Member Reviews

3.5 stars!

Thank you to Day Leitao, and NetGalley for an E-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a true romantasy, slow burn, banter filled story!

We follow our FMC Astra, who has been trained her whole life to be a “princess guard/decoy” for the kingdom of Astrel. She is yearning to make her own decisions and craving a bit of adventure since she is not able to live life on her own terms, as her “masters” curate her every move. Unexpectedly (or unwillingly) she comes face-to-face with the disgraced prince MMC Marlak. She has been told the worst of tales about the strange man, and yet her dreams tell her a different story of him entirely. How can one prince who scolds her in the daytime differentiate from the man who envelops her in love within her dreams in the night? How can Astra move forward with her duty to her Kingdom? Can she continue to hide her secrets?

This story sucked me in from the beginning. “Love makes people stupid. And irresponsible. Barefoot, standing on a thin ledge ten floors above the ground, I’m glad I praise intelligence above all else. But then, perhaps love is what drove me here.” Astra is very clever, quick, stubborn, and caring (even if she attempts to hide this.) Marlak is such a gentle soul, who is very misunderstood by everyone, except those closest to him. I really kept turning page after page as I could not set this down. The world building was beautiful, and Cherry Cake?! What more could you ask for?

At times I did feel the dialogue and writing for an adult story to be very YA. Although we are given adult content, it felt immature which is why I was reluctant to give this a higher rating. The fact that the Fae were not able to lie was re-explained to us time and time again and it felt as if the author did not trust the reader to grasp this concept. We also heard Astra’s reluctance and arguments with Marlak repeatedly. She held the same standpoints and I felt they were over-explained, and it did become quite aggravating as I got the point the first 4-5 times, we were told the exact same thing (him finding her unattractive and un-appealing etc…) I am going to add in the fact that the term “for sure” was used a lot more than I would have liked (not a big deal. Just a small personal gripe regarding writing style.)

I will be looking forward to the sequel and the special edition being released looks STUNNING. I also appreciate the lovely character art shared by the author on Instagram as this helped me picture these two perfectly.

If you like a slow burn, fantasy romance with fun banter be sure to add this one to your TBR! <3

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ARC by NetGalley and the publisher.

Astra is a royal decoy, one of three other women trained to be an assassins and decoys for the Krastel princess if ever needed. Astra dreams of one day having her own life and adventures away from the castle tower she lives and trains in. When the opportunity arises for her to play princess at a fellow dignitaries wedding she jumps at the chance to ensure she be the decoy that gets to attend. As the journey begins her carriage is attacked. Guards scatter leaving her to fight her enemy face to face. Seeing that her assailant is non other than then the Crystal Courts disgraced prince a known murderer and thief. She has never seen his face till now yet at the same time she has, in her dreams. How can this be, that every night when she asks for visions of her kindred soul this is the one she sees.

A Cursed Son is a fantasy novel filled with slow burn tension, action, court intrigue, and spicy dream scenes. When I tell you how quickly I speed thru this I mean it. I read the entirety of this in one day, eating up the slow burn tension that our two main characters have. As this is the first in a series we are introduced to this new magical world filled with humans and many differing fae kingdoms. The world building is not one that will overload the reader rather one where we are given little clues and hints throughout. The pacing of the plot was consistent and I found myself falling deeper into the world’s secrets that I want to discover alongside our FMC. Astra as a FMC was strong, persistent and resourceful. Our MMC Marlak is broody, dark, and mysterious. There is a tad bit of miscommunication that does happen throughout but nothing that overly bogged down the plot in my opinion. I truly enjoyed every second reading this and will be anxiously waiting for Leitao to release the sequel.

If you are a fan of romantasy, true slow burn tension, and enemies to lovers plots you will enjoy this book.

A Cursed Son comes out March 6th, 2024.

Thank you NetGalley and Sparkly Wave for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Posting review on NetGalley and Goodreads.
Run date February 6, 2024 for posting review.

I ate this book up! I enjoyed every character and their individual personalities. It was a fun read with parts that made me chuckle. I was probably smiling more than half of the book! I can't wait for book 2!

Thank you Day Leitao and NetGalley, for allowing me to read the ARC!

