Member Reviews

I LOVED this return to Provence and the story of Del and Fabien. Set three years after the first book, things are changing for Del and Fabien. The quick reprise of the first book at the start was fantastic for anyone who hasn’t read the first book. Del has a number of volunteers arrive to help with the lavender harvest. Each of them has their own back story and problems. Each character is beautifully written and I adored them all. This book features lavender, good food and growing friendships and love. The perfect story to make you fall in love with Provence and its food.

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This is such a great summer read and won't be my last by this author!!
Such a happy, feel good, beach read, which I really loved.
The characters were great and I just loved the story.
Buy it for that summer holiday reading choice!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is actually the sequel to ‘Escape To The French Farmhouse’ but can very easily be read as a standalone without any problems at all…

Jo definitely has a way with words and through her beautiful, descriptive writing i was easily transported to the heavenly South of France and could honestly smell those beautiful Lavender fields. It was pure escapism and a well needed immersion of armchair travel…

This book was a perfect Summer read and i thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a wonderful, heartwarming story, featuring friendship, romance and an overwhelming sense of community too - i loved it…..

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I read Escape to the Farmhouse during lockdown and it was a true escape from reality and it’s been wonderful being back in Provence with Del.
This is book to savour - to lose yourself in.
Jo Thomas writes about such beautiful settings and being back amongst the lavender fields has been lovely.
The descriptions of the foods Del and the pickets share have made my mouth water and I loved how the sharing for the food for all the characters was so emotional- bringing back memories of loved ones and times linked to the meals shared.

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Love in Provence by Jo Thomas

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Random Things Tours and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


Escape to the beautiful lavender fields of Provence this summer

Del moved to the south of France three years ago and hasn’t looked back. She’s found new friends, new purpose, and new love with gorgeous Fabien.

But just as harvest on her little lavender farm is due to begin, Del gets some shocking news. With no time to dwell as she welcomes a new crew of lavender pickers, she unexpectedly waves goodbye to Fabien for the summer.

Usually cooking – the thing she loves best – would help soothe her troubles, but Del doesn’t remember how . . . And then chef Zacharie comes to town, dropping another bombshell!

Over one summer in Provence that’s full of surprises, friends old and new rally round. Can they complete the harvest and pull the community back together? And if Fabien returns, will Del finally get her happy-ever-after?

My Opinion

Love in Provence has a lovely cover, it really appealed to me. Jo Thomas is an author that I just enjoy reading - so this was a must read for me.

For me, the sign of a good book is if I can't stop thinking about it. I read the first four chapters of this book and then had to put it down - I spent the whole day wishing I could return. Full of friendships and a sense of community this was a real page-turner. A charming tale, with some great descriptions.

With this book Jo Thomas has taken me on a trip - I feel like I have had a short holiday without even needing to pack a suitcase.

Rating 4/5

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An easy and enjoyable read with the feel good factors of life in Provence and delicious food. Del's doubts and misgivings keep us guessing wether it will be happy ever after right until the last few pages. The good characterisation adds to the pleasure of the novel.

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I was drawn to this title by the inviting cover and the name of author Jo Thomas. Thomas writes books that are perfect for a bit of escape in a gorgeous setting. This title set in Provence is everything a reader could want for a summer read.

In these pages readers meet Del, Stephanie, Rhi, Fabien and many others. Each has a story to tell and a connection with Del. Del, herself, moved to Provence hoping to repair her marriage. When that did not happen, she chose to stay in France where she is both a chef and the proprietor of a lavender farm. As the story opens, it is time for the harvest.

A harvest is a time of hard work, accomplishment and celebration. Will these same characteristics influence the people in this book? Readers will hope so.

The nice thing about a summer read is that it does not always have to be happy and yet readers can feel safe in the author's hands. That is certainly the case here.

It is easy to recommend this title to those who enjoy women's fiction and well told stories.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK-Transworld Publishers for this title. All opinions are my own.

