Member Reviews

The Queen & The King by Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune
Release Date: February 27, 2024

Pages: 360

Love and Fate series
🌀The Maiden & The Unseen
🌀The Mistress & The Renowned
🌀The Queen & The King
🌀The Nightmare & The Daydream

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Format: 📱

What to Expect:
💙Dark Romance
🖤Dual POV
🖤Fated Mates
🖤Mental Health Rep

FMC: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.25
MMC: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Plot: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.25
Spice: 🌶️🌶️
Overall: ⭐⭐⭐⭐.25

In the conclusion of Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune’s Hades and Persephone retelling, expect A LOT of pain. From Hades trying to help Persephone unlock her memories of a past stolen by Demeter to Cerberus wanting to see Mommy, The Queen & The King will make you feel all the pain of loving someone who doesn’t yet love you back.

I recommend reading The Queen & The King in tandem with The Nightmare and The Daydream for the best reading experience.

The Queen & The King is perfect for readers who enjoy feeling their hearts break repeatedly. It is a powerful retelling of the story of Hades, Persephone, and mythical dog parents.

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I was given an ARC of the whole trilogy from Netgalley and DEVOURED it in less than a week.

I was eagerly anticipating diving into this book! The fresh spin on the tale of Hades and Persephone had me hooked, and I couldn't wait to witness how their journey would conclude, hoping for their happily ever after.

Their resilience throughout numerous trials was commendable, and I found their journey captivating as they fought to reunite and endure the looming war. As the final battle approached, I found myself torn between racing to the climax and wanting to savor every moment, not wanting the story to end.

While the beginning of the book felt a bit sluggish to me, mirroring the struggles of Hades and Persephone's separation, I found it challenging to fully engage. Hades appeared too despondent and melancholic for my taste; I longed for the wrathful King of the Underworld to unleash his fury until he reclaimed his love. Instead, we were presented with a somber figure who directed his anguish towards those closest to him.

Excitement bubbles within me as I anticipate what lies ahead in this intriguing world.

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Rating: 5/5
I received eARC for my honest opinion.

This was the third book of the series Love & Fate, and the wrapping up of Hades and Persephone. I loved this book so much, even more than the other books. I loved all the action, the romance, chemistry, the battles of the minds and physical.

I love these authors so much, and I love their world building. They know how to suck you into a world and keep you wanting more and more. The attention to details in this book was a big key and you can see that with the plot and the characters' growth in this book. It wasn’t just a book that gives you a wrap up on their book, but at the same time you will see the characters that you have come to love grow and develop so much. For me the plot was great, I love that in this book you will be able to see what the next book will be about and the characters for the next book as well. I love that you will get a closed plot with Hades and Persephone, but you will be able to see the bigger picture of the whole series and the other characters.

For me the character growth of Persephone was the best, I know that she might have lost some of her memories, but you will see her old self come out more and more but in a different way. One that you will see stronger and better than she was before. More of a queen that is distanced to rule the Underworld with Hades. I loved getting to see Hades have to fight for himself for once and overcome all the issues that he has been bottling up since he was young, and learning to fight for himself for once makes him stronger for his relationship with Persephone, but no worries they are still both there for each other in the book.

I cannot wait to see what the next book will give us, and I am so excited to learn more about these characters. I just adore this series so much already.

I want to thank NetGalley and Rose & Star Publishing for the opportunity to review this book.

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From all three book this is the best!
I love everything that happen in this book, Hades and Persephone relationship, their struggle to protect each other, how desperate both of them when they far from each other, the battle, the ending everything is so good. In this book Hades and Persephone really work together to become together because we know Persephone lost her memory about her bond with Hades but still their chemistry is so great. I think this book become a huge difference with the other books. And truly the best one to complete the series. Really recommend to read this book to complete the series!

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The queen and the king by Jeanette rose and Alexis Rune.
Book 3 of love and Fate.
They were at odds for what felt like months living together, and just when he finally felt they were on stable footing, she's again wrenched from his grasp. Is this their true destiny? To be torn from each other over and over again? Yet, Demeter could never count on their mental connection, one as tied to the Underworld as they are. Too powerful and too old for even Demeter to touch.
Omg I love this series. I don't want it to end. I love the cover. I really really enjoyed this book. Persephone and Hades are still my favourite characters. I couldn't put it down until the last page. The fight scene had me. I don't want this series to end. I can't wait for the next book. 5*.

