Member Reviews

Here's one for all the slow burn/grump and sunshine/shouldn't be together fans!

Maddie is an aspiring ballerina having trained since childhood and who dreams of becoming part of a prestigious local ballet company. But on the eve of her audition, she seriously injures her ankle and the chance at her dream disappears forever. When her brother convinces her to go to physical therapy, she meets her therapist James - dark, brooding and hiding heartbreak of his own. As they both get to know each other, it seems they may have more in common than it seems.

The slow burn nature of Maddie and James' relationship is really well done (particularly through alternating chapter POVs). It is also wonderful to see them develop separately as characters through their own friendships and familial ties (Shout out to Graham and Sami/Grace/Lila here) as it lets us as a reader see them as much more well rounded characters.

Although this is a romance book through and through - it also deals with some very heavy topics and issues, so please check the trigger warnings before reading. However, this is a joyous read and I couldn't recommend it enough.

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Thank you Netgalley, Page & Vine and Lisina, for the digital copy of this book.

First, let's talk about the cover of this book!! Lisina's book covers are soooo pretty. I can't wait to have the physical copy of this book in my hands.
Ok, now about the actual story. We already knew Maddie from the first book. She was Cal's sister and a child at the time. The timeline of this book is a few years later, when Maddie is 21 and gets injured, which results in an interruption of her dream of becoming a professional ballerina.
Then we have James, the physical therapist, who's a few years older than Maddie and has his own demons to overcome.

I loved this book so much. It's definitely one that breaks your heart and proceeds to heal it page by page. The only thing that made me give four stars is that I'm not the biggest fan of the age gap (although in this book, the gap was not that scandalous, thank god).

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This wasn’t as heartfelt to me as Grace and Cal’s story, but I loved it as much. Maddie became such an amazing person despite her childhood trauma. She is kind and determined beside the ache she has in her heart. James is the perfect person for her. He complements her and helps her heal. They are definitely soulmates. And that sexy cat daddy is seriously something else. So caring and protective behind his shell. They have a brilliant dynamic and I was so happy how things turned out for them by the end. I really liked the glimpses of Grace and Cal’s life and I can’t wait for the third book in the series.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the book.

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I did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did! This was a perfect and quick read. I fell in love with the characters and the romance was so well written. Would definitely recommend if you’re a fan of age-gap, slowburn romance!

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The Darkest Corner of the Heart ❤️ 🩰🌹🐈‍⬛

Net Galley Review
I had the privilege to read this ARC & this was my first reading Lisina Coney & did not read her previous book but it can be a stand alone , she does warn that if you do read her other book it gives a better connection to the characters, I absolutely agree but I still connected with these characters because Lisina did an amazing job of reeling you in & Maddie’s story is just incredible. I was intrigued & wanted to keep reading, this book carries a lot of heavy emotions that are great to share so readers who are going through this or have gone through this can relate, it just a beautiful story of two broken people finding each other & healing ❤️‍🩹 one another. You will fall in love with the leading man James who is a tall, dark haired , blue eyes, brooding man who is a complete grump & struggles with his feelings for Maddie who is 10 years younger than him, also he is a cat 🐈 dad, I dare you not to fall for this man! The story is just a reminder that it is ok to remove family or loved ones out of our lives if it is not a healthy relationship, our mental health matters & we have to do what is best for us ❤️ I hope you enjoy this story that comes out on February 20th.

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scorching slow burn with a gorgeous cover that really gave me the wrong expectations forthe genre. but this one was well done! thanks for the arc

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I loved this slow burn romance! I was worried about not reading the first book but you definitely don’t need to, to understand the story. Perfect amount of spice without getting distasteful 🌶️🌶️ and I love a book that jumps ahead in the end to give you a little extra🤍

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Maddie has spent her whole life beating herself up for things beyond her control, which is why she has poured everything she has into her ballet career. It's something that she can focus on and be in control of... until she has a serious injury right before the biggest audition of her life. Enter the grumpy physical therapist, James, who is going to help her recover over the course of six weeks. He is ten years older than Maddie and totally off limits. They both have their inner demons and struggles; maybe they need each other to move forward.

