Member Reviews

Wow, Christine Nolfe, this book was a great read, one that I had a hard time putting it down. I loved the story line, the page turning anticipation and that it kept me saying, “I’ll read one more chapter”.

I shed tears as I read. Keep a box of tissues close by as you read this book.
A Heart Like Home is an emotional and heartbreaking story. My emotions were on a roller coaster ride as I got deeper into the lives of Henry and Bella. It will grab you in from the start and keep hold on you until the last page.
The toll it takes on everyone from being a foster parent to the difficulties of adoption. How kids in foster care may or may not be in a good, safe, caring environment. Are the kids even happy, healthy, properly cared for and fed?
This story really tugged at my heartstrings. A story of family, friendship, secrets and hope.
Thank you NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and Christine Nolfi for the opportunity to read this book.

This book teaches us that family is more than just your relatives. It shows that not all kids are always happy and healthy. Things that might not be as they seem in a family, especially for kids in foster care.
The author talks honestly about the difficulties of adoption, and it really break my heart for that harsh reality. I just cried my heart out how beautiful this story was! It really hits home, straight to my heart.

Nova Doubeck isn't a typical foster parent. She's single and in her late twenties. She also has a relatively new and growing landscaping business. Although Nova has several years of experience being an emergency foster parent, she prefers teenagers to younger children simply because she relates better to teens. All that changes with one phone call from her good friend and social worker, Imani Weiss. Without any other options, Nova accepts the care of the young siblings, Henry and Bella Croy. Their mother is deceased and their father is irresponsible and unreliable. Bella and Nova seem to bond quickly, but Henry is aloof and a bit standoffish. Nova's primary concern is providing a safe, caring, and nurturing environment for Henry and Bella. The longer these kids stay with her, the more attached she becomes. Bella's relationship with Nova reawakens dormant feelings and seems to unlock an undiscovered secret to Nova's past. The big question seems to be can Nova protect these children from their father and is she prepared for the journey to permanent foster parent to Henry and Nova?
Christine Nolfi is one of my must-read authors. I've read (and re-read) all of her books and was greatly looking forward to reading A HEART LIKE HOME. Ms. Nolfi did not disappoint with this heart-wrenching yet hopeful story filled with friendship, family, and romance. I especially appreciated the developing relationship between Nova, Henry, and Bella. Ms. Nolfi does a fantastic job of spotlighting the "secrets" each character is keeping and revealing how those secrets are intertwined. If you're looking for a story that will tug at your heartstrings but end on an uplifting note, I strongly encourage you to grab a copy of A HEART LIKE HOME to read. I'm looking forward to re-reading this one and will definitely be grabbing a print copy for my 89-y.o. book diva mother.

Nova usually fosters teenagers but when her friend Imani calls her with emergency case of siblings she relents and takes them in. This story has many stories and secrets that unravel and Nova finally comes to understand her childhood secrets and finds love in the process.
This story was written in the area where I live so when she was mentioning the places they went knowing where it was made the story so much more realistic.
Thanks to NetGalley for ARC.

What a beautiful story. I love how Christina Nolfi weaves such a nice tale. Even when it became difficult to read, you could feel the love in this book. The 80’s are my favorite era to read about, so that was definitely a plus. It also made it scarier, without technology and cell phones. How easy it is to think, wow it could have been so different in today’s time to call police and get people involved on a mass scale. Lovely book that I will be recommending. Thank you to Netgalley for the early read!

What a beautiful story of love, hope, and second chances! Nova is experienced in fostering teen-age children. However, when two younger siblings need a place to stay, Nova agrees to take them in. Nova is an incredibly strong woman who gives her time, talent, and love to these siblings. Henry and Bella are beautiful children who need love and a second chance. This story grabs at your heartstrings every step of the way.
Thank you to Christine Nolfi, Lake Union Publishing, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of A Heart Like Home, I enjoyed this book and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

This book took my heart , broke it, then put it together again. A stunning story, filled with tenderness, love and the struggles fostering and adopting can bring. Nova is a foster mother, usually taking on teenagers. But this time she is taking on a young girl and her brother. This brings up a lot of the past for her which she has not wanted to confront yet. Amazing story, will read more from this author.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