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“The Queen and the King,” by Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune

Hades and Persephone have been separated once again. Titans are on the loose. The Destroyer of Worlds will be awakened. Persephone’s mother doesn’t want Hades to have her.

This is the third book of the Hades and Persephone trilogy. It did not disappoint after the first two books. It was so good. I loved Persephone’s circumstances and how she develops as a person even though she is different than she was in the first two books. Hades in this series is such a good supportive husband and I love seeing them together. I adored this entire series. 5 out of 5 stars, so perfect.

-Hades X Persephone Retelling

Thank you for the ARC, Netgalley.

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And now, the grand finale! What a lovely roller coaster these books were. Hades and Persephone finally got their happy ending. Or did they? Although this series will continue with other main characters, there were some things left for our favorite couple to go through. Maybe they will come back as side characters in future installments. I sure hope so because I am never done with Hades and Persephone.

Anyway, about "The Queen & The King," memory loss, falling in love all over again, a more in-depth understanding of each of their characters, and, most of all, the lesson of self-love. A great ending to this love/spicy story. I can't wait for the future installments.

Favorite Quotes:
“I tuck the Rose back in the drawer before replacing the board and all of my items. I shut it again, and with it, I lock away the other side of me. The one I’m desperate to explore.”
“Darkness is not Inherently evil, just as light is not inherently good.”
“It seems no matter the timing, no matter the aspect, I am meant to fall in love with her evry way. Memory or not. God or not. She is mine, and I am hers.”

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What a satisfying ending for Hades and Persephone! I enjoyed all three books in their story, but I think this one was my favorite. All the trials and tribulations they go through as a couple and ad individuals really made me fall in love with them all over again. I look forward to continuing within the universe with different characters. I also highly recommend the tandem read with The Nightmare & The Daydream!

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While this book did maintain its 3 ⭐ from the 2nd installment, it is, unfortunately, stagnant there.

There is a nice dynamic in the first half when Persephone "lost" her memories, and I have to say, she was 100% likeable compared to the old Persephone. Her and Hades' romance felt more genuine, and not hinged upon "he's hot, she's hot, let's f*ck and call it a relationship" thing they had going in the 1st and 2nd books. Hades broke my heart. It felt like he really liked this side of Persephone. I even daresay the best parts of him shone through when they weren't such a toxic trainwreck.

The second half went downhill. Everything did. But what puzzled me the most is the fact Persephone was the one to being down the villain. There's literally a trio of gods called "the big three" who have powers beyond anyone's, including Persephone. I felt it was just a play on "badass FMC" but it's only badass if she can back up her badassery. All bite and no talk is lame af.

I finally finished it, but I do not think I'll be re-reading or thinking about this series again. Thank you Netgalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of The Queen and The King by Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune.

I really enjoyed the third and final book of the Love and Fate series! I loves the clash of Gods and Titans and the quest to get Persephone back from Demeter.

Book three delivers on the spice just the same as the books before.

I'm going to read the Mellie and Helios novella next, and I look forward to anymore Greek pairings Jeanette Rose and Alexis Runeay write in the future!

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An epic conclusion to an incredible fun retelling of the Hades and Persephone myths. I loved this story and the personality, powers, and agency that both gods were given in these books. The added bonus of Helios and Mêlione was SUCH a treat. As soon as I finished I just wanted to start it all over again!

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as always the lost memory trope is a serve. the pining, the angst, the confusion, the desperation - all top tier emotions. i’d say that was probably my favourite aspect of this book.

i also liked to see persephone re-finding her strength and confidence and becoming the person that she actually wanted to be. there were also lots of cute moments as she got to know hades again.

once again though i think this book had some sections that just felt quite long and could have been shortened. to be honest when the big drama stuff was all over, i found the very end a bit meh and was reading it mostly to get the book finished.

hades was still really annoying at times, but i think i liked him the most in this book because for the most part he finally had his shit together… kind of. he’s never gonna be my favourite mmc, but at least in this book he wasn’t as bad as he’s been before either.

i probably will read more books as they come out, just because i’m interested in where the authors are gonna take the over-arching plot. so yeah, it’s not a series at the top of my recommendation list, but it was a fun, spicy hades and persephone retelling and a good way to spend a bit of free time.

