Member Reviews

I’ve been looking forward to Eloise’s story in My Lucky Charm for a long time and it didn’t not disappoint. The easiest word for it is- charming.
Eloise has a charismatic personality who wears her heart on her sleeve. We see how her friendly and compassion can draw anyone in, even the grumpiest hockey player ever, Grayson.

The book was lots of fun and I can’t wait for the next in the series.

Thank you NetGalley and Courtney Walsh for the review copy.

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Hockey, coworkers and a slow burn romance. I love the vibes, story and I didn't miss the smut too. I can't wait to go back and read book #1!

Thank you to NetGallery and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Ive never read a book by this author before but wow!! I literally couldnt put this book down and finished it all in one sitting. While I didnt realize it was number 2 in a series it can easily be read as a stand a lone although I will be going back for dallas and poppys story. I enjoyed the banter and grumpy sunshine trope of this book so much! Thanks for letting me be an ARC reader!

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Okkkay all the heart eyes for this one!

Eloise is single, at a bar on New Years Eve with all her coupled up friends. This would be sort of fine until her ex, who dumped her and fired her on the same day shows up. To save face she kisses a random (hottie mc hot hot) stranger sitting at the bar at midnight and has the most epic kiss of her life.

Fast forward and she’s starting a new job working for the Chicago Comets pro hockey team as a personal assistant for the teams newest member Grayson Hawke. He’s grumpy, he’s rude, and no one likes being around him. He comes by to meet her for the first time and UH OH, it’s amazing New Years Kiss guy!

I just LOVE Eloise. She’s hilarious, fun, a people pleaser, strong, and so relatable. Brooding Grayson is such a good one. It’s hard not to love a grumpy bad boy with a secret soft side. The characters were all so well written and the story line was so fun. Seriously this is now a top fav in the rom com genre!

Book comes out March 16th, make sure you add it to your list! Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced readers copy- I lurrrved it. 😍

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My Lucky Charm by Courtney Walsh is a delightful and heartwarming romance that explores the unexpected connections that can blossom from chance encounters. When a humiliating breakup leads to a spontaneous New Year's kiss with a stranger, Eloise finds herself faced with a new challenge, to help a reclusive hockey star acclimate to life in Chicago. Despite their differences, the chemistry between Eloise and Gray is undeniable, and as they spend more time together, they begin to see past each other's facades. With its charming storyline and lovable characters, this novel is a perfect blend of humor and uplifting romance.

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I am torn on this one. I immediately LOVED Eloise so much and was rooting for her. However, I immediately disliked the MMC. I’m meh on the grumpy sunshine trope, but this went too far and he was too grumpy, and was just a plain jerk from the get go. He acted like a toddler not getting his way in a professional setting over and over again and it really made him unattractive to me and I was not rooting for him at all.

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This is the definition of the Grumpy/Sunshine trope. Gray’s personality is the definition of grumpy, open the dictionary and there you will see a picture of Grayson Hawke. He pretty much doesn’t talk and usually grunts at people. He was conditioned to keep people at a distance and never get close to anyone. Eloise is the epitome of sunshine, to the point that’s her nickname from her dad. She wears her heart on her sleeve, she’s the kind of person who has never met a stranger, and she loves deeply when you are one of her people.

So what happens when the Chicago Comets make a trade with Philly to snag Grayson? He’s grumpy x10, and not afraid to make it known, and they hire Eloise as his assistant to help make him acclimate to the change in hopes he will stop causing issues and meld with the team. Will Eloise’s sunshine and rambling talking slowly melt Grayson’s ice-cold exterior?

My Lucky Charm is a sweet rom-com that has an extremely relatable FMC who is struggling to figure out how to get where she wants in life and love. Eloise can’t help but give her whole self to a guy because that’s just who she is, she wears her heart on her sleeve and loves deeply no matter the pain it brings her. Gray doesn’t have the best role model for feelings and relationships, so naturally he keeps everyone as far away as possible. This book is full-blown slow-burn, as it takes the whole book to get the MCs to their HEA. But their connection and the way that they finally let go and give into each other is beautiful!

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This was a light, easy, breezy read. It’s part of a series but can be read as a standalone. As a grump myself, I loved Gray and his character development throughout the story. Eloise was his perfect match and I enjoyed her inner monologue which was super funny. I look forward to the next book about the eldest Hart!

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this was so adorable! i've never come across a courtney walsh book that I didnt enjoy in some capacity. this one wasn't my favorite because I feel in terms of romance, gray was so hot and cold. I just didn't feel much for him. but overall, eloise carried the entire thing. her sunshine demeanor and capacity to love along with her love for scarlett, it was so sweet. I cant wait for raya and finn's book! i love a good grumpy closed off girl with sunshine boy pairing. thank you courtney and netgalley for allowing me to read this arc!

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I’m a big fan of hockey romance. Usually with an alpha mmc and a sunshine fmc . This one did not disappoint. I also love a dual point of view. You get to see behind the brooding exterior of Gray and the thoughts behind Eloise’s word vomit. Throw in a fiesty Scarlett and I was hooked. I had forgotten that I had read My phony valentine until getting reacquainted with Eloise’s fun family. Hopefully Raya’s story is coming soon! Thank you to NetGalley for this free advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinions.

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I love a hockey romance! And I love a grumpy-sunshine romance! Together, they are fantastic! The second book in the series, but it can be read as a stand alone.

After being traded to a new team, Gray is not excited to be in Chicago, and it’s impacting his game. Enter Eloise. Sunshine in human form, always looking at the glass half full, but she has her work cut out for her helping Gray adapt to his new city/team.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review. Watch for My Lucky Charm to come out February 29, 2024.

