Member Reviews

A Marriage of Lies is a thriller alright. When three bodies of women have turned up it is up to Detective Rowan Velky to try to figure out if this is a serial killer. Detective Velky is a detective in a small town in Texas. Solving this case is adding to her list of being overworked and trying to save her marriage to Shep. Things have not been going great for Rowan and Shep you might say its been going downhill really fast and the way Rowan copes is by working. Only now her partner Kellan has shown her the attraction she as not been getting from Shep and he is a hunk that is hard to resist.

Rowan is also seeing a therapist who is trying to get her to confront her horrible family life to move on from it and to settle things with her husband. Only Rowan now finds out that Shep is possibly having an affair with someone. How will she protect what little is left of her family? How can she move on to really linking these murders to one another and catch this serial killer?

I liked the twists and turns in this book. The characters were very complex which made the story very interesting. The intertwining of the characters lives and their movements through out the story gave it a very dark and thrilling aspect. One that I truly enjoy. I didn't always agree with the character Rowan. I found her sometimes very dismissive when it came to Kellan when he tried to help her and his help was always needed. Finding out why X marks were made on these women had me going. Trying to figure out these puzzle parts kept me glued to each page. That's the kind of read I like. It kept me on my toes and wanted to know more. Especially what Rowan did to solve this case.

Thank you Storm ad Net Galley for the ARC. I truly enjoyed this book and hope to ream more by Ms. McKinney 4.5 stars

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This may be my favorite book that I’ve read in quite some time. I was hooked from the very beginning, and although I semi figured out the big twist, I still thoroughly enjoyed reading to figure it all out.

The way the book bounces from Rowan and Amber’s perspectives, to little tidbits of backstory, was very enjoyable to read and kept my attention. I felt that the character development was superb.

I’d highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers or well written murder mysteries.

Thank you NetGalley, Storm Publishing and the Author for the advanced copy!

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I read an advance copy of A Marriage of Lies from NetGalley.

I was totally impressed with this book, and had a really hard time putting it down. We bounced between the perspective of detective Rowan and therapist Amber for most of the book, with a few other POV’s thrown in occasionally. I thought Rowan was extremely likable as a lead character, and the development with her backstory was well articulated.

I wasn’t expecting the twists and turns in this one either, it went a totally different direction than I was expecting but it was written so well.

I’d highly recommend this book to anyone who loves thrillers or murder mysteries.

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Detective Rowan Velky is going through a rough patch in her marriage. Every marriage has secrets but she’s afraid that she and her husband Shepherd have one too many that they keep from each other. Having recently started therapy, Rowan and her therapist work on her own issues, while Rowan works diligently at her job. Her marriage struggles take a back seat as Rowan encounters the most disturbing case of her career: a young woman strangled to death with an “x” carved on her body. Rowan and her colleagues begin to investigate but then another body is found in a similar manner, then a third as well. Soon it becomes apparent that there is a serial killer at work in her small town.

“A Marriage of Lies” is one of those books that grabbed my attention from the first few sentences and did not let up AT ALL. In fact, when I was done reading, I sat for a minute wondering what exactly did I just read?! Told from multiple viewpoints, I was equally invested in every aspect of this story, with my favorite character being Banjo (because, if there is a dog, it will always be my favorite character)! Rowan was very relatable, working through some heavy stuff while balancing a stressful career and a marriage that was falling apart. She was very intelligent and strong, all while being flawed and so realistic.

The pacing was perfect and there were several twists that I didn't see coming even in the slightest. But McKinney executed them all perfectly, and when they occurred, they made perfect sense in the story. The ending was haunting and stayed with me for a long time afterwards - I don’t usually encounter psychological thrillers that really make me think as much as this one did. To put it simply: this book was everything I absolutely love in a psychological thriller. “A Marriage of Lies” was the first book I read by this author but it will not be the last!

Thank you to Thriller Book Lover Promotions, Amanda McKinney and Storm Publishing for the ARC! “A Marriage of Lies” releases March 29, 2024. This review will be shared to my instagram blog (@books_by_the_bottle) shortly :)

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✨Spoiler Free Review✨

Title- A marriage of lies by @amandamckinneyauthor
Rating- ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was my first book by Amanda McKinney and I was not disappointed one bit. This was a fast read for me and every word had me hooked until the end.

The introductions of Rowan, a married detective, and Amber, her married therapist, reveal troubled home lives for each woman. In their small town, murders of women occur with eerie similarities: X marks on the victims signify an ominous message. Who’s killing and what do these messages mean?

This book kept me engaged and guessing, even when I thought I had some aspects figured out. There was twist in there I was not expecting at an all.

