Member Reviews

Robbie and Jenn are fate, so why have they been apart for the last eight months?
But when they reconcile, they know it will be forever. But when they get into an accident it is Jenn’s life that flashes before Robbie’s eyes and soon the questions he has will be answered.
Wow, what a beautiful, deep and heart-wrenching novel, that left me feeling so many different emotions.
This narrative has so many layers, that I couldn’t put this book down, and wanted to know what happens next.
This one will stay with you after reading and one I highly recommend; a truly beautiful read.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publishers. Not sure what to say about this book but it was very moving, with great characters even though I found it sad.

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Absolutely beautiful and heartbreaking. This book was unique and thought provoking with so many layers. This is one of those books that will stay with me and I know I’ll read it again. This is an excellent debut and I look forward to reading more from this author.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for my honest and unbiased opinion.

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I loved everything about this book and thoroughly recommend it. Beautifully written with such likeable characters and an enthralling telling of their story. I don’t believe a review should give reveals and spoil it for future readers, just want to say read this wonderful book. Thank you to Emma for writing it , Headline for publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review it.

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I have to say that at first I wasn't too sure of this book, I didn't really get it initially. It might just be me ........ but after a while it clicked and boy did it click - this book is both a clicker and a grower.
If you get the click then you will have a fantastic reading journey ahead of you. Just try it and see and hopefully you will be rewarded by an extraordinary tale. Oh and the ending ......oh my goodness, my heart......

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Wow, what an absolutely achingly beautiful book. Definitely one for fans of One Day!

From the onset I was a bit unsure how the premise of the book, the almost supernatural element, would play out and work. But my god, it worked! I absolutely loved getting to know Jenn and Robbie through their different views and memories. All the while, you were wondering how the ending would come about- and I was hoping it wouldn’t end! Exploring all things in life, but mainly our relationships with others and ourselves, this book was beautifully written, so easy to fall into, and done so through the unusual plot. I loved it.

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This book took my breath away, I absolutely devoured it, a definite page turner… just one more chapter., oh ok, just one more. Loved it

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This is a beautifully written high-concept book. On the way home one night Jenn and Robbie are moments away from being hit by a lorry, when Jenn is catapulted back through her memories, with Robbie as a spectator. As we move back through time can Robbie change things to lead to a different outcome? And what does he not know about the thing Jenn was about to tell him in the car?
This is a romantic novel which makes you think about what you really know about another person, and about what you might see if you could be an observer in your own life.
It’s a bit of a tearjerker, and also covers some dark themes, but is predominantly a love story.
I enjoyed it a great deal.
Many thanks for the ARC

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What a compelling heart ringing five-star read. Th ending will just blow you away, there hasn’t been a story with such a strong ending that I have read for ages. Robbie and Jenn will take you with them on their journey. You will get swept up with them, you can feel the pain of the crash, the glass breaking. As they fall back into the echoes of memories, you can’t help but understand how they feel for each other. This is such a compelling story and one that you would be sorry to miss.

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A beautiful and heart wrenching story of love that is anything but smooth. Robbie loves Jenn, but he is selfish and thoughtless and cannot understand why she left him. When they reconcile at a wedding, they find themselves in a car hurtling towards a large truck. Robbie finds himself frozen in that moment and then propelled back into flashpoints in Jenns life. He desperately attempts to glean information from each of these moments that might help change the moment of impending impact into survival. Robbie learns so much about Jenn, about himself and about their relationship each time, and about how to truly live in every moment in order to experience life to the fullest. Love doesn't need to be perfect, people don't need to be perfect, but they do require effort. An impactful story. #theechoesofus #emmasteele #netgalley

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The Echoes of Us by Emma Steele took my breath away from chapter one, the dual pov, the timelines, everything so artfully and intricately constructed and held together with gossamer threads and steel girders.

