Member Reviews

This is my first book by B P Walter.

I did think it had a pretty slow start. That said, it did suck me in after a while. The intrigue was interesting. There are 3 characters that each have a major secret, and by the end of the garden party, each secret has been exposed.
I liked how the story developed, and the flashbacks of Harris's life. I did think that the story would have been better if Harris and Raphael had been a bit older during the garden party. The history between them was a bit too recent, I thought.

I didn't enjoy the twist at the end (with the request), but I suppose it made the ending a bit neater.

Thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read a lot of hype about BP Walter, so went looking for all these books before I read this one. Frankly, I tried listening to three of them and didn't get into any of them. Thought I would give this book a chance. No thanks-once it started talking about all this guy on guy sex and guy on girl sex with the same person, I was done. Didn't finish it.

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Rating: 4.2/5

Over recent years, B.P. Walter has emerged as a writer who consistently produces work that I thoroughly enjoy reading. His books won't appeal to everyone and regularly contain content that may make certain readers feel ill at ease. I still find this quote taken from one of Barnaby Walter's earlier novels, "The Woman on the Pier" to be a very apt description of his approach: "It sounds cruel, but I've always rather liked doing that. Disconcerting people. Challenging their sense of the norm and throwing their presumptions back in their smug faces ... A writer has to be brave enough 'to go there', I've always thought. Tackle the problems you don't want to talk about. Make people feel uncomfortable. Because that's where the find out the most about themselves. And usually - not always, but usually - they don't like what they find out."

"The Garden Party" is another deliciously dark story. B.P. Walter consistently blindsides his audience - and that is an important part of the experience when you are reading one of his books. For that reason, I will deliberately avoid going into any detail about the plot. The characterisation is, once again, impressive and entirely credible. In true noir fashion, all of the key protagonists are flawed to varying degrees. In fact, in "The Garden Party" it is a challenge to find anything that is remotely endearing about any of the main players - but that doesn't prevent the story they are involved in from being totally riveting. The time frame does move around quite a bit, which I am aware is not to everyone's taste, but it is always clearly signposted and - as with all of this writer's books - it is meticulously planned and plotted to ensure that it all ties together. If I were to be picky, I found the epilogue to be a touch disappointing. It struck me as being a little rushed and didn't do true justice to the quality of the narrative that had preceded it. That said, the overriding memory of the reading experience is a very positive one and there is no question that I will be back for more from this author.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for supplying an ARC in return for an honest review.

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This is an excellent psychological thriller with a foreboding atmosphere which I found dark, sinister and disturbing. For me this reads like a modern day Barbara Vine novel. I loved how in the opening chapters we are introduced to all the intriguing characters and then go back in time for the background to the plot. This creates a build up of suspense and hidden secrets leading to shocking surprises and revelations. I absolutely loved it. Highly recommended.

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Loved the prologue. As for the story I found it shocking in the middle and towards the end of the book. I love how the revelations were thrown in slowly as the book is told from a timeline leading up to the present day. Different POVs to which I found Isabella’s one the least interesting. I really liked how the events leading up to the big day of the engagement was written. The writing style I found easy to follow and it connecting the dots. Twisted and cunning for sure!

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A garden party with a difference! The Moncrieff family are “celebrating” the engagement of son Raphael to Lauren. Not a match made in heaven, there are several issues that the arrogant Patrick and Isabelle are very unhappy about. The age difference for one, the fact that Lauren is pregnant is another, plus Lauren being one of Raphael’s university tutors adds nothing attractive to the relationship. Still, these little niggles pale into insignificance when adopted son Harris takes to the floor!

I really liked this book, loved the different timelines, hated all the characters (well done to the author for making them so obnoxious), and thought the plot was excellent. Definitely a great 5* read. That is until the ending - very disappointing. Not the best, a bit of a cop out, could have been so much better.

A quick, fast paced read that I’m sure the author’s fans will love.

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins One More Chapter.

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I should start this review by saying I am a massive fan of B.P. Walter. I think some of his previous novels have been outstanding and I don't think he gets the recognition he deserves alongside other writers in this field.

Having said that, I don't think this was his strongest novel. The elements that made me love previous novels are all there, the multiple timelines, multiple perspectives, dark and delicious story which slowly draws you in.

But something just didn't work. I am not sure whether it was because almost every character was unlikeable (but that doesn't normally bother me) or whether the ending just didn't work for me (but it might for others).

Will be keen to hear what others think. I do still love B.P. Walter and will read everything he writes

Thanks to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Unpleasant but very well written characters in this terrific dark and twisty thriller.
We are taken back and forth for the back story which then leads us right up to what takes place at the Garden Party and why.
The ending was a bit of an 'oh' moment.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my early copy.

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Couldn’t put this one down—read it in 12 hours.
Good twists, great writing style, compelling upper class setting. Every character despicable in their own way. Very very entertaining

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When Raphael's family holds an engagement party for him, Harris is more than happy to attend,
You see, Harris has a bone to pick with the so called "Perfect family." What better time than this

As BP Walter ticks back through time via Harris' s memories we meet a complicated and very likeable young man
The tension grows as we get closer and closer to the party and learn just exactly who will be there and why.

If you like a twisty story, BP Walter is a new favorite writer for you! I stayed up all night to find out what would happen and I was not disappointed!
#bpwalter #thegardenparty #harpercollinsuk #onemorechapter

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