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"A Cursed Son" by Day Leitao is an enthralling journey into a world of magic and intrigue that earns a solid 4.5-star rating from me. From the very first page, the story sucked me in, refusing to let go until the final word. Astra, the protagonist, is a character I adored from the beginning. Her depth and complexity, coupled with her intriguing magical abilities, make her a standout figure in the realm of fantasy.

What truly sets this book apart is its exceptional character development. Watching Astra evolve throughout the story was a delight, and I eagerly anticipate seeing how she continues to grow in future installments of the series. Additionally, the dynamic between Astra and Marlak, the unconventional antagonist-turned-ally, is brilliantly written. Their relationship, fraught with tension and complexity, adds a layer of depth to the narrative that kept me thoroughly engaged.

As a fan of the enemies-to-lovers trope, I was thrilled with how it was executed here. The gradual shift from adversaries to allies to something more was expertly crafted, adding an extra layer of excitement to an already captivating plot. And while Marlak may not fit the mold of a typical fantasy villain, his unique appearance and backstory only serve to make him all the more compelling.

One aspect I particularly appreciated was the way the story ended on a cliffhanger, leaving me eager to dive into the next installment. While I felt there were moments where more information about the world could have been provided, it only heightened my curiosity and anticipation for what's to come.

"A Cursed Son" is a spellbinding read that promises an enchanting series ahead. With its richly developed characters, gripping plot, and tantalizing hints at a larger world waiting to be explored, it's a must-read for fans of fantasy fiction. I can't wait to continue Astra and Marlak's journey and uncover the secrets that lie ahead.

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I enjoyed this spicy fantasy. The world building was done well. I think the spice could have been more descriptive, it felt very vague some times.

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5 stars read, with the stars going to: the banter, the DREAMS, a dark unicorn named Cherry Cake, a purple haired princess, and for all the giggles this book gave me, especially from the Nameless!!

This book has literally everything I'm looking for in a romantasy book, especially a slow burn enemies to lovers romantasy at that!! Astra is living her best life (maybe) as a substitute for the princess of Krastel (living at the perfectly named Krastel Castle), hiding her identity, and hoping for a chance to get out of the walls of the palace. She gets an opportunity to go out on a mission disguised as the princess, but a wild turn of events lands her captured by the disgraced, alleged family murdering former maybe-human-maybe-fae prince Marlak. It's best if you discover how through reading this book, but let's just say that the two recognize each other but won't tell each other this... The following week, once she's returned to the castle, Marlak arrives, trades some trinkets to the king, and makes her his bride (how romantic) and takes her to a hidden island hideout.

I absolutely ATE THIS UP. I loved the dynamic between Astra, so worried about her truth coming out and wnating to hate Marlak so so sooo badly, and Marlak, king of the wife guys just trying to hide his affections under deep, deep cut insults. The magic in this world is really cool and I'm excited to see it develop in future books- and also to learn more about this very interesting and dynamic world full of warring human and fae and a secret third thing factions.

I need The Traitor soon as possible

Thank you so much to Day Leitao and NetGalley for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review. A Cursed Son comes out on March 6, 2024!

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This will go live today, Feb 6, 2024 on netgalley, goodreads, StoryGraph, and a shortened version on Instagram. All are linked in my profile.

I am so upset this is an ARC, because I REALLY want to know what happens next. I received this ARC from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really really enjoyed this. The plot was interesting and kept you guessing the entire book. I can’t get into too much detail for spoiler reasons, but think ACOTAR meets Cruel Prince meets an extra sassy main character. It’s most definitely a forced proximity trope, but with a twist! The cliffhanger at the end almost had me raging, but the author did give me something to make me feel better. I’m most upset I have to wait to continue the series!

The characters are fun and sassy and colorful. Diversity is fantastic! All of this book (minus one little bit) is told from Astra’s POV, but I’m hoping the next will be a dual POV so we can learn more about Malark. I even enjoyed the supporting roles in this, and I know some are going to come back in the next series.

The writing is humorous and witty and fun, but still with a flow. It was incredibly easy to read this (especially once the plot sucked me in), and I absolutely recommend it to any romantasy lovers. 4.5⭐️ overall, and I cannot wait for the next one.

