Member Reviews

This is a really cute book and I am going to figure out how to read the other series that Oaks has. I was a little annoyed at some of the capitalization in this book and can't figure out why because I haven't minded it in other books. I am also not a fan of time skips but that only happened in the first half of this book and I was very relieved.

Judith Avely has only recently been given the rank of marchioness for her husband's service to the crown. Unfortunately, after his death, she also discovered something else about him and she is returning to Sargenet, the estate of the Duke of Sargen, to try to heal that secret. Being able to use her new title will work to her advantage as she doesn't want anyone to know who she is.
The first night at the inn, she not only encounters a vampiri, she also sees, and is seen by, the Duke. It seems that he is recently returned after nine years abroad to deal with the rumors of a haunting on his estate and the death of a footman. He could use her Gift of Discernment (being able to hear a lie) to help ferret out the truth of what has been going on while he is gone.
I loved the lay out of the main characters but thought we could have learned more about some of the side characters, especially the ones that come into play at the end of the book. It is hard to do when there are so many characters that we will probably see in future books so Oaks was trying to paint them all equally.

Matronly Misadventures #1
Four stars
This book came out February 16, 2024
Followed by Lady Avely's Guide to Lies and Charms
ARC kindly provided by Parkerville Press and NetGalley
Opinions are my own

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My goodness, what a fun story. The whole concept of Gifts, Bemusement, and Vampiri is unique. This story follows Judith, Eleanor's mother (Lady Jewel Devinor), as she assists the Duke of Sargen in solving a murder in his household. I found Judith to be a strong main character trying to unravel the mystery as well as right some perceived wrongs she felt committed by her late husband. I have read previous books by Rosalie Oaks and love her writing style. It has been a while though, so it took me a bit to remember and understand how magic works in her world. The romance was there, although very light and sweet. I am invested in this cast of characters and look forward to reading the next in the series.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Parkerville Press for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I enjoyed this cozy historical mystery that read like a game of Clue with the addition of hidden magical powers, tiny spunky vampires, floating skulls, and spiced drinking chocolate. It was refreshing for the main character to be in her 40s. While this style of book doesn’t leave me on the edge of my seat, the twists and turns (and surprising moments of humor!) kept me reaching to open this book whenever I had the chance.

I look forward to reading more by Rosalie Oaks!

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Regency-era mystery, yes please - second chance romance -well just chuck me back in time and call me M'Lady. I adored this book, it kept me on my toes and the twists and turns were very well placed. I am looking forward to reading what Oaks does next.

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Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic (Matronly Adventures Book #1)

By Rosalie Oaks- never read author

Rating: 5/5  

📃 Page Count: 370

🌎Setting: England

Publication 2/16/24,  Read 2/16/24

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher Parkerville Press for this ARC 💜 ! I voluntarily give an honest review and all opinions expressed are my own.

*Regency Romance
*Sci Fi
*Gaslamp Fantasy

*2nd chance romance
*slow burn romance
*magic/Gifted" : Discernor-can detect lies, Illusor-can create illusions, Impactor-very violent/strong
*gothic mansion-Sargenet
*vampiri-need a blood companion, can fly/turn into bats

Summary: Lady Judith Avely is travelling to Sargen to reconcile her guilt over a long held secret. The Duke of Sargen (Dacian) is her deceased husband (Nicholas) best friend, and someone who broke her heart. While at this rumored haunted house, a footman is murdered. The duke asks Judith to use her Gift of Discernment to find out who did it.

The characters:
FMC Lady Judith Avely-mid 40s, widowed 12 years ago but was married for 20 years, has 2 adult children Elinor and Peregrine. She has the gift of discernment and can tell a person is lying when they talk. She has a sorted past w/ the duke and her husband. Marigold Cultor is her blood companion and vampiri.

MMC Duke of Sargen/Dacian-48, just returned after 9 years away. Had to flee the country after killing someone. He is an Impactor and can kill people very easily and violently. He flirts with Judith, bringing back memories from 23 years ago between them. Wooten is his blood companion and vampiri.

Lord John and wife Lady Mary +their 3 sons-Lord John is Dacian's younger brother

Lady Agatha-The Duke's sister

Robert- a "special" footman

Lewis- a "special" steward

Miss Atkinson-the Governess for the boys

My Thoughts: I got this strictly for it's cover which is so beautiful. I was happily surprised by this mystery, regency, romance. The chapters flip back and forth from the present and the past when Judith, Nicholas, and Dacian all met -23 years ago. I loved the love triangle, secret hookups, and spooky atmosphere.  From bleeding walls, deadly books, and skulls it's a great ride!

