Member Reviews

Thank you to Chloe Cummings at Harper Collins for the ARC copy, which I devoured.
Just when you think Michael Wood's books can't impress you any more, he produces something that knocks all others out of the park. Gritty, harrowing, stark - this one has all the adjectives and more.
The story is told in first person, and brilliantly so by someone of the opposite sex. We see through the eyes of Dawn Shepherd, an overweight, single woman, who is shocked to discover that her father, never previously talked about by her mother, is a child murderer who is about to be released from prison. The story that unfolds from these opening pages shows real emotion, which is not easy to portray but Michael excels at this. I couldn't love this book more if I tried.

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Even though Dawn has never known who her father was, she has had a happy upbringing and is close to her mum, Rita. Her world is about to be rocked though when she discovers that her dad is actually in prison for killing a thirteen year old girl. I mean, how do you come to terms with something like that? Dominic has always insisted that he didn’t kill her and there is doubt in Dawn’s mind as well as the reader all the way through the story.

The story is both heartbreaking and chilling in equal measure. Dawn takes it upon herself to find out more about her father by talking to those who knew him best as well as the parents of the victim. It didn’t make for easy reading with what she learns and Barbara and Harry, the parents of the girl who was murdered, it really tore at my heart at all they had been through. I have to say the story took a turn I hadn’t expected and it’s fair to say I was in complete shock by the end.

Vengeance is Mine was a totally engrossing read that I struggled to put down. I had so many questions which all do get answered but they weren’t always the ones I had hoped for. Maybe I just like to see the best in people. I raced through the pages to find out the truth and boy did it get my head in a spin. The author is a master at creating chilling and thrilling stories that never disappoint. Dark, tense with some unexpected twists, I absolutely loved it!

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I didn’t particularly love this book. I found it a bit hard to follow. It kept my interest but I think there were a few too many layers. It ended up coming together in the end but I think it was kind of far fetched.

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I have recently become a Michael Wood fan, so I was super excited to read his new standalone. 3 stars for Vengeance is Mine! Dawn Shepherd never knew who her father was growing up- well surprise he's in jail for murder. The story kept my attention, but the ending fell a little flat for me. I also didn't love Dawn as one of the main characters. Overall, however, it was a unique story and I enjoyed reading!

Thanks to HarperCollinsUK and NetGalley for the ARC!

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This talented author has written a page turner with so many twists and turns. A brutal murder starts the hunt for the truth…this not a cozy mystery, so be prepared…it reads like true crime. Vengeance…family and friends…secrets and red herrings…a powerful novel. Thanks Netgalley

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This is the second book by Michael Wood that I have read. The other being ‘Mind of a Murderer’. There is some similarity in the stories in that in both a young woman is estranged from her father and must deal with the consequences. Dawn Shepherd has never known who her father is , until now. What she discovers about him , sets her on a journey of piecing together her father’s life. She discovers a grandfather too and develops a close relationship with him. I was drawn into the story slowly and once I was gripped I couldn’t put it down. The ending was surprising but completely believable. The book’s title is thoroughly apt - but who is taking vengeance? Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for an ARC.

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Twenty years ago, a young girl vanished from a quiet street in Northumberland. When her body was found in an attic close to her home, the whole neighborhood was shocked. For her entire life, Dawn Shephard has never known her father. But when news breaks that a murderer is about to be released from prison, her mother has no choice but to reveal his identity. As Dawn digs into her father’s history, she lands on a chilling connection. And the closer she gets to the truth, the more dangerous it becomes. Just how far will she go to discover if a killer’s blood runs through her veins?

I love how Wood approaches the crime in a way that we see how everyone is affected in different ways. This was brilliantly written. So many twists and turns toward the end. Truly a page turner, especially the second half. I highly recommend this to thriller fans!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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This is an interesting book.. It seems like everyone has secrets and its really good at keeping them,. This book will keep you guessing who is hiding what and what to believe about whether the awful crime at the start of the book was the result of a dangerous drug causing someone to act out of character.......or was it due to something else. Dawn Shepard is determined to find out if her father is the monster everyone thinks he is or if there is something else to blame. Really enjoyable read.

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Well heck yeh if you want a standalone thriller full of twists that will keep you guessing till the end then this is the book for you it’s fantastic.
The story is told in 2 parts mainly the first part setting the scene for what’s to come and oh boy there was a lot to come and I absolutely loved the ending it was so satisfying.
This is my second book by Michael Wood the first being The Mind Of a Murderer which I really enjoyed also he seems to have the knack of drawing you into a story and keeping your attention throughout the read.
The characters in this were all excellently written my favourite being Dawn and particularly liked her love of chocolate and probably food in general!
So a read I just got lost in and forgot everything else, I was so invested in the well crafted plot and I didn’t guess who did what and don’t you just love that about a read , I can’t wait for more from the author I really do think his books are breathtakingly clever and can highly recommend this one.
My thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thanks to Netgalley and One Chapter More for the ARC of this book.
I absolutely loved this book. The storyline is very different and intriguing.
Anyone reading this will not be disappointed as it keeps on giving the more you read and the ending is exceptional.
More please.

