Member Reviews

This was such a good read! I was immediately sucked into the story and could not get enough of the characters. I went on a full emotional journey with these characters and I really enjoyed it. The book was easy to read and kept a good pace where I was never bored. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends and family.

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This is what I have been waiting for! Book three really lives up to the potential.

The writers really grew through this series and it is evident with this final installment.

The romance and spice was on point, there was good storytelling and I feel that I am satisfied with the conclusion of the series.

I will definitely read Mellie and Helios's installment next, as they have been such a source of entertainment from the get go.

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity, as a Hades and Persephone lover, I will always appreciate a good retelling. Though the first book in the series is the best, I enjoyed reading this one. The love story wrapped up nicely with the war they had to go through. Thanks for the opportunity.

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Prepare to be swept away on a captivating journey of love, power, and intrigue in "The Queen and the King" by the talented duo, Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune. This enchanting tale weaves together a rich tapestry of fantasy, romance, and adventure that will leave readers spellbound from start to finish.

One of the most memorable aspects of this novel is the beautifully crafted prose that brings the world of the story to life. Rose and Rune's writing is both lyrical and evocative, drawing readers into a lush and vivid realm where magic and mystery abound. The authors' attention to detail is impeccable, creating a setting that feels both fantastical and familiar, making it easy to lose yourself in the story.

In addition to the stunning world-building, the characters in "The Queen and the King" are truly unforgettable. From the fierce and determined Queen to the enigmatic and charming King, each character is expertly developed and multi-dimensional. Readers will find themselves rooting for these characters, empathizing with their struggles, and celebrating their triumphs.

"In the darkest of times, love shines brightest, illuminating the path to redemption." This poignant line encapsulates the central theme of the novel and underscores the enduring power of love in the face of adversity.

Overall, "The Queen and the King" is a masterpiece of fantasy storytelling that will capture the hearts of readers young and old. With its richly drawn world, compelling characters, and timeless themes, this book is a must-read for anyone who loves a good fantasy adventure.

Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune have created a true gem with "The Queen and the King," and I cannot recommend it highly enough. This book is a shining example of what fantasy literature can achieve when crafted with skill, passion, and heart.

If you're looking for a captivating read that will transport you to a world of magic and wonder, look no further than "The Queen and the King." It is a five-star masterpiece that deserves a place on every bookshelf.

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Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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This was the strongest book in the Love & Fate series by far, in my opinion. The plot was so much more developed than the previous two books and the smut was significantly reduced compared to the first book. I enjoyed this book quite a bit. Persephone was a lot more bearable in this book as well. In the previous, I thought she acted quite childish, but she grew a lot in The Queen & The King. There were moments where she irritated me still, like telling Hades he gave up. I mean, what even was that? Other than that though, she really improved in this book. Hades also really shines on his own during this book. He’s much more complex and developed when he’s away from Persephone, not that I don’t like them together. I just think being separated from her for a bit was a good thing for his character development. I really liked Mellie and Helios as well, and I’m looking forward to reading their novella!

Overall, this was a satisfying conclusion to Hades and Persephone’s story. It’s left open ended enough to continue on with other characters, but it’s resolved enough for Hades and Persephone to finally get their happiness. I do hope we get little peeks at their life in the next installments, but I’m glad they at least seem to get their peace.

Thank you NetGalley, Rose and Star Publishing, and Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune for the ARC of The Queen & The King. All opinions are my own.

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10 STARS! Just WOW - definitely the best of the trilogy, I am almost speechless. A fantastic combination of action, intrigue, longing, emotion, revenge and justice - as well as touches of humor and bonds of love and friendship - and yea a good amount of hear. A unique and enjoyable tale of Hades, Persephone, and their three headed dog "Berry" - along with all those ever trying gods on Olympus. If you read the first two, this one is definitely worth the wait as everything comes to a head. Just cant recommend this enough!

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This is the third one and it was outstanding. I really hope there is more. I loved this whole series! Highly recommended

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Thank you Netgalley, Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune for access to this book in exchange for my honest review.

The Queen and the King is the third book in the trilogy “Love and Fate” and the other books should be read in order to understand the story.

A king is nothing without his Queen and Hades life is torn apart when his Queen is torn away from him by their enemy. Hades struggles to gain Persephone back after her memory has been taken from her, political rules of the gods
keeping him from storming Olympus and brining her home himself.
The banter between all the characters feels authentic and it’s genuinely funny. Hades having to once again convince his queen to love him was sweet, the girl he has in front of him is much different from the woman he has come to know. The battle going on in the background kept the plot moving without taking up too much space or taking away from Hades “getting the girl back”. The spicy scenes were spicyyyyy. One or two scenes seemed to be a little forced into the plot, but they were well written while there. There are a couple of dark themed scenes but resolution happens quickly. Overall, the story was fun with a storyline that blended together well.
I enjoyed this book and would most definitely read more works from these authors.

