Member Reviews

This is B P Walter at his best in my opinion. I absolutely loved his first book and then The Dinner Guest, and this was written in the same way.

I lapped it up and couldn't read it quick enough! Great writing.

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Wonderful read, high tension and good pace. Kept me totally hooked from start to finish. Perfect read

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This is a wonderful read! The tension is so high and the secrets are abundant. I enjoyed the love/hate feeling the characters evoked in my. It’’s a must read!

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WOW. I absolutely LOVED this book! It's one of the best books I've read in a long time.
I was drawn in immediately, I just couldn't put it down. I read it in one sitting.

This is only the second book I've read from B.P. Walter, the first being Notes On A Murder, which was also fantastic. I'll definitely be looking up all his previous books after this.

The Garden Party was full of drama, intrigue, lust and betrayal. It gave me Saltburn vibes.
Harris is s great main character, relatable and likable. Apart from Rhys, the rest of the characters aren't very likable at all. They are charming at times, but they are definitely characters you'll love to hate.

I very highly recommend, and I can't wait to see what B.P. Walter comes up with next.

5 well deserved stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Netgalley, One More Chapter, HarperCollins UK, and B.P. Walter for the chance to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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In "The Garden Party", what should have been a joyous celebration for Raphael and his fiancée Lucy becomes the perfect stage for revenge. The garden party, intended to toast the couple's engagement, swiftly turns into a showcase of long-buried family secrets.

The narrative unfolds primarily through the eyes of Harris, a teenager whose life is upended when his parents die in a car accident. He is taken in by the Montcrieff family—Patrick, the caring father; Isabelle, the cold mother; and Raphael, their aloof son. While Patrick welcomes Harris with open arms, Isabelle and Raphael make their discontent clear.

As the party progresses, tensions rise. Lucy, the fiancée, is pregnant, and the family’s attempt to keep this under wraps only deepens the sense of unease. The story reveals the characters’ deep-seated grudges and hidden agendas, making for a gripping drama where each revelation intensifies the stakes.

The characters’ lack of empathy and the tangled web of secrets drive the narrative. Harris, feeling deeply wronged, schemes his form of retribution, and as the evening unfolds, the party devolves into a dramatic clash of secrets and revenge. The strong plot and intense character dynamics ensure a riveting read, even if the characters themselves are hard to like.

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This was different , completely unlikeable characters that I dispised. Most of it was unrealistic . I really struggled to connect with the characters so it had an impact on my feelings.

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The Garden Party by author BP Walter is a psychological mystery with a perfect family with hidden secrets. that can unravel

A garden celebration is the setting for a story of intrigue, suspense and the revelation of dark secrets. The garden party is been held to celebrate the engagement of Raphael and his fiancée, but as the guests gather it soon becomes clear that this is not to be the happy occasion planned. Tension builds throughout as secrets are unravelled and there is a constant feeling that something is going to happen.

Very good characters that are developed to show a deeper layer to their personalities as the story unfolds. The characters have secrets and they impact on others which adds to the intrigue and suspense. This was not my favourite BP Walter novel but was still an entertaining read that I would score 3.5 rounded up to 4.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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I’m new to this author, The Garden Party is a suspenseful, drama filled story that had family members showing their true colours!
A family gathering should be cause for celebration, as this story unfolds the tension grows and secrets are revealed. I found the storyline fast paced with twists and turns to add to the suspense.
The characters all have different personalities and at times I felt sad for each person’s situation, This happy occasion brings out the best and worst of the family dynamics, honesty brings discontent to all present and it’s difficult to see what the outcome will be!
Thanks to the publisher, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This should have been a beautiful engagement/garden party for the happy couple. The tension in this book was crazy! The family definitely has some major secrets, and I couldn’t stop reading, because I couldn’t wait to learn more secrets!

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I love BP Walter. One if the best psychological thriller writers out there. A brilliant, twisty and mysterious summer story... highly recommended xx

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The party should've been a celebration of love for Raphael and his fiancée Lauren as they celebrate their engagement with their nearest and dearest. But for one member of the family it's an opportunity for the secrets and lies the family have been hiding to be unveiled. As they raise their glasses to toast the secrets that bind them begin to crack and what should've been one of the happiest days of their lives might just be a day they wish they could forget.

