Member Reviews

Wow! This book was incredible! I started reading this book and could not put it down, I devoured it in a day! Rowan is a detective and she has secrets. She knows her husband is lying to her, she can't trust him. Rowan is trying to solve murders of women that seem to be linked, based on crime scene evidence. But what is the killer trying to tell her? It seems a message is being sent and she's trying to figure out what it is and how these three women's murders are connected. While trying to work on this case she's also suspicious of her husband and trying to uncover what secrets he's hiding from her. The twists in this book kept coming! I read a lot of books in this genre and have gotten pretty good at figuring things out early on, but this was NOT the case for this one. This book is definitely worthy of 5 stars! This is my first Amanda McKinney read but it definitely won't be the last!

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WOW!! This book made me feel like I was in Law in Order. OMG. It had me guessing with every page. I did figure it out towards the end but I was still shocked. It had great characters and great twists. This is a great thriller read. You will not want to put this book down. Must read.

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Hello what a book! This one left me saying “what in the world!” If you want a book that leaves you shocked…put this one on your radar! I read this book so fast and could not put it down. Between the lies, entangled relationships, secrets, a haunted dark past…this book was addicting to read. I love plot lines where I can put on my detective hat to attempt to piece everything together. Between the short chapters, multiple POVs, and a twisty ending, this book is everything a thriller girlie wants!

For fans of Alice Feeney, Darby Kane, B.A. Paris! This one releases at the end of March! Add it to your TBR!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC ebook in exchange for my honest review!

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This is not your typical thriller, it keeps you guessing right until the very last page, and I found myself hooked! Would definitely recommend

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A marriage of lies: This exciting thriller has deadly secrets, lies and disloyalty. I could not put this book down. A must read!! Unexpected twist at the end!

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Thank you Storm Publishers and Netgalley for this arc.

This was a fast paced, quick read. It hooked me from the beginning and kept me reading. I found the book to be well written and paced well. I liked the different point of views between characters. It had good plot twists that weren't outrageous. The ending wrapped up well, and I felt that everyone got their just desserts.

This was my first novel by this author and will definitely be checking out some of the others.

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Really well written with different POV
Some unexpected twists in this bridgeable thriller
I would highly recommend

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Thanks NetGalley and Storm Publishing for allowing me to receive an ARC.

This was my first book by Amanda McKinney and I am eager to read more by her. A very quick read but full of details and multiple plot twists. Great book for someone who is looking for a thrilling quick read.

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This book is a story indeed about a marriage of lies… but which marriage has the lies?

We are introduced to two couples; Rowan and Shepherd and Amber and Mark, with a few other characters thrown in between and they are questionable as well! I wondered how the characters would interact and where and how they knew each other.

The book starts off with a bang and keeps on going with many twists and turns.

I was I was pretty sure I knew how it would end midway and I was completely thrown off track! Brilliant!!

This was the first book that I’ve read by Amanda McKinney and I definitely will be getting more of her books to read!

Thank you NetGalley, Amanda McKinney and Storm Publishing for granting me access to this book.

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This is a riveting tale of marriage, family, betrayal, revenge, and the dark secrets that lie hidden beneath the surface. This domestic thriller will keep you guessing until the final page, absolutely brilliant!

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Do you ever really know what goes on inside a marriage? Detective Rowan Velky's marriage is a tangled web of lies that have turned deadly. Rowan is investigating three gruesome murders with her partner Kellan, all the while trying to piece together her crumbling marriage. What was once an intense, inseparable bond, has turned into lies, deception, and a murder.
With multiple narrators, flashbacks, and complex and relatable characters, this one had me glued to the pages. The perfect back-and-forth between crime scene investigation and domestic drama with emotionally charged twists. I loved this dark and twisty thriller! This is my first @amadamckinney book but it will not be my last. I can't wait to check out her backlist!

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This is the first book I’ve read by this author and overall I really enjoyed the book. With that being said, the synopsis of the book says, “he thought I wouldn’t find out, I’m a detective” so I figured out the twist very early on. But I feel the writing is strong, the character development was great and really liked it.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this copy!

