Member Reviews

I have read so many of Kerry Lonsdale’s books and have loved them all, including this one. There are two young people and two old people and the story lets us get to know them. They are people who have issues that they need to deal with, just like all of us. All of the people were very real to me and I really felt invested in the story. I loved it and will definitely read it again.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for this ARC. This review is totally my opinion.

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This was a no for me. Parts of it were okay but the parts where Matt was hallucinating gave me the ick. I was glad when it was finally over.

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I didn't think I was going to enjoy this book and set it aside after reading almost half. I picked it back up and finished it today and it was quite good. It was a little bit like the last book I read with the Alzheimer’s and drug addiction but different too.

Two grandchildren are raised by their grandmothers. Both grandmothers are in the same nursing home. One with Alzheimers and one because she has nothing left and is old. I did not like either grandmother. Let me explain that.

Rose or as she is called by Julia, Mama Rose, has Alzheimers and is in a nursing home. She does not recognize Julia most of the time. She confuses her with Lea who is Julia's mother and a secret is revealed. Julia has always loved her grandmother and had bad feelings about her mother.

Liza is in the same nursing home as Rose. She's old and even though she was rich at one time she is now without money and needs her grandson to come help her find a new home to live in. She was never kind to her grandson. Never there for him. After he lost both parents to separate accidents she was all he had left and she resented him. She actually blamed him for his mother, her daughter, drowning. He was a child.

These two older women have a history. A deep history that has a few secrets too. They were once the best of friends but something happened to cause them to go in different directions. Their grandchildren though found each other and fell in love. Not that either grandmother knew that though.

I did not like Rose or Liza. To me they were both awful. Rose did love Julia but she also lied to her repeatedly about her mother. I think that was just about the worse thing she could have done. She messed up that girl. I would have understood if Lea had remained the same throughout the years. But she didn't. She deserved to get to know Julia and Julia deserved to have her mother. Matt's grandmother was just mean. Yes she went through some things but to blame him for his mother's death was just the worse thing I can think of. He was a child. Grieving himself. No I didn't like either grandmother.

I loved how Matt and Julia fell for each other. I loved how they both found a life. I thought both deserved it.

There was a lot in this story. From the Alzheimer disease to drug addiction to lots of drinking and smoking pot. Some bad trips of the mind too. This book was definitely not boring. It was full of things to keep you interested. Unless you are like me and put it down.. I'm glad I finished it. It was quite good.

Thank you #NetGalley, #KerryLonsdale, #LadeUnion, for this ARC. This is my own true thoughts about this book.

Four stars and I recommend it.

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A heartwarming story that reminds us to live life fully, that sometimes loving is a risk but it is always a risk worth taking.
Matt Gatlin and Julia Hope have both been damaged by childhood abandonment and protect their hearts by not getting involved. Matt was ignored by his coldhearted grandmother after he went to live with her after the death of his parents when he was young, so he isn't very sympathetic when he finds out she is broke and being kicked out of her retirement home. Julia's beloved grandmother, suffering from Alzheimer's, is at the same home. Unknown to them is the fact that their pasts intertwine, perhaps explaining why they are so drawn to one another. The story alternates between past, told through Julia's grandmother's diary, and present, from Julia and Matt's perspectives, to reveal their connection and explore themes of friendship, love, fate, and trust. There is some odd "mystical" stuff in the middle of the book, but the attempt to explain it logically later in the book appeased me. I liked the characters and how everything came together in the end.

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I have been a fan of Kerry Lonsdale's writing for a while now. So, no one could have been more shocked than I was when it took me a bit to connect to this book. I mean....the cover is gorgeous, the blurb was enticing and I have a history of loving her books. But it was a raw and difficult book to read. It wasn't easy and fluffy - - it was gritty and a bit melancholy. Once I accepted that I was going to have to work and wait a bit for the happy-ish ever after, I settled in.