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Rating: 4.25⭐️

This book sweeps you into the magical world of Astra and Marlak, where you can't help but root for Astra, and hope that she finds her way to true love and happiness. When Marlak enters Astra's life, her life as an elite guard and every time that she knew about her kingdom goes away. With secrets to hide Astra and Marlak have difficulty trusting each other, but they also share some beautiful moments together! What makes this book so special is that it really focuses on character development, and the two main characters uncovering the truth together. After finishing this book I can't wait for the release of the next book in the series. I really enjoyed reading this book, and you will too if you love enemies to lovers in a magical fantasy world!

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Just got done reading the ARC for this book and just wow! There are a lot of fae romantasy books out there and this one blew me away. I was hooked from chapter one the characters just draw you in the strong FMC and grumpy MMC have an amazing chemistry together. This book is a slow burn, forced proximity enemies to lovers romance with plenty of funny banter and spice.
A Cursed Son has a unique story that keeps you interested and wanting to know what happens next Leitao does an great job creating an emersive world. I will anxiously be awaiting the next book in the series!!

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Thank you NetGalley and Day Leitao for giving me the chance to read this book early!

From the premise alone, it sounds like something right up my alley. Enemies to lovers, fated mates, arranged marriages, forced proximity. And I really wanted to like this book, but sadly, it just fell short.

Our FMC, Astra, is a body-double for a princess - who's trained to pretend and assassinate. Or so she says. Meanwhile, our MMC and love interest, Marlak, is a fae who looks human - an exiled disgraced prince who allegedly murdered his whole family and stole the Crystal Court treasure. What's connecting them, then? Their sexy dreams of each other.

***The following sections onward may contain spoilers***
First of all, Astra is an unreliable narrator who overestimates her abilities. She's been trained her whole life to act as if she's someone else, to play a role, yet she frequently lets her words slip and is not a good liar. Many plot-convenient things allowed her to find out some important secrets that are barely explained. Her identity - a darksoul - must have been mentioned a million times, yet I can't tell you a single thing about it. I understand wanting to keep some things under wraps for the big reveal, but what's the point of blindsiding the readers like that? In addition, she's way too passive for me to be invested in her character at all; every secret she learns about Marlak is only possible because he allows her. Astra's supposed to make him trust her so he would reveal his secrets, but she always treats him badly and distrusts him at every turn. One more thing that bothers me is that 'women aren't supposed to learn how to use a sword' for no reason at all. Sure, a princess may not carry a sword, but an assassin pretending to be her will find it useful, no?

Now, Marlak. Where do I even begin? I barely understand his motivations and what's driving him. He's supposedly exiled and seems like the biggest traitor of the Crystal Court, yet he has supporters, other fae that considers *him* the king, instead of his brother. Why? It's never explained. Also, he's fae, but he looks human and he can lie. Why? How come? Also never explained. I understand that this will be a series and I will learn more in future books, but I should have some grasp of the world after one book; now, having finished this, I barely have any. But I sympathize better with him than Astra; it must be a pain having to deal with her always doubting him at every turn, trusting his words more than his actions. The guy literally saved Astra several times, and she still doubts him all the time.

Lastly, I love the terms of endearment like "wife" and "husband," but they're way too overused in this book that I'm kinda over them now.

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I loved everything about this book! I loved the writing style, the characters, the way how naration moved me through time via dreams.

Enemies to lovers is my favorite trope and this is perfectly executed. I love how the tension between the two main characters builds-up with every page.

I was so captivated by the story that I finished the book in less than 24 hours.

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I need the next book immediately!!!!

This was a very interesting and addictive book that really draws you in. I read this in on sitting and I could not put it down.
The thing I loved the most was how well the flashbacks/dream scenes were written. It made me feel as though I was experiencing it in real life. Overall, it was a beautifully written book with a good plot and even better spice:)

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First things first, the beginning of the book was like trying to dance with two left feet. Awkward. I tried to like the FMC, but I just couldn't.

