Member Reviews

I’ve been eyeing Christina McDonald ever since I grabbed These Still Black Waters which is the first book in this series as a Kindle deal. This, The Stranger at Black Lake is the prequel where Jess Lambert is introduced to Black Lake.

For Jess Lambert this was her fresh start in a new place that is tainted by murder, someone she thought was a new friend and a dark past to this town. Coming in at 125 pages, it was long enough to get the vibes of Black Lake, to connect with Jess, the town and ultimately a new series to start and author to follow.

Told with two distinct points of view rounded this out nicely between the past and present coming together. There is the mystery, creepiness and tension all nicely put together, along with the desire to see what happens next in Jess's life.

There are two books in this series, though book 2 releases in July (What Lies in Darkness.)

My thanks to Intrigue Ink Publishing (via Netgalley) for a digital arc in exchange for a honest review.

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The Stranger At Black Lake is the outstanding prequel in the Jess Lambert series. This short novella provides the background for the series and its main character, which readers were first introduced to in "These Still Black Waters", an amazing 5 star novel that quickly captures your attention, and leaves you desperate to know more about detective Jess Lambert and the secrets that lurk at Black Lake. A huge thank you to Intrigue Ink Publishing, the author and NetGalley for the advanced electronic copy of the book.

When we first meet young Jess Lambert in the prequel she and her husband, Mac have just moved to the small quaint town of Black Lake for a fresh start, a more peaceful life. But when Jess finds Annie, a new acquaintance ambling around the lake in distress, discovers a horrific scene from what looks to be a violent incident at Annie’s home, and then Annie suddenly disappears Jess is pulled into a mysterious game of cat and mouse.

The Stranger At Black Lake is a well written, intriguing novella that I thoroughly enjoyed reading. I quickly devoured this short story within a few hours. This enthralling storyline has so many twists and turns that I couldn’t flip the pages fast enough to find out what happened next. The Jess Lambert series is not one to miss out on.

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Thank you Intrigue Ink Publishing / Netgalley, #partner, for the advanced e-copy of The Stranger at Black Lake in exchange for my honest review.

I loved These Still Black Waters, which was the first book in Christina McDonald’s Jess Lambert series and so I was thrilled to find out that she had written a prequel novella while we wait for the second book in the series to come out. Yes, I did read this one after reading the first book, but I really don’t think it matters – I loved finding out what it was that brought Jess to Black Lake in the first place and what leads to some decisions that play into the first book. This prequel might be short, but let me tell you, it is chock full of great character development that I find to be quite integral to Jess’s story arc and boy is it an eerie, creepy book. I found myself completely pulled in from the get-go and loved every second of it!

Whether you have read These Still Black Waters or not, this is a must-read for this series and now I am even more excited for book 2, What Lies in Darkness, which come out in July!

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I love everything about the Jess Lambert series. I am not a fan of series but Christina McDonald has done such an amazing job developing her Jess Lambert character that it’s impossible not to love these books. Jess is a detective that is battling some serious demons. After she and her husband move to black lake, she meets a woman named Annie who is also new to town. Annie soon vanishes and things quickly take a left turn. I loved loved loved this mystery where I didn’t know who Annie was, what she was about, or how things were going to turn out. The way the mystery unfolded and watching Jess’ own story unfold was amazing. I highly recommend this book!

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Thank you NetGalley for an advanced copy. I know this is a prequel and an introduction to how Jess became a detective. This books was so great that I am going to read “These Still Black Waters”. Jess is a great character and the whole mystery woman who she befriended story unraveled at every page. This book was sadly too quick for me and I would have loved more. The ending/twist surprised me and I hope it gets tied into the next book.

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A prequel that sets up the back story for the Jess Lambert series. Readers were introduced to Jess Lambert in THESE STILL BLACK WATERS, a 5 star mystery/thriller that left us wanting to know more of the history of Jess and Black Lake, the community that was supposed to be a fresh start for Jess and her husband, Mac. Christina McDonald has developed Black Lake into a diverse community that has more than it's share of troubles. The story lines wind through and around a community that's hiding secrets that have set the scene for the current troubles. A short, fast read that still packed enough thrills and tension to keep you watching for the next book.

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A prequel to the Jess Lambert series by this author. This one is filled with lots of action, suspense, thrills, and murder. It tells how Jess got into being a cop after being a paramedic in New York.

Jess and her husband Mac, who is a lawyer, moved to Black Lake after Jess was attacked. Her and her partner. They decided it was time for a change and this was the place to start a family. Are they in for lots of action though. More than they know.