I love a slow burn! Ahh, the tension was amazing and James' sweet behavior towards Maddie was so heartwarming. Although parts of this story seemed a little overdramatic, I do find it very important to speak on setting boundaries with people, even if they're family. Overall, a great read! I couldn't put it down.

Thank you to Lisina Coney, Victory Editing/Page & Vine, and NetGalley for the copy in exchange of my honest review.

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Omg, I can't believe Lisina has only written two books because I need more immediately. The time jump following TBLOS was done so well and I enjoyed that the first book showcased some of Maddie's childhood. I was excited for her book immediately after being introduced to her. This was just as emotional, heart-wrenching, and swoon-worthy as Grace and Cal's story and I loved it. Maddie and James had immediate chemistry and their tension as physical therapist and patient was perfect. I also thought the age gap was done well and I didn't mind it here. Their love story was exceptional and I enjoyed how they went from friends to lovers. the pacing was nice and the development was beautiful. Also, to no one's surprise, this book had me crying. I couldn't help but feel for these characters from all the trauma to the vulnerability. They were so well-matched and the spice and passion were better because of that connection. I absolutely adore Lisina's books and I can't wait to see what she'll do next! Thank you to Page and Vine Books for the e-ARC to read and review!

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This is a 3.5. I was really looking forward to this book and so excited when I got an early copy for review. I loved The Brightest Light of Sunshine when I read it last year. But this one fell a bit flat for me.

James and Maddie’s stories both felt a little more dramatic than they needed to be. Especially the part about Maddie’s past therapist… maybe I’m a monster, but I rolled my eyes at that story line.

I did enjoy the resolution of both of their family relationships at the end.

I think seeing Cal again was the best part of this book though.

Ballerina x Physical therapist
Age gap
Slow burn
Dual POV

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When I read “The Brightest Light Of Sunshine” I knew this author was going to be an automatic buy & read for me. Cal and Grace's story hit me right in the feels, totally relatable to my 20s vibe. And guess what? The sequel drops Feb 20, and I snagged an ARC from NetGalley! 🎉 This time, we're seventeen years down the road, with fresh characters stealing the spotlight.

The story isn’t a sequel, This is an independent story with different main characters, which means you don't need to read The Brightest Light of Sunshine in order to enjoy this story (although you will find spoilers for The Brightest Light of Sunshine).

Maddie takes the reins, showing us how life's curveballs shaped her journey. No spoilers, but get ready for a slow burn with some steamy scenes. Plus, major props for diving into mental health and age-gap dynamics—so on point for us millennials. I'm seriously swooning over this one! 💕

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the brightest light of sunshine was one of my favourite books last year so i was super excited when i found out we would get maddy’s story! it’s no surprise to me that i loved this equally as much. lisina is definitely a new fave author.

i couldn’t put this down i would have read this in one sitting but it was two sittings because at 3am i had to go to sleep. the buildup the and slow burn was AMAZING !!! just what i’ve been wanting in a book lately. just the most perfect romance between a ballerina and her physical therapist. James was so easy to fall in love with, i love him so much they are so perfect together.

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One thing I really enjoyed about this book is that it’s about more than just the romance between James and Maddie. I liked the depth they both had and how we saw James open up and get closure from his situation and Maddie deal with her feeling about getting injured and how she overcomes some fears about her future. I also liked how they discussed the age gap between them before really jumping into anything and made it a point to be adults about the whole thing. I loved that there was no third act breakup or minor miscommunication error! The only thing keeping it from being a 5 star book for me is that parts of it were a little slow. I wasn’t able to sit and binge it really. But other than that it was so enjoyable just like TBLOS! I LOVED how Grace and Cal (Sammy) were still present throughout the book along with their feble daughter Lila who had some of the cutest lines! Overall I really recommended this book for anyone who wants more than your typical romcom and a book that isn’t all about spice.

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While this is part of a series, this book can be read as a standalone. However, if you want to fully appreciate this fantastic world ... go read The Brightest Light of Sunshine to meet Maddie and her family from the beginning.