Pub date: 06 June 2024

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This is a sequel to a previous book, Escape to the French Farmhouse, which I only realised after a few chapters. I’ve read and mostly forgotten the first book, so I’d say it doesn’t matter if you have or not, because this story stands alone.
Del is running a bistro, and a lavender farm in Provence. At the start of the book the Mistral blows in and starts of a run of bad luck and challenges for Del. As someone who makes a living from food, she is horrified to find that after a couple of emotional disasters, she no longer seems able to remember how to produce any of her favourite dishes. Luckily the disparate group of travellers who have come to help with the lavender harvest, are all happy to pitch in, and some have real talent. Del must help them to find themselves, save the bistro and her relationship..
There’s quite a lot going on in this book. Luckily, you know where you are with Jo Thomas, and there is a lot of hope and reassurance contained within the pages of this novel, alongside some delicious sounding food, and some romance. An enjoyable summer read.

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Yet again I've managed to read the second book in a series before reading the first - despite that one languishing in my TBR list. This wasn't a problem as there is sufficient background given to give an idea of what happened and, in any case, works well as a standalone book. The description of the area made me almost smell the lavender, and the food definitely made me hungry.
Del is left to run the lavender farm just when the harvest is due when Fabien is called away, just after a key person in their life passes away.
Although there is much description of the food for me the main takeaway from the book is the friendship and companionship that develops between Del and the group of seasonal pickers. There is a "baddie"who tries to upset the status quo in the village just to have an edge in the story. I really must and go back and read the first book, however would score this book 4.5*, rounded up to 5* because I don't round down.
I did receive an advance copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley, however did purchase my own copy as well.

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Thank you heaps for the ARC of this romantic novel that transported me to the most dreamiest summer that I could quite literally picture!

I found this book took me a long time to get into but obviously glad I persevered! I do wonder if I would have been into it earlier if I had read the prequel? Hard to know. The lost souls looking for where they belong, relatable for everyone at some point in their life - which was represented in such a way throughout this book. Perfect escapist read! I thought the fire at the end was a little unnecessary but.I absolutely loved the concept of the supper club happening and wish there was one I could visit, but I guess I also wish I was in provence too!
Strong themes of camaraderie, community and amongst all else.. love!

The message I liked the most - the importance in finding closure and being able to farewell loved ones to support your own grieving process and move on with yourself. I am so glad they got theirs in the end, it wouldn't have been a true love story without some things blocking that along the way!

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Love in Provence

I’ve read most of Jo Thomas’s books over the years since I first picked up The Oyster Catcher. One I haven’t read is Escape To The French Farmhouse….and I wasn’t aware this was the follow up. But fortunately I only found that out after finishing the book - which says a lot for the books ability to stand alone.
If you haven’t read the first one we meet Del living at La Petite Mas - a French farmhouse she has done up with her partner Fabien and the help of the friends she has made since moving from England to Provence. It’s lavender harvest season and the pesky mistral wind has swooped in to mix things up. As the mistral arrives Del’s happy ever after goes a bit off course and things start to take a turn for the worse. Losing friends, lover’s tiffs and a new nemesis in town make for a fun read. As always with Jo’s books we are taken off to beautiful locations, she sets the scene perfectly and the food…oh the food. Her books always make me hungry and make me want to get cooking and travelling - so much so I’ve come to expect nothing less. An easy, lovely read.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.

We meet Del, she enjoys cooking.

When a change brings unexpected news, Del is left wondering what will happen now, and if her future, once the upcoming lavender harvest has been taken care of.

On the other hand, her relationship isn’t what it once was.

Then a bunch of different people arrive to help with the harvest, unaware of how they’ll help Del, not just with harvesting the lavender.

There is so much happening which is challenging Del.

I loved the location and how the community come together to help each other.

I highly recommend this book.

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It was Deja Vu when I picked this up and I realized it is a sequel to ‘Escape to the French Farmhouse’
Where time has moved on. It was like returning to a holiday destination, the descriptions, the smells and the food! And the locals we met last time, but with new people coming for the Lavender harvest all with their stories and different lives.
The mistral blows in and turns lives upside down and it is how everyone comes together to help each other that is at the heart of the story and makes it such a life affirming book and what Jo is so good at. A beautiful summer read..

