Member Reviews

It couldn't have been a better coincidence to have received this arc the same week as the start of the Formula 1 season. What better combination for someone who likes to read romance and F1 books. Cross the Line is a cute story between Dev, an F1 driver and Willow, the younger sister of his best friend. But there's more to their story than this. Willow is a recent graduate who struggles to find her dream job, which is to belong to a sports team. On the other hand, Dev, who despite been doing what he loves, is going through a rough patch due to a scandal and worse, is on a team that doesn't fully support him. By twists of fate, they meet again, which revives their feelings for each other. By making a deal to help each other, they decide to stay professional, even though their proximity doesn't help hide their true feelings. I found it to be an enjoyable story with a proper pace. I loved the relationship between Dev and Willow and how they always supported each other throughout the book. Thank God this book has no third act breakup. In addition to their relationship, I liked to see the interactions that were shown with Chava and Mark, as well as Chantal and Grace. I couldn't forget the brother-sister duo between Oakley and Willow, which I loved too. Beyond that, I liked that this story will touch on other important points that deserve representation, like chronic illness and diversity. However, if I felt that something was missing from the plot, I don't know if it was because it had long chapters or because of the writing style, but occasionally, there were moments when it lost my attention. Along with this, the last stretch of the story, I don't know how to describe it fully. Abrupt perhaps the best way to do it; I went from being curious, to being overwhelmed, and then to being happy in a matter of minutes. I know that the epilogue was to create a shock value and test a realistic point of what can happen in racing, but in my opinion, the execution was underdeveloped. Overall, it's a good storyline that has a lot of potential and that I recommend for those who love F1 x romance.

Thank to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC.

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F1 romance! Shut the front door. IM A LOVER.

I really enjoyed the pace of the relationship. We dive straight in with Willow and Dev but they grow and develop. it does gets hot and spicey!!!

I love F1 and I did enjoy that while some creative licence was made, it didn’t feel so unbelievable.

Chronic pain representation, I felt, was handled with love and care.

A super fun romance!!

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I am big into Formula 1 and in many ways this was the F1 romance I have been WAITING for! It was fun, sparkling and the author writes the romantic tension so well! Sometimes it’s all I could do not to giggle and kick me feet while reading out in public.

Personally I could have done with one or two less ‘fuck, I’m in trouble’ lines. We get it you’re really into each other. I also wasn’t a huge fan of the constant POV switching as each new chapter would end up having some sort of small recap in of what had just happened but from the other POV which just really slowed it down for me. Again I get it, you’re into each other. It’s been abundantly confirmed!

Also am really hoping there’s going to be more, because there were a few times where other characters or events were mentioned in such a way that I for sure thought they were going to have a bigger moment later on. So either it was a weird random inclusion or more must be coming for these people right??? Either way, would love to read more!

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I was thrilled when I got this arc, the premise of this book had me hooked and it didn't disappoint.
I had a great time reading this and would definitely read it again.
The characters were incredibly lovable and it was amazing that Dev wasn't an alpha male but a guy who's into Bollywood movies and isn't afraid to talk about his feelings.
I loved the cast diversity. It felt as if a lot of research was done by the author when handling the cultural aspect surrounding the characters but also her knowledge on F1.

Thanks to Pan Macmillan & Netgalley for the eARC!!

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What is it about sports romance that is so compelling?

I will never turn down the chance to read any sports romance, (not that I have any interest in sports in real life!). I really enjoyed Simone Soltani's writing style, she crafted really lovable characters and all of their personalities jumped off the page. I could picture the characters so clearly in my mind as they were so real and fleshed out through the writing.

The main reason I dropped this a star is that I found myself struggling with the pacing of the story. I had to force myself to pick this book up instead of just scrolling aimlessly on my phone, and that's so abnormal for me. I kept reading for the characters and wanted to see them get their happy ending, but the plot itself felt a little too slow paced for me personally.

** I received an eARC of this book. All opinions expressed are my own. **

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What an amazing romance story! I wasn’t an F1 girlie before but I definitely am now.

Willow and Dev are charming and so well written. I can’t wait to read more from this author.

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Cross the line is a F1 romance and I have been waiting for this one for the longest time.
I loved how almost all of the characters had diverse backgrounds, it was handled so well.
Also loved seeing representation of chronic illness since Willow had hyper mobility which was extremely good represented.
Another obsession of mine is wanting to see female main characters that are medium or bigger sized since there is so little representation in romance books. As a person who also has stretch marks, it made me so happy to see how a girl that is not “perfect” can also be loved like any other human being.

Dev, the male main character, is such a romantic!! He loves watching Bollywood movies when he’s down and loved listening to Indian songs. He did call er “jaanu” which means beloved in Indian and that’s so adorable but he usually called her baby and tbh I don’t vibe with that.

