Member Reviews

4.5 stars

The Brightest Light of Sunshine was in my top 3 books of last year so I was over the moon to receive an ARC of The Darkest Corner of the Heart and it did not disappoint.
Maddie and James are the cutest, you could truly feel the connection on page and I fell in love with both of them 🫶🏻
Lisina Coney did a fantastic job writing this series and I can't wait to read more

Thank you for the ARC Lisina 🤍

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I received this as an arc from net galley and loved every minute of it. I read book 1 last year and it was one of my favourite reads of the year and this follows very closely behind it.

This book was super easy to read and would highly recommend it to anyone

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I don’t know where to start. This book is so unbelievably beautiful I haven’t stopped thinking about it since I’ve finished it. I loved her first book The Brightest Light of Sunshine and was so beyond excited to return into this world with these amazing characters. I loved seeing Maddie all grown up and experiencing life as an adult through her eyes is so fun. Lisina Coney is such a phenomenal writer and brings such depth to Maddie and James. I feel like everyone can connect with these characters and find them so relatable. I laughed and I cried right along with them and I can’t wait to read this again.

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omg y'all, James Simmons is the babiest baby girl you will ever meet. 🤭 the way this grouchy ass was down bad had ME down bad! 😩

I've been waiting for Coney's sophomore book for well over a year and she didn't disappoint! We first met Maddie as a wee little baby (4 years old) in The Brightest Light of Sunshine. Without going too much into the first book, which is technically a "prequel" set 17 years prior to the events of this book, it is not a prerequisite to read, though I highly encourage it. TBLOS is great background information which lays out the necessary groundwork of why a book about Maddie just made sense. I will never say no to an opportunity to read more Daddy Cal: Maddie's over-protective brother/father-figure (he is 47 in this book, y'all!!! 😮‍💨🦊🔥)

I'm not going to lie, I am always a little apprehensive about the age-gap trope. (10 years, especially when the FMC is in her early 20's). But to add the forbidden romance between a PT and ballerina in recovery, as spicy as that sounds, had me even more worried. HOWEVER, Lisina Coney was able to make it all quite... savory? I enjoyed every single minute. The characters were very cognizant about their age gap, maybe dare I say overly cognizant about it- rightfully so! The chemistry between these two could be studied in a lab, I couldn't look away 🫣

My heart is so full after reading one of my most anticipated releases this month. Thank you to Netgalley, Lisina Coney, and Page & Vine for an early copy! all thoughts & opinions are my own 🫶🏼

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Rating: 3.75 (rounding to four though!)

TBLOS was one of my favorite books of 2023. That’s the thing about reading a sequel to a book you love—sometimes you fall into the trap of constantly comparing the two.

Maddie struggles with extreme anxiety and depression, and her life spirals after a possibly career ending injury. I loved the representation of mental health in this book, how the author handled it, and how it wasn’t glossed over even though that would have been easier.

It’s a forbidden romance where he’s her physical therapist post-injury. He’s a grumpy man that thinks she’s sunshine and he can’t stay away from her. The burn is slow and excellent. (he called her baby and i started screaming)

There were some parts that I felt were slow, and this could have been a little shorter. Overall though, it’s a book I enjoyed, and the tension between James and Maddie is unbelievable. Lisina Coney outdid herself with those spicy scenes in this book. I know there’s a third book coming, and I’ll be waiting eagerly for that one!

Can’t wait for my preorder to come later this book. Thank you, NetGalley for the e-arc in exchange for an honest and free review.

I've posted this review on my Goodreads account at the same time as I submitted this. I'll be post on tiktok and instagram (@bookwad__) in the two weeks before the release!

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I absolutely loved The Brightest Light of Sunshine, so I was so incredibly giddy to get to read The Darkest Corner of the Heart!! This little world that Lisina has created is truly so good!

We met Maddie in TBLOS when she was 4 years old, and now in TDCOTH is a 21 year old ballerina with big dreams of joining a prestigious ballet company. An injury puts a dent in her plans and she really struggles to come to terms with it. Her brother, Sammy (Cal) sets her up with the best physical therapist named James help her recover, but she didn’t expect to connect with him in the way she did!

James is a grumpy, cat loving, gentle giant. He tries so hard to put distance between him and Maddie, but their chemistry was off the charts. I really loved how their relationship blossomed! I wish he wouldn’t have put so much emphasis on their age gap, but this wasn’t a dealbreaker for me. I truly enjoyed them! Grumpy x Sunshine is one of my favorite tropes and this did not disappoint 😍

Maddie is such a fighter and her story is full of hope and healing. I also loved how Lisina approached the heavier topics like Maddie and Cal’s mom and her journey through alcoholism. I am so glad we got a bit more of Grace and Cal too! It was fun seeing what they were up to 17 years later!!

Overall, this was such a great book!! I feel like the beginning was a little slow but it definitely picked up and I got super invested! I just want more of these characters!! I hope to see more of them in #3 🤞🏻

Thank you so much to NetGalley & Lisina Coney for the ARC!! 🥺🫶🏻

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I adored Lisina Coney's debut novel and was extremely excited to read the sequel. 'The Darkest Corner of the Heart' follows the younger sister of Sammy/Cal from book 1.

I really enjoyed Maddie's story, who we initially met in book 1 as an adorable 4 year old who loved ballet. Maddie is 21 years old and is days away from 'the big ballet' audition when she injures herself during practice. Her brother Sammy seeks out the best physiotherapist in the area which is where we meet James, our grumpy MMC.

Maddie and James are such a sweet couple and I really enjoyed how their relationship progressed. I did become slightly frustrated with how obsessive James was with the age-gap between them (10 years), and I felt his reasons for worrying didn't warrant how much he kept bringing it up. However, they were so cute together that it didn't ruin the book for me. The smut was also very well written and I need James to call me a 'good girl' and pull my hair.

There's just something about grumpy men who are completely soft for their girls that just has me... *dramatically sighs and clutches heart*. I also loved the snippets of Grace & Cal, and what they've been up to over the last 17 years. Those two truly have my whole entire heart!

This book touches on some sensitive topics and I thought the author handled them beautifully. I loved seeing Cal's and Maddie's mum, and her journey around alcoholism. It is not the most satisfying ending but it does the character justice.

The four stars is because I did find the beginning both slow and rushed, but I adore the world that Lisina Coney has created. Excited to see what else she writes and I hope this isn't the last we see of these characters!

I received an advanced copy for free through NetGalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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