Member Reviews

An amazing time slip novel combining a modern day suspense with historical fact and myths and legends. The storyline was beautifully woven together with fascinating characters. I loved the mixture of fact and maybe, just enough to keep you wondering.

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The new classic time slip book from Barbara Erskine. Set in now time and the Roman ruling era in England and Wales.
Cadi is a poet living in a small village where she has always enjoyed walking in the surrounding meadows and countryside. Her writing has started to take a different turn as she tunes in to times gone by.
Elen is living in AD 380’s married to a Roman general but guided and supported by the wise woman and villagers.
The meadow has a time portal and many have heard the sounds of horses or soldiers marching feet. Are there just ghostly goings on or is there more to be learnt about what happened here?!
Fascinating historical story of when the Romans ruled Britain, great characters as always, the story well written and thought out! This book is exceptional!!
This is a real treat and quite a meaty book to get into as so much to read and learn.
Huge thanks to NetGalley and Harper Collins for the early read!

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I have been a fan of Barbara Erskine since I read Lady of Hay many moons ago and the Story spinner does not disappoint. Masterful, emotional and atmospheric storytelling combine to make this an absorbing and enjoyable read. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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I have long been a fan of Barbara Erskine and her timeslip novels ever since I read The Lady of Hay – and yes I still have my paperback copy! The Story Spinner is set during the last years of the Roman occupation of Britain, and twinned with modern times. Poet Cadi Jones, is currently working on a poetic translation of stories from the Mabinogion - ancient Welsh tales of myth and legend – while her cousin Rachel creates the visuals. She is currently working on the story of Magnus, who became Roman emperor of the West. Feeling his story lacks the enchantment and myth of her previous works, she researches the British princess Elen he married. Soon she is wrapped up in Elen’s story and her writing moves away from poetry and into prose, and as if by magic the story appears to write itself.

Past and present are effortlessly entwined. Each woman's story is a compelling read. Both Elen and Cardi have their challenges, albeit very different ones. They also find themselves in dangerous situations. Elen is powerless against the authority and plans of a husband whose thirst for power and domination becomes his total focus. While in the present, Cadi faces a threat from Ifan Davies, a cold and controlling man from her past.
As with all other Barbara Erskine novels I have read, I was immediately pulled into this story of ghosts and magic and found it difficult to put down. While Magnus became the director of his own downfall, I did wonder what fate was in store for the bullying and malicious Ifan. I have to say I wasn’t disappointed.
Well researched, rich in detail and entertaining, The Story Spinner is an excellent read.

I would like to thank Harper Collins, the author and Netgalley for an ARC of The Story Spinner in exchange for an honest review.

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The Story Spinner is an immersive story from the master of time slip, Barbara Erskine. Thank you to Harper Collins UK for granting me an ARC for review.

Cadi is a writer/poet who is writing poems based on the Welsh tales in the Mabinogion. When she begins to study the tale of a Welsh princess by the name of Elen and Roman General Macsen, the story takes on a life of its own in the most unexpected way.

The story of Elen is a subject that is close to my heart and I think Barbara Erskine has done a fantastic job in tacking her story. I appreciate the incredible amount of research that has gone into weaving together all the threads of this complicated character and creating an engrossing cohesive novel.

I also enjoyed the drama that was unfolding in the present day parts of this novel. This is a book that has a little something for everyone.

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With thanks to netgalley and the author Barbara Erskine

I've been a fan of Barbara Erskine and her 'time=slip' novels for a while, and The Story Spinner doesn't disappoint. The plot was brilliant, and I love the hint of the King Arthur myth (or was it a myth) and the Mabinogion.

The only thing that was disappointing was that I thought it ended too quickly, I want to know more about Elen.

In all a brilliant book

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The concept of a writer (Cadi) finding a gate to ancient history requires layering and nuances, great characterisation and fresh plot points to be unique. Erskine still has it. She always has it. The mastery of her craft and the writer’s mind were the winners for me. I was more interested in these nuanced aspects of the book and yet Elen’s story had to be told by Cadi since it was important.
4.5 stars.

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📚 Book Review 📚

I have always been a massive fan of Barbara Erskine and her historical novels so I was so happy to have the advanced copy from Netgalley.