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In an alternate Regency period England a 40-ish widow gets caught up in investigating a magic infused murder mystery alongside an old flame. Given the premise and what other reviewers have said about this book I was expecting to thoroughly enjoy it, but somehow it just failed to click with me. I'm not a fan of stories that constantly jump back and forward in time as this one did every few chapters (at least in the begining). Mostly, I just couldn't bring myself to really get involved in the story or care for the characters and the longer I read, the less invested I became. While some will undoubtedly enjoy the book, it just wasn't for me

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3.75/5 stars (rounded up)

Lovely, cozy regency-inspired mystery story, with a dash of fantasy and second-chance romance.

What I liked: our FMC is a matron/widow in her early 40s, and has a pretty pragmatic view of the world. I loved Marigold Cultor, the little vampire/fae creature who comes to be Lady Avely's companion. The mystery was well done - simple but with an enjoyable amount of twists and turns. There are some cute moments between Lady Avely and the love interest, including moments of humor.

What I didn't like: it ends on a cliffhanger, but the cliffhanger felt forced - while I appreciate the goal of setting up the next story, it really just feels like the book ends suddenly. The magic system, while simple, is not really ever explained. I also found the language to be a bit too flowery at time, or trying too hard to be regency-esque, which disrupted the flow for me.

Overall, a cute book and enjoyable read. Perfect for a rainy or snowy day curled up on a couch with a cup of hot chocolate.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Parkerville Press for allowing me access to the e-Arc.

4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. It was so entertaining. It’s a cozy mystery Victorian Era vibe. It also has supernatural abilities characters which is a bonus. I love the fact that the main character is a widow. She wants to investigate a murder that has occurred. She befriends a tiny vampire that will aid her. There is so much drama and intrigue that keeps the plot going.

I highly recommend it!!

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I am absolutely besotted with Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic by Rosalie Oakes, BESOTTED. Full disclosure, I have actually had the arc since the 2 Feb and have read it twice already!

I adore cozy mysteries, and usually read from Victorian to early 1900s but in recent times have been trying contemporary times and back to Regency and this one is an absolute gem (not least for the gorgeous cover!)

This book is gold. The aristocracy have a litany of paranormal abilities that assist them in their lives, strength, exceptonal memory, lie detectors, but this is not just restricted to the MC's but also some of their staff (well someone must keep up the standard while one os a little indisposed from exertion!)

The vampires! I just can't, they are a BRILLIANT little group of side characters (I would totally give a home to a few of them)

The writing is simply outstanding, the storyline compelling, at once dramatic and comedic and the perfect blend of both. The character development is truly wonderful and this is a series I shall be adding to my physical collection because it is just that good. I will be seeking out more books from this phenomenal author

Absolutely flipping wonderful

I received an arc for free and my review is left voluntarily. All opinions are my own and happily given

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Lady Judith Avely is looking to right a wrong from the past. Begrudgingly, that leads her to the now perhaps haunted estate of an old flame, The Duke of Sargen. Having the magical ability to know when people are not telling the truth, The Duke enlists her help to solve a mysterious murder. Now, in their forties, Judith and The Duke might have a chance of rekindling their lost connection.

This was such a fun read that you won’t want to put down. There’s so much humor, most from a spunky vampiri but also in the banter between the couple themselves. I do wish we had a few more heated moments between our couple but I get it, it’s a slow burn. What’s most refreshing to see is the main characters not in their teens or twenties. Judith has lived a life now widowed and with two grown children but that doesn’t mean it’s a life nearly done and she can’t find love again.

Read this in a cozy chair wrapped in a throw with hot cocoa at arms reach.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A wonderful cozy mystery with a magical Georgian setting. The relationship between the main characters was so well developed it was heart wrenching at times, and their banter brightened every page. I loved that they were older protagonists (both in their 40s I think), they read true to age and a refreshing break from the norm.

I was truly left guessing as to who the culprit was and what other mysteries were going on. All the characters were well fleshed out. The magic system is very unique but I found it easy to get my head around. There wasn’t any info dumping, all the information was given to us when needed in small doses.

There were a couple of odd comments about a side characters size which felt unnecessary. Also the pacing slowed a bit in the middle once the flash backs stopped but I was still gripped to continue reading.

That ending! You can’t just leave it like that! I need the next book right away!

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I found Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic a serviceable mystery. It has the romance and fantasy of Gail Carriger's Soulless series, with the mystery of Geniveve Cogman's The Invisible Library books. Unfortunately, it is not as strongly focused as either of those two series.

Where there are similarities, they can be found in the writing of dialogue, the back and forth between the romantic leads, and the articulation of the manners and rules of Oaks' Regency period. Where this book differed is in its introduction and conclusion. Unlike the previously mentioned series where the magic and supernatural elements were clearly and cohesively articulated at the outset, this introduction does not provide a clear introduction to the supernatural of the world.

A second problem is the conclusion, this book feels unfinished. Where the story ends is more of a pause than a conclusion and without access to the next tale in the series it is an unsatisfying ending. I believe this could be remedied by releasing both books together but baring that I would recommend interested readers wait until the conclusion is published and pick up both at the same time. I think this is a huge problem, as I do not know that I will want to read the sequel. While the book was mildly entertaining, given the wait I may forget about it and move on to other books.

