Member Reviews

What a heart wrenching beautiful way to end this story! Will definitely read this series all over again!

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Takes place after the mistress and the renowned
Persephone is back with her mother and doesn't remember any of her time in the underworld.
Hades dream walks to try to get her to remember him

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It wasn’t my most favorite but so much spice that I enjoyed reading it anyways. I love a good hades retelling.

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I really enjoyed reading this series!! It gave me such joy and was well written. I would definitely recommend this to friends and family.

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please note that the trigger warnings and topes/themes may contain spoilers
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
POV: dual 1st person POV
spice: many open-door spicy scenes
TWs: abuse, non-consensual body mutilation, emotional abuse, gore, manipulation, portrayal of mental illness, attempted sexual assault, torture, violence
Kinky Content: anal, biting, double penetration, “eyes on me”, grinding, marking, oral, praise, prehensile magic play, spanking, triple penetration
standalone: book 3 of Love and Fate series
final thoughts: this book broke my heart and put it back together. I love a morally dark MMC who would burn the world for his FMC while being soft just for her.
This was another huge twist and plot change from book 2 (just like book 2 was for book 1) that kept me guessing, nervous, and giddy.
Persephone is a badass who gets to know herself all while fighting an internal battle and falling in love with Hades all over again.
The side characters, once again, make this book amazing. I’m excited to read the novella of Mellie and Helios since it takes place during the same timeframe as The Queen & The King.
A great wrap-up but I didn’t want their story to finish!

read this book if you love
🤕 amnesia
🔎 adventure
🫡 big MMC
💵 billionaire
🤩 curvy FMC
🖤 dark romance
🥵 dirty talk
💬 epistolary
🍆 fancy peens
💞 fated mates
🎣 fish out of water
😳 forbidden lovers
🏝️ forced proximity
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 found family
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 great side characters
🤫 hidden secrets
🩹 hurt/comfort
😏 kinky
🗺️ long distance relationship
🪄 magic
💍 “my wife”/”my husband”
❓ mystery
🥰 nicknames
🔀 opposites attract
😜 jealous, possessive MMC
💖 paranormal romance
🌀 plot twists
🙏 praise
📖 retelling
👤 shadow daddy
🐺 shifters
💓 slowburn
🔮 supernatural creatures- gods, goddesses, demons
🤓 “teach me”
☠️ “touch her and die”
😠 “who did this to you?”
🌍 world building

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"𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚. 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩. 𝙒𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙤𝙧 𝙣𝙤𝙩. 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙨 𝙖𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙚."


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book as an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for honest review.

The Queen & The King is the last installment in the Love and Fate series that follows Persephone's and Hades' story. Persephone once again is trapped in Olympus. She's got reset by Demeter who gains massive power of Gaia. She had to fight to gain her memories back, and she had to fight her mother to return to her fated, to her realm. With Persephone's taken back to her prison, Hades had to find a way to free her while tracking Kronos whereabouts. His long burried power is somehow unleashed yet uncontrollable and starts to consume him when the war is coming. They both once again had to fight their fate, to end what's need to be ended, and to reunite what's meant to be joint in the first place.

We get through some emotional ride and it gets angsty right from the start. Though i enjoy the first half of the book, still it felt all over the place when it comes to the conclusion. I feel like they're shalowly written even the crucial scenes. Some of the spicy part are uneccesary and just not in the right place and mood to put in. Also since it's the last book of their tale, i was hoping for some character development yet they gave me nothing. I sense that the characters are one dimensional and easily swayed by any moment. The war is just repetition and nothing significant differ the one and the other. The thing that has something to do with Kronos (which is supposed to be the climax) didn't hit right to me. It's just end hastly and that's it.

Last but not least, do i recommend this book/this series? Not really. I wish it was done better.

Anyway, thank you for Netgalley, Jeanette Rose, and Alexis Rune for the copies. I appreciate the ride!

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Thank you NetGalley and Rose and Star Publishing for the e-arc!
The epic conclusion I have been waiting for! I really enjoyed the first two books in the series, and I'm so excited to finally be reading the last book. This is a Hades and Persephone kinda urban fantasy story with spice drama and drama. Avoiding all spoilers and just have to say to check out this series! The whole series is really entertaining to read and romance was just such a fun dramatic moment.

