Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for ARC in return for my review.

Margot is a homicide detective that is hiding her past. She’s shut off that part of her but the past can only stay hidden for so long!

Enjoy the rollercoaster ride and the twists in this book. I was disappointed with the ending being so abrupt but would recommend this author overall.

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This is my first book by this Author and after reading this offering won't be my last

When Homicide Detective Margot Phelan was 15 her father was found to be a serial killer with a least 76 victims to his name .
Even though she had no knowledge of her father's crimes she has always carried an element of guilt .
Along with her partner , Wes , she has found her latest crime scene puzzling - a family photo shows mother , father , daughter and son.....
but the victims are mother , father and two girls - where is the son ? who is the other girl. ?
Her focus is soon disrupted for she has received a phone call from her father's lawyer - her father wants her to visit him in prison where he
just might tell her where victim number 77 ??? can be found .Just what is he playing at , can he trusted to tell the truth and why now ?
Her sense of justice is strong , she needs to solve the puzzling case of the home invasion and put her feelings regarding her father to one side and give victim 77's family the answers they deserve and final closure.

This is a page turning thriller , fast paced with twists and turns around every corner ,with a strong lead character who despite her serial killing father had managed to make a life for herself seeking justice for others

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Thank you NetGalley, the author and publisher for this copy in return for my honest review.

I really enjoyed this book and it was interesting that it was told from dual perspectives and dual timelines. A fast paced story that keeps you guessing.

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Enjoyed this book, the relationship between margot and wes was great, I just felt the ending let it down. It felt rushed and I know its to Lead on to the next in the series it just left so many unanswered questions. I hate not knowing what happened hopefully the next one will give me the answers. Not sure I would have read if I knew it was a series as I would have waited for the next one. I hope the next one solves the crimes of this one

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Thank you netgalley and Storm publishing for an arc of this book in exchange for a honest review

This book is about margot who is the daughter of a famous serial killer named ed finch and is a homicide detective, margot is trying to forget her past but one day she gets a call from her father's lawyer and learns that ed is back and on death row at san quentin, her father has a message that he is willing to share some long held secrets but she has to visit him in order to find out.

I really enjoyed this book, it was perfectly paced and was never boring nor overwhelming and it had me hooked from the beginning, it felt like i was reading an episode of criminal minds and i loved that aspect. It was super easy to read as well, i also really loved margot as a character and her relationship with her partner wes it was really fun to read. The ending was a bit fast paced and i didn't expect the ramirez case to end like it did, I'm really happy and excited that this is going to be a series and i can't wait for the 2nd book to see where the story goes.

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The intro to the book gets it right when it says “For all the girls who took out big books on serial killers from the library way too young, this one is for you.” Because this is THE perfect book for true crime girlies. A lot of references to other real life killers, and while this may just be my take, there’s a lot of similarities between the fictional Ed Finch and The Golden State Killer (Joseph James DeAngelo) and BTK (Dennis Rader). Grab this one on Kindle Unlimited for free when it comes out Monday March 25th or head to any book seller and get a physical copy!

***I was given the chance to read this book as an advance reader copy, thanks to Storm Publishing and NetGalley! ***

Kate Wiley's "The Killer's Daughter" has caused quite a stir in the world of thriller novels. With its engrossing storyline and intricate character development, it’s no wonder that it has captivated the minds of readers worldwide. In this post, we delve into the essence of this novel, focusing on three key aspects.

"The Killer's Daughter" unfolds in a world of suspense and intrigue, where the daughter of a notorious serial killer grapples with her father's dark legacy. The plot is a roller coaster ride of emotions and unexpected twists, keeping readers on their toes from start to finish. Wiley exhibits a remarkable ability to weave a complex web of narrative that is as enthralling as it is chilling.

Wiley's skill in character development truly shines in "The Killer's Daughter." The protagonist, a woman haunted by her father's past, is a deeply relatable character. Her struggle with her identity, her father's crimes, and her own sense of self is beautifully portrayed. The supporting characters are equally well-drawn, each adding a unique dimension to the narrative.

Wiley's writing style in "The Killer's Daughter" is a perfect match for the storyline. Her ability to create suspense and maintain tension throughout the novel is commendable. Her descriptive prose enhances the atmosphere of the story, pulling readers into the dark and thrilling world she has created. Wiley balances the fast-paced plot with thoughtful introspection, providing a well-rounded reading experience.

"The Killer's Daughter" by Kate Wiley is a gripping thriller, a testament to Wiley's talent as a storyteller. With its compelling plot, well-rounded characters, and enthralling writing style, it stands as a remarkable addition to the genre. For fans of thrillers and suspense novels, this is a must-read, a journey into the depths of a killer's legacy and a daughter's struggle to escape it.