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Wow, what a rollercoaster! I would finish a chapter and think about how much I disliked the main character, as I could not agree with her thought process. I felt some parts were drawn out, but everything is tied up nicely and makes sense in the end. So much so that I was left speechless. The author has a great way of adding surprise twists and turns.

A convicted child murderer is about to be released from prison and Dawn finds out this man is her father. She struggles to cope with this new information while also attempting to find the truth in his claimed innocence.

A true psychological thriller that needs to be on your to be read list!!

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What if you had been raised by a single mother and had spent your life wondering, perhaps imagining who your father was? Your mum declined to give details; after all, she loved you and gave you all you needed. Then, one day, she came out with a shocking revelation: your father is alive, is a convicted murderer, and is soon to be released from prison!

That’s what happened to Dawn Shephard in Vengeance Is Mine. She's a newly hired paralegal in Newcastle. Her emotions run the gamut from shocked, bewildered, disgusted to - what? Sympathy? Anger? Yes. Why hadn’t her mum told her the truth before now? They’ve had a close relationship and now this bombshell could put a wedge between them. Dawn’s way of coping with any kind of stress is food. Despite her concern about her weight, however, everyone tells her that she’s a good-looking young woman. She certainly is determined once she sets her mind on something.

Twenty years earlier, Stephanie White donned her birthday gifts, a soccer jersey and a pair of roller skates, and headed down the street in Northumberland. When she stopped to rest, she had been approached by a man, who talked to her kindly. That was the last she was seen alive. Her dismembered body was found in the home of her killer, a young man who adamantly denied the murder.

Throughout the much of the first half of the story, Dawn was quite conflicted about her feelings toward her father. Part of her wanted to go on with her life, while another part desperately needed to meet the father she had never known existed. At times, I struggled with these chapters as the narrative moved rather slowly and gave me an uneasy feeling. I suspected things would not end well. I was right!

However, my prognostication was off by a mile! The pace picked up considerably in the second half of the book, and the finale was something to behold! I’m not sure this would ever happen in real life, but who cares? This is fiction!

I received a digital copy of Vengeance Is Mine in return for my honest review. My thoughts and opinions are my own. Thanks to NetGalley, One More Chapter, and Michael Wood.

3.5 stars rounded up

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Two murders 20 years apart, tied together from the perspective of a young para legal who discovers her father has apparently committed the first crime.

As ever, the author keeps the story rattling along at pace as we lurch from sympathy to horror. Could an individual commit such a terrible crime? Was he innocent? Under the influence or something else? This free standing crime novel is a welcome addition to the Michael Wood collection - looking forward to more!

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I couldn't wait to read this. It was everything I expected and more.

It did feel a little slower paced than Michaels Matilda Darke series, but it was still very engaging. Lots of plot twists had me hooked on how it would unfold.

I didn't predict the ending. Very clever! Very twisted!

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I really enjoy Michael Wood books, but this is not my favourite.
Maybe my expectations were too high based on his previous books.
I felt it didn't quite hit its stride until.half way through the book, and then , for me, it picked up considerably. It got very interesting from there.
There's a few nice surprises , as always thrown in.

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What a great story from one of my favourite authors. It was a dark, twisty fast paced thriller read which had me hooked from the beginning until the very last page

All the characters were interesting and my thoughts on the culprit kept changing throughout.

What can I say about the ending....... just brilliant with everything explained and what a shock

Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins One More Chapter for this ARC which I have no hesitation in recommending.

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Wow!! What an ending!! Shocking! This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, action, murder, mystery, kidnapping, a fantastic who done it and some crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and had me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book! It had a fantastic shocking ending that I loved!! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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A twisty mystery story with a fantastic ending! The story starts with the disappearance of a young girl. Twenty years later her murderer is waiting for release from prison, having denied murdering her for all this time. Dawn Shepherd is told that this man is the father she has never known and begins to investigate the murder. There is a real twist in the tale and ultimately justice is served and vengeance extracted. A good read.

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This is the story of the murder of a young girl and the discovery, years later, that the murderer is the father of the main character, Dawn Shepherd. I don’t want to give away too much as there are many potential plot-spoilers.

The first half of the novel is written in the first person by Dawn, the second in the third person from the points of view of several family members and the police, two of whom are also family members. More deaths occur but I wasn’t sure whether I quite believed the denouement. Despite that, it’s a rattling good yarn told by a master of his craft. Recommended.

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Vengeance is Mine by Michael Wood is a stand alone thriller about a man convicted of the death of a young 13 year old girl, who is about to be released after serving 20 years of his sentence still proclaiming his innocence and stating that it was because of being given a drug which caused his behaviour to change, as had been proven in other cases.
The character, Dawn Shepherd takes up the first half of the storyline and she is told before the killer, Dominic Griffiths is released from prison, that she is his daughter, although her mother, Rita brought her up on her own. It is only in the second part of the book that the reader can follow logically what happens when Dominic is released from prison and what happens to all of the people affected by the death of Stephanie White, the 13 year old girl.
It makes compelling reading, as to who did what and why and whether justice then was served.
Highly recommended

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