For me this means the book was largely forgettable and exists in the shadow of other series. It is not bad, but I will not seek out this author in the future. If you are looking for romance/mysteries in this genre this would not be my first recommendation.

Finally, thank you to #NetGalley for allowing me to read the ARC of Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic by Rosalie Oaks.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

Rating: 4.5/5

This book had me hooked from the start. It's everything I love; whimsy, and a slowburn romance set in a historical setting. Its mystery was intriguing with many twists and turns. Lady Avely's past held a mystery of it own, revealed in flashbacks that showed more and more about her character, and others. Though I have not read the original series, this holds up well as my introduction into this world, and the worldbuilding and magic system were easy to grasp. I'm very interested in the sequel, as well as getting my hands on the original series!

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I so enjoyed this book.

Lady Judith Avely (She struggles with the new title) has known the Dacien, Duke of Sargen, on and off since her teens. They have a tumultuous history as he was the best friend of her husband, even though she was once in love with him. They are both gifted; her with discernment (she can hear total lies, white lies and exaggerations) and he with a more dangerous power.

Now that both her children have moved into adulthood, Judith needs to follow up on Robert, her husband's illegitimate child. Of course he is employed at the Duke's estate, Sargonet. But when she arrives she finds that there has been a suspicious death, not to mention the flying skull and dripping blood in the library. And then, OF COURSE, the Duke arrives. He uses Spanish chocolate recipes to inveigle her into helping him investigate the mystery. And soon they are both trying to inveigle each other while working out their complicated history AND solve the mystery before anyone else dies.

I really enjoyed this book which mixes a very slow burning mid life Regency Romance with a magical alternative world and a murder mystery. Fun, fun, fun!

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This was my first book by Rosalie Oaks, but it will not be my last! This is the cozy, historical paranormal romantic mystery I didn’t know I needed. Regency England? Smash. Unique magic system? Smash. A devilish duke? Smash.

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Let me start by saying this book was listed under romance on Netgalley. This book is not a romance. I would classify it as a historical cozy mystery with paranormal and romantic elements.

Having said that, it was actually a lot of fun! Lady Avely is in her 40s, which I loved. She has a power (as do most of the other characters, but they aren't all the same power) that shows her when a person is lying. This makes her a natural to hunt down a killer.

Which is how she finds herself at her ex's manor. Someone has been murdered and also, they are being haunted by ghostly illusions.

She and the ex, Dacian, have a complicated history that is laid out in flashback chapters at the beginning of the book. There is definitely an unrequited love there.

After many twists and turns, the main mystery is solved, but... a new mystery pops up, and it's to be continued.

I would read the next book in the series. I found the characters endearing, and the book was definitely fun to read.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Parkerville Press. I'm voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Mystery, Historical Mystery, Regency Fantasy, Historical Fantasy
Subgenre: Romance, Historical Romance
Spice Level: Medium (affairs are mentioned but not on the page)
Gore Level: Low
Representation: There's one bit thrown in at the end where one character says she prefers girls. I'm not sure I'd really call this LGBTQ representation, but now you know.

The nuance of the magic is fun in this book. Lady Avely has the ability to listen to what people say and know if they're lying. But this doesn't mean people can't get around the truth.

I did not expect the vampiri in this book! (Yeah—I hadn't read the summary for a while and had forgotten.) I liked how the creatures are different than vampires in other books and integral to the magic systems.

The mystery is a lot of fun! There are portents of bloody skulls and a death by book. That's right—death by book. But who is the person doing this? There are so many possibilities, I would be amazed if you could figure out the culprit. I can't say more and possibly give away any clues.

I really enjoyed Lady Avely, but I was never sold on the duke. He really had been a reprobate. The author works on this though, and you'll have to see if you end up liking and rooting for him.

I recommend this book.

Happy reading!

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I would like to thank netgalley and Parkerville Press for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Wasn't too sure about the magic system, the vampires seem obsolete. Not much romance either.

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A fun, whodunit with a mature female protagonist set against a wonderful elegant historical setting. A thrilling read with magic and whimsical witchy vibes. A lot of characters featured in the book so got a little cluttered with people to remember at times, but the writing is engaging, entertaining and the plot divine. Thank you to Rosalie Oaks and Netgalley for a review copy of this book.

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I absolutely loved Lady Avely's Guide to Truth and Magic by Rosalie Oaks. This is my first (but definitely not last!) book by this author and you won't regret reading it.

Lady Judith Avely isn't your typical young miss, she's a 40 year old widow who has no interest in finding a new husband. She is happy being a parent to her two now adult children and the life she's built for herself. She also has a nifty gift - she's able to tell when someone is lying.

She goes on a trip to take care of some personal business and runs into the Duke of Sargen who she once loved and may still love.

There is murder, magic, and really fun characters that made me want more, more, more!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher who gave me an ARC for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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