Member Reviews

Another good one from B.P. Walter.

Full of intrigue and surprises with lots of "what" moments.

I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next. I flew through this one.

I love that this author always keeps you guessing. This is a good one to go into not knowing anything about it before hand.

Thanks to netgalley and One More Chapter for the arc.

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Another fantastic book by B P Walter! I’ll read everything this author writes, I just know I’ll love it.

Wonderful, interesting characters - some who behave shockingly and some you just want to hug and take care of. The story was so good, I couldn’t wait to fine out what got the main character to that point in his life and I loved the different timelines, going back and forth from the past to the present, I was hooked from the beginning.
Brilliantly written as always by one of my favourite authors by far.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for providing me with an e-arc!

Engagements, garden parties, family.. supposed to be enjoyable and a fun time right.. Three family members, three damning secrets. One party unleashes it all.

I really enjoyed how the story was laid out, three secrets broken into separate chapters about three people. Some I saw coming but some my jaw definitely dropped for.

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#TheGardenParty #NetGalley
A fun read.
The perfect family. The perfect celebration. The perfect day for revenge. The day of the garden party should’ve been a celebration of love for Raphael and his fiancée, as they toast their engagement with their families. But for someone, it’s an opportunity to unveil the lies that have bound the family together over the years. With their nearest and dearest gathered at the family manor, as the first glass is raised, the secrets that bind them begin to crack. And what should have been the happiest day of their lives, might just end as a day they’d rather forget.
It was ok ok.
Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK One More Chapter for giving me an advance copy.

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Absolutely love every book written by this author and this one did not disappoint.

A family with so many secrets that can only be buried for so long and the Garden Party is the place that they will all be aired.

Multiple character read but in no way confusing

would give more than 5 stars if possible

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I finished the book in one sitting since it raced along quickly, and I must say that I really enjoyed it. It is definitely up there with the best works by this author.

The Garden Party, which is told from a variety of points of view, mostly centers on Harris, a young adolescent whose life is completely upended after his parents are murdered in a car accident. The Montcrieff family, consisting of Rafaele, his father, Patrick, and mother, Isabelle, adopt him. Patrick is the only one who appears to genuinely care for him when he arrives at their house. His wife Isabelle and son Rafaele do not appear to be at all pleased that this has happened.

The novel revolves around a garden party hosted for Rafaelle Montcrieff and his fiancée Lucy, who has to be the most annoying character in the book. She is pregnant, and rather than having a big wedding, they are throwing this party before the pregnancy is obvious because they don't want anyone to find out. You should learn something about this family just from this.

You won't like any of these individuals, but the tale relies on them, so be prepared for that. Their blatant indifference to the emotions of others and icy lack of empathy are astounding. Perhaps, though, this is because they are all hiding serious secrets from one another.

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I was completely engrossed in The Garden Party by BP Walter. This was a case of the right book falling into my hands at the right time and me being in the mood for this exact novel.

You should go into this book not knowing a whole lot so it's fresh and surprising. I skimmed the plot and went in relatively blind and loved every minute of the unexpected revelations.

The day of the garden party should’ve been a celebration of love for Raphael and his fiancée, as they toast their engagement with their families. But for someone, it’s an opportunity to unveil the lies that have bound the family together over the years.

With their nearest and dearest gathered at the family manor, as the first glass is raised, the secrets that bind them begin to crack. And what should have been the happiest day of their lives, might just end as a day they’d rather forget…

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This is a crime thriller with a difference. Pretty much from the beginning we know the perpetrators and we then slowly learn the reasons for their actions and the final consequences of their desire for revenge. Harris and his room mate Rhys plan to disrupt the engagement party being held by the family who took Harris in after the deaths of his parents. Initially, Harris presents as a wholly sympathetic character but his personality is revealed as much more complex as the story develops. I was keen to discover all the secrets of the Monclief family and wow, they certainly had a lot of skeletons in the cupboard! I enjoyed the story but found the epilogue one step too far and a tad less credible. Nevertheless, this is a n excellent read with multiple twists to keep you guessing along the way.

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Raphael Moncrieff 21, is engaged to marry Lauren, 28. She has been his tutor for one of his classes. His parents, Patrick and Isabella, are very wealthy and are hosting an engagement party to be held in their garden. While the parents aren’t happy about the age difference in the couple plus the fact that she is pregnant, they feel they must hold their heads high and pretend that all is well.

When Harris was a young boy, his parents were killed in a car crash. He was to be placed in a children’s home until Patrick Moncrieff offered to take him into their home where he stayed for some years. When he was grown, he moved to London to continue his studies.

Harris and his friend, Rhys, are coming to the garden party as well. But there are some surprises that will happen leaving the family and guests shocked.

This book is quite gritty and sad as well. It exposes how people use others for their own benefit and pleasure without any regrets. I wasn’t sure how it would end but I did have to chuckle at the end. Having stated that, you must read this one to see if you have that chuckle at the end as well. Enjoy!

Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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Revenge is best served cold and at a party

B.P. Walter created another one of her unputdownable tales, this time about a seemingly perfect posh family whose members all have secrets to hide. The clever plot has many twists and surprises, culminating at the engagement party of the 21 year old son…

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Raphael’s engagement is the garden party and Harris is determined to make sure he doesn’t enjoy it. The story flits between the day of the party and the events leading up to it to help the reader understand why Raphael deserves to have his day ruined.

None of the characters are likeable and I felt although Raphael and his family deserved what was coming to them, Harris also doesn’t endear himself through his actions.

Reading it makes you glad you aren’t a part of this family and it keeps the tension throughout whilst you wait to find out why Harris is so angry and the lengths he will go to for revenge.

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Harris loses his parents in an accident. He is quite content to be left on his own but at 15/16 years old he is not old enough. Patrick, a very distant family friend, adopts Harris into his family. His wife works in the film industry and Raphael is the 18 year old son that lives at home. Nobody seems pleased that Harris has become part of the family, least of all Harris. He feels wronged by the family (with good reason) and revenge is plotted. This is a pretty twisted book but I have come to expect that from this author. Themes include adultery, sex trafficking (or near enough), homosexuality and voyeurism/obsession. Thank you to NetGalley and One More Chapter for the digital ARC. This review is my own opinion. The book reads quickly and is easy to follow along.

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This was unhinged in the best way! I was gripped from the start and the pacing kept me hooked. I was guessing what was coming but was still shocked at the ending. I would have LOVED if this was a bit longer (or there was a book 2?!) because that ending left me wanting more! A couple of typos (effects instead of affects etc) but really good read and will recommend!

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It should have been a family day, full of happiness. Lauren and Raphael are getting engaged, and Raphaels wealthy parents, Isabella and Patrick, are throwing a lavish party to celebrate with family and friends. One guest, however is not there to join in with the celebrations. Harris has had dealings with the family for several years, and he wants revenge. The question far is he willing to go to get it.
I loved this book, it's a brilliant revenge thriller which kept me engrossed. 5 stars.

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I’ve read numerous books from this author and enjoyed them. Whilst this book was good it didn’t grip me quite as quickly as previous novels. The plot unfolds well but I going it lacked pace. It’s a take of secrets, lies and revenge and I’m sure others will love it. Thank you to NetGalley, Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and the author for the chance to review.

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3 stars because I felt the ending was too abrupt after all the buildup. The story had good suspense going all the way through with a few surprises but nothing astonishing for a twist. Walter really knows how to write unlikeable characters and truly paint them as garbage people. Except there was no one to root for in this book.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley! It had some elements and plot points that I enjoyed. But I just couldn’t into it. The writing style was good

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I love B P Walter's books so I was very excited for this one. I was hooked from the very beginning and the twists were so well done.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter via NetGalley.

Set against the backdrop of what should have been a joyous celebration, the story revolves around the engagement garden party of Raphael and his fiancée, a day meant to be filled with love and joy, but instead becomes a battleground for long-hidden truths to surface. As the first glass is raised in celebration, the façade of the perfect family begins to crumble, revealing the lies that have held them together for years.

The novel is undeniably dark, but it follows a predictable path without many surprising twists. While a dark narrative can be compelling, this book could have benefited from a glimmer of light or hope somewhere to balance the heavy themes.

The main character's unlikability poses a significant challenge, at least for me. For those who need a protagonist to root for or at least find redeemable, I felt the characters in this story fall short. Rhys is a decent character with potential, but he is underdeveloped and ultimately forgettable. His unexplored backstory, including his involvement in prostitution, feels like a missed opportunity to add depth and complexity to his character.

Overall, the execution leaves much to be desired. The lack of surprising twists and the over-the-top elements detract from what could have been a more engaging and believable story.

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The Garden party by BP Walter this is a wow, OMG, what the F did I just read type of book! In this book we meet Harris his parents die and he goes to live with Patrick Montclief and his family. Patrick is a well-known movie star although he is kind to Harris he doesn’t let him being there interfere with his lifestyle as far as Isabell and Rafael go they don’t exactly welcome him with open arms. Throughout the book we learned that Harris and his “roommate” Rhys have a plan and although their plans are different for the most part they are the same plan. Throughout the book we learn why they have such a grudge on this nice family who took Harris in. Not to mention the families about to celebrate the marriage of their only son Rafael to The sweet and beautiful Lauren. In Harris‘s mind that will be the perfect time to get all his grievances out and boy does he have some grievances. This book is full of I can’t believe they did that type moment with the mic drop at the garden party and there’s no one really to root for I kind of felt bad for Harris at the beginning and found Rhys The most sympathetic character despite his initial roommate situation. I mean wow he had some weird college roommates. Having said that this is a great book and well I totally recommend BP Walter who is always an author I can depend on to put out a great book with complex characters 1 million different moving parts that all wind up making one wicked picture. I really believe she is an author who goes for quality over quantity and it definitely shows in her books.#HarperCollinsOneMoreChapter, #NetGalley, #VPWalter, #TheGardenParty,

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