Very well done @amandamckinneyauthor ❤️😮‍💨

This book is available on kindle unlimited and purchase March 29,2024✨📚

Thank you to @thrillerbookloverspromotions @netgalley and Storm Publishing for the copy.✨

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A Marriage of Lies is a fast pace, multiview point thriller that will have you hooked from page 1. I couldn’t put this one down. Rowan is a small town detective who’s world starts to fall apart when the person she loves the most lies to her. I don’t think I can share too many details without spoilers. I enjoyed the short chapters, multiple points of conflict and guessing how everything would tie together at the end. McKinney brings the characters to life and is excellent at writing relationship conflict. Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the advance copy to read.

This is a psychological suspense novel involving murders which Detective Rowan is trying to solve.

The story unfolds with a decent pace. The chapters are short and told from multiple POVs.

Sadly the characters weren't likable and I struggled to connect with them. I also found the twists extremely obvious.

That said overall its a decent read, definitely an easy one for when you want something to grab your interest and be over quickly.

3.5 stars.

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Book review 📚 ARC

Marriage of lies

Rating - ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

This book didn’t take long for the drama to start unfolding. It is told in multiple POV’s but first focusing on the two main characters who have their own stories but of course there’s a link to them. The twists soon start being revealed and it’s a web of lies and secrets, some you won’t see coming. The characters are written really well, so well that some will annoy you 😂 I thought that the addition of the characters friends/partners were good to keep you guessing what lies they are hiding. The main character is a detective and the detail in the plot was really good. I don’t want to ruin any of the book but the ending was slightly disappointing compared to the build up from the rest of the book.

Overall, it was a good read. It is fast paced with short chapters and it didn’t take me long to get through it at all.

This one is definitely worth the read, will you be adding it to your TBR?

Thank you to the author, net galley and storm publishing for my advanced copy.

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Amanda McKinney always manages to keep me glued to the page. This book was no exception. You can just feel the secrets in the air and I love that in my thrillers.

Told in the POV of 2 women, Detective Rowan Velky and her therapist Amber. Both dealing with intense jobs and crumbling marriages. Not to mention women are being murdered and the detective said she did it. The ending kind of slaps you in the face with how fast the pacing suddenly went but I have to say that I enjoyed that. It heightened it more for me, especially since I couldn't look away already. The one thing I wish was a bit more developed was Rowan's (work) partner, Kellan. He does play a role in the book and I would have liked just a tiny bit more of a backstory on him.

It's not secret that I am a big McKinney fan and books like this are why.

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This domestic thriller delivers on what it promises. I flew through this one in two days! I really liked that one of the POVs was the cop so I got my police procedural fix. The serial killer part of the story was the perfect amount of creepy without being over the top. I was on pins and needles at the very end because I did not see the twists coming! If you like domestic suspense novels and police procedurals, I think you will enjoy this rollercoaster ride!

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I was given this Advance Reader Copy from NetGalley and Storm Publishing for an honest review. This is one of those books that when you put it down, you’re constantly thinking about it in the back of your mind as if it’s actually going on somewhere in this world. It had a little plot twist at the end which surprised me I really didn’t have a clear idea of “who did it” until I got a lot closer towards the end. The author included lot of concurrent stories including flashbacks that were dark and sad. (Please be advised there are some sensitive subjects.) All the stories helped piece the story together and unfold the truth.

In summary, without ruining much, this story is about two children carrying a lot of childhood trauma. Trauma that actually brought them together in love, and eventually marriage. Unfortunately the childhood trauma followed them. Now as adults Rowan, a detective and her husband Sheperd were unhappily married; both with their own issues they were trying to overcome. Both with their own secrets.
Suddenly a string of similar murders occur and of course, we don’t know who did it. Especially since it seems that everyone in this story knows each other somehow!

For those that love thriller stories, this is a really good one, I do wish the ending wasn’t so rushed as the entire book went into a lot of details and back stories that left you with questions, which I enjoyed.

Thank you Amanda McKinney, NetGalley and Atorm Publishing.

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What more can you want in a thriller? Affairs, murder, deceit, and great twists! Enjoyed the multiple point of views that all tied in together. Great storytelling that kept me hooked the entire time with a great conclusion. Definitely add this one to your TBR!

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Flew through this book. Couldn’t put it down! However was
Disappointed at the end! Thanks Net galley

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4.5🌟I devoured this book in one day! Can’t remember the last time I did that!

Rowan Velky is the lone homicide detective in a small suburb in Texas. She’s been tasked with training the new hire…the town heartthrob, Kellan.

Now, with three women murdered and their bodies mutilated, the two detectives suddenly face the prospect of a serial-killer running loose in their tiny town.

I loved how the story weaved through different perspectives. We have what appears to be completely unrelated stories that all ultimately converge in a shocking twist! Those are my favorite kind of thrillers. Where you are trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together...and it feels like you have two completely different puzzles in front of you.