This book is not a long one but it's filled with so many twists and turns that if you blink you might miss something. Or not. It's got a lot going on but it's still pretty easy to follow. There is a house where some awful things happened and where this story will come to it's final conclusion. A very dramatic conclusion with many things answered. It won't leave you hanging. Both the past and the present come to a head and a few unanswered questions will be revealed. Who lived in the house in the past and what all happened there. It's part sad and a lot of action.

This story is told from Jess's pov and His pov. You'll find out who this His is along the way. All things are answered. This book is very good and fits perfectly with the series. I can't wait to read the next one.

Thank you #NetGalley, #ChristinaMcDonald, #IntrigueInkPublishing, for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

Five stars. It's short but full of action..

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Author and Title: The Stranger at Black Lake by Christina McDonald

Summary: Jess and her husband, Mac, move to a small town to get out of New York City. Jess experience a traumatic event while working as a paramedic. The small town is idyllic until a chance meeting with a new woman arrives. Jess's life is turned upside down after the woman goes missing and a man turns up brutally killed. Jess is caught in the middle of the murder case while a monster of a killer is trying to find a woman connected to the story.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Fiction

This short novella is a prequel to These Still Black Waters. The story builds anticipation for its resolution. There are a few moments when you question if the killer taunts Jess or if she is just dreaming things.

I had no reason not to like Jess as the main character. She seemed like a strong woman who always tried to do the right thing. She is at a crossroads in her life, not sure what she wants when she is brought into the middle of the homicide investigation. Again, as a novella, it is short, and much of her side investigation clues fall into her lap. The other main POV is from a traumatized and disfigured man who will kill to get what he wants. He creates much of the alternate dialog and pieces of the story. You begin to feel sorry for him as you do for Frankenstein's monster. Both of these characters are not loved or hated.

The story starts with a bang. The reader is quickly drawn into the story due to the shocking nature of the murder. The plot goes off the rails at the climax of the story. The characters drive the story; when the characters come together, it is messy and doesn't make sense at the end. I needed to understand the motivation of some of the character's actions. The story has fast pacing and does keep you interested. You need to check the trigger warnings before you read

Overall, you would enjoy the story if you like short thrillers or mysteries. I did notice a few incorrect words that need to be corrected; hopefully, someone will make a final edit.

I received this ebook for my honest review. Thank you, Netgalley.

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This is a great novella.
I’ve not read any other books with Jess Lambert in but I’ll definitely be looking them up after reading this one.
Jess and her husband move to a quiet location and Jess is struggling without her friends nearby.
When she meets Annie in a local coffee shop she thinks she’s found a friend. However, when she sees her naked and covered in blood near the lake she rushes to help her, but then Annie disappears.
This is a great mystery thriller that I really enjoyed.
Thanks to Intrigue Ink Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.

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The Stranger At Black Lake
by Christina McDonald
Pub Date: 19 Mar 2024

"The Stranger At Black Lake" is the prequel to “These Still Black Waters” which I have not read but had no problem reading this novella. I do think it would be beneficial to read "These Still Black Waters" which I'm planning to do in the near future. This is the first book I've read from Christina McDonald prior to this and I was very satisfied with her writing style!

The storyline, characters and all the twists in this book made it a very enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it.

Short Synopsis:

Secrets, murder and revenge converge in this gripping prequel to Amazon charts bestselling thriller, These Still Black Waters, about a young Jess Lambert drawn into a deadly cat-and-mouse game. Because old ghosts often have old scores to settle.

Many thanks to #NetGalley, #IntriqueInkPublishing and #ChristinaMcDonald for an advanced E-ARC of this 5 star book!

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The Stranger At Black Lake is book 0.5 in the Jess Lambert series by Christina McDonald.
I’ve read and enjoyed These Still Black Waters and What Lies in Darkness.
I was ready for a new book! And it didn’t disappoint.
Only this story is about a young Jess Lambert drawn into a deadly cat-and-mouse game of secrets, murder and revenge.
This suspenseful novella was well written with an amazing storyline and interesting characters.
I found this book to be gripping, well thought out and eerie. I devoured this book and loved every second of it.