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An intense, gripping, formidable and eery thriller!

Margot Phalen, a detective with the San Francisco Police Department, is called to the scene of a family massacre. At the same time, her own world starts to unravel when she receives an unexpected phone call drawing her back into the orbit of her father, notorious serial killer Ed Finch.

Boy, am I thrilled to hear that this is the first in what will be a series of books all featuring detective Margot Phalen! The book is well-plotted and well-written, a smart, thought-out, intense thriller shifting seamlessly between Margot‘s present-day police work (with some very eery cases) and her father‘s crime spree. The Ramirez case was a bit obvious in its (creepy) conclusion, but the entire book was intensely gripping and still managed to thoroughly hook me.

I also really enjoyed how Margot and her fellow police officers were written. Though Margot is obviously damaged, she is still a competent, no-nonsense character you want to root for, and I cannot wait to read more about her and her cases in the future.

TW for sexual assault and child abuse.

Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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What an absolute thriller this is!

Detective Phalen has a dark past. One that should would rather forget. But she can't because her father, the classified killer wants to see her. He has something to tell her. Something about another victim that has never been found. Should she entertain it?

There are three murders in this novel and the first one starts off with a bang. The whole family is murdered except a little boy, the son. What is going on? Who has committed such a heinous crime?

As detective phalen works on three cases at the same time and tries to get her father to give out information you heart will be pounding. I couldn't wait to get to the end!

Thank you to net galley and the publisher for this arc

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Amazing! This is one of those reads that has you gasping out loud at moments. It grips you from page one and takes you on a wild horrifying rollercoaster ride start to finish. Jaw dropping moments throughout, this read is not for the feint of heart. Dark and deep and absolutely terrifying. This one was nightmare inducing and a fast paced unputdownable thriller!

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The first in a new detective series centered on Margot Phalen. few know that Margot is the daughter of an infamous serial killer. As she investigates a brutal family killing, she learns her dad has been transferred to a prison close to her. He promises he will tell her about more bodies he is responsible for if she comes to visit. Margot doesn’t want to see him, but also wants justice for the women he killed.

This was so good! It truly was one that I could not stop reading because I had to know what happened. I thought it was perfect from the way the past was tied in and the investigating of the new crimes. I cannot wait for more in this series!!!

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was an absolute blast to read! I finished it in no time and I absolutely can't wait for the story to continue! It came out on the 25th of March and I received it from Storm Publishing via Netgalley.

Twenty years ago Ed Finch used the Bay Area as his hunting ground, to hunt women and kill them. His daughter Margot was just a child then, but now she is a homicide detective with the San Francisco Police Department. She has desperately been trying to forget her past, even going so far as to change her name.
It's never that easy, though. She finds out that Ed is transferred back to death row at San Quentin. And he is desperate to get in contact with her again. He will give up another secret as long as she visits him. Will she open up this hideous door to her past to grant another family rest?

Fast paced, exciting, thrilling - these words just don't do justice to this brilliant book. I absolutely loved the storyline with the emotional layers surfacing through the characters making it just brilliant. The characters are worked out well and I can't wait to find out more about them. It all just fits in perfectly - the characters, the storyline, the excitement - turning this book into an amazing thriller.

5/5 ⭐

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Detective Margot Phalen was just trying to put her past behind her. She’s changed her name, moved to a different city, but sometimes your past just follows you - especially when your father is one of the most prolific serial killers of your generation.
Margot hadn’t spoken to her father for more than 20 years and suddenly her father’s lawyer reaches out to her to inform her that her father wants to see her. Naturally Margot is hesitant but when her father says he will tell her about an unknown victim, she can’t help but take him up on his request.
I couldn’t help but think of the show Prodigal Son while reading this book.
I was engaged with not only the story of victim #77 but also with the case that Margot was working as well.

Looking forward to the next book in the series to find out more.

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This novel was intriguing, a serial killer on death row and at times had his baby daughter sitting in the back seat in the car, while on a kill. Now grown up and a name change she is now a homicide detective and very few people know of her past and who she really is.
One evening a phone call a lawyer asking her to visit her father as he has been transferred to a local prison, quite rightly she refused so he comes back with a temptation, her father will reveal No: 77 and where she is buried.
Just the start has he got her hooked? will this be more to come as the FBI always thought there were more bodies out there.
I did find this book intriguing but there is a No:2 novel a follow up, and my only fear is that it's a different but copy of the same story.
I would like to thank NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a ARC copy to read, the review is entirely my own thoughts.

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This was a well written book that grabbed my attention from the first chapter and kept my attention through the end. I enjoyed the chapters looking at the past from when Ed Finch was a serial killer still in the loose, and the present day chapters when his daughter who changed her names to Margot Phalen is a hominids detective. I do wish the look back chapters have a little more detail, even if it was just a quick description on the actually crimes committed by Ed Finch.

