Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this! I am such a sucker for anything related to reality tv, I'm more than happy to watch it or read about it.

I did think that perhaps the enemies to lovers was a bit forced, Tom's reasoning seemed a bit lacklustre but it also was in line with his personality - He was very hard to like.

Overall a fun read, and I would recommend it for people like me, who really enjoy all things reality tv.

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Dual POV, Spicy, ONS, Forced Proximity, Second Chance, Family Dynamics

The reality TV portion of this book was incredibly entertaining to read. Like a car crash you can't help but stare at. Lydia was a sweetheart of an FMC who was struggling to get her life back on track and willing to do anything to get there. Tom on the other hand was honestly hard to root for and like. Part of me felt like Lydia could have done so much better than him but understood he was a product of his rough childhood.

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Hot Pursuit is a fun rom-com read and it was a light relief between the fantasies I've been reading. I really enjoyed reading Hot Pursuit, like all rom-coms the outcome is predictable but that's what makes rom-coms so good.
I loved how the characters were created, our FMC being stubborn and the MMC being grumpy, it's just the perfect recipe for a rom-com story.

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It was and easy. It wasn’t an everlasting memorable story.
Our FMC is determined and stubborn and our MMC is cold and grumpy but always prepared and professional. Whilst they have a one night stand history their current lives mean their colleagues at best. Of course the forced proximity kicks in at this point for work related requirements, which is in essence a tv show but there’s little evidence of it on the page just more like an afterthought in order to keep the storyline going for this set up.
To me this is the kind of book you read for fun, for something you don’t need to think about, a palate cleanser.

I received this book as an ARC through NetGalley and provide my honest opinion

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i read this in between some pretty heavy books and it was the perfect palate cleanser. while tom was a little harder to get to like, lydia was really likeable and i really was rooting for her to get her happy ending!

it also had funny moments and was enjoyable overall - if you're looking for a cute but not too heavy romance book this is for you!

thank you so much to netgalley, the publisher and the author for the arc 🫶🏻

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This was a good read. I wasn’t 100% gripped but it was enjoyable.

The main characters, Tom and Lydia were well written. I didn’t really like Tom to start with which I think is due to the strong writing of the author.

A good backdrop for the story and decent storyline.

Thank you to the author and publisher for my advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review 📚

3.5 ⭐️

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Everything about this was cheese.
From the sentence
' my phone buzzed like a rabbit'
To having a kink over someone's 'haunches' it was just so allover the place.
And lots of 10 dollar words where they weren't needed. Just added a whole extra level of snobbery thst detracts from the characters.
The romance was just cringe and the MMC had zero redeeming features. He was hot and cold constantly without any decent reason other than to add drama yo a plot.

The FMC was also annoying in her stubbornness,

The plot of book is them basically them being on a show like hunted. Yet they never seemed to film themselves on their travels of escape. I think from the 80% of the book where they wee on the show they filmed for all of 5 minutes. Yet thst seemed enough

On the whole not the worst romance book but by far the best.

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✨ Game Show vibes
✨ Rom - com
✨ Easy to read - fast paced

✨ Lydia is the main character in this book. She signed up for a game show and she doesn’t know that Tom is part of the game too. Who’s Tom? Tom is Lydia got one night stand and one of the best 😜
It didn’t work out that time as it feels rushed and they never see each other again.
Now they met again and paired each other.
I love how this story runs into enemy to lovers. Something different yet so predictable.

✨ characters were funny and likeable too which is great for summer . Highly a summer read.

✨ Thankyou @harpercollins- one chapter for the opportunity to read this arc for a honest review.


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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. This was a good book and definitely what I was looking for to read!

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This was a cute read. It was funny had adventure and a little spice. If you are looking for an easy cute read this is definitely it!

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*Hot Pursuit* by Cassie Conner is a game show trope romance featuring Lydia and her grumpy one-time fling turned coworker, Tom. I found Tom initially unlikable, with his crude language and borderline cruel behavior, though his backstory explains some of it. Despite her tough childhood, Lydia remains kind and doesn’t let others’ behavior dictate hers, which I admired. The story had some unrealistic moments, like intimate scenes despite serious injuries, and the humor felt more juvenile than funny. Overall, it was an okay read with a mix of love and hate, earning it three stars.

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Overall, this was a cute story and it was fun following along with Tom and Lydia while they were “on the run”. I think there were some points where I was questioning the sincerity of their relationship, especially at the end (does Tom ever find out what Lydia is short for???). I think if you are looking for a book that is not serious and has some fun scenes, this is for you. But if you want something believable…maybe stay clear.

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this one was so fun!! not one i requested, but was directly sent to me so thank you to the publisher for the free copy! this was easy and hot and fun, and was the perfect de-stresser read.

In need of the money, Lydia Smith happily