Member Reviews

would like to thank netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this book

its full of short stories and novellas from this author and though i am not a lover of them this one isnt so bad...there are a few goods one in there....

happy reading

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A collection of short stories by author Jeffery Deaver.

Jeffery Deaver is one of the best at writing short stories, a great storyteller who manages to fit so much detail and substance into fewer pages. This book contains thirteen stories with some featuring familiar characters from the authors other novels. In my opinion it was quite a mixed bag, some very clever, some interesting and others just ok. I tend to read a book in one or two sittings so I found it difficult to engage in this book for a large amount of time so dipped in and out. Well written as you would expect from Jeffery Deaver and plenty of twists.

I much prefer full length novels so perhaps I am not the best to judge this book. An entertaining read in small bite size chunks.

I would like to thank both Netgalley and Harper Collins UK for supplying a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm not normally a fan of short stories as they always feel quite rushed, but I like Jeffery Deaver as an author so I thought I would give this a go.

As you might expect, there is a mix of great stories and some which are average. However, all are a perfect length for a quick read and, actually, none of the stories felt rushed to me. A real mix of characters I knew, and others I didn't - or had been created (I think) just for these stories. I particularly liked the Colter Shaw story and the different take on Jack the Ripper. All in all, a range of enjoyable stories that you can get through easily when you only have a short reading slot!

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Plenty of thrills and chills in this gripping collection of 13 short crime stories. Each tense tale has an unexpected twist. I could not stop reading.

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There are, what could be considered to be, an unlucky thirteen short stories in this collection from HarperCollins. Unlucky, I think, only for the various victims in the stories. Certainly not for us as readers as we are treated to the real breadth of mysteries that Mr Deaver is capable of delivering. From short stories featuring series favourites Lincoln Rhyme and Colter Shaw, to historical fiction and a story set in a world that Mr D knows very well - the competitive landscape of a 'Writer's Conference", there really is a little bit of something for everyone, whether you are a fan of brain teasing puzzles, or more intense action. Heck, there is even a case where the good guy comes goo more by luck than judgment, a story that really did make me smile by it's conclusion, even if at one stage I thought our poor hero was toast.

I loved how Jeffery Deaver is always capable of delivering the unexpected. Even in the world of short stories he can switch up the story, so much so that the bad guy, or gal, is often hidden in plain sight. A good example of this would be The Babysitter, a story which grows in intensity and threat as quickly as you turn each page but which, by its conclusion, had me smiling and nodding in appreciation. Not what I was expecting, but absolutely the ending I never knew I wanted. And in both The Writer's Conference and A Woman of Mystery he proves that the pen is mightier than the sword - at least when it comes as an inspiration for murder.

Many of the stories i could easily see being turned into a series of TV mini specials, a kind of murder mystery collective, because the author is so adept at scene setting that whether in New York or Milan, you feel you are there with the characters in the heart of teh action. Not an easy thing to do in a fraction of the words of a longer length novel without losing the impetus of the story, but barely seeming a challenge for this particular author. There is a good reason he sells so many books.

This is the perfect collection to fit in around work lunch breaks, or even where you have a few moments to kill of an evening or weekend. Of varying length, some take a little longer to finish than others but none really longer than an hour, with some of the longer ones being broken down into mini chapters or scenes making it easy to leave and pick up where you left off. If you like short stories and love a varied collection of crimes, with a little bit of humour too, this will be the perfect book for you. Definitely recommended.

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A great collection of short stories which I enjoyed. It makes a change to read short stories whi how I don't do very often. I love this author so it wasn't a hard read. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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Dead Ends by Jeffery Deaver is a brilliant collection of thirteen short stories from the master of misdirection, and featuring appearances from Lincoln Rhyme and Colter Shaw. This book was just what I needed to a long train journey - Brilliant short stories with great twists and turn in each one that will keep me entertained and a great start to my holiday back to my home town.

I loved it. Jeffery Deaver's books never disappoint.

Big thank you to HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction for the advance copy of this ebook.

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I really enjoyed this collection of short stories - I don't normally gravitate towards them, but I had to give them a go.
There was a few standout ones and a few I didn't like as much - but I still loved them all.
They all kept the writers style and kept me wanting more.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

It is difficult to review a series of short stories, however, this book was excellent and the stories were all fantastic and easy to read. Recommended.

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I'm a Jeffrey Deaver fan having read many of the Lincoln Rhyme novels and some of his other one-offs as well as some of the Colter Shaw books more recently.