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Such an engaging and well-constructed book! Reflecting after I finished reading, I found the title exactly right for the tone and details of the story. Detective Margot Phelan of the San Francisco Police Department is the understandably long-estranged daughter of Ed Finch, a serial killer of over seventy young women. He was captured and convicted when Margot, then Megan Finch, was only 15. While there were certainly episodes of suspense, I viewed The Killer’s Daughter as an excellent police procedural, showcasing Margot’s adeptness as an investigator while offering a portrait of the emotional challenges she continues to face as she pursues justice for victims of violence. While author Kate Wiley concludes the novel with the possibility of a sequel, the story held its own admirably without tacking on an almost contradictory cliffhanger. 4.5 stars, rounded to 5 for excellence in plot and character development.

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4.5/5 (rounded up)
I really enjoyed this book, but I was able to figure it out rather quickly. I enjoyed that it was told from dual perspectives and dual timelines. This is a quick story that gets going right away. This is really well written, and I look forward to the next book in the series! I didn’t expect it to end in a cliffhanger of sorts, but am excited to see where this story goes.

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This is such a good, well written story, it tells the story of notorious serial killer Ed Finch known as the classified killer who killed seventy six young woman around the bay area of San Francisco during the 1980’s and 1990’s, it has been twenty two years since he was sent to jail and now his daughter is a homicide detective in San Francisco, she has worked hard to put her past behind her but her father is doing his best to change that.

Megan Finch is now Detective Margot Phalen, it has been twenty two years since the FBI arrived to arrest her father at the family home charged and him with the murder, her family moved changed their names and did their best to get on with life.

Now her father has been transferred to death row at San Quentin, close to Margot and he is determined to see his daughter, Margot has been doing her best to ignore his requests, she is busy investigating the murder of a family and two woman in a national park but when he is willing to open up about more of his secrets if she visits, she must go, there are families out there that need closure, he knows Margot cannot refuse to see him.

I did very much enjoy this story, yes it is gruesome at times as the story is told from both Margot and Ed’s POV back and forward from the 1980’s and now, Margot understandably has a lot of issues about her past but still does her job well and Ed he a killer who shows no remorse. I do highly recommend this one to any reader who loves a good thriller it is dark at times but compelling reading. I do look forward to book two in the series.

My thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my digital copy to read and review.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for this ARC of ‘The Killer’s Daughter by Kate Wiley.

This was a great read! I think Margot is a fantastic detective. I can easily say if she handled a case for me I’d be happy. The detail given about Margot’s life and childhood made the story so much more realistic. 100% a must read in my opinion!

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Kate Wiley has created a fascinating female detective, Margot. Margot’s father was a prolific serial killer when she was growing up. While investigating a horrific murder Margot’s dad has a lawyer contact her with just the right enticement to try to force her to visit him in prison.
The pacing of this story kept me rapidly reading. I appreciated the alternating points of view, especially those of her dad…which were so very chilling. This read could have gone in so many directions but I feel that Kate Wiley had the perfect balance of police procedural, who dunnit, and even a hint of romance thrown in. Wiley’s portrayal of Margot’s childhood and adulthood seemed so very realistic, evoking so much sympathy for what she has endured and explains the quirkiness of her personality and the strengths she possesses to exist in a male dominated detective investigating murders. The vivid setting of the Ramirez family will be stuck in my head for a long time, as will Mateo’s response to it.
I will definitely be eagerly awaiting another book sharing her dad’s continued attempts to reconnect with her and, hopefully, a healthy emotional connection with Wes.
Many thanks to Kate Wiley, Storm Publishing, and NetGalley for providing me with an arc of this recently published book. Three and a half stars.

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This is my first Kate Wiley book, and I loved it.

To me, Ed was terrifying and a true manipulative devil. His presence loomed throughout the pages. The chapters with his voice are eerie and scare you to turn the pages, making you wonder if he will ever get caught. Margot's character is not appealing. There's a rawness to her pain. It bleeds through the pages and makes you sit up and take notice. At the same time, you feel distant from her. The constant back and forth between Ed's narration and Margot's perspective keeps the story edgy and interesting at the same time.

The story is fascinating, and I was hooked from the first page to the last. The author creates a nail-biting atmosphere, and the pace never wavers. You can read it in one go if you have the time, but I needed to take a few gaps to take it all in.

There are so many victims - dead or missing? What happened to them? Who is the perpetrator? How are they eluding the cops? There is an active murder case, but there is also something that has crawled out of the past. What should Margot do?

I can't wait to pick up Margot's next adventure. Hopefully, a few more cases will be solved.

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