I really wanted to like this book. Romantasy is right up my alley and enemies to lovers.... Swoon. But alas, it was just not meant to be. The side characters felt a bit like the supporting act desperately waiting for their moment in the spotlight.

Maybe it's just a warm-up, a teaser for the grand show that's about to unfold in the sequels? But from what I read, IDK if I will finish this book and read the sequels.

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It’s thrilling and captivating! It contains well-developed primary and secondary characters, a plot that progresses the story while keeping the reader engaged and super hot chemistry! I can’t wait to read more from the author.

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I got my ARC from NetGalley and I just want to say thank you Day Leitao for give me a chance to read the book early.

This book was amazing.. had great plot great spice and we love morally grey men who fall first and harder for the FmLi this was all around an amazing book and I can’t wait to buy it when it comes out!!!

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Ooh this book is glorious! ✨ It took me a minute to get hooked but then I didn’t want to do anything else with my weekend but live in this book. I read every chance I got. Clever turns, a multi-layered sarcastic protagonist, fae secrets, cherry cake, magical dreams and duplicitous layers. Well done Day Leitao — Looking forward to more!

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Thank you for this arc in exchange for an honest opinion.

I'm so glad I found this book! Once I started, I couldn't stop reading and finished it in two days. The world-building was very interesting and managed to pull me in without revealing too much, so there's still a lot to uncover in the following book(s?).
I really liked the characters. Marlak wasn't the "standard" romantasy villain but had a unique appearance and backstory. Astra wasn't the "damsel in distress" but an elite guard with an intriguing magical power. The relationship and tension between them was very well-written and their shared dreams added some extra spice and confusion, which was great. The ending made me feel all types of emotions and I liked that it ended with such a cliffhanger, because now I'm even more interested in the series. I can't wait to see how it'll continue and I hope that there'll be more world-building and insights into Astra's power and where she comes from.

Read this book if you like:
– unique world-building
– fae and magical powers
– soulmates
– slow burn and spicy dreams

Also, there's a dark unicorn named Cherry Cake...I mean who wouldn't want that?

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disclaimer: i received an e-ARC copy of this book, but all opinions are mine
thank you for the opportunity to read!!

i really enjoyed this, i had an assignment due and it was almost late because i refused to put this book down until i finished it. i was in the mood to read a romantasy and got exactly that, it knows what it is and it delivered!!

" If beauty swayed me, I'd be on my knees for you."

DEAD!!! i have died and been resurrected so i could keep reading

the good
-i giggled during half the book, OMG, giddy, kicking my feet hihihihi
-the way the main character is revealed was well done
-no but fr i have so many highlights just being so giddy hihi
-it was a good length/page-to-plot ratio
-the ending destroyed me (good) and now Leitao and i have unfinished business, you better be writing love (but also take your time but also please i need it now)
-some of it was predictable (like romantasies most are if that's all you read oops) but it still managed to slip some surprises past me oooh!!
-the world-building ends on a strong note, obviously it's a serie so i imagine we'll get to learn more but it was interesting...
-GIDDY I SWEAR AH i already have my dream man but if i didn't i'd want a dream man y'know??

the less
-the first 20-25% I was not fond of the writing as much, there were some things in the writing style that would pull me out of the story as i was reading (reminder: i read an arc, it may or may not be the same at publication time), HOWEVER after that it significantly improved and i didn't put the book down again
-i wish we got to see more of the relationship between the three "sisters" :)


if it wasn't for that first little bit i might have ranked it higher than ★★★★, i may edit this review once the book is published if i have the chance to re-read it hihi
i can't wait for the next one, my fault for starting another serie, it was worth it

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I inhaled this book!

A Cursed Son starts is a fun well paced romantsy with a lot of secrets and even more tension. I’m a sucker for a good soul bond and this book delivers it in a fun way. This is a slow burn enemies to lovers where our MMC is desperate to protect her and she’s desperate to keep her secrets.

I found the world building to be a little lacking in this book. I would have liked to learn more about the courts and the humans and why the Tiurians are so hated,

I’d recommend with book to anyone looking for a good slow burn enemies to lovers that’s an easy quick read.

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I really wanted to love this book but I could hardly get through it. There was nothing wrong with the writing at all. The book wasnt for me.

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