I really enjoyed this it had me gripped from the first page and I didn't want to put it down. I liked how this was written in both past and present and each family member had their own part so it didn't get confusing. If you've liked B.P Walters work before you'll enjoy this highly recommend

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The story unfolds at an engagement party for Raphael Moncrieff and his fiancée, a seemingly perfect event that quickly spirals into chaos as long-hidden family secrets are unveiled.

The narrative moves between past and present, revealing the complex history of Harris, a teenager adopted by the Moncrieff family after his parents' tragic deaths.

What begins as a celebration of love turns into a day of reckoning ..

It features a rich array of characters, each with their own flaws and secrets. Some are just awful - in the best kind of way. Harris, initially a sympathetic character, reveals layers of complexity and darkness as the story progresses. Isabelle and Raphael Moncrieff are privileged, dysfunctional, and utterly monstrous.

The pacing worked perfectly for me, I was hooked from the start and binged this by the pool in a day. The alternating timelines create a suspenseful buildup, effectively maintaining tension as the story progresses. Written from multiple perspectives, the narrative style adds depth to the story and enhances the reading experience.

I loved the dark, twisty conclusion and the revelations that tied the story together. There are several shocking twists and some wonderfully dark.

In summary, it’s a dark psychological thriller that delves into themes of revenge, family secrets, and the complexities of human relationships.

It’s my 7th book by BP Walter, and he remains a must read author for me. A huge thanks to One More Chapter and NetGalley for the gifted copy - all opinions are my own.

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The family Manor plays host to an extravagant garden party, a lush affair organised to draw together family and friends and the perfect opportunity to celebrate a happy engagement. It is also the platform for guests to take centre stage and air their deepest ires. This is one party, you don't want to be invited to. Brimming with tensions, vengeance and a toxic atmosphere, it promises to be an explosive party with all the secrets spilling to the surface. #thegardenparty #bpwalter #netgalley

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Sometimes all you need from a book is a plot you can follow and a story that doesn’t challenge you immensely. This is well written and doesn’t make you stretch your imagination. I actually loved it and would recommend it.

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An incredible book with wonderful characters and a beautiful setting. It will keep you guessing until the end.

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Entertaining read with good twists and turns . I read it in one go , would be a good poolside read .

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✨ Engagement party
✨ Predictable ending
✨ Lies and Drama

The story evolves with Raphael and his fiance, which contains of excitement and full of love. But it turns out to be a celebration of lies and drama .

✨ the ending is quite predictable, I did not find the characters likeable but abit flat. Knowing the ending and plot was similar to other books this one was quite disappointing.
However, it’s engaging at some point but o think it needs a little tweak to make it more likeable .

Thankyou @harpercollins,onechapter for the opportunity to review this arc for a honest review.


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I would rate this 2.75 out of 5 stars.

Unfortunately this thriller fell a little flat for me - I overall found the writing to be a little simplistic and the story quite predictable, I kept waiting for a reveal that never came and I also didn't really enjoy the end of the story.

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Tension spills over at an engagement party for Raphael and his fiancée. Someone uses the opportunity to reveal family secrets and lies, setting in motion a deadly plan.

This is the first book I've read by B P Walter and I really enjoyed it. Characterisation was good, as was the plot. Although most of the main characters were privileged and obnoxious, I still found myself being drawn into their lives and captivated.

The story unfolds through a shifting timeline of past and present, which I thought worked very well. However, it lacked plot twists — the reader kind of knew where the story was heading. I wanted a jaw-dropping "what the heck!" shock but it didn't come. That being said, it was good and I'm looking forward to reading more from this author.

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I’ve really enjoyed most of the author’s novels and The Garden Party was an equally enjoyable read. I was drawn into it from the beginning and intrigued by the relationship between Harris and his adoptive family. Harris is adopted as a teenager after his parents die in a car crash. He is adopted by the wealthy Montcrieffs - Patrick, Isabelle and their son Raphael. At Raphael’s engagement party we discover that Harris is there to gain revenge and the novel moves back and forwards from the party to the previous few years after Harris’ adoption.
The first two thirds of the novel take the reader through the relationship Harris has with the Montcrieffs and their appalling treatment of him. This section of the novel is well paced and has the right level of tension. None of the characters including Harris are particularly likeable but the Montcrieffs, especially Isabelle are monstrous and I was keen to discover how Harris would carry out his revenge. Once this becomes clear I felt that the novel became too rushed and ridiculous towards the end.
3.5 stars
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

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