This one was a bit of a mixed bag of short stories from different eras and of different lengths (one up to 9 'chapters'). I must admit I didn't particularly enjoy or now remember the first half of the book. Those stories I found a bit forgettable in all honesty. But the book grew in the middle with a particularly enjoyable Sherlock Holmes story, a Jack the Ripper-themed story and a good short involving Lincoln Rhyme being the highlights.

This has something for everyone though asking as you don't mind a Dead end.

4 stars from me.

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Dead Ends is an interesting set of short stories from master storyteller Jeffery Deaver. I'm not usually a big fan of short stories, but some of these were really good.

I'd only read the Colter Shaw story before as previously published as Forgotten 2,5 in the Colter Shaw series.
There's a good Lincoln Rhyme short story too and some other great short stories amongst. If you have read some of his short stories and enjoyed them, you should check this out and it does tell you at the back where they have been published previously (if this is the case).

A big thanks to HarperCollins UK, HarperFiction for the advance copy of this ebook.

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I don’t usually read short stories, but by Jeffery Deaver and with Lincoln Rhyme and Colter Shaw stories included I couldn’t resist; and I am glad I didn’t. The individual stories are a good length, each one different, cleverly written and had an unexpected twist. Above all satisfying. I enjoyed each one tremendously. They should win him new fans who will go on to read the other books. In my opinion he is a master of storytelling.

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A brilliant collection of short stories from Jeffrey Deaver. Some are longer than others and some of them I enjoyed more than the others. There were none I didn't read though.

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Jeffery Deaver never lets you down and this collection of stories is no exception. Coulter Shaw, Rhyme and Sachs makes an appearance. I can't pick out a favourite story they're all good. Pick up this book you won't be disappointed. Thanks to HarperCollins UK and Netgalley for this review ARC

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The master does it again! I love Jeffery Deaver's books because they always include a wonderful amount of detail and meticulous research, and I am pleased to say that even though this book contains short stories, there is still the same level of attention paid to all elements of the story.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading through each story and trying to see if I could figure out the twist; usually without success, unfortunately!

I broke this down into reading a single story in a setting so that I could savour the tales and really take my time over enjoying them.

A wonderful collection!

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As a fan of crime fiction I’ve been pretty amiss until recently in omitting to read any of Jeffery Deaver's work.My only previous experience of his writing had been through enjoying the feature film ‘The Bone Collector’,from back in 1999,and then the recent television series ‘Tracker’.
In this new short story collection ‘Dead Ends’ both of the main characters from these adaptations feature in tales.Namely Lincoln Rhyme and Colter Shaw ,for those wanting to picture the leads in their mind's eye.
Only a short while ago I enjoyed reading Deavers ‘The Broken Doll’ collection of short stories by Amazon Original Stories , so I felt it was time to check out this newly published batch.

For me the standouts in this book were ‘The Babysitter’,’Hard to Get’,‘The Writers’ Conference’,and ‘A Matter of Blood’.’Ninth and Nowhere’ was an incredibly compelling interwoven story that is simply stunning, and in my opinion the
best of the lot.

As in most collections some tales fail to hit the peak thrills of some personal favourites,due probably to individual taste,but overall a more than worthy way of spending some twisting hours in the company of a superb storyteller.

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I enjoyed this really varied collection of stories from Jeffery Deaver and found it ideal holiday reading. Featuring a Lincoln Rhyme story and a new take on the Whitechapel murders, each individual story contains entertaining twists. Each story has its own satisfying ending which left me eager to read the next one and sad when I had finished the book. Thank you NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read such an entertaining book.

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This may be the 1st book of short stories I've ever tried and I've always just thought that seemed a bit pointless because by the time you get into, they be over! Omg did this prove me wrong. What an amazing book! I loved that we had some familiar faces aswell as giving a taste of some characters I hadn't come across before. And all the stories were like.... stories lol. They have beginning, middles and ends and they feel complete and satisfying which quite surprised me. Possibly because they are written by such a talented author but its definitely changed my opinion of short stories and they're every bit as good as the complex longer stories you'll expect from the author

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Impressive Collection…
A truly wonderful collection of short tales contained in this impressive collection. Misdirection and clever twists galore, keenly observed and credible characters, puzzling plots and an eclectic selection of sleuths. The murder at the crime writers festival was the stand out for this reader - although every single story is a sure winner.

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I would definitely recommend this book. I loved all the stories. It was interesting to see how much Jeffery Deaver admires Sherlock Holmes. It’s 5 stars from me.

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