Member Reviews

I loved Willow Rose's previous books and really enjoyed this read too. It's frightening how many people stay in situations because society deems they should. Life is too short not to try to live an authentic one. This series is interesting and I liked the characters but felt it was not as fast paced as the previous books of Willows I have read.

Billie Jean is an interesting character and is not a perfect person - she has flaws etc. The storylines involving the crimes and solving them are fantastic. My other bug bear is that she continually puts her kids to one side to do her job. I know it's important work etc but her kids really need to believe they are her priority and although she says that (more than once - it's like a recurring theme in both books), her actions speak louder. Joe needs to stop dishing dirt too and step up as a father.

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Wonderfully written and couldn’t put it down! I started Then She Was Gone without realizing this is the second book featuring Detective Billie Anne Wilde (side note, I enjoyed the author’s writing style so much, I’m going to download the first book). Author Willow Rose takes us through multiple crime scenes throughout a picturesque Florida town, where Detective Wilde is the lead investigator. Detective Wilde has to juggle her crumbling marriage and troubled kids, while hunting down the suspect(s) in several cases. Willow Rose had me captivated with her detailed writing style, where I felt as if I was along side Detective Wilde throughout the book. The story has twists and turns and a surprise ending. Detective Wilde is a like-able and relatable character - a mom trying to juggle her home life and career. I would recommend Then She Was Gone to any crime and suspense fan!

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Another fantastic story in book 2 of Detective Billie Ann Wilde series by Willow Rose.
Bones are washed up in a suitcase on the shore of a Florida beach, Detective Billie Ann Wilde is on the case. Women are going missing and dismembered body parts are found in suitcases.
A jaw dropping book which was fast paced the whole way through with lots going on throughout. I love the way the story kept me guessing and how everything connected together at the end. There were some real good twists in there too. Thank you to NetGalley for my ARC of this book, I am so looking forward to the next instalment of Detective Billie Ann Wilde.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

When bones are found in a suitcase, with detective Billie Ann Wilde’s best friends name on the tag she panics. But Danni is fine, until she’s not. When Danni is kidnapped Billie Ann throws everything at getting her back, but will this cost her her family?

Such a good second book in the series. So many red herrings. The descriptions (especially of the storm) made it easy to visualise what was happening. I could feel Billi Ann’s frustrations and annoyance.
There are also chapters with a side story. 30 years ago a man was shot dead by his step children. Or was he? These chapters slowly reveal just what happened. The mystery is why are they included and why/if they are related to the main case. A throughly enjoyable read and the final reveal was a shocker. Fingers crossed there’s a book three and soon!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the arc!
I enjoyed the first book in this series from Willow Rose and was excited to read this next one. This did a great some of connecting in some of the things and other characters from the first book while telling a new story. This book was fast paced, several twists and turns and so interesting to hear that these are inspired by some real life stories! Crazy! Overall, I enjoyed this one even more than the first and the set up at the end leaves quite the cliffhanger for the next book in the serious!

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I was seriously blown away by the first book in this series and I thought it would be difficult to blow me away again with this second one, but I could not have been more wrong. The author did it again and I already feel she is going to do it again with the next book.

I was touched by the emotions linked to Detective Wilde's personal story and shocked by the case she had to solve. 

I was confused, in the best possible way, by all the information the author threw my way and I was trying, but failing, to fit them together. Little by little, the author reveals everything and the way she made all the facts come together, was pure perfection.

At the end the author also gave us a little sneak peak into the next installment and I can assure you, it will be worth waiting for.

I loved this book. It has everything I enjoy in a story. 5 stars

Thank you

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