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Del's world is shattered when her mentor and business partner, Henri dies. Everything is falling apart . Can she turn her life around? Another great read from Jo Thomas

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Thank you to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

Love in Provence, as you can guess, is set in Provence, France and follows the main character, Del, while she deals with life's ever-changing challenges and a mischievous mistral that has blown through the town.

I loved the setting for the book, especially the beautiful lavender farm where Del lives. I also really liked Del as a main character, her determination throughout the book and how much she looked out for her chosen family.

I rated this book 3 stars, I did enjoy it and it was a nice easy read but it didn't blow me away. I would recommend this for someone as a holiday/summer read who is looking for a book with themes of romance, found family and inspiring stories.

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Back in Provence with Del and Fabien. It’s time for the lavender harvest and it brings upheaval and doubt and also new pickers who all have different reasons for coming. They help Del when she’s low and you can’t be sad for too long with the beautiful surroundings and lovely food. Jo Thomas regularly has me wanting to go into the kitchen to cook up a feast. A lovely summer read

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I loved this book and had already enjoyed its predecessor so it was great to read and review this one. However, you don't have to have read the first one to enjoy this. Del has been living at the lavender farm in Provence for 3 years now and has a group of friends she sees as family, as well as new love Fabien. The annual harvest is about to begin when Del gets some sad news. On top of this, Fabien has to go away and the restaurant where she learnt so much has a new owner. I am really trying not to give too much away which would spoil the story! The new owner has a totally different idea of the future of the restaurant and Del finds herself doubting Fabien and their relationship. I really did become so engrossed in this story, the characters and their relationships. It is a great read especially set as it is in Provence. You can almost smell the lavender as you are reading it! Thank you so much Netgalley for letting me read and review this book. I am already looking forward to the next one in this series hint! hint!

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3.5 stars rounded up
Del moved from the UK to the south of France three years ago and has settled happily into the community with new friends, a new love with Fabien and a new life running her lavender farm and cooking at Henri's, the local bistro. At the beginning of the lavender harvesting season, however, a mistral blows in causing damage and bringing trouble with it. Del receives devastating news both personal and financial, Fabien unexpectedly has to leave for a few weeks and Del seems to have lost her ability to cook just as a group of workers arrive to pick lavender for the next three weeks. As the problems mount, Del must find innovative solutions or face leaving her beloved farm behind to return to the UK.

A few pages into reading Love in Provence, I realized that it was a sequel to another book (Escape to the French Farmhouse). I enjoyed it as a standalone as there is just the right amount of backstory included but I regretted a little bit not having read the other book first as I'm sure I would have enjoyed the story of how Del settled in Provence and fell in love with Fabien.

I have read several books by Jo Thomas and find that she is a reliable author for light, enjoyable reads set in beautiful locations - Provence in this case. Love in Provence is a charming story of friends, love and community filled with mouth-watering descriptions of the delcious food of the region. It's a perfect summer escape that had me reminiscing about my own visit to Provence several years ago - I missed lavender season and want to return when the lavender is blooming!

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Random House UK for sending a digital ARC of this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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A summery read loading with friendship, good food and wine with an added dash of romance.

Del lives in the south of France in a farmhouse with lavender fields, she’s a cook with the lovely Henri. She’s thrown into the deepens when Henri dies suddenly and his son comes back to demand the restaurant that she and Henri worked in. She’s distraught, but with great friendships she turns herself around.

A lovely read, full of the joy of people coming together to help in the moment of need. Del is a great character who will live on in you. She’s shows you when it’s tough, lean on the people around you and it will be ok. The setting was idyllic and I wanted to jump into the pages.

A perfect summer reads 5 stars.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for a copy.

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Thank you, NetGalley and Jo Thomas. 'Love in Provence' provides the perfect escape for a holiday read, with enough depth to the characters and sufficient plot to keep you engaged while you apply the suncream. I believe that the published version will have recipes, which is always a bonus. Oh, I just thought... a QR code to send recipes directly to your phone?! Beautiful narrative of the fields full of lavender, the interaction between strangers and an undercurrent of relationship drama...what more do you need really.

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