As much as I liked the plot, the execution wasn't on the same level.
The parts from Bella's pov, for example, didn't offer much in terms of content. It would've been way more impactful if the pov chapters were of Henry's. Bella had a consistent relationship with all characters, she liked Nova from the get go and was afraid of her father from the beginning, so her development wasn't really interesting.
On the other side, Henry was grappling with how he viewed Nova and how to deal with the toxic beliefs he had because of his hard upbringing. His character development was gripping, it made me root for him and feel so proud of every positive step he took.
The writing kept switching from just relying the events through the characters and writing the situations in the present. It didn't have a pattern, so it felt like everything was narrated in the same tone which made it hard to determine the climax points of the storyline.
I wasn't a fan of how closely tied everyone was, it felt too convenient and hard to believe. It was almost like a low budget school play where every student had to play multiple roles.
Also, was it necessary to have a love interest involved? That's too much change to go through, and Nova took it all in stride as if she didn't have trust issues at all and was used to fostering kids all the time.
Apart from her saying this was all new to her, she didn't really show any signs of distress, which didn't fit with her character arch.
Overall, I didn't hate it, it was just frustrating for the book to have so much potential but turns out to be underwhelming.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

Christine Nolfi wrote a beautiful book. Nova’s story is not easy but it is real and true. Her history tells her to be careful and her heart tells her to help the children that need her the most, I was taken straight into Nova, Henry, and Bella’s world.
Nova is phenomenal. The strength she has while building her life is amazing. She works hard, she makes something of herself, and opens her house to children who need a safe space to stay. I love how hard Nova worked to build her business, she was self-made and deserved the recognition she was working towards. She tries hard not to open her heart to her foster children but they quickly work their way right into her world and heart. She knows that she will do anything to keep them safe.
The twist of this story was something I almost saw coming. When it happen I had that aha moment that put it all together and made Nova’s world complete. I love that aha moment, it is perfect.
Thank you Christine Nolfi for a copy of the book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Oh how this book brought back many memories!
The reason I say this is because my parents were foster parents many years ago and I've seen my share of hurts, fear of trusting and many other things that involve forster care.
For that reason alone I can connect with Nova the foster mom.
This book would definitely make a great heartwarming Hallmark movie.
I agree with another reader. This author has hit this sweet novel head on.
I finished this book in one afternoon because it grabbed my heart like no other book has in a long time.
I had to see the outcome of Nova's story and I wasn't one bit disappointed.
Some of this book will make you cry so I highly recommend a box of tissues nearby.
This book has made me realize that not all children are happy and healthy. It also reminds us that not all is as it seems in a home.
Trauma can happen anywhere and anytime.
I'm giving this novel 5 stars for keeping my attention and for leaving me still thinking about these characters long after the story is finished.
This is always true too. There's no place like home. Especially if it is with your loved ones even if they aren't blood related.
I highly recommend.
My thanks to Netgalley for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

I read an ARC of this heartwarming story by Christine Nolfi and thoroughly enjoyed the interactions between the characters, the suspense and excitement, and the unusual plot twists! Ms. Nolfi is a master at capturing the challenges and realities of trying to build trusting relationships between a foster mother and two children who have experienced a traumatic childhood. Wow! I am the mother of an older child who was adopted from foster care and this book is spot on!

I am not very good with writing a review. The author did a wonderful job on writing this book. I loved all the characters in this book. Bella is such a smart child, she seemed to know who Nova was from the beginning. My favorite character was Bella. She is smart , just a very sweet child. I hope the author will write a series to A Heart Like Home. I will read this book again, I really enjoyed this book. I would give it 20 stars because it was wonderful book.

A Heart Like Home is the latest novel by Christine Nolfi. I’ve been a fan of hers for a long time and have read almost all of her books but I truly believe that this is my favorite so far! It’s a story that takes place in Ohio and centers around foster care and adoption. The main character, Nova, who is a landscaper by trade takes in foster children as a way of giving back. She too as a young child was in the system a short while until she was adopted by her loving parents. She normally only deals with teens and usually only one at a time but a situation occurs where there is a brother and sister, Henry and Bella, both under the age of 10 who really need her help. This is a very emotional story with a lot of love and patience but you also read about the horrible abuse that has taken place by their father. Nova soon becomes emotionally attached to both children and as you read you learn why. There is more of a connection there that I didn’t foresee but it was a really nice surprise! This is a story of love and finding family but also learning to accept your past and how to move forward. I really enjoyed reading this and I’d recommend it to anyone who enjoys women’s fiction. I’d like to thank Christine Nolfi for the invitation to read an early copy with the Liberty Ladies and NetGalley for the arc. This was a beautiful, heartfelt story that I’m giving a 5 star rating!