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I absolutely love this book and this series. If you need a quick pick me up after a book hangover to get back into reading, this is it!

It hit all the right notes being emotional, action packed and funny.

I would die for little Berry. I can’t wait to get my hands on the other books.

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Love this trilogy, a spicy retelling of Hades & Persephone that did not disappoint. This is book 3 (the final installment in the trilogy) and the only negative thing is that it's over! So glad I had all 3 books to checkout.

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The writing style was so difficult for me. It was so clunky and did not flow. The characters were unrelatable and I unfortunately DNF at 65%

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This book was definitely bittersweet in my opinion.
I absolutely loved this retelling, but I am gutted at the prospect of the series ending and having to say goodbye to my favorite MCs.
I absolutely am happy about the ending, it couldn't have gone better!

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"The Queen and the King,' delivers a gripping continuation of the Hades and Persephone saga, plunging readers into a world of gods, destiny, and impending chaos. Hades, the God of the Dead, finds himself once again separated from Persephone, his fated queen, as they struggle against the forces that threaten their very existence. With the Underworld under attack and the Titans unleashed, their bond is put to the ultimate test.

Meanwhile, Persephone grapples with the revelation of a mysterious man who claims they are married in her dreams. As she navigates the treacherous landscape of Olympus, she must confront the truth of her past and the dark forces that seek to tear her world apart.

Rose and Rune expertly weaves a tale of love, sacrifice, and the unyielding pull of destiny in this book. The stakes are higher than ever as Hades and Persephone face enemies both ancient and new, racing against time to save their realms and each other.

I like the escalating tension and high-stakes drama in 'The Queen and the King,' as Hades and Persephone confront formidable foes and the awakening of the Destroyer of Worlds. The depth of their love and the lengths they go to protect each other creates a compelling narrative that will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next chapter in this epic mythological saga.

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In The Queen and The King, Persephone loses her memories and is brought back to her mother, who Persephone had been trying to keep a distance from in the first book. Her mother doesn't accept her for who she truly is. As Persephone is going through this, Hades is facing his own struggles-- When he realizes that Persephone has lost her memories, he tries to rekindle their relationship. There are a lot of emotions throughout this book and it gives readers a different perspective of Persephone.

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This ending was PHENOMENAL!!! This book is the salvation to book one. A lot of the underdeveloped plot points in #1 are explored & resolved throughout books #2 & #3.

I loved seeing P gain control & strength. Her perseverance through her Moms bull crap was amazing.
Helping collect Titans was super fun.
Berry was my favorite, I'd love a photo of him in all 3 hats. I laughed so friggin hard picturing it.

I would love a Helios & Melle book.i haven't googled that yet, but these 2 are phenomenal.
Im glad that Minthe only played a small part in this whole series, I have always hated her.

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3.5/5 ⭐️ 5/5 🌶️

So first and foremost, I have really enjoyed this series and was highly anticipating the final book.
This series is a phenomenal re-telling of the Hades & Persephone story. This final book did a great job with the continuation of the story and the wrapping up of loose ends.
I loved seeing a bit more of some of the side characters and the tie-ins to the spin-off book, The Nightmare and The Daydream was really cool and added an extra level of fun to the reading experience.
For me, personally, I just wish we had a little bit more 'Hades x Persephone only time' but I did truly enjoy how the authors wrote their story and how the MMC and MFC finally got their well-deserved HEA.
Definitely a nice mix of plot and spice without feeling overwhelmed by either.
Great ending to a great story!

*I did lower my rating slightly due to the fact that one of the authors has continuous negative content on social media. For her as an author, who is trying to promote her books, I find it extremely unprofessional of her to share her many negative opinions of not only other authors but readers within the respective book related communities. It made me lose all respect for her as an author and I will most likely not continue to read things written by her.

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