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I know I've already said this series is perfection, but these books are so well written that you feel the story come to life and you feel like you're are part of the book. This series will stay in my TBR and will be reread again.

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I loved the entire trio - hoping for more books in this series as well as of other characters in the same universe. Not flawless, but very very enjoyable!

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I was so excited to read this book! I love the fresh take on a Hades and Persephone retelling and I couldn’t wait to see how the final book played out and for Hades and Persephone to get their HEA.

The two of them survived so much and I overall I really enjoyed their journey as they struggled to reunite and survive the coming war. By the end I was torn because I was racing to see how the final battle would play out but also didn’t want it to end.

This book started off a little slow for me.Just like Hades and Persephone, I struggled a bit with their separation at the beginning of this book. Hades was a little too defeated and mopey for me. I wanted the vengeful King of the Underworld to vent his wrath on the world until he got her back. Instead we just got a sad boy who lashed out at those closest to him.

I highly recommend the tandem read with The Nightmare and the Daydream. The banter between Mellie and Helios was giving me life and helped me get through the slower start of this book a little easier.

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This was a great continuation of the series. I liked this one the best out of the whole series. The romance was very well developed and the plot was great.

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I genuinely liked this book which is surprising because while I loved the first one I kind of didn't love the second one but this book redeemed the last one.

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Thank you Netgalley and publisher for the ARC copy!

This is the third installment of the Love and Fate series and I was blown away. Both authors have a way to portray each emotion that the characters feel throughout their journey. From Demeter harnessing Gaia’s power to make Persephone forget about Hades and the Underworld to the War with Titans. I didn’t want to put this down at all.

Definitely recommend!

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“My mother finds beauty only in that which she understands, and she doesn’t understand imperfect”

This picks up where the second book ended and we are dealing with memory magic. For being a sequel and the closure for the main couple of Hades and Persephone, I think the impact of the memory magic and keeping them apart for 60% of the book was pushing it. It caused the final boss battle to be a bit rushed when it could have been dragged out like a Greek myth. I did think that the book was able to address the idea that not everyone is fit to be a parent and it is a choice that you make to negatively impact your children.

The romance part was nice. I like how it mentioned fate and that everything was predetermined. It helped tie in the Greek myth interpretation.

“Darkness is not inherently evil, just as light is not inherently good”

“P, you look… like a rose with a bite”

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All I can say is screw Adonis!!! Really great ending to the series, it started a bit slow and all I wanted was them to be together and happy, I was so sick of them being apart! Worth it in the end though! Not as spicy as the first book still but it was there and it was hot!

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n conclusion, Hades is having emotional difficulties as a result of losing Mellie, his love, and Persephone. He searches for a route out of the underworld in a state of desperation for assistance. But he leaves with a feeling of destiny and optimism.

Persephone, the main character, is going to be in agony and ashamed all the time for a few days at least. His mother removed his horns, which took hours to remove, and he felt alone in his chamber. He questions if this is her mother's reality or his own.

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What a fantastic finale!

After reading book 2 I didn't know if I would like book 3, but it was awesome. I enjoyed everything and I'm glad I picked this series up.

The parts with Persephone on Olympus were totally up my alley and the spice throughout the book was topnotch.

You want a nice and hot read - this is it!

Btw, I now want a Cerberus made of shadows.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. My opinion and thoughts are my own and I'm leaving this review voluntarily.

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Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I putting myself through this torturous heartbreak because it's the end of a storyline arc in a series? Because Jeanette Rose & Alexis Rune are a flipping awesome writing team and there will be more in this series with different leads! Yip!

My heart aches, it actually aches. This installment came in light a wrecking ball to the chest and stuck fast, oscillating at high-speed and not allowing any respite

There are trigger warnings at the beginning to heed as this installment is of a different temperature to the other two books in the series (1. The Maid & the Unseen and 2. The Mistress & the Renowned) but it is all in context

It's all well and good knowing how the tale of Hades and Persephone goes in the classic sense, but Rose & Rune have created something exceptional with thei retellings. There is so much more colour, passion, brackishness brutality and so much more. I adore this series and I absolutely celebrate this duo. I am looking forward to more to come! Fantastic

Thank you to Netgalley, Rose and Star Publishing, LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Titles and the authors, Jeanette Rose & Alexis Rune for this double-double 2Oh My Crikey!" epic ARC. My review is left voluntarily and all opinions are my own

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