Member Reviews

My rating:

Plot: 4. out of 5 stars
Writing: 4 out of 5 stars
Character development: 4 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4.5out of 5 stars

Recommended for readers of:

General Fiction


This is a beautiful well written story, emotional and heart breaking at times. The characters are well developed and their actions are explained in great detail. This made them appear realistic but also lovable. Life hasn’t been each for neither of them, and has dealt each of them with their own traumas and heart breaks. Despite all this they stay hopeful and resilient and are willing to help a stranger. .
Overall this is a captivating story full of love, friendship, trauma with a sprinkle of humor and laughter. I liked it a lot.

Review copy provided through Netgalley at no cost to me.

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Melissa Payne sure knows how to tug on your. heartstrings, and she does it to fabulous effect with this story of found family.

Mack and Brandi are multi-dimensional and realistic POV characters. It was a joy to be on a journey with them.

The setting of Wyoming comes alive beautifully through sensory details.

There's a lot thrown at these characters, and I imagine some readers might need a content warning (child abuse/neglect, drug use, addiction, grief, death, etc,)

I loved how these characters made their own family and found ways to help each other. Their bond feels very rewarding for the reader. Ultimately, this novel reminds us that, even in this broken world, people can be good. I love that message.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance e-galley; all opinions in this review are 100% my own.

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Beautifully heart-breaking and hopeful, it crushes you and puts you back together again.

Mack, an elderly cowboy would do anything for his wife, including faking his own death to provide insurance money for her medical treatments. While living out in the wilderness he comes across two stranded strangers; Brandi an 18-year-old fresh from juvie who has risked it all to kidnap her 5 year old brother Sy from a neglectful mother, he knows he cannot leave them, and together they go on a journey to find a safe home for the small boy.

I enjoyed this book from start to finish and could not put it down once I started reading it. An absolutely beautiful tale of unconditional love and what we would sacrifice for it, this book made me laugh, smile, cry and at some points I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what would happen next.
This book covers some pretty heavy topics and tackles child abuse/neglect, drug misuse, grief, loss, and incurable illnesses. These topics are handled in a tactful way, and I cannot praise the authors writing enough.
The main characters were loveable and relatable making it easy to route for them throughout the story and the descriptions of the wilderness were breath-taking.
I would highly recommend this book.

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All of the emotions! This novel is so well written I was completely engrossed. An emotionally packed story that will have you turning the pages. Mack and Brandi are an unlikely duo who along with Brandi’s brother Sy will pull at your heartstrings . Through hardships and traumatic life events their bond is forged through the lengths they will go to protect those they love. A beautifully written story of love, friendship, trauma and resilience, I highly recommend.

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This book is filled with heartache, yet it also brims with hope and love. And you pierce my heart with that emotion so much that I can't stop crying. What a beautiful story really, tackles child abuse/neglect, drug misuse, child mortality, sorrow, unlawful activities, and a few illnesses.

I like Mack and his unconditional love for Daisy. Brandi whose shielding her brother from a self-centered mother. It was indeed a great read. I've come across many tropes, but I always fall for this genre. I admire how you made me tear up with this masterpiece. That was a beautiful price of love. Unputdownable!

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I absolutely loved this book!. It's about an older man, a young girl, and her little brother. They find each other through trying circumstances and end up becoming a family of sorts. They go through many trials to get there, but also end up having each others backs no matter what. Its a wonderful read and I found I couldn't put it down. Don't miss out on this wonderful book.

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What a beautiful story. It was a story of heartache, lessons in life, hard times, family, and so much more. The main characters are so loveable. Mack and Brandi made quite the team. I enjoyed every moment of this book. I look forward to adding it to my collection once it's out. Publication is set for June 18th.

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If you think you might be put off by folks who kidnap, steal, lie, and run from the law; push those prejudices aside because this Bonnie and Clyde duo are two of the most endearing characters I’ve ever met.

Mack is a white-haired, cowboy-hatted, old coot who fakes his own death in order to financially provide for the love of his life, his cancer-stricken wife. Brandi is an eighteen year old spitfire. She’s a survivor. A juvie escapee who will stop at nothing to rescue her five year old brother from the clutches of her meth-addled mother and mom’s abusive boyfriend. The puzzle pieces of each of their lives are slowly revealed along the way. And as they each gain knowledge of one another, they develop a tight bond of mutual respect and love.

This is a story full of melancholy and heartbreak enhanced by sweet humor, and even a bit of suspense. I'm so happy to have been able to join these characters on their road trip. I honestly couldn't put this book down. Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for this advance reader's copy. I think the book comes out in June so be on the look-out. A totally five star read for me.

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beautiful story. i finished this book in one single sitting and did not feel bored or disappointed at the end.

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It's the first time I am reading a Melissa Payne, and The Wild Road Home, set in the towns and wilderness of Wyoming, is delightful.

Mack decides to fake death to claim insurance and fund the treatment of his wife who is seriously ill. Will he succeed? Brandi is on the run after kidnapping her little brother from their abusive mother. Will she make it to safety?

