Member Reviews

This was my first Rosalie Oaks book and I would be interested in reading more of her books. I enjoyed the setting of this book, it reminded me of Jane Austen. I liked that there was a bit of magic entwined with the mystery. I thought her little vampire friend was a funny addition to the story. I didn’t realize it was going to be a romance heavy book, I thought that was ok, but didn’t care for that too much. I found the Duke to be a funny character that added some much needed humor to the story. The magic element of this book was interesting, I thought we would have witches, but Judith’s powers were discerning lies which I thought was an interesting take on magic. Other people in the Manor also had powers which I thought added a nice mystery to the story. Overall I enjoyed this book, almost reading the whole thing in a day!

Thank you to Netgalley and Parkerville Press for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A well-written and fascinating whodunnit featuring magically enhanced nobility, long lost love interests, and quirky vampires --- what more could you ask for?

Lady Avely is at an impasse. Having been a widow for more than a decade and her children now grown and no longer relying on her, she needs to figure out what is next for her. This leads her to the house of her former love interest -- where there happens to be murder and magical mischief afoot. The Duke, back from nearly a decade abroad, asks her to stay at the estate and use her powers of discernment to help with his investigation. But being so close to Dacien brings old feelings of hurt (and desire) to the forefront and jeopardizes her ability to remain aloof.

Very interesting paranormal/magical plot mixed in with some old fashioned locked-room mystery. Only wish it hadn't ended so abruptly -- eagerly anticipating the second book in this series!

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Thank you Parkerville Press & NetGalley for this ARC!

Ooooh, I enjoyed this more than I thought I would. There are a few tropes in this book that I usually don't like at all, and yet I couldn't put this down. I looooved the 2 MCs!

There are really only sprinkles of romance in this book, but I'm hoping the next in the series focuses a bit more on it.

This books ends on a cliffhanger that has me NEEDING the next book to hurry up & get here!

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Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic by Rosalie Oaks drew me in with a stunning premise and kept me hooked with a lovely story.

What I loved

1. This story stands on its own while being a break away from the wider world the author has written in.
2. Second chance romance vibes.
3. Unexpected vampires in my murder mystery vibe

What didn't work as well for me

Gosh darn it that ending has me needing a next book before this one has even been released.

Who I would recommend this title for

Paranormal or mystery readers looking for some cozy whimzy will have a good time with this read.

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Okay, WOW- I was so pleasantly surprised with this book!!

Lady Judith Avely finds herself reuniting with the Duke of Sargen in this second chance, regency, fantasy romance. While they work together using their magical Gifts to uncover the secrets of the duke's haunted estate after a murder and ghostly rumors, they also find themselves uncovering secrets and layers of their past.

I was instantly hooked within the first few pages- the writing is so cozy and flows so magically! I was impressed with the vivid descriptions and metaphors that just seem so natural and organic throughout the book. The main characters are middle aged, charming and so lovable. The duke's witty flirtations had ME blushing. The magic system was unique and not overly complex, so it was an easy and fun read! I also appreciated the interludes of flashbacks- they were well placed within the story, and they didn't interrupt or confuse you from the main timeline. & of course we can't forget our delightful pocket vampiris!! 🦇🦇

This book gave me magical Downtown Abbey vibes mixed with a little Knives Out. You get the perfect amount of humor, magic and mystery with a slow burn romance sprinkled in!

This is book #1 in the Matronly Misadventures series and ends in a cliffhanger, so you will absolutely find me reading the next book as soon as it comes out!

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Going into this book i didnt think i was going to like it, this is probably because im not used to regency era books and it took a few chapters to get used to the shift. However overall i did enjoy this book, its a low stakes murder mystery and the characters are interesting. Throughout it did remind me of clue-do a little bit and i found the character progression and plot to be very slow. The magic system in this is very weird and i keep going back and fourth on whether i like it - i dont think that the magic is the main part of this book and thats why im unsure about it. This being said i think for a chill book to read its a great option and it is also the first in a series which i will definitely continue!

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Oh, this book was like a cup of the most decadent hot absolute treat! This is a break off book featuring the mother of Elinor from the "Lady Jewel Diviner" series, which I also adored! Cudos to the author for shining the spotlight on a middle age character and letting her shine. This is the same historical English Regency world where some people contain magical gifts and there are tiny vampiri companions. The world building is fascinating. The book was so much fun with many layers of mystery, secrets, and second chance romance. We get a glimpse of the past romance between Judith and Dacian and then the present-day reunion where feelings are still very much alive even if our heroine tries to stubbornly deny. I can hardly wait for book two...and that ending?! I need more answers NOW!

