Member Reviews

Wow!! This book was superb. Walter is masterful in his storytelling & keeps the reader gripped from the very first page. I can't wait for more from this brilliant writer

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I've read several of this author's books. They always sound exciting and interesting, but every time I read one, I feel a bit let down. This one was, I'm sorry to say, rather average. The ending gave it an extra half a star. But it just didn't grip me. I struggle to see this as a thriller, more a family drama. Sometimes I like a tamer thriller, but I didn't like any of the characters so I struggled to care about them.

That being said, the writing is always good and sets the scene well, but unfortunately that's about it. Readers of slow burn family dramas will enjoy this, but this isn't for the hard-core thriller fans, I'm afraid.

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The perfect family. The perfect celebration. The perfect day for revenge.

Excuse me whilst I book myself an appointment with my chiropractor! This book has given me whiplash!

I read this over the space of 24 hours. The switch between past and present with the time line meeting up towards the end is one of my favourite formats. I loved that it started with the end and then it meant I couldn’t put it down because I needed to know how it got to that point.

I don’t know what to say about the main character, Harris, without giving too much away, but it was very much a rollercoaster of feelings.

This book is a dark, twisty, fast paced thriller, with some serious twists, and the right amount of ‘holy shit that did not just happen’

B P Walter is officially a go to author for me now.

Thank you to @netgalley for allowing me access to a copy of this read in exchange for an honest review.

Publication Date 4th July 2024

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The Garden Party is a dark psychological thriller that you’ll not want to put down.
Harris is a teenager who has suffered the loss of both his parents, luckily a couple who were friends with his parents take him in, they are rich and have a son, Raphael, who is a similar kind of age so with this in mind it would lead you to the thoughts that rather than be in a children’s home this would be far more comfortable option, but unfortunately you’d be wrong. What happens to Harris makes him a very damaged person and as more secrets are revealed the more impact this has on Harris. He is at a party for Raphael and his fiancée, things take a turn for honesty and Harris reveals things that have been hidden from friends and family and lead to a party like no one anticipated.
This was a fairly fast paced read that I enjoyed, the characters were all very different which made for an easy read. The book is told from multiple POV but mainly from Harris and in different timelines which is explained at the beginning of each chapter making for an unconfused read.
I would like to thank NetGalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for this ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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I adore Walter's books so was delighted to get this one! It involves a family and all their machinations to get--and keep--what they want and believe is rightfully theirs. Raphael and Lauren plan to be married and the book opens on the day of their engagement party where things go very wrong; however, we don't know WHAT went wrong until the bitter end! It's a great story of secrets, lies, blackmail, and all the creepy things one can keep their families from discovering. Powered through this one as I couldn't read fast enough!
Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC!

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so this book was a dark and twisty story. not sure i liked any of the characters but the story was great. lots of twists and turns and once you get passed these horrible characters and just focus on the story you will enjoy. a definite recommend

thanks publisher and netgalley. all thoughts are my own

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Wow what an intense twisted 1 sitting reaf! ead. Perfect if you love psychological thrillers full of family secrets, simmering resentment and revenge plots! (And a bit of sex thrown in too)
This book has it all in spades.
Another cracker from BP Walter, and it also comes with a fantastic Spotify playlist, but I have yet to get it to work.

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I received a free copy of, The Garden Party, by B.P. Walter, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Parties should be fun, family and friends gathering for a good time, of food, refreshments, and conversation. This garden party is not like other parties. With friends like like the characters in this book who needs enemies. It should be a celebration of an engagement, but things go horribly wrong, when people have different agendas. Wow this book is a wild ride, I'm so glad I don't have friends like the characters in this book.

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It starts with a scream. Who? Why?

And then BP Walter takes us back and we discover the crimes of the Moncrieff family…

….and just why there was a scream.

Another brilliantly written thriller from this author. I couldn’t put it down, I was sneaking in chapters whenever I could - and yes there are short chapters!

Sneaky, dark, and twisty. I highly recommend The Garden Party.

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As the chairs are being set out and guests are gathering at Bowen Hall, the Moncrieff family home for son Raphael's engagement party, the scene is one of wealth, privilege and perfection and its all about to come crashing down.

Superbly written, The Garden Party had me hooked from the opening pages, a compelling novel about betrayal and revenge with a real sense of atmosphere and impending doom as layer by layer, in a timeline that moved back and forth the author revealed the Moncrieff family for what it was.

My thanks to Harper Collins, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the advance review copy, all opinions expressed are my own

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I’ve read a few books by this author now and this one starts with a bang! A wedding/engagement party in disarray and two shadowy figures disappearing into the night…..

So just who is responsible for the chaos at the party? And why?

A captivating story told in some parts of flashback, allowing you to try your best to piece together just what has caused this to happen.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review.

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Wasn’t sure what to expect as I have only read one other book by this author. The structure of the book takes a bit of getting used to as it jumps back and forwards. I worked out one of the big secrets fairly early on but the other secrets were much more concealed. I liked the momentum- it really was just ‘One More Chapter’! I shall look out for more by this author. Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins for an ARC

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Thank you Netgalley and HarperCollins UK for the advance copy of this book.

The day of the garden party should’ve been a celebration of love for Raphael and his fiancée, as they toast their engagement with their families. But for someone, it’s an opportunity to unveil the lies that have bound the family together over the years.

With their nearest and dearest gathered at the family manor, as the first glass is raised, the secrets that bind them begin to crack. And what should have been the happiest day of their lives, might just end as a day they’d rather forget…

To be honest, this book just didn't hit the thriller/mystery vide enough for me. It was a decent fluff read, kept me entertained for a few hours. Something you might pick up at the airport bookshop on your way to your flight.