This story is about the extraordinary sacrifices families make for their own. Mack's love and devotion to his wife gives him the resilience to make extreme sacrifices. Despite his advancing years, loss of an arm, and the lonesome burden of guilt and grief over the loss of his only child, Mack chooses to leave home and disappear into the wilderness to spend the rest of his life off-grid, in hardship and extreme solitude.

Brandi, a teen on the run to safety, is determined not to leave behind her brother Sy in an abusive and unsafe home.

Payne's writing is fluid. She's fleshed out her characters well and made them relatable. Daisy afflicted with dementia, Brandi just out of juvie, Sy struggling from parental abuse. And Nancy, whose motherly concern for her children occasionally seeps through her daze of drugs.

One little thing I feel was a bit off. Mack, at the start of the story, contemplating stealing his dimentia-afflicted wife out of nursing care to go live together off the grid. I'd rather he only dreamt wistfully of doing so.

Overall, it's definitely a beautiful and enriching story of family love. I rate it 3.5 out of 5 stars.

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I loved A Light in the Forest so when this title was up on NetGalley I grabbed my chance to read it and am I ever glad I did. Melissa Payne knows how to write stories that play on your emotions and The Wild Road Home is no different. This story is told from Mack and Brandi's point of view. Brandi is trying to save her brother from their drug-addicted mother and Mack is trying to save his wife from her reoccurring cancer diagnosis. There is of course much more going on in both their lives but I don't want to give too much away. The joy of reading this book was found in learning about these characters.

I liked that Mack was missing part of his arm but learned to fish and taught others like him how to as well, it showed that people who are differently abled (like me) can do things and be independent. It was such a descriptive tale of the Wyoming wilderness that I felt like I was there and I enjoyed being back in nature on these cold February days in Canada.

I loved Brandi so much and saw a lot of myself in her, protecting her brother from a mother who is selfish and thinks only of herself first. I related to Mack as he watched someone he loves turn into a stranger and lose them to cancer and Alzheimer's. There is a lot of heartbreak in this book but there is also a lot of hope and love. Be forewarned that there are many issues in this story...there is child abuse/neglect, drug use and abuse, child death, grief, illegal activities and a few illnesses.

BUT...if you want a book that makes you feel all the feels this is a wonderful way to get them. I felt every emotion imaginable while reading this and I fell in love with Brandi, Mack and Sy. I cheered them on and wanted good things for them and after everything they'd been through I felt they deserved better. I loved the way they tried to help each other and ended up helping themselves along the way and they all formed an unlikely bond. I loved being on this journey with them. All. The. Stars.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book "The Wild Road Home" and all opinions expressed are my own. I really loved this book. I connected with the characters right away and felt for them. The journey was not easy but I was along for the ride all the way. Very emotional story that I was looking forward to reading each day. Overall 5 stars, could end up being my favorite for the year.

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This is a fantastic, emotional story that I so adored! The title is perfect!
The unlikely friendship of an elderly man and two neglected, abused children that helped each other to find their way.
It is a wonderful journey of hope, fear, heartache, heartbreak and love.
There is also some suspense mixed in!
Without spilling anymore of the plot, I urge you all to open this book and your heart and enjoy it!
I will long remember the trip of these three characters to get home.

Thank You to @NetGalley and to @Lake Union Publishing for this terrific ARC and allowing me to read and provide my own review.
Melissa Payne never disappoints.

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The Wild Road Home by M. Payne, published by Lake Union Publishing, is a full length, stand alone that gives all th feels. This is hands down a gem, my fav read in 2024 so far. After starting reading the book I couldn't put it down anymore , read the story cover to cover, in one sitting.
Mack Anders loves his wife very much. Daisy suffers from alzheimers and to meke her well cared for, Mack moves living off the grit - don't ask - .
Brandi is a 18 year old, fresh from juvie and on the run with Sy, her younger brother from a bad home.
Stranded they run into Mack and while at first sight they haven't much in common, they're kindred souls, healing each other.
Only the outside world forces them back to real life, facing the consequences.
I fell in insta love with this heart wrenchingly beautiful story, how could I not, impossible not to. I recommend the book, 5 stars.

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Loved this heartfelt book about unlikely friendships and found family. It is end the end a story that gives you renewed belief in the good of humanity

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Let me start by saying .. WOW! This author hit all my feelings. She shows you how life can throw you so much hardship, pain, loss, love, redemption and new purpose.
This beautiful story follows Mach ( oh my heart), his wife Daisy, son Jesse. Mach faces such heartache that it's palpable. On Mach's travels he meets teenager Brandi and her little traumatized brother Sy, who together the three of them develope an unlikely connection and friendship.
This is my first book by Melissa Payne but it certainly will not be my last. I enjoyed everything about this book, from the unique storyline, the rich characters and the author makes you think.. what would you do if you was in Mach or Brandi's place? How would you handle the devastating pain and trials. I absolutely encourage you to read this book, you will not be disappointed. Keep up the great writing Melissa Payne, I plan on enjoying your hard work. This review is my honest opinion for NetGallery
#NetGallery #Goodreads #The Wild Ride Home #ARC #Melissa Payne

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