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Another Greek mythology/folklore inspired Romantasy tale that is sure to find it's loyal fanbase out there in the world.

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4.5 Stars

This was my favorite of the trilogy. I loved it. I am a sucker for the memory loss trope and the way this unfolded was perfect. I loved seeing how both Hades and Persephone continued to grow and become their own people while also growing in their love. Persephone continuing to be the hero and saving the day was the perfect touch.

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I just love Hades and Persephone retellings, I also really loved how the author wrapped up this series.
I think in some areas it could have been written a little differently but overall I loved. I can't wait to see what these lovely authors do next!

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Huzzah. Finished this series. Started with a read now book on netgalley and ended with me requesting this and checking until I finally got the approval.
Can anything ever be wrong with a Hades x Persephone retelling? No, the answer will always be no. With Demeter as the villain? Sigh. Perfection.

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i really like a hades and persephone retellings but i was expecting so much more based on the cliffhanger that was book 2. but i was little bit disappointed with it.

Lot of complaining and not enough action. The ending and the actual action and war of the book (the plot) felt so rushed compared the second book, which felt veery slow. Some part of the book could’ve been shortened while other parts could’ve used more focus.

.This book was an okay, ending to this trilogy.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC in exchange for an honest reviews. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you Net Galley and publishers for letting me read an arc of this book in return for an honest review.

Out of the trilogy for Hades and Persephone's story this was probably my favorite. Their love knows no limit. Even when her memory gets wiped and she falls in love again Hades is right there beside her. They've give through so much together to finally be able to get some well deserved peace. I just wish Adonis and Demeter got more punishment than a quick 5 second death. It made their whole plot feel not as important as it was. It felt almost not needed and very glossed over. Also the end fight just felt rushed to me as well. Like you build up to this massive ending to again not last as long as it should have. Don't get me wrong, I loved the romance of the book, I just wish they spent a little more time on the rest of the plot. I tandem read this with book #4 and I would highly recommend that otherwise book #4 will get highly repetitive. I can't wait to see what the authors will do with the rest of the series for the other characters.

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2.5 rounded down to 2

After book one was set in the modern world and book two was set in the underworld with no mention of technology, book three was an awkward blend of the two: a modern Olympus. In the lead up to the final showdown, readers were treated two a toned-down Hades and a powered-up Persephonie to the point that they felt out of character.

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I don’t know if I even have the words to describe how much I enjoyed reading this book!!! I would recommend it to everyone!

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A truly beautiful, powerful and AMAZING conclusion to a trilogy which took me on a complete emotional journey!!

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I loved the whole lost memories plotline and watching Persephone and Hades falling in love again. Hades previously wrestled with Persephone being what made him lose control and it was interesting to see him having to rein that back in and revert back to the planner he was before. This was definitely my favourite part as although I enjoyed the introduction of the other gods, the relationship between Persephone and Hades is what kept me coming back to the series.

There were a few things I found a little vague such as Demeter's relationship with Kronos but I quite liked her as the villain overall. The whole Void part lost me a little too as did the treaty element with Nyx and Erebus; I struggled to visualise what was happening in amongst the big battle. I also felt like I was missing some previous exposition but it has been a long time since I read book one so its possibly mentioned there. Kronos was fine but felt a little underused which was a shame as I loved his jealousy towards Persephone taking Hades attention; I didn't understand adding Adonis as a character when Kronos was right there though. I was underwhelmed with his ending too however the choice to have none of his children witness it was not one I was expecting.
The Titan plotline didn't engage me as much as the rest however had this happened further down the line after meeting more of the characters I would have gotten more from it.

Overall, the series kept me engaged and I am looking forward to seeing where it goes in the follow up.

My interpretation of the star system;
3 stars - I enjoyed it; would read the author again
4 stars - I really liked it; I am invested and definitely want more from this author/series
5 stars - I loved it; I engaged with this book completely until I finished it and it is one I will re-read

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Good end to a great series. This one was a little slower paced for me for some reason. I did find myself struggling to finish it at some points, but it picked up at the end.

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The best of Hade’s and Persephone’s story- loved the battle scene, the new power but wish we knew a little more about it and the tandem read with The Nightmare and the Daydream was fun!

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