Thank You NetGalley and Intrigue Ink Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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This was an interesting story. I actually really enjoyed the plot and the twists were fabulous but it was lacking some development. I know this is a prequel to a book that I have not read yet so I’m going to add that to be TBR and see if the character development makes more sense in the next book.
I am going to continue on to read the other book. I’m wondering if this one was just a quick prequel

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Thank you so much Netgalley, Christina McDonald, and Intrigue Ink Publishing for the ebook!! I just can't get enough of Jess Lambert and her story. Going back to the very beginning and putting the pieces together in this thrilling read! I cannot wait until book 2 in the series comes out and to get more of her story!!

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Wow that was an intense ride.
Gripped me from the first chapter. I would definitely recommend The stranger at black lake by Christina McDonald. I really enjoyed the book, and then to find out that there is another two already. Definite 4 stars

Thanks NetGalley and publishers for the arc.

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I knew this was a novella & prequel going into the book. I absolutely loved the story, thought it was well written and had some fantastic twists. However I wish there would have been a tad more background and character development so I could love these characters even more. It was a great story and I am absolutely going to check out this authors other works.

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I went into this without realising it was a prequel to two other books. I don’t think it’s necessary to have read these first, I still devoured this book within a couple of hours!

It’s a fast-paced page turner with a twist I had no idea was coming. It’s very well written and I love that it’s told from multiple points of view. Even though this was short, I found myself invested in the characters and I’m excited to read the other two in the series!

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This is a book that I would classify as intense suspense combined with thriller. It is a prequel to THESE STILL BLACK WATERS and gives background information about Jess Lambert’s arrival in Black Lake and her foray into investigating crimes. This short novel includes a house at which a murder occurred, a possible ghost sighting, and a young woman who suddenly appears and then disappears. Jess is caught in the middle of the mystery when she meets Annie at the local store and then sees her again at the murder house. The setting is perfect for the story, with lots of reason for the eerie music to play in my head as I read. I liked the close relationship between Max and Jess and how supportive he was of her. The suspense increased at more details were revealed, which to me was a fantastic way to build the story. There were clues, red herrings and plenty of action. This is a fast-paced and quick read that kept me completely engaged and turning pages quickly as I wanted to know the outcome of Jess’s investigation, especially since she seemed to be putting herself in danger in order to help a virtual stranger. There is a sub-plot about a man from Jess’s past that plays an important part in the story and the feelings that Jess has of being stalked. With a gripping story, escalating tension and exceptional characterization, this book was increasingly creepy and just way at I wanted in this dark, nail-biting and spine-tingling suspense/thriller.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16th CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

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This was a fast, easy read. I do love a novella. That being said I did not know this was a prequel to two books that I have not read. So if you have not read these books, dont worry it doesnt matter.

This was fast paced and easy to read. Jess moves to Black Lake with her husband. Moved from a big city to a small town and this small town has stories.

She quickly befriends Annie a coffee shop and the later on a run discovers Annie naked and in shock at a crime scene. What happened, who is Annie and what does her tattoo have to do with it?

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This book was the prequel I never knew I needed! It was absolutely amazing! For starters, I loved seeing this version of Jess so much. Her and Mac are so perfect together, and she is just so much happier than the Jess I met in These Still Black Waters. I cannot help but want to see that version of Jess come back as she heals more. And I hope that her and Mac get a second chance. I also loved watching Jess become a detective, and learning about her past career as a paramedic. It was such an amazing origin story! Words truly cannot begin to describe how much I love Jess. As for the plot, it was also amazing. It was super fast paced with tons of twists and turns. And I loved how everything came together in the craziest of endings. Of course, this a novella, so I do wish it was longer, no matter how well it was done at this length. The mystery was definitely complex enough for an entire novel. Overall, I loved this prequel so much and cannot wait to continue the journey with Jess Lambert in What Lies in Darkness!

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Thank you so much #NetGalley for the advanced reader copy!


Jess and her husband Mac decide to escape the hustle and bustle of the big city and resort to Black Lake, a quieter, more peaceful area to call home. However, the peaceful life they have sought out quickly comes apart at the seams one afternoon when Jess meets a beautiful stranger at their local café - Annie. Within hours of meeting Annie, Jess stumbles upon a gruesome murder scene - at Annie’s house. Annie, naked, and in shock, disappears before Jess can get any answers. Who is this dead man in Annie's house, and what really happened here?


Although I hadn’t read the first two books featuring the main character, so I didn’t have much connection to the characters, this book still captured my attention. It is a highly engaging and well-written novella, with different POVs, which I really enjoyed. However, towards the last bit of the book, it felt a bit confusing and left me a bit underwhelmed.

#TheStrangerAtBlackLake #NetGalley

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