This books tells the tale of the Welsh princess Elen and her life and marriage to a Roman General. The past is intertwined with Cadi in the present, a writer and someone who hears the marching of Roman feet outside her home, in her dreams.

As ever, the past and the present link up with fraught relationships and explosive events.

I really enjoyed reading this, clearly a great deal of research went into this novel and the detail is a real nod to the author. If you enjoy historical fiction, this is definitely one for the list.

I’d like to HarperCollins, NetGalley and the author for the arc and the fantastic opportunity, in exchange for my honest feedback 😊

Book released on 1st August 2024


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‘There are no reasons we should pick up echoes of the past, except that of course the past is there. On all sorts of levels it is with us’

Cadi, a poet living in Wales has recently found herself writing a story about Elen - daughter of the Welsh high king - who lived by her house over 1600 years ago when Romans ruled the surrounding lands. Cadi's sure that it's just a novel inspired by her recent Welsh poetry translations however, the information she puts to paper seems to have a basis in fact - it's as though she's a conduit to the past Although history recorded Magnus, the Roman General she was married off to, Elen seemed to disappear. Cadi is determined to find out exactly what happened to her, and in doing so uncovers some of the mystery of the land she lives in.

'The Story Spinner' is an immersive time-slip novel, that easily transists from the present to the waning years of Roman rule. Welsh legends and folklore are mixed with history and Druid mysticism to create a richly detailed novel. Although on the lengthier side, there's plenty of story to keep you turning the pages. I highly recommend this book for historical fiction lovers, particularly if you enjoy a bit of magic in your reading.

'She was an observer, the unseen diarist, the only witness. The novelist. The story spinner'.

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Having read most of Barbara Erskine's novels I knew what to expect in the form of the present and the past. I felt this book was more closely connected to history and real characters from the past than I remember the others being. The story was interesting, the characters believable and the action very tense in places. The collision of history and fiction added to the interest of this tale. Using the 'myths' we have all heard of was fascinating. The descriptions of the Welsh countryside were brilliant.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Barbara Erskine/HarperCollins UK for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I've been a fan of Barbara Erskines books since Lady Of Hay nearly 40 years ago.. Her books give a historical lesson weaved into a modern story and as such we go on a journey with her characters.
This, the new book was no exception. I enjoyed Cadi and Elens lives and the book had a nice ending.

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Cadi lives in a small village in Wales keeps hearing the sound of marching soldiers in the night, with no army barracks near by Cadi starts to become worried wondering what is happening to her. Cadi is an author working on rewriting Welsh legends while her cousin illustrates the book, while working on the newest book Cadi slips into the world of Elen a Welsh princess about to marry a Roman Emperor.

I really enjoyed The Story Spinner and would like to read more of Barbara Erskines work.

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I’ve previously read and reviewed another book written by Barbara Erskine (The Dream Weaver). I really enjoy her style of writing and find the stories easy to read. I’ve always enjoyed historical fiction and these are just that. The Sunday Times bestselling author returns with a spellbinding tale of love, ambition, and secrets that have lain silent for over a thousand years. It’s a great story and I learned a lot about Welsh history and the Mabinogion (I kept having to go off and look up words or places I was reading about!). I liked the dual story line and how the story picked up known history as well as myth and legends.

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I love Barbara's books and this one was no exception. Duel time-line set in Wales and this time it deals with the Romans in Britain. Very interesting and not a difficult read. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review.

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"Be proud. Be strong. You are royal, never forget it."

I have been an avid fan of Barbara Erskine's novels for many years, so when her publisher, Harper Collins, generously sent me an ARC of her latest book, The Story Spinner, I was thrilled. I made reading it the priority of my free time and I finished it today. As with all of Erskine's novels, I was immediately swept into the story from the very first page.

The Story Spinner of the title is a woman called Cadi who lives in the beautiful Welsh countryside. Tucked away in her cosy Welsh cottage, Cadi works from home as a poet, weaving epic poetry books from the myths and legends of the Mabinogion. Working with her cousin, Rachel, an artist who illustrates the poems, Cadi has produced several books of poetry all related to the legends of her homeland. As she begins to write her latest book, however, suddenly the poems take on a life of their own and Cadi is transported back to Roman occupied Wales during the time of Macsen, or Magnus Maximus, as he is more commonly known in history.