A big plus of this book was that there was no third act break up and it felt so refreshing to have that.

Unfortunately it’s not a book which will stay in my mind for a long time but it still was a very entertaining read.


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Loved these characters so much, and the eds rep was so good to see! I loved the tropes and how it felt young and fresh but not immature. Thank you so much for the arc, I've been hoping to read this for so long. Full review will be on Goodreads soon!

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Review: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

I grew up watching Formula 1 with my dad so naturally when I find a romance book with a cute cover and F1 details I want to read it.

Cross the Line is a beautifully written slow burn romance between an F1 driver and his best friend’s little sister.

Willow is a mixed, high heel wearing, chronical illness owning and macaron obsessed queen (I want to be like her) and Dev is a formula 1 driver in the mids of a social media scandal who desperately needs Willows help (he’s just a little (very much) obsessed with her).

I loved how Willows chronic illness was woven into the story and her close relationship with her brother and his best friends (not just Dev).
Dev is the leader of the bookboyfriends club “I am absolutely in love with my girlfriend, and you can do nothing about it”. With Dev being half Indian and half American, it was awesome to see how his culture defines him as a person and how his friends became a part of everything going on in his life.

It is the perfect read to start off the Formula 1 season and for everyone who loves romance without much drama.

Thanks to Pan Macmillan & Netgalley for the eARC!!

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Cross the line by Simone Soltani 

This is a brother's best friend F1 romance, and my first F1 romance at that. 
This story features Formula 1 driver Dev Anderson and Willow Williams recent media graduate. Dev is struggling with his image after a run-in with his old social media team, and Willow is struggling to get any job with a sports team. They realise the answers to each other's problems, however, there is one catch... They have to be professional regardless of the crazy chemistry between them. 

This book is lovely, the romance feels well-paced and not rushed. You also get to travel the world with the pair and fall more in love with what makes them special. Dev is so lovable, he is kind, funny and obviously extremely dedicated to the sport. However, this book is very much a she falls first HE FALLS HARDER which I absolutely loved. 

Willow is wonderful. This is a golden retriever x golden retriever, and although this is not usually what I would go for I really enjoyed it. They were both kind with each other's feelings.  The smut was amazing and did not overcompensate the plot. 

All in al, this was a very well-written sports romance and I am so happy it was my first F1 romance.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Simone Soltani for this ARC.
I loved this book. I read it in one sitting. A perfec mix of romance and Formula 1. All the pining and the tension was perfect. And the resolution for the main couple was incredible. Can’t wait to read more from this author.

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Sometimes, all you want is a quick and delightful read, and "Cross the Line" was precisely that kind of book for me. I found myself enamored with the characters and their interactions, both with each other and with the side characters. While I initially had reservations about Mark, he ended up growing on me as the story progressed. Despite the book containing some clichés, the author managed to present them in a manner that wasn't off-putting and kept me engaged throughout. In my opinion, this makes it the perfect romance novel to enjoy during the spring or summer months.

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I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for this arc.

I’ll start by saying that I absolutely loved diving into the world of F1 which was completely unfamiliar to me before I read this book. I can’t speak to how authentically the author portrayed the sport but I do feel like I learned a great deal about. I also loved how she gave Dev a height that was realistic for an F1 driver, for some reason that really stuck out to me.

Now talking about our main characters, I absolutely loved Dev!! He’s sense of humor was stellar and he actually had me laughing out loud from time to time. Willow was also fantastic main character and I enjoyed how both of them were simultaneously experiencing periods of growth in their respective lives. The author does a great job at showing them as individuals who are finding themselves while building a relationship with each other.

With that said the story was a slow burn and I do believe that it could have been paced a bit better because it felt like it dragged toward the end.

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun read, with extensive representation, and for fans of F1.

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I absolutely adored this book and it definitely lived up to its expectations.
I am a huge fan of formula 1 and definitely felt like this was a great representation of that world. Additionally, the development of both characters was amazing and I absolutely loved their back and forth throughout as it made me laugh out loud several times.

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This was a highly anticipated read for me so when I saw the ARC available on NetGalley I jumped on it! I was so excited to read it but sadly it was a flop for me ☹️

I love how more and more romances are being set in the Formula 1 world! It’s fun and exciting, and when I first read the Dirty Air series by Lauren Asher, I quickly became obsessed! So when I saw this book being promoted about an F1 driver x social media manager, I immediately pre-ordered the paperback and signed up for the ARC! Then throw in a brother’s best friend and secret relationship (some of my favourite trope combos 😍) and I was sold!

But sadly, it was a major disappointment. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this was a debut novel for Soltani? And it definitely felt like it. The writing failed to grip me, some of the dialogue seemed forced and I just could not get into the story.

