truth, her father is in prison for the murder of a 13 year old girl 20 years earlier. She is only telling her this as he is about to be released. Dawn is horrified, shocked and confused. Does she want to know him? Why did he do it? She decides that she needs answers and starts to talk to his family and the victims mother. What will she find out? a does she want to be part of his life? you need to read it to find out.

I really liked Dawn, and they say that she questioned everything. Was she going to be like him, would her mother ever speak to her again if she was to form a relationship with him? It takes over her life and so was there for it all.

Such a great read, highly recommend.

Published on June 29th, get this on your TBR.

Thanks so much to Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter for my advanced copy of this book to read.

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and HarperCollins UK one more chapter,and the brilliant author Michael wood for an early copy of his book to read.

This is a standalone book,
Another fantastic read from one of my favourite authors,.twenty years ago a murder of a young girl,the culprit is in prision,hes getting out of prison an early release.the parents of the murdered girl is devastated hes getting out..Dawn discovers the killer is her father,she wants to find out more information and his background, she finds her grandfather who believes his son committed the he guilty? or is he innocent.?another brilliant book from this author,looking forward to reading his next book..highly recommend his books.

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon uk and waterstone's.

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Wow! What a fantastic read. Michael Wood has done it again. From first page he draws you into each character, I particularly liked the relationship between Dawn and Anthony, the ending was very unexpected. I love Michael's books and this was up there as one of the best

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I did find it very slow to begin with and then the book took off w=somewhere in the middle and that then made me interested in this book. I'm not a fan of sloe burns unless the rest of the book excels in the quality of the story. The plot is interesting but I just wasn't into the writing style.

I didn't like Dawn;s character either. I did find her winy at times.

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This is an excellent thriller, written in two parts with the plotting focusing on the impact on victims of serious crimes. I won't go into that any more for fear of spoilers but it's a really well written tale. The characterisation is good and I liked Dawn who is determined to find out the truth irrespective of the cost to her. As she uncovers secrets and lies, the twists and the tension ramped up until the final chapter. I would highly recommend the read to lovers of thrillers, you won't be disappointed. Thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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Secrets, lies, murder, and loyalty are the names of the game in Vengeance Is Mine. I found this book to be gripping, hard to put down, full of twists, tension, and reveals. Michael Wood has delivered a shocking and thrilling page turner!

Dawn Shepherd was raised by a single mother and never knew who her father was until one day in a state of distress, her mother tells her. Dawn is shocked to learn her father is Dominic Griffiths, a convicted killer, who is going to be released soon. Twenty years ago, thirteen-year-old Stephanie White was abducted and murdered by Dominic, who Dawn's mother described as quiet, kind but controlling.

Dawn sets out on a mission to learn more about her father, his past, his family, her parent’s relationship, and Stephanie's murder. Dominic has always claimed his innocence in killing the young teen, while also saying he does not remember what happened.

I had a hard time putting this book down. I thought Michael Wood did a great job in showing how wanting to learn more about her father caused tension between Dawn and her mother, Rita. I was drawn into the investigation, the supporting characters, the twists, the revelations and drama. I thought I had things figured out and was left with my jaw hanging open at one reveal.

Well written, well thought out, gripping, and shocking!

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A great standalone novel I have read all of the Matilda Darke ones but this was just as good.
Stephanie White was murdered by Dominic Griffith 20 years ago Dawn Shepherd finds out that he is her father her mother couldn’t keep it a secret any longer as he was due for release from prison. It looks like he did actually kill her as all the evidence against him was overwhelming but things are not all what they seem so Dawn does her own investigation with surprising results.

Really enjoyed the book it was tense and gripping.

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins for an ARC

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This was a bit of a slow burn which meant the ending felt quite rushed. I didn't like the ending, I felt it could have gone another way and it would've been more interesting. There's no denying that Wood is a good writer and engages you in the story but they don't always go the way I'd like.

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3.5 ⭐

We've got copious amounts of family drama in this one folks. A daughter learning of the existence of her mysterious, possibly murderous Dad. A prescription drug that potentially makes its users go bonkers at times. A whole lot of investigating and mystery solving.

I enjoyed this book while I was reading it, but I wasn't drawn back to it when I put it down. It took me quite a long time to get through it. That could be due to lack of suspense and not really finding myself invested in the outcome. I'm not usually interested in domestic thrillers as family relationships aren't really my jam, so this is definitely a me issue, not an issue with the book itself. I did find the twist at the end quite surprising and the ending was satisfying.

This book would be perfect for anyone who likes a little family drama mixed into their thriller. It is well written and I look forward to reading more of this Author's books in the future.

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When I first saw this book I assumed it was going to be a new Matilda Darke story so was a little disappointed when it turned out to be a standalone. But not for long. I was soon so engrossed in this story that a hurricane could have been blowing around me and I wouldn't have noticed.
How on earth do you deal with the news that your father has spent most of your life in jail for the murder of a child. And not just that, he is being released any day soon. I don't know what I would do but I think I might just leave well enough alone. But that wouldn't make for much of a story so thankfully Dawn decides she needs to know more. From this point this book completely absorbed me. I had so many questions. Did he do it? If so why? Does Dawn have the DNA of a brutal murderer buried deep inside. My mouth was dry, my fingernails were non-existent and my mind was in a whirl before got to the end. And what an ending. I could have guessed for a week and still not come up with that scenario. So, Michael Wood doesn't just write great police procedurals, he writes awesome psychological thrillers too.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book.

