Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and Rose and Star publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

The Queen and the King is the last book (following Persephone and Hades) in the love and fate series. It was truly an adventure to read this version of the love story between the two.

Synopsis: Torn apart by her mother, Demeter, Persephone has been stolen from the Underworld and from Hades. All memories of been swept from Persephone leaving Hades to try and find a way not only to bring her back to the underworld, but to remember him and their life together. While their love is at stake, the titans pose another threat.

Opinion: I overall enjoyed reading this series.

I liked that even though there were elements of the human world, it didn’t make the Gods/ Goddess super, obnoxiously human. (Hopefully that makes sense). That being said, still didn’t like that they used cellphones to communicate.

I liked Persephone much more in this book than I had in the previous two. Her character development felt more natural and right. Hades feels slightly awkward being soft, but I didn’t mind it too much.

I’m not sure how I feel about the war that happens and the outcome of it. It felt rushed for me.

Again, I did enjoy reading this! 4/5 stars ⭐️

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Oh wow. I really loved this one. To begin with it felt quite slow, I was kind of tired reading about the dreams, of the angst and the separation after so many hurdles. However, I’ll do anything for a slow-burn(ish) romance. I do appreciate the trigger warning at the beginning of the book. Adonis and Demeter deserved worse, far worse.
The love and passion between Hades and Persephone is so beautiful and I adored reading it. Thank you for this lovely book.

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4.5 ⭐️ The Queen and The King of the Underworld are done!
Thank you so much Net Galley for the eARC!

There will be no more cliffhangers, because with this one, one of my favourite Hades x Persephone retellings ever comes to a close. And, wow, I am so in love with this series.

This is the third and final instalment of this story (the series will continue with different MCs), and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I'm not ready to say goodbye to these characters! I completely fell in love with them from the very first book, and now the story is over and I'm so happy with the ending!

I'll admit that the beginning was a bit slow for me. I was so tired of the dreams, of the angst and the separation after so many obstacles. Still, these two authors manage to make a slow-burn(ish) romance feel as steamy as a sauna -in the best way possible- so that got me through. I also appreciate immensely that there's a warning at the beginning of the book letting readers know that there will be more triggering stuff happening in this book than ever before in the series. And it was bad. I mean, seriously, Adonis deserved worse, in my opinion. So did Demeter!

The love between Hades and Persephone is so incredible. It is, obviously my favourite part and my mind cannot compute. There are no words. I'm so, so happy to know this series won't end here because I can't wait to see what Rose & Rune come up with next -especially if it's anything like these last three books!

Ps. If you are a fan of the A Touch of Darkness Series, seriously, just read this series instead! It's so much better in almost every way - it's more adult and angsty too, so maybe check TW... Also, these authors haven't taken over 5+ years to finish telling their story! So, there, I said it... really, read this one!!

🌶🌶🌶.5 / 5 - The spice is amazingly written and there are lots of scenes. The first book was considered erotica, so yeah, this series has some kick to it. All lovely though.

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Me loving a Hades and Persephone retelling--name a more iconic duo.

You can't.

This book is split into two pretty distinct parts--Hades helping Persephone find herself again and regain her memories, then the war unfolding in the underworld because Kronos is the worst. Well, second worst--Demeter wins gold in that competition.

This is the third book in the series, so if you loved the first two, you'll love this one too. The writing style, spice level, and plot structure is very similar to the previous books in the series. I really enjoyed the way the authors went about handling Persephone's memory loss and using that to give us more insight into who she was before she broke free of her mother. Hades being vulnerable and showing emotions that we usually don't get to see men experience was also a nice touch, although I do think that it was played up a tad more than it needed to be to the point it borders on being too much.

I did fell the ending was a little rushed and abrupt--everything was tied up very neatly, very quickly, and in a way that didn't 100% work for me. But this is the last book following Hades and Persephone in this world, so I do understand the need to close some loose ends. Given the couple the next set follows, I do wish we had used the last few chapters to set it up for them and have some loose ends to indicate where the story would go.

Still love Hades. Still love Persephone. Still devoured this in 2 days. Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read an ARC of this book! I cant wait to see where the series goes next.

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I loved The Maiden and the Unseen but I found that the sequel was messy and rather uneventful. With this in mind, I was hesitant when I started reading The Queen and The King, however, I found that I really enjoyed it. Book one remains my favourite but I thought that this book was a wonderful conclusion to Hades and Persephone's story.

Fans of Greek Mythology and romantic fantasy will adore the Love and Fate series!

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5/5 Stars

Thank you to Good Girls PR, Rose & Star Publishing, Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune for providing me with a digital arc.

I read this and The Nightmare and The Daydream as tandem reads and I highly recommend it. If you are worried it is going to be extra work or just take a lot of time, it won’t. Alexis Rune and Jeanette Rose planned these two to work as individuals and as tandem reads so due to that they put footnotes in both books of where to switch back and forth making it insanely easy to read. Start with The Queen and The King and then when you hit a footnote switch books and repeat until your done. This is the third and final book in the Love and Fate Trilogy for Hades and Persephone and then The Nightmare and The Daydream is book 4 and is a novella following Melinoë and Helios during the same time period of The Queen and The King. I love this series and I can’t wait to continue reading whatever these two authors write as I love it a lot.

Spoilers ahead for the first two books.

Hades is left the King of the Underworld without his Queen after she handed herself over to her mother to protect Hades and the underworld. He is left feeling lost and will do anything to get her back but when he finally manages to make contact with her, he learns she doesn’t remember who he is and even what the underworld is. Persephone is a secret her mother held close to home until now where Demeter wants Persephone to marry. But when Persephone starts getting dreams with a dark mysterious and familiar man who insists they know eachother, she realizes something isn’t quite right. Hades is willing to do anything to get her back and Persephone wants to learn everything she can about this man who seems to know everything about her.

I love hades and persephone retellings and this series is one of my favorites. Persephone is very powerful and learns how to use that power instead of being a weak damsel like some series. Hades is rightfully obsessed with her and Persephone also loves him. I love the dynamic between them in these books and I am so happy they finally get their happy ending. I also loved how Hades takes the time to get to know Persephone again while she doesn’t have her memory.

I do recommend this series and I also say if you can do the tandem read do it. It is so good and adds a whole new experience to this series that just feels right.

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I’m always up to read a Hades and Persephone retelling. I’ve followed this series for a bit and book one is my favorite. I usually don’t enjoy the amnesia trope but it was understood that the conflict between Persephone and Demeter needed a good ending and it was necessary. I enjoyed how Hades falls in love all over again with another side of persephone. This is the part where you really appreciate her character development, because you have no idea how far she’s come until you see her with amnesia and that version of herself pops up. It is nice to see that in book one she did find herself when she lived alone in the mortal world. Read this if you’re team Persephone.

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