The trope line-up was amazing, and that’s what drew me in originally;
- Formula 1 Romance
- Brother’s Best Friend
- Secret Relationship
- Chronic Illness Rep
- She falls first but He falls harder
- No 3rd act breakup

It’s a story with great potential, but I felt that it was underdeveloped and just wasn’t my cup of tea. In my head I kept comparing it to the Dirty Air series, and they were miles apart. I ended up skim reading to get to the end, and cancelled my pre-ordered paperback 😔

Thank you NetGalleyUK for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Brother’s best friend, F1 romance with a diverse cast and chronic illness rep. This book was such an enjoyable, lighthearted read. The main characters were lovable and their banter was the absolute best. The writing is amazing and the way the main characters described each other had me giddy. Dev Anderson is one amazing book boyfriend who will do anything and everything just to see his girl smile. I loved how we see F1 and the whole world of it and meet all the other drivers. Willow was a fantastic fmc; funny, strong, caring and supportive. This book had me smiling all the way through, if you’re looking for a fun read to get you back into reading or out of a slump it’s absolutely perfect!

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First of all, this is an e-arc review and this opinion is my own. Thanks so much to Pan MacMillan, Simone Soltani and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review before the official publication!

The book will be released in May 2024 so you don't have to wait that long anymore!

In general, I'd give a 4/5 stars 🌟 to this read, and I'll explain why right now.
🏁 F1 sports romance
🏁 Finally some diversity in this sport
🏁 Chronic illness representation
🏁 Brother’s best friend
🏁 Forbidden relationship
🏁 Dual POV
🏁 She falls first but he falls harder
🏁 Sunshine x Sunshine
🏁 No 3rd act breakup
🌶️ 2/5

I've been watching F1 for more than 15 years, since my dad is a huge F1 fan (I'm now 33). I remember tuning in every weekend and watching the races with him and I'm now doing it with my partner from time to time. I gotta say that I'm super pleased to see more and more young females being interested in it - I guess we can say thank you to tiktok and Drive to Survive for that, right? This was actually my first F1 romance book and I was positively suprised.

In general: the romance was fun, the characters had chemistry and their relationship was very cute to see unfolding. Willow is a recent graduate and in need of a marketing job, Dev is in the middle of a PR drama and needs a new social media manager and both end up working together. The thing is they have history 👀 Willow was sweet and I liked to see her relationship with her brother. Dev gave me major Norris/Ricciardo vibes (and I love both so I'm not mad). Secondary characters were also nice! I really liked to see so many POC representation and diversity, as well as the behind the scenes of races etc. All in all, it was a super enjoyable read. Was it realistic? Not really but we're here to have fun anyway.

I could feel from time to time the reference to events that happened in F1 or to existing racers so sometimes I was thinking "ah this feels a bit like a fanfic" but in a good way, if you know what I mean? I do think this is mainly due because I'm already aware of the F1 world in general so it did not bother me.

I remove one star from my rating for the last 15% of the book but mostly the epilogue. Hear me out. I don't think the level of drama that was brought in the epilogue was needed and the book could have very well stopped there. F1 is a dangerous sport, and I felt that the book tried to remind us from time to time that, indeed, those racers are driving cars that can drive hundreds of km/h but it was still a bit too casual for me.

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Very thrilled to share my thoughts on this sports themed romance. I apologize due to an unexpected family emergency I am slightly behind on posting my thoughts and full review. But I will be sharing soon. I think it is unique to see a sports based romance set on the race car driving workd as well

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Thank you NetGalley and Pan McMillan for this arc!

This is the first F1 romance I’ve ever read and I’m so glad I did. I absolutely loved every single page of this book and my face hurts from smiling so much.
What I liked most about it was the diversity and illness rep. I think it’s super important to read about that in books because books are a great way of getting to know and experience different viewpoints.
The characters were very well-written. I think I even fell in love with Dev a little 🤭. I enjoyed how charming, funny and caring he was. He really was the definition of a sunshine character. Willow was amazing, too. I loved that she didn’t shy away from telling Dev what she wanted and how she made the best of her condition. Also, the chemistry and tension between them was perfect 🔥.
I didn’t want this book to end and I can’t wait to read more from Simone Soltani.

I definitely recommend this book if you like:
- poc/diverse characters
- joint hypermobility rep
- brother’s best friend/forbidden love
- F1
- sunshine characters
- she falls first, he falls harder

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Brother’s best friend, F1 romance with a diverse cast and chronic illness rep. This book was such an enjoyable, lighthearted read. The main characters were lovable and their banter was the absolute best. The writing is amazing and the way the main characters described each other had me giddy. Dev Anderson is one amazing book boyfriend who will do anything and everything just to see his girl smile. I loved how we see F1 and the whole world of it and meet all the other drivers. Willow was a fantastic fmc; funny, strong, caring and supportive. This book had me smiling all the way through, if you’re looking for a fun read to get you back into reading or out of a slump it’s absolutely perfect!

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