Robbie and Jenn have been apart for eight months, and have decided to reconcile. They are meant to be, it will be forever this time. That is, until on the drive home, tragedy strikes, a truck is hurtling toward them, Jenns life is flashing before her eyes... and Robbies eyes. They both see the last eight months, and Jenns life, giving everything an overwhelming clarity like never before

I was absolutely floored by this book. I am not usually one for a love story, or romances in general, but when I tell you I was invested from the get-go, I mean in-vest-ed. The relatability factor to Jenn was off the charts and the interactions and perspectives were utterly compelling. This may be a one-sitting read, but also a read to go back to again and again. I absolutely loved it!

Thank you to Netgalley, Headline | Mountain Leopard Press and the author Emma Steele for this stunning ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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cw: trauma, parental abandonment, death, mentions of DV and alcoholism, depression

Robbie and Jenn are meant to be together. After eight months apart, they've reconciled their five year relationship. But just as they're close to home, a head-on collision has other plans. Suddenly Robbie finds himself thrown back into Jenn's past, watching moments from her memories.

Wow. This was such a powerful book, with a concept unlike any I've read before. There was very little preamble. We start the book as the RTA is just about to happen, and then the memories begin, slowly revealing Robbie and Jenn's history, as well as Jenn's childhood, both from Robbie's POV as an observer to her memories, and through Jenn's own POV.
These were two people who couldn't have been more different. They were both heartbreakingly, humanly flawed in their own ways, their love story beautiful and poignant in equal measure. I thought Jenn's difficult teenage years were so well-observed, and laid the foundations for the serious, responsible person she became. But I loved how fun-loving (and yes, sometimes irresponsible) Robbie was able to spark some joy into her life. The way my emotions went from wanting to hug Robbie one moment, then wanting to slap him, and back again, was a testament to the author's skills at writing such a complex, flawed, but ultimately lovable and charasmatic character. I loved the development of his character as the story progressed and the 'faraways' were so well-incorporated, and beautifully poignant.
There were some wonderful supporting characters. I loved Hilary and Chris. Duncan was such a good man and I really felt for him. I also loved Robbie's family. But, the ways this book made me cry. My goodness! I lost count of how many tissues I went through. The entire third act had me crying, wiping away the tears, and crying again. I completely lost it over chapter forty-two. Seriously. This was the first book I've read since I read The Red Wedding in ASOIAF that I would have put in the freezer had it not been an eARC (obscure 'Friends' reference there but if you know, you know). I consider that one of my highest compliments, and I'll be thinking about this book for a long time.
Heartbreakingly beautiful.

Overall Rating: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Heat Rating:. 5

*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. Echoes of Us is published today in the UK*

(Stock up on tissues and fluids. You'll need to hydrate after this book)

Favourite Quotes:

She made me want to think about the future because, for the first time in my life, someone really believed in that future. Believed in me.

...she feels him somehow, here in this place beside her, as though the steps he took before her all those years ago are still in the soil. As though he’s standing right beside her.

I never really thought about it before, how brief life is. How it can be there one moment, and gone the next. Just like that.

Unless you ask the people you love questions when you have the chance, the information goes – just like that.

It’s odd watching myself from only yesterday. I look exactly the same, but I feel so different to this guy sitting in front of me. It’s amazing how much can change in the blink of an eye.’s not about the length of time we get on this planet – it’s about what we do while we’re here.

She’s always tried and tried and tried to please everyone else.
And she needs to stop.
She needs to love herself.

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This story will stay with me for a long, long time. Beautifully written, witty, engaging and desperately romantic, this is the story of Jenn and Robbie’s relationship, how they met, their family and friends, their split and reunion.

Jenn and Robbie reunite after 8 months apart and it’s amazing but the tragedy strikes and Robbie has to make some changes so that he can put things right. The problem is, he only has seconds to make those changes and he’s thrown into the most difficult of situations, a life and death one.

This is an incredible story and I can’t wait to read more from Emma Steele.

This will stop your heart. Read it!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an early reader copy.

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I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher in return for an honest review. This review is based entirely on my own thoughts and feelings.