5 stars

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This was a fun little mystery with a side of magic and second chance romance. Judith is a fun, if slightly reluctant, heroine who gets sucked into solving a murder/haunting/theft while on a personal quest to her old romantic interest's home on behalf of her deceased husband. Her magic she has to assist her, along with her clothes-hating vampiri companion add a whimsical and funny twist. I loved the interludes which give background into how Judith ended up taking the path through life that she did, which was admittedly her second choice. I absolutely loved it and cannot wait to read the next.

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What a delightful story! The "magical concept" in the story was different than any other I've read. The characters were interesting and the story had me guessing. I am looking forward to book 2 as the cliffhanger at the end was surprising.

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This was a delightful introduction to the world of magic and historical mystery. The widow Lady Avely returns to where she met her husband and encounters mysterious specters, secret magic, and a hot Duke. The mystery surprised me, and I enjoyed the ride to the end.

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I absolutely loved this story. I will be recommending to my followers. The story was funny and intriguing, the characters engaging.

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Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic is a delightfully engaging historical fantasy mystery series starter by Rosalie Oaks. Released 16th Feb 2024, it's 370 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout. For Kindle Unlimited subscribers, this book is currently included in the KU subscription library to borrow and read for free.

It's always a joy to find a fresh, engaging, clear voice in a favorite genre. This indie author was not previously on my radar (and should've been). It's set in the late Regency period with a fantasy/paranormal world element. Lady Avely is gifted with a "lie detector" ability which makes her quite useful at unraveling mysteries. There are a number of restrictions and social and legal mores bound up in the use of magical abilities, and she's still coming to grips with a recently recognized change in social status. She's been a widow for more than a decade, with two adult children (not featured in this book), as well as entanglements from her long ago past history.

There -is- a strong romance element, but it delightfully doesn't overpower either the mystery or magical elements in the very well told story. The sequel is due out in 4th quarter 2024. Definitely one to pick up. It's an indie pub and likely not on most library acquisition lists. It's available independently from retailers as well as the author and would be a great addition for public library acquisition, home use, or a buddy read.

Four and a half stars. A true delight.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Thank you to netgalley for the ARC.

My First read by Rosalie Oaks and my goodness she did not dissapoint.

This was such a lovely cosy easy read and I AM OBSESSED :)

As soon as I saw this part of the book description I knew it would be for me "A lady who can discern lies, the duke who lied to her, and a gothic cosy mystery full of bats, skulls and cocoa."

Judith helps her estranged love interest Duke Dacian solve a murder within is home.
The Duke is quite the charmer

-Slow burn
-Second chance
-Old flame
-Maybe slightly forced proximity

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Cosy magical mystery set in historical times -also with pocket vampires (I mean who wouldn't love them). This book is perfect for snuggling up in front of a fire with a hot chocolate on a cold evening. This is my first Roasalie Oaks book and it didn't dissapoint. I have recently found out it is in fact a spin off, but I couldn't tell as it was an easy read.

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I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book. It has everything; Skulls, murder, magic, Greek/Roman literature and vampires. Lady Avely and the Duke's flirtatious bickering while looking for a murderer had me reading on well through the night. I will admit, it does take a lot for me to scream with excitement at the end of a book. Needless to say, this book had me screaming so loud I woke up my three dogs.

I love the character of Lady Avely/Judith. She is not the usual late teens/early-mid twenties you see in most mystery novels. Judith is 40, a widow, and has two grown children that have left the home. She has recently been appointed a title, money, as well as a property. Because of her recent change in status and monetary gains, she wants to do what is right and tie up things that have been weighing heavy on her since her husband’s death over a decade ago. On the way to her destination to the Sargent estate, she hears that one of the staff has been murdered and there are sightings of a floating skull that has everyone at the estate terrified. Given her ability to tell if someone is telling a lie (I will get into that in a bit) she feels she needs to solve this mystery alongside Duke of Sargent, Dacien, regardless of their history and how they left things 9 years ago.

This book is a definite slow-burn when it comes to the romance, but with a crime to be solved, I can understand the need of good buildup especially with how the book end. There are many characters throughout the book but the one who stood out for me was Robert. I would like to know a bit more about Robert as a character, and possibly his upbringing and his friendship with Lewis. Hopefully, we are able to learn more about them throughout the rest of the series.