Maddie Stevens lives and breathes ballet so when an injury sidelines her chances for a once in a lifetime audition she is left to re-consider her dreams. Will she listen to the advice or risk her physical health? With a loving family always willing to help her she will be faced with a decision that she never imagined. Will they still be there to help her through all of this?

James Simmons is a physical therapist who will discover that his patient might be the undoing of everything he has worked for. Fear of crossing the line, he carefully treads through her sessions but what will happen when he can't resist the pull between them? Will he jeopardize his career or find a way to explore their connection?

Both have secrets that have impacted their choices, will they be able to confront the past to find love? Perhaps they could both benefit from blowing off a little steam. Readers ... there is so much layered in this book that will satisfy and tick all the boxes ;).

A story of self-discovery, navigating through the unexpected, and finding the strength to change your dreams when your life depends on it.

Are you ready for a scorchin slow burn that is filled with great writing and a whole lotta yum? Don't miss this one! I can't wait for more from Lisina Coney.

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This is the second novel in the Brightest Light series by Lisina Coney, and it follows Maddie who is now twenty-one. Though she has graduated college and moved away from her brother Sammy, she has not healed from the trauma she endured as a child. Read The Brightest Light of Sunshine to understand her backstory.

The Darkest Corner of the Heart finds Maddie preparing for the audition of her life with the Norcastle Ballet, but she injures herself days before the big day. She is crushed and is unsure of her future. She begins physical therapy with the brooding Dr. Simmons who is grumpy and ten years her senior. As they get to know one another and develop a friendship, his grumpiness begins to fizzle out. The enemies-to-lovers plot uncovers unplanned emotions for both Maddie and James (Dr. Simmons).

I love the jump in time and how Coney picks up with previous characters at a point where they can experience such a full story. How Maddie confronts and works through her past shows her vulnerability as a character and it’s relatable. The love scenes are spicy, for sure, but they don’t dominate the novel. There’s a good balance of story and steam.

Thank you to NetGalley, Lisina Coney, and Page & Vine for a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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The Darkest Corner of the Heart is the first book I've read by Lisina Coney, and I can guarantee that I will be reading more books written by her. I really enjoyed the characters' growth and chemistry, and the storyline kept you gripped. Lovers of the following troupes will live this book;

🩰ballerina x physical therapist
🩰forbidden romance
🩰slow burn
🩰age gap (21-31)
🩰dual POV
🩰grumpy and protective cat dad

The Darkest Corner of the Heart is available from 20th February 2024.

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This wasn't bad but I didn't find myself caring for either main character, the plot, or even the backstory. I think it will be for some romance readers, just didn't speak to me.

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I received this arc in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book in Lisina Coney’s brightest light series. This story centres on Maddie, who was a child and Cal’s sister in the first book. Taking place many years later, the book follows Maddie as she recovers from an ankle injury, stunting her progress in becoming a professional ballet dancer.

James is Maddie’s PT helping her through her recovery, becoming friends along the way. Having his own experience with career ending injuries, James can’t help but feel for Maddie beyond her being his client.

This was really enjoyable, and I loved reading about Maddie as an adult. It explores her struggles that stemmed from her childhood and her dysfunctional relationship with her mother, estranged relationship with her father, her feelings of being a burden on her brother growing up, and becoming her own person as an adult. The romance progressed really nicely and felt very authentic. I loved the snippets of Cal and Grace, alongside their daughter Lila (who I’m hoping will have a book of her own after that epilogue!)

Overall, this was a great follow up from the first book and I really enjoyed it!

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A sweet romance with some tragic backstory sprinkled on top. My favourite type of books. I loved how James wasn't too overprotective.

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I loved this story and getting to see the characters from The Brightest Light of Sunshine again. Maddie is a wonderful strong character and James is such a protective handsome giant. Lisina deals with the sensitive subjects in a beautiful way. I personally don't get the big deal with the age difference but that is probably because I grew up with parents who have a 16 year age gap.

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