There were several times in the book when you aren't quite sure if the character is having a lapse from reality, a mystical experience, or a hallucination from drugs. It could truly be confusing and left me feeling a bit off kilter but I went with it. I believe the whole point of those moments was to not truly know what was happening. It was the mystery of it that made it mystical.

The two main characters, Julia and Matt both have a ton of baggage and it's weighing them both down in ways they can't quite handle. Julia is dealing with her grandmother's Alzheimers by herself and refuses to reach out to her mother who abandoned her when she was young. Matt has been called upon to come to his grandmother's rescue when she's about to be evicted from the care facility, but he doesn't want to step in. His relationship with her was negative and unhealthy and there is no love lost between the two of them. As Julia and Matt are pulled together because of the connection through the care facility, they find they have other things in common as well.

The humanity displayed by these characters is real and often painful to read. They both practice unhealthy avoidance techniques. Matt's methods are a bit more unhealthy that Julia's as his involve drugs and alcohol. Her's tend to involve putting her head in the sand and trying to avoid and ignore problems.

This book pulled at my heartstrings a bit. You really want to see Julia and Matt find their happy ending, but they have to work through some things first. Overall, even though this isn't an easy read and you may not always like the characters or their habits, it felt real and it was well-written.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to read and review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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This book was very interesting. The two main characters each have suffered painful things growing up. There were parts of the book that I found confusing and think the book would have been better if omitted (when Matt is in hotel with woman) . I felt it didn’t add anything to the book and was kinda out there. I enjoyed the ending!

Thanks to Netgalley for this eArc for my review.

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This was my second book that I’ve read by Kerry Lonsdale and I found Find Me In California to be a very enjoyable story. I loved all the characters. Even though they had made some bad decisions in their past, I believe they all learned from them and really did their best to make amends with those they hurt. It was a story about learning to forgive and that by doing so you can open yourself up to finding love and happiness. This storyline was especially nice because the 2 main characters actually find family that they hadn’t been a part of in the past. I really enjoyed everything about this book and would recommend it to others. It’s womem’s fiction with a touch of romance. I’d like to thank NetGalley for the arc that I obtained off the Read Now section. I’m giving this book a 5 star rating and would be interested in reading more books by author Kerry Lonsdale.

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Here's yet another great read from Kerry. This book is the epitome of "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" Great plot, storyline and characters who come together in most unexpected ways. Thank you to Netgalley, Lake Union Publishing and the Author, Kerry Lonsdale for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Kerry Lonsdale has written a book about family dynamics, historical connections and shaping the future.
The characters were a little slow to connect with but as the storyline progressed, there became more depth and meaning to immerse yourself in.
Matt is not, in any way, interested in helping his grandmother, visiting her is not something he wants to do.
Julia, on the other hand, is devoted to her grandmother, she couldn’t see life any other way. Coincidentally, both grandmothers are in the same home and have more than they realise in common.
I enjoyed the emotional attachments and how change comes about, life choices and circumstances bring Julia and Matt together. The twists and turns continue to build the story into a heartwarming read, with the right amount of suspense!

Thanks to the publisher, NetGalley and the author Kerry Lonsdale for the opportunity to read this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I thought this was a good read and more than just a love story - drugs, alcohol, caring for people with Alzheimer's.
There was a lot going on with different stories Intertwined, but I wanted to read on and see how it ended.
First I've read from this author and won't be the last.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Find Me In California was a unique, exciting and very pleasurable read. I could not peel myself away from these pages. I was hooked. This story flowed so effortlessly and had me completely captivated. I was so invested in what was coming next.

Kerry Lonsdale writes a beautiful story with charismatic characters that hit the heart. This story has so much to offer. This author always blows me away with her books and this one was no different!

An absolute MUST read!

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Kerry Lonsdale is one of my favorite authors so I always look forward to her new releases. Meet Me in California was an enjoyable read but a bit “out there” at times. The story flowed nicely and wrapped up neatly. Matt and Julia’s, along with Liza and Mama Rose’s, stories were well written and keep me interested. I also loved the ending. Overall, a beautiful story of growth, forgiveness and letting love in.