As Cadi develops a spiritual connection with Macsen's wife, Elen, she begins to channel her epic story into her poetry. Elen is also a figure of myth and history, being known in pagan circles as Elen of the Ways - an antlered goddess of the Celtic pantheon, while to the Christians she became St Helen of Caernarfon. Erskine carefully weaves all these threads of Elen's mythology into one tapestry of consummate storytelling. Set in and around the area of the Snowdonia Mountains and Caernarfon Castle, which I have visited many times, this book has a deep sense of place and I felt transported in my mind, back to the ramparts and walled walkway of Caernarfon as I was reading.

This is an epic story which follows Elen's life from girlhood right through to her later years as an elder. It moves from Wales, throughout the Roman Empire and back to Wales again, taking in palaces, hill forts, Roman villas, Druid groves and worm holes! It seamlessly switches between the past and present, as Cadi uncovers how Elen's story is linked to the meadow next to her beloved cottage and to the archaeological dig that is going on there.

One of the things I loved most about the novel is that it addresses the skill of automatic writing and the concept of authors who work intuitively and channel their books into being. This is something I could really relate to as I tend to work intuitively myself when I am creating my oracle decks and books for my publisher. The novel also seemed to hint at Erskine's own writing process and perhaps it is her way of answering the questions often asked of authors, such as where they get their ideas from and how they do what they do. Reading this novel is like peering through the window, watching Barbara Erskine as she writes and I greatly appreciated that insight into her working world.

The Story Spinner is an action packed novel that swings along at a steady pace. It features a jealous ex-lover out for revenge, an adorable dog, some sexy Roman soldiers, a Druid priestess, ghostly Centurions marching through the night and the return of Meryn, one of Erskine's most beloved characters who turns up in lots of her books. Every time I read one of her Meryn novels it is like meeting up with an old friend - some part of me is always reassured that Meryn is here to help save the day in his own magical way! This book was no exception.

As Cadi spins out Elen's tale in her poetry and prose and time has little meaning in her world, its a very easy story to get caught up in. I also feel that in this tale, Barbara Erskine has written a novel about a writer for fellow writers. It is full of little creative tableaus and artistic temperament, so if you want to know what its like to work as an author and poet, this novel will be right up your street.

The Story Spinner is a wonderful novel to fall into and Barbara Erskine never disappoints! Who knows, reading this book might even inspire you to write your own stories and poems and become a bit of a story spinner yourself. You won't have to wait long to read this book as it is released on August 1st. Happy story spinning!

BB Marie x

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Barbara Erskine is on top form with this latest book. It kept me enthralled throughout longing to know the outcome. Time slip novel in more than one way.

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I am a massive Barbara Erskine fan having read all of her previous books and never been disappointed. This was no exception. I read the book within a week, grabbing every spare moment I could to read a few more chapters. The story of Cadi being drawn to write via automatic writing the story of Elen a British Princess is gripping and as always so well researched. The parallel story of Cadi and the mystery surrounding a nearby meadow threatened with a planning application is equally well written. Another sure fire hit for this author. My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me access to the ARC. Loved it!

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I love Barbara Erskine and this book did not disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline and her style of writing. A 5stars from me!

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The Story Spinner by Barbara Erskine

Another great book by this author. Set in modern and ancient Wales a great story which is entwined via a meadow where the story begins to unfold . I enjoyed it slightly less than some of her other books , but a well thought out read nonetheless and interesting characters .

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This was such an engrossing read. I love Barbara Erskine and was thrilled to be given a chance to read this. As always. there is the dual story, with windows through time to connect the past and the present. However, this is one of her less "scary" reads! The plot itself, in both timelines, is really interesting. I admit I stopped a few times to look up places and people. But it's the characters who make the story. Branwen and Meryn (good to see him gain!) were favourites of mine but I enjoyed Cadi and Charles in the present day, and Elen was an intriguing character. Even the peripheral characters - police, vicar, neighbours, etc. all felt fully rounded. It sucked me in and kept me reading. I'm sorry to be finished it but honestly, I couldn't put it down.

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