I’m sure my words will not do this book justice. I’ve always enjoyed Christine Nolfi’s stories and I thought The Passing Storm, my personal favorite of hers, couldn’t be topped. But I was wrong. A Heart Like Home was so emotional and heartbreaking. If you’re even the slightest bit familiar with the world of foster care, whether through personal experience or through friends or family members who have been involved, this book will tear at your heart.
I know Ms. Nolfi wrote this from her heart. The characters are wonderful. Nova is a single woman who normally fosters teens. When her best friend, Imami, a social worker, needs an emergency foster placement for two young children, Henry and Bella, Nova agrees to take them. She herself was a foster child who was adopted. What Nova learns about her past and what she will go through for her future will keep you turning the pages.
Thank you to Netgalley and publisher Lake Union for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Another great read from Christine Nolfii. A great line of characters and a storyline that flows perfectly. Suspense and intrigue which kept me turning the pages. I definitely recommend this book.

A Heart Like Home is a tantalizing study in humanity, found family, and the gifts of fate. Christine Nolfi has once again outdone herself! Nova Doubeck had a rough start in life albeit one she mostly doesn’t recall until she found herself in the safety and love of Finch and Helen Doubeck’s home. She does know that she had been abused and has scars to prove it, and that she loves being outside over all else. This love of outside has resulted in her love for plants which in turn was the kernel for her landscaping business. And, although a small fledgling company, Nova has just landed a large important job for one of the wealthiest families in the area.
As well as her company, Nova has opened her home and heart to numerous foster kids, teens in a momentary crisis with the hopes of their troubled families being able to reunite. Working with her childhood friend Imana, now a social worker, has been an added plus in doing this work. When Imani calls asking Nova to foster a brother-sister pair, ages 7 and 9, Nova hesitates, but when Imani convinces Nova that the only option for keeping the siblings together is coming to Nova’s, she agrees.
There is so much to this beautiful tale. Helping traumatized children learn to trust, Nova also learns to open her heart, both to others and to learning about her own past. This story is so well written, perfectly plotted, and set with unexpected twists. Ms. Nolfi’s work is always a good read! She has a way of designing intricate plots with surprising twists that keep the reader turning pages well into the night! I very much enjoyed this book and definitely do recommend it!

As an adoptive parent and northeast Ohio native, A Heart Like Home was an especially wonderful read.
Christine Nolfi paints a picture of Ohio that made me long for home. More importantly, the manner in which she told a story that gave creedence to the perspective of all the players resonated with me on many levels. The many facets of adoption are compassionately and frankly illustrated through her rendering of the saga of two abused children ensnared in the web of the very network asked to protect them.
Henry and Bella long for love and stability in the face of the stranglehold their father wields over them even when absent from their day-to-day routine. Readers will surely be captivated by foster mother, Nova Doubeck, who must confront her own adoptive history while battling to achieve the best outcome for Henry and Bella even at the risk of a rift with her long-time friend who oversees their case. The characters are so well-written, eliciting equal parts sympathy and frustration for each, from the abusive father who is himself the product of abuse to the children who wrestle with the concept of a hand better than the one they've been dealt. A Heart Like Home is recommended for anyone considering adoption or on the periphery of an adoptive situation because Christine Nolfi nailed it
with a tale that proves adoption is not simply a legal proceeding. #AHeartLikeHome #NetGalley

A Heart Like Home is a beautifully heartbreaking book. I found it very hard to put down. The story of Nova, Henry, and Bella shows how through hard times and situations, life will amaze you at how the heart knows what the brain is slow to recognize. I am always eager to pick up a book by Christine Nolfi. Her writing is so pure and full of emotion that brings the characters to life.
Thank you to the publisher for an advanced copy of this book. This is my honest review.

My thoughts
A heart like home.
Christine Nolfi.
A heart warming story.
This one will pull at your heart strings.
A story about Foster care & adoption.
Love respect and Simply taking care of children.. One of the greatest joy's on earth.
Two young children,
Henry and bella, Left home alone so often.
Soon find a heart like home. These children have been through so much. Heart ache, along way they have traveled. A hard one. In there short life's.
But maybe they found What's Best for them. Foster care can be one of the great things. For so many. Sometimes adoption plays into the picture..
Nova Doubeck,
a foster mother for teens. but will help all children. She's a good mom for any foster child.
This Has been my favourite book by this author... Absolutely a sweet story..
Christine Nolfi
Absolutely love this book it is perfect..