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Engaging and gripping, this standalone thriller is something out of the ordinary. Dawn is the child of a single parent and the narrative is mostly told in her own words. I found it to be a compelling and intriguing plot and it follows the consequences of Dawn discovering her father's identity. I loved all the surprises and twists and the central theme of food to lighten the mood. Highly recommended.

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Dawn’s mother has just told her the truth about her father. Not only does her mother know exactly who and where he is, but she purposely kept the information from Dawn. It turns out that he’s a convicted murderer in prison, but not for much longer, as he’s about to be released. Wanting more information about him, she talks to pretty much everyone she can find who knew him somehow. She’s torn between wanting to meet her flesh and blood and staying away from a convicted murderer.

As the story progresses, she forges relationships with previously unknown family members but remains hesitant to trust anyone connected to her paternal side. Worst of all, she can’t help thinking that if her father’s capable of murder, what does that say about his blood running through her veins?

I’d never read a book by this author before, and I was pleasantly surprised. Just like Dawn, the reader is kept in suspense about her father’s character and what will happen if Dawn decides to reach out. The victim’s parents also factor into the story, and we can see the pain it causes them to have their child’s murderer free on the streets. Often a story is told from only one point of view, not from people in both the murderer’s family and the victim’s family, and I think the author nailed both. I’d recommend this book for sure.

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I love Michael’s books but this wasn’t my favourite. I thought part one was a bit slow and the book on a whole was repetitive.

Thank you for my advanced reading copy, I look forward to Michael’s next book.

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Michael Wood knows how to write a triller that by the end my head is spinning.

Dawn has only been raised by her mom for 20+ years. Now she finds out that her dad is a murderer that is about to released from prison.

This book took twist and turns and didn’t stop until the very end until my jaw was on the floor. This book was so fast paced and I loved every single bit of it. Every thriller I’ve read by Michael Wood is unique.

My one issue with this book and it was through out the entire book. Michael Wood’s main character is a female and she is constantly talking about her weight. So much that it was interfering with me enjoying the story as it made me want to roll my eyes.

Other then that this is one of my top favorite thrillers for the year.

APK: Ebook
Pages: 403
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Series or Standalone: Stand-alone

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A really good standalone book by this great author. I read that he actually started this book many years ago and as time has gone on he has added and made changes to it. I have followed his wonderful Matilda Darke series for a long time but was pleased I requested this book.

Stephanie White was murdered at the tender age of thirteen by a man called Dominic Griffiths. she had been given a gift of rollerblades by her parents for her birthday and had left home to test them out and see if she was able to use them before showing her friends. Dominic lured her behind some shops and brutally took her life, a crime her parents have never recovered from twenty years later.

For many years Dawn Shepherds mother Rita told her she had had a one night stand and did not know the identity of her father, unfortunately for Dawn at twenty one years of age, Rita then confesses that her father is in prison for the murder of young Stephanie. Dawn then decides to make contact with Dominic as she wants to know what could make a man commit such a terrible act and hopes that by getting to know him she may find some answers. She also wonders what traits she may have inherited from her father, obviously this revelation has knocked her for six.

Soon lives will be ruined and the author really does a fabulous job of showing the human emotional side of the people affected by this crime. Totally captivating this book will hold your attention throughout and there will be quite a few surprises, especially at the end, I thought I had it all worked out but I was way off the mark. Highly recommended.

Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy, all opinions expressed are my own.

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I love Michael Wood books and Vengeance is Mine was no exception. I follow the Matilda Darke books so it was a chance to read a standalone book. It was an excellent read with justice being served eventually with a totally unexpected ending. Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity of an early read.

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Michael Wood is a new author to me. I have heard so many recommendations for the DCI Matilda Darke series, that I knew he was an author I must read. Vengeance is Mine is a standalone thriller.

Dawn is a run of the mill twenty-something, happy, weight obsessed, enjoys her work and money is tight. She has a close relationship with her Mum, as she has never known her Dad.

Dawn’s mum, Rita, finds herself in a cell after a heavy night of drinking, very uncharacteristically. This is the catalyst for the truth, Rita knows who Dawn’s father is, Dominic Griffiths. A name everybody knows, due to being imprisoned for life, for the Stephanie White case. A 13 year old who was taken on her birthday, and tragically didn’t live to see another day.
The revelation, understandably, turns Dawn’s life upside down.

I found the story drew me in from the very beginning, and felt it showed the widespread, and long lasting impact that such a devastating crime causes. Not only for the victim’s family, and wider community, but also for the perpetrator’s family too. I enjoyed the writing style, loved the twists and turns, and the fast pace of the story.

I did find myself a little frustrated at Dawn’s character. I know many of us can be self critical, or short of confidence, me included; but the constant references to her car and weight felt excessive to me. There were also times where she was so singleminded in her approach, that she didn’t seem to consider the feelings of others involved.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book, and will definitely look for For Reasons Unknown, the first book in the Matilda Darke series. It’s 4.5⭐️ from me.

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