Member Reviews

Overall, I enjoyed this book. The author was clearly very passionate in his defending of American values and in calling for significant change. This passion awakens a sense of duty and pride for our country. I feel that many of his proclamations and suggestions are intelligently thought out and just what our embattled country needs. With all that said, there were a few too many grammatical and spelling errors to completely overlook. It also became a little repetitive at times. But overall, a good read for the patriot of America.

Every human living in America should read this book. We (the people) need to get over the two party mentality and look at our country as united with differing opinions. Freedom is not free and given to us ONE TIME. We need to start thinking for ourselves and look at things from all angles.

Good grief. I don't know where to start. This is supposed to be about loving our country and its roots but it's just another Trump screed. No, democracy isn't the opposite of a republic. The US has a form of government that allows its citizens to govern ourselves and elect our own representatives and often even vote for specific laws. No, people fighting for individual rights aren't tearing the country apart.
This book is based on the idea that you can have freedom with zero responsibility. Nobody who has actually read the great works making up our country's founding could have remotely come up with that conclusion.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review.

I want to give a big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and give an honest review.
For the Love of Country: Common Sense 2.0 was a great book, honestly today common sense is what people lack anymore. I love that the author wasn’t afraid to hold back and speak the truth.
Out of the many parts in this book I have to so to me this statement speaks the loudest to me. It is something me and my husband talk about a lot because we are tired of people trying to change something that has already happened.
“Why are so many bent on rewriting history? We cannot change the past or apply modern-day standards and sensibilities to events of a bygone era.
Any attempts to do so or to make excuses for people we never personally knew are simply an exercise in tolerance. At a minimum, we should try to forgive, accept it, learn from it, and make efforts not to repeat the same mistakes. Those living in the past or bent on rewriting it are only doing so to gin up division.”
We are in the present keep it that way. Our ancestors did so much to make the world a better place and honestly I feel all some people are doing is spitting on their graves disrespecting all their efforts to make this world a better place for us to live in. If my family then is anything like my family now I would probably get a good old fashioned ass whipping for my behavior.
Again thank you NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to review this book. I truly enjoyed the author’s honest.

This was an excellent book that will no doubt strike a chord with a lot of readers. This is the type of book that should have more published like it.

Holden has provided the American people with a gift. He writes with candor about difficulties in our nation that must be corrected if she is to thrive again. Great challenges!

This is a wonderful little book. The author basically was updating Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" (1776), and he did an excellent job. In my opinion, this book should be required reading for every HS senior in America.

This book is about Common Sense - which was fought for during the American Revolution and which has gone up in smoke like a Police Station after an Antifa Rally.
This book, nor the subject matter (bringing back Common Sense, Human Flourishing, giving more power to the people and less to the Authoritarian State (Government)) will be surprising to Conservatives that have slowly watched the Decline of America and Her Values.
For readers that are concerned about everything happening in America and wondering what solutions are available, some of the answers can be found in For Love of Country.
The book is engaging and lively. Highly recommend!

Reads Like General Francis Hummel or Frank Castle Monologue Yet Also Contains Points Far Right/ GOP Won't Like. This is designed to be a new version of the pamphlet Common Sense by Thomas Paine that was so influential in Revolutionary America and which clocks in at around 70 pages, depending on exact modern edition. Yet Holden repeatedly claims that he is actively not seeking to incite violence - perhaps in an attempt to stave off any legal claims - even as the book maintains a revolutionary fervor throughout its short 91 pages. While admittedly this is written from a solidly right-side-of-the-aisle perspective, there are in fact several points throughout where Holden goes "off script" for that side and genuinely advocates what are at minimum more centrist positions. Ultimately, this is an intriguing treatise that will at minimum help its opponents better understand the actual mentality of the "other side", and the only objective fault here is the absolute lack of any actual bibliography. Recommended.