Member Reviews

This is a beautiful book and it is so amazing, the story is so lovely and very enjoyable to read. i loved everything about this book and i would recommend to anyone who loves reading to give this book a go. it is a lovely book and i will read other books from this author.

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Millicent and Pearl are sisters from a wealthy family that have nothing in common. Pearl is doted on by her mother whilst Millicent is made to feel unloved and wanted by her mother. When their father announces that someone he has been seeing and is very ill and will be coming to live with them their mother storms out. Things will never be the same agaiin, for some it will be good for but others life is going to change drastically.
Yet another heart warming story from this author. Can't wait for the next one.

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A fantastic read. Millie always knew her mother Agatha didn't have much time for her and favoured her older sister Pearl but she didn't know why and as the story progresses we discover the circumstances of why she reacts as she does towards her. A great story with plenty of drama but also humour and fun moments. Really well written and Pam Weaver fans will love it as much as I did.

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À quite gentle but enjoyable read mostly set just prior to WW2 around Worthing on the Sussex coast. Good character depiction, with a couple of absolute horrors in the guise of Agatha and Pearl. Heartwarming and uplifting at times with an element of truth around Billy Butlin which the reader will discover at the end under Author's Note. A number of twists and turns to keep the reader engaged with more than a touch of sadness and sympathy towards Millie.

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A beautiful heartwarming read.
This book takes us into 1930 two sisters Pearl and Milly.
Oh what a wonderful story that will touch readers hearts.

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Quite a sad book from Pam Weaver and I was intrigued by it. An unusual story and quite heartbreaking. Wonderfully written and centered around Worthing and Sussex. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Millicent Shepherd is brought up in the grandeur of Muntham Court, with sister Pearl & parents Charles and Agatha. While Agatha and Pearl live for recognition and acceptance in high society, it means little to Milly who only wants her mother’s love. Agatha only has eyes for Pearl who can do no wrong! Well, if ever someone was misguided!
Milly’s world takes on a new path when she discovers she has a secret sister. That is until Pearl decides to do something wicked.

As the story progresses there are some unsavoury characters, Freddie, Eustace. This balanced by some lovely ones, Nan & Cyril.
Loved the name Seebold.

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Really enjoy Pam Weaver books and this was no exception. A lovely saga with a miix of characters but mainly based on Millie who has always felt like the black sheep of her family and has a really wicked mother and her true sister does not treat her much better. Loved how the tale develops and how poor Millie struggles to find happiness but still appears a positive character. Meeting her illegitimate sister helps her through difficult times. This story is full of emotion and very interesting and I even enjoyed the conclusion.

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What a delightful family saga. A story filled with mystery and a strong sense of family loyalty. A book well worth reading.

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A wonderful read. Bit of a slow start but it got really good.
A heartwarming story that gave me a smile.
Thanks to netgalley

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A Sister's Promise by Pam Weaver

Raised in the grandeur of Muntham Court, young Millicent has always felt like the black sheep of her family. Between a vindictive mother and a conceited older sister, her only ally is her doting father, Charles.

Brought up in the traveller community and always on the move, Lena’s life has never been settled, but it has always been happy thanks to the support of her loving mother.

A great read by this author . I really enjoyed the plot of this book and the way the story of the characters and their place in life are intertwined.

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A Sister's Promise by Pam Weaver is a family saga set in the 1930's.
Sisters Pearl and Milly live at Muntham Court with their parents. Milly has a strained relationship with Pearl and her mother but has a strong ally in her father Charles. We are then introduced to Lena, an illegitimate daughter of Charles. Lena's background is very different but she soon develops a strong bond with Milly.
My main issue is with the dialogue, in particular the inconsistent dropping of aitches often in the same sentence. Sometimes Lena (and others) speak standard English e.g. 'We've come to live here for a while' and then say 'Ave you 'eard of 'im?' 'Can I 'old him?'
Otherwise, this is an engaging, easy to read story with references to historical events which add interest.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc. All opinions are my own.

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A sisters promise, I found this very slow to start, but once I got into it I couldn’t put it down. A great story of 2 sisters and their struggle to fit in. Milly is the daughter of Charles a loving father and Agatha an unloving mother, Lena is the illegitimate daughter of Charles. The story follows them growing up, facing many struggles and obstacles but their love for each other gets them through everything. A great story and I hope there’s a 2nd book on the way.

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another good novel by Pam Weaver. I really enjoyed it.
Based on young Millicent who has always felt like the black sheep of her family. she was brought up in the travellers world and has always been unsettled. she it's full of twists and turns and I really enjoyed it.

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Firstly thank you Netgalley for this Arc

Another brilliant book by this author

Following the story of Lena part of the travelling community

Brilliant family saga

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