Not sure if I should’ve read some of the author’s previous novels prior to this one, but I felt that there should've been more information about the character's magical abilities. I feel that if I knew the specifics of each gift and the origins/history of them, as well as their relationship with the vampiri, I would’ve given this 5 stars.

It’s left on a slight cliffhanger, hence the screaming at 1am, but it can be read as a standalone. The author’s writing is witty and she’s able to write Avely’s emotions towards the Duke so well that at certain points I was getting misty eyed. Looking forward to reading the second in the series that will be released later in the year and I already have a hold for the first three volumes of the Lady Diviner series at my local library.

This book would be perfect for readers of Deanna Rayburn, India Holton and Manda Collins.

I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review

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Title: Lady Avely’s Guide to Truth and Magic (Matronly Misadventures Book 1) by Rosalie Oaks

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Stars

I received this book in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley.

I really enjoyed this!

I read this in one sitting. Super interesting all the way through.

Lady Judith Avely possesses a unique gift for divining the truth, yet ironically excels at deception. Seeking to absolve a guilty secret, she journeys to the estate of the exiled Duke of Sargen. However, she is taken aback to encounter the duke himself, now even more captivating than in his youth. The duke, dealing with a haunted house complete with floating skulls and mysterious incidents, enlists Judith's help to uncover the culprit. Together, aided by a tiny vampiric companion and copious amounts of drinking chocolate, they delve into the eerie mystery.

But amidst the investigation, the duke's improper remarks and a slow-burn second-chance romance add complexity to their alliance. Set in a magical version of Regency England, "Lady Avely’s Guide to Truth and Magic" offers a gothic cozy mystery filled with bats, skulls, and cocoa, featuring a mid-life heroine navigating love, lies, and the supernatural.

Lady Judith Avely and the Duke of Sargen are brought to life with depth and complexity. Judith's gift for discerning lies adds an intriguing layer to her character, while the duke's haunted past and undeniable charm captivate both Judith and readers alike.

The author's writing style is enchanting and evocative, transporting readers to a bygone era filled with mystery and magic. The pacing is brisk yet atmospheric, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the secrets of the haunted estate.

I must warn you that this is a VERY slow burn romance with no spice, but a very captivating read. I will definitely be reading the next instalment in this series!

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This book was so refreshing. It has a little mystery, magic, romance, and humor. The main character is a woman in her forties and it's so nice to see such a cool character as an older woman. I would definitely recommend any read this book. I look forward to the next one

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A middle-aged widow reconnects with an old flame to solve a murder in Regency England, with a healthy dose of fantastical elements to round out what would otherwise be a fairly run-of-the-mill cozy mystery. This is the first book in an off-shoot of Oaks' Lady Diviner series, which worried me going in, but I can confirm there's no need to have read the first series to thoroughly enjoy this one. I was quite pleased with the world-building - 100 pages of magic explanation would have been egregious in a book this length, but I didn't feel like I was being thrown in the deep end either.

Fun read - ideal rating would be 4.25.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book! Although this book is the start of a new series by this author, it's also linked to a previous series. I didn't realize that going in, but this book works just fine without needing to read the previous series. This story ticked all my boxes for and enjoyable read: mid-life main characters, second chance romance, slow-burn romance, and historical romance. Added points for taking place in an alternate version of England where magical powers exist! I enjoyed the story but felt it dragged a bit from time to time. It also relied very heavily on the trope of misunderstanding [especially between Lady Avely (Judith) and the Duke of Sargen (Dacian)], but I think maybe that was intentionally tongue-in-cheek given Lady Avely's "proficiency" for spotting the truth. This book also ended on a cliffhanger, to set the stage for the next book in the series. So this is not really a standalone but the current story was wrapped up well in this book. I have not read Rosalie Oaks before, but am looking forward both to the next installment in this series and to going back and reading about Judith's daughter in the Lady Diviner series.

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Cute! This series is sort of a mystery/fantasy/regency romance all rolled into one. Maybe it's just me, but it was a better mystery and romance than fantasy novel. The magic system, and what vampiri do for their blood bonded, was never particularly clear to me. However, the romance is first rate and, while the main characters detective skills left much to be desired, I enjoyed this book. (Note: Apparently this is a sequel sister series to another, but I had no problems reading this one. It's possible that the magic system was more thoroughly explored in the first series.)

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