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This was one book I couldn't put down and finished in one day. The entire story is full of twists and suspense wondering what will happen next keeping you on your toes. Detective Rowan is in a loveless marriage to her husband Shep who she has known since they were kids in the foster care system. She throws herself in her work trying to solve the murders of three women each with the letter "X" portrayed on the victims somehow but what is the connection? You also meet Amber and her husband Mark who also seem to have issues in their marriage and dealing with news that their son could possibly have developmental issues. There does seem to be two main characters Detective Rowan and Amber, who is a therapist, with different stories and two POV but then further along in reading you figure out how they click and it makes sense. I thought the book was written well and makes you hold interest with asking questions, how are the characters related, who knows more then they are leading on, how far will some go to honor their past.

Thank you Amanda McKinney, Storm Publishing and NetGalley for this digital ARC
Book release date March 29, 2024

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Very mixed feelings on this book for me.
The pros:
Writing style
Some good twists I didn't see coming
I felt invested with most of the characters
Pacing of the book

The cons:
Several plot points were just a bit too much of a stretch to be believable at all
A lot of POVs got confusing

Giving this one 3 stars because it did keep my interest

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This book hooked me from page one. Every single guess that I made as I was reading was completely WRONG! A great thriller that had me on the edge of my seat!

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I devoured this in less than 24 hours! Definitely did not expect the plot twists that came with the ending but they were SO good. I hadn’t read anything by this author before and will definitely be adding more to my TBR. Thank you for the ARC!

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OMG, OMG, OMG!! This book is one of the best that I’ve read so far this year. This book touches on a lot of sensitive subject matter. This book was undoubtedly a page turner and I couldn’t put it down because I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next. The twists and turns were excellently written. This is my first book by this author and she has a new fan. Highly recommended.

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This book is so good! Suspenseful from the start. I never knew where the story was going to go, how the characters were inter-related, or what the twists would be, so it kept me reading and guessing.
Rowan is a detective investigating the murders of three women and it's not clear the murders are connected. Is her husband involved? What role does her therapist play? Is she going to end up with her hunky work partner? I highly recommend this fast-paced thriller.
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this e-ARC.

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I have three words for this book: fresh, fun and fantastic! I wasn’t sure what to expect from the synopsis, except for that it was about someone in a toxic marriage. Oh, but there is so much more…

Detective Rowan Velky works in a suburb outside of Houston, and she is the woman from the synopsis. Her husband, Shepherd, drinks too much, doesn’t work and emotionally neglects his wife - so she throws herself into her job. She has a crush on her coworker, Kellan, but doesn’t act on it. She and Shepherd may have an awful marriage, but they’ve been together since they were both children in foster care. Who else would want her and the baggage she carries?

Amber is our second main character, as she is Rowan’s therapist. Her best friend Emma is her child’s teacher, and she has a cold and distant husband named Mark who refuses to accept that their child has special needs, despite Emma sitting them both down for a serious talk about how to help him. Amber may be a therapist, but she’s dealing with some difficult issues of her own. She and Rowan are both good characters, and are both women struggling, with their marriages and life in general.

So you may be asking where is the mystery, the thrill? Oh, it’s there! Rowan gets news one night that a woman has been found murdered, rare for the area, and the killer left behind a very distinctive physical mark. She and Kellan are immediately on the case, but soon more women die, all with the same markings on their bodies, and the FBI kicks the local police to the side. Still, Rowan wants to know why these women were killed. What is the tying bond?

The murder mystery was great, the characters were written well, and the ending was fantastic with a huge twist that I didn’t see coming. This was also a thoughtful look at marriage, motherhood, infidelity and the criminal justice system. I definitely give this one my recommendation, and 4.5 stars.

(Thank you to Storm Publishing, Amanda McKinney and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on March 29, 2024.)

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3.5 ☆ my first book by this author and It won’t be my last. it was a little slow in the beginning and confusing due to there being a few more different pov’s than I was expecting but once everything started adding up, it was pieced together so well. there’s a lot of unexpected twist and turns. I’d definitely recommend if looking for a fast paced and bingeable thriller!

thank you NetGalley for the arc - releasing March 29th

tws: mentions of child abuse, foster care, depression, dementia, attempted suicide, infertility and infidelity.

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