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Find Me In California is the perfect summer read/listen. The story follows Julia and Matt who both have grandmothers that raised them living in the same assisted living facility in California. Unbeknownst to them, their grandmothers have kept a lot of life altering secrets from them that gradually unfold throughout the story. The ending gave me great joy!

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Kerry Lonsdale's newest book is one I just wanted to keep reading forever. I loved the characters and the dual timelines and wondered how everything would eventually come together. It addressed some pretty heavy issues such as child abandonment, emotional neglect, dementia, grief and forgiveness. Thanks to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and the author for an advance copy to read and review.

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This book was not easy to follow at first not going to like but the book get better and the book is so great. There is alot of twist and turns when you think you got it, you got to think again. I definitely recommend this book.

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Loved this novel! I could relate being from California myself…I was interested! Author Kerry Lonsdale had great character development and I felt like I know these characters well. Matt and Julia, 2 people from different places but on a road essentially to the same place. Both have grandmothers in the same assisted living with stories to tell, secrets to keep and a friendship tested by fate.

What did I like: I liked that I could relate to this novel in the respect that i too recently had my mother in an assisted living and lost her to a stroke. It’s a challenge to make that decision to place your loved one in assisted living and to see them deteriorate and decline. I cried when I read about some of the scenarios that took place between Mama Rose and Julia, her granddaughter.

Favorite character: Julia! Kind , giving, compassionate and determined.

Why should you read this novel: This novel makes you appreciate forgiveness and the life that’s right in front of you. This novel has love, suspense, surprises and family dynamics. It’s about choices and opportunities we make while living our own lives.

A road trip …a hitchhiker…a masseuse, a gardener and Hollywood actor to name a few of the characters in this entertaining novel. A page turner, especially near the end. Thanks you Kerry Lonsdale for this amazing and entertaining read!

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4.5 stars. I really enjoyed this story and the way it all came together in the end. There were tons of twists and questions answered. Some were a bit predictable, but I was still surprised, liked the way the mysteries were executed and I didn't mind. I loved how bizarre Matt what was going through was happening, wondering if it was all real or not (without giving away spoilers). The story felt so real, which made this story more enjoyable. It's about family secrets, grief and traumas and allowing yourself the opportunity to allow love into your life. Thank you Netgalley and the author for the opportunity to review this beautiful story.

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I have read all of her books, and have always liked the story lines.
This book has a good story line but also a tortured one. I did not really like Matt for quite awhile into the book, as he didn't seem to be a very nice person. He and Julie become acquainted through their Grandmothers, who are both in the same Nursing home. Matt's Grandmother, Liza and Julia's Grandmother, Magnolia Blue, new each other for quite awhile but this was something not realized until Julia found her Grandmothers diary.
It is a complicated story with a lot of ups and downs, assumptions and many interesting story lines of all of the different characters in the book. It is written in two different times, one when the grandparents were younger and present day.
I would like to thank Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for a copy of this book.

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Two very close friends had a falling out. They end up in the same nursing home. One is almost at the end of her days and decides to summon her grandson to reveal her last secrets. Matt the grandson is bitter, distrustful of the grandmother who was forced to take him in but treated him horribly and does not want to go back. We have Julie who is the grand daughter of the other old woman, now with dementia, not knowing that Julie is her grand daughter who is in contrast devoted to her.

There are many strands in this story. Family secrets (which family hasn’t got them), a touch of magic which seemed out of place, dementia and the effect on families, romance and the problem of forgiveness and moving on. Sometimes the story got too complicated and intense and blurred as well.

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I'm a huge fan of her books. This one is no exception. I read it in one sitting, because I could not put it down.
Find Me in California by Kerry Lonsdale was amazing from start to finish. I couldn't put it down! I was surprised so many times during the story and the ending completely caught me off guard! 
Like her other books, these characters are all too real. Their story is so in depth and engaging.
I really enjoyed reading it.

Thank You NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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