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My lucky charm was pure happiness!! I had not read the first in this series, but it was no problem to read this as a stand alone.
I LOVED reading Grey & Eloise's story. His personality felt real, not fake for a book. I look forward to going back and reading the first and can't wait for the 3rd! Courtney Walsh, this was precious!
Thanks netgalley for a copy. All thoughts & opinions are my own.

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This book was everything I want in a romance. It was swoony and fun. The characters were just delightful. I loved their first encounter. All I wanted to do was read this after the first page. I loved it.

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Eloise is a little too much. She opens her heart to everyone without thinking about the consequences. She is eager to help. She is a little clumsy. And she has just been burned in a relationship with her nasty boss. So when her friend suggests finding a stranger to kiss on New Year's, she just goes for it. Two weeks later, when the same man shows up at her family dinner, and she realizes she is his new personal assistant, she knows she is in trouble! Sparks fly in this romance about a sweet gal and a very grumpy hockey player. I loved El & Gray's story. I could not put it down!

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4.5 stars

This is such a sweet grumpy/sunshine, hockey romance. Eloise is for the girls who have ever felt like they need to tone themselves down in order to be loved. She puts her whole heart into everything and sees the best in everything. Gray is extremely grumpy but really just needs someone to show him that its okay to be happy.
These characters were so sweet together and I loved the way they loved each other exactly as they were.

Read this book if you like:
-hockey romances
-single dad
-low angst
-slow burn

Thank you to NetGalley and Sweethaven Press for the ARC!!

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I have been in a bit of a reading slump this month. But this book cured that problem, well it also made me sad that I finished it so quickly but it was so good. My Lucky Charm is the second book in Courtney Walsh’s Holidays with Hart and I finished the book in one day.
Eloise was just the sweetest and a breath of fresh air. I loved her cheerfulness and her positivity. Gray was just the grumpiest and yet perfect match for Eloise. I loved reading about them together and how they interacted. The romance was so sweet.
I really liked the growth of the characters as they learned more about themselves. Both Eloise and Gray had to work through their own personal issues before they were truly able to love each other. It was sweet to read about them falling in love and seeing each other in different lights. Gray kept Elosie grounded while Eloise helped Gray see the light in the world.
The romance was perfect and I was drawn into the story. I adored the side characters, they really added to the story. The hockey team and Elosie’s family were so fun and I loved the interactions. I am super excited for the next book and I hope that the rest of the team get their own books too.
My Lucky Charm is definitely a must read and I would totally recommend it! The characters had my heart and I was drawn into the story from the start. It had the first mix of romance, realness, and character growth. It needs to be on your TBR. My Lucky Charm is a closed door romantic comedy.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, I was not required to write a positive review.

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This book was just so much fun! I would describe it as a perfect lighthearted romance that is both sweet and playful! Eloise’s character reminds me of Jess from New Girl -- a little goofy but in the absolute best way possible and Gray is lovable despite his “[rudeness] while processing.” The chemistry between them is fantastic and made the story so fun to read!

My Lucky Charm is the second book in the Holidays with Hart series by Coutney Walsh and although I am now out of order I will absolutely be going back to read My Phony Valentine! What could be better than another sweet hockey romance!!!

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For the most part, this was a delightful cute book.
I didn't much care for the style of writing, but there were still some things that I enjoyed and laughed out loud at.
Some people you can't change. Or can you?
When I came across Grayson Hawk, I thought he was all of those things that were described about him. Just wow!
Reminds me of my mother in law.

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This book was so much cute! It’s book two but I believe it can be enjoyed as a standalone.
This book starts with Eloise kissing a stranger in a bar on New Year’s Eve. A couple weeks later, she is hired to be an assistant to the new recently traded star hockey player, Gray. Gray happens to be the stranger from the bar.

Eloise is the little Hart sister. She’s a positive ray of sunshine. She doesn’t have big career aspirations. She just wants a happy life with a happy family. She’s been through it though. She’s had some terrible relationships in the past and she’s finding that maybe she trusts people with her heart a little too much.
Gray is the opposite. A man of so very little words. Closed off to the max. The grumpiest of grumps. Trust no one. He was just traded to a new team so he’s in a new town with no family or friends and he’s refusing to even try to make an effort to connect with anyone.

I think my favorite thing about both books in this series are the way the female characters are written. I loved Poppy in the first one and I loved Eloise in this. Eloise is the kind of person that makes everyone feel a little more comfortable when you’re in the room with them. She’s incredibly genuine. She talks. A lot. More importantly though, she listens. She knows just what everyone around her needs to be happy. I really really liked her.

Gray was harder to like. At first. There’s a part in this book where he sends the thumbs up response in a text exchange with Eloise, not once but twice! That is the equivalent to texting ‘K’. If I was Eloise I would have been ready to throw hands just for that. Something happens later in the book though that changes everything. You learn a lot about his past and you understand him more. I really liked him by the end. He was terrible with words but better with actions. And like Eloise, he listens and pays attention.

This book was a lot of fun! It will make you smile and feel all gooey inside. What more could you ask for in a romcom book?! It’s a slow burn and I love it! Eloise and Gray are perfect for each other.
I highly recommend if you like a closed door, low angst romcom with a dose of family drama.
Thank you NetGalley, Courtney Marsh, and SweetHaven Press for the ARC. I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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Eloise has a new job as assistant to the reluctant Gray. Will be let her in? Can't wait for the next books in this series.

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