3 out of 5 stars

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Raphael is joined by fiancée Lauren, for a garden engagement party, alongside their nearest and dearest. Someone there is hiding secrets and soon the party turns to a day that is best forgotten.

I don’t want to say too much on this one as I think the less you know beforehand the better. Having read a few by this author now, I have grown to really enjoy his writing style and storytelling. As always there are lots of exciting characters who you love to hate.

I enjoyed that the story was told in different time periods, leading up to and during the main event and slowly learning all twists and hidden secrets. Some parts are quite shocking and I like that the author is not afraid to explore disturbing characters and dark themes. This is an intriguing read and one that is not easily forgettable. I look forward to seeing what else the author comes up with. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy in return for an honest review.

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The Garden Party - B P Walter ⭐⭐⭐⭐

📚 I recommend this if you love a dark, complex, revenge filled thriller

Wow!! Dark, deceptive, and definitely bingeable in a day!! This book has multiple layers and plot lines to unpack, the way they interweave together is amazing! The Montcreiff family all have their own personal baggage and secrets, I loved the split timeline and multiple povs to explore this and understand the events leading up to the party!

The story mainly follows Harris' pov, a teenager who loses his parents. He has to move in with the Moncliffes - Patrick, Isabelle and Raphael, none of who are particularly thrilled about this. The day of the garden party is Raphael and his fiancée Lucy's engagement party. But for someone, it’s an opportunity to unveil the secrets and lies that have bound the Montcliffe family together over the years. What should have been the happiest day of their lives, might just end as a day they’d rather forget…

Does cover some sensitive topics so check before reading!

Genre: psychological thriller
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Publisher: Harper Collins
Series or Standalone: Standalone
Tropes & Themes: split timeline, dark, deceptive, revenge, family trauma,

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy in return for an honest review!

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I loved how this book was structured, in parts with the main character outlining how each family member had done him wrong. It kept me engaged, and I read it in one sitting.

There are typically unlikable characters in thrillers, and book is where it actually works for the story instead of against it. I would say this is more of a story of revenge as opposed to a thriller, but there are still plenty of twists, turns, and secrets revealed.

Usually, I read these types of books with little to no emotional attachment to the characters, but the way this one was written really made me feel for Harris, although he also has his flaws and demons.

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for an advanced copy.

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This was a fun whodunnit that kept you on the edge of your seat all the way through. The characters were unlikeable but it worked perfectly for this story and credit goes to the author for making us love to hate them. Although there isn't a lot of suspense, the gossip and secrets will keep you drawn in, desperate to reach the big reveal.

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In BP Walter’s latest, The Garden Party, an engagement party goes from celebration to devastation as a family’s darkest secrets unravel in this bleak story.

This is described as a cross between Saltburn and an Agatha Christie mystery, which is half accurate. There are definite similarities to Saltburn (self-involved characters, an outsider wanting desperately to be on the inside, and annoying overall), but this feels less like a mystery and more like a straightforward revenge novel.

The character seeking revenge is Harris, the adopted son of the wealthy Moncrieff family, and the reasons why he is out for blood are revealed slowly throughout the story. In fairness, he has good reasons, including his stepmother pimping him out when he was a teenager. However, Harris is also unlikable, making it hard to feel invested in the outcome.

The unlikability of the main character is the crux of why this book is a challenging read. Some readers (like this one) need someone either worth rooting for from the start or redeemable. These characters are just too awful. Rhys is a decent character, but he is underdeveloped (as is his unexplored prostitution love story) and forgettable.

In fairness, fans of the author (and revenge stories) will likely enjoy this, as it fits that mold well. It is a fast-paced read and takes some interesting turns, but it is like a strong espresso, and those who need a little cream and sugar in their coffee will not enjoy the bitter taste it leaves.

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This book was equal parts tragic, shocking and dark. B P Walter is genuinely a pro at weaving in dark elements with so much subtlety that it didn't really sink in how dark this book was until I had finished it and was thinking about it afterwards.

The pacing was really good and I love how the book was structured by crime. I found it such an interesting way to lay out the plot and for me it just made me think that much harder about who is guilty in this book and who isn't. But that's also something that is explored so effortlessly in this book. No one is actually innocent or guilty. The characters are so dynamic that you're kind of rooting for no one which I feel like adds way more intrigue and suspense to the ending. I really liked Patrick at the beginning, I made a note that he was warm and kind. After finishing this book, I looked back at the note and thought how on earth did I describe him as anything other than cold and callous? That's the genius of this book.

There were so many interesting themes in this book which I feel like separates it from a fast paced classic thriller which focuses on action and the plot moving. There's themes of masculinity, justice and sexuality and family and I just ate it up, to be honest. I didn't see any of the twists coming and when the plot twist dropped, my eyebrows raised. The relationships between characters were also priceless, Rhys and Harris' dynamic was probably my favourite and it felt like they both were on opposite moral ends which was so interesting to read and so cleverly done by using the characters as the moral standpoints!

The ending was very satisfying and worth the wait. My only critiques were it would've been cool to get a family tree diagram in the beginning of the book as initially there were a lot of names and it took a while to remember who was who. I also don't know why it started at 3.5 years before instead of 3, that just felt a bit random to me.

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The characters were pretty unpleasant which is very deliberate on the authors parts, i loved to hate them!
I was invested to find out who had done what and to who - the plot kept me going
great escapist reading

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