Overall rating : 4*
Writing skill : 4*
Plot: 4*
Pace: 3*
Characters: 4*

I was torn whether this was a 3* or a 4* and right up until the last 10% I was more swaying towards 3. The timelines were a bit weird for me, I wasn't sure the jumping around was necessary, couldn't we just see it in chronological order? But since finishing I understand why the author did it the way she did. Its a hard story to review without spoilers, but the character progression in this book was phenomenal. Robbie grated on me the whole way, until the very end, but when a character comes full circle praise is needed.
I would say this will be a massive hit for fans of One Day. Bring tissues.

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Wow. I just loved this book from the beginning. Jenny/Jenn meets Robbie at a crucial point in her life, just as she is offered her dream job in Australia. Jenn decides not to go, knowing that Robbie is someone special. The book flips throughout the book from Jenny’s early childhood memories, through school and her teenage years, university, medical training and through to current day. The book is basically Jenn’s life flashing before Robbie’s eyes! Through these flashbacks Robbie realises the mistakes he made and how he may have a chance to make up for them as he realises, almost too late, that Jenn is the only one for him.

I went through almost every emotion reading this book, joy, happiness, anger, fear and contentment.

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Before you dive into this one make sure you have plenty of tissues!!!!
Following the car accident, Jenn’s life flashes before Robbie’s eyes and he becomes desperate to prevent the accident and uncover Jenn’s secret, believing it holds the key to changing their fate.
A truly stunning debut novel will make you think about the choices you make and the truths you keep hidden.
The perfect read for lovers of romantic reads with a sprinkling of supernatural suspense.

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Be prepared for tears of joy and heartache as you read the story of Robbie and Jenn.

The story begins with the couple reuniting after some time apart. There's something Jenn needs to tell Robbie, but before she can, they're involved in an accident. From that moment on, we move back and forward in time as Robbie watches pivotal moments in Jenn's life. He sees the things she never shared and he also sees how he treated her.

He's desperate to prevent the accident and to find out what Jenn needed to tell him, believing that might be the key to changing the outcome.

No spoilers for the ending, but I will say grab your tissues.

This was not a cheesy romance (which I also love so not knocking a cheesy love story). This romance was messy and real and imperfect. It was moving and devastating as we learned more about Jenn's early life and why her father left.

Ultimately, The Echoes of Us is a story that reminds us to share our feelings and thoughts, to live and make memories while we can and to love deeply.

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This is one of those books that stays with you. It's very thought-provoking romantic read that moves through different timelines. You might need tissues with this book.

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The Echoes of Us is one of those books with a premise I can’t stop thinking about, and an ending that has stuck in my head since I finished it. It’s reminiscent of books like The Time Traveller’s Wife and The Sight of You, both in its ideas and execution, and packs a real emotional punch that’s hard to forget.

I love books that pose the question ‘what if?’, and The Echoes of Us is definitely one of those. Told mostly in flashbacks, it’s the story of Robbie and Jenn, and their love story over the years. The twist is that Robbie is living through Jenn’s memories, thanks to a truck hurtling towards their car in real time, and seemingly has to change the past in order to alter the present and the future. Can he do it? That, dear reader, you will have to find out.

I really like realistic characters with visible emotional flaws, a category that both Robbie and Jenn fit into. Their life may look perfect from the outside, but it’s the complete opposite. They have doubts and insecurities, and though they love each other, sometimes it just doesn’t seem like enough. Seeing someone’s memories from their perspective is a fantastic way of holding yourself accountable, and this was my favourite part of the whole book — it’s eye-opening and refreshing, and I was left wondering whether it’s something I would ever like to be in a position to do.

The Echoes of Us is a thought-provoking, epic love story that will appeal to readers of all genres. It perfectly captures the complicated nuances of a long-term relationship, and how one moment or decision really can change someone’s life. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I’m already looking forward to Emma Steele’s next book. If it’s as good as this, we are in for a treat!

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The premise of this sounded amazing, and time travel is always a good trope if it's done well. Unfortunately the timings were almost too disjointed - half the time I was trying to figure out if the new time period was chldhood/adolescence/adulthood, which took me out of the emotions of the story quite a lot I also was hoping for more of an answer at the end, but that might just be personal preference..

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