The only reason I dropped a half-star was I’d hoped for a bit more from the ending. Somewhat lackluster after the entire twisty roller-coaster ride I just put myself through all day.

If you enjoyed Amanda McKinney’s series Mad Women, don’t miss out on this latest! Her thrillers just get better with each release!

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing

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I enjoyed this book up until the very end. For me the ending which I expected a twist was a let down in my opinion. I felt that the rest of the book was okay and it held interest enough to want to know who the killer was but not enough thrill to warrant an ending like that.

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My turn!!!!!

Does anyone else get way too excited to participate in book tours ?

It’s me, I get so dang excited I almost leave a little stream behind me as I make my way up to MY TURN…

Well, it’s here folks. Im about ready to blow y’all’s mind with this banger!

A Marriage of Lies

Good, gosh almighty, paint my nose and call me rose!

Lies, secrets and deceit, oh my!

This book will have your head twisted right off your neck with an ending you’ll never see coming . Don’t believe me? Check out this teaser:

Beneath the surface of every marriage there are secrets. This one is deadly.

My husband is lying. The minute he came home with alcohol on his breath and unable to look me in the eyes I knew it.

We used to be in love – the intense ‘I can’t be without you for a second’ kind. Where it hurts deep to be apart.

But now, we’re the couple that keep secrets from each other.

We hide the truth.

He thought I wouldn’t find out. I’m a detective – it’s literally my job to uncover clues and solve mysteries.

I know what he did.

And now I’m sitting here, in a police interview, being asked the question ‘did you kill her?’ to which I utter one life-shattering word: ‘yes.’

You can find my review/post on Instagram @thrillbythepage_ as well as on Goodreads: KoriPotenzone

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INCREDIBLE!!! Thank you NetGalley, Amanda McKinney and Storm Publishing for granting me access to this book in exchange for an honest review.

Wow!! That was a profoundly intense, darkly twisted and emotionally charged journey!! A Marriage of Lies is my first experience with this author’s work, and I am utterly enthralled by the story. Initially, I was torn between four or five stars, but after sleeping on it and waking up still consumed by its brilliance, I'm convinced it unequivocally merits five stars!! I devoured this book completely, utterly captivated, unable to tear myself away until I reached the final page in one sitting, keeping me on pins and needles until the very end!! Consider this a warning to clear your schedule, grab a snack, and set aside all responsibilities before immersing yourself in this book!! The blend of secrets, lies, jealously, drama, mystery, murders, gripping suspense, intense tension, short chapters, inventive and original plot, intricate twisty twists, complex and morally ambiguous characters, fast pacing, alternating perspectives, and a surprise ending make this a compelling and phenomenal psychological thriller!! Truly, the narrative seamlessly weaves together elements of domestic drama, police procedural, and a serial killer psychological thriller genres, resulting in a perfect blend of gripping intrigue!! I am proud to add this to my favorites list for 2024!!! 💙💙💙💙💙

Beneath the facade of every marriage lies a web of secrets. In Detective Rowan's marriage, the secrets have turned deadly. The moment her husband returned home reeking of alcohol and avoiding her gaze, Rowan sensed the deception. They use to share love so intense it felt unbearable to be apart, but now they are two people harboring secrets from each other. He underestimates her skills as a detective, uncovering truths and solving mysteries is what she does. Rowan knows what he's done. And now, as she sits in a police interrogation room, facing the damning question, "Did you kill her?" Rowan delivers one earth-shattering admission:"Yes." This is all you're going to get from me on the synopsis because I really do not want to spoil the experience for you. Believe me, it's better to dive into it without knowing anymore. Brace yourself for a riveting, twist-filled rollercoaster ride!!!

Overall, I was thoroughly immersed from start to finish. The ending caught me off guard and left me with goosebumps!! I am absolutely thrilled to read more works by Amanda McKinney. I wholeheartedly recommend this book and believe it deserves all the stars!! ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TW: child abuse, neglect, foster care, suicide attempt, eating disorder, dementia, child with developmental delays

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This book was really well done, and I enjoyed it immensely. The story focuses around a police officer who is investigating a series of murders in her town. The story switches perspectives throughout which I enjoyed and really kept me hooked. I read this very quickly, and it was pretty easy to keep up with. I also didn’t know who to trust, or what to believe, which is a huge plus when reading a thriller/crime based novels. 5 ⭐️

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I think this novel was amazing because it was twisted & very dark. I literally was trying to solve the slayings, the moment I thought I was getting closer then the plot would take an unexpected turn. The book was an absolute page turner.. the characters were a little off the hinge but that’s what made this storyline GREAT!

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Thank you to Net Galley for the advanced copy of this book. I rated this book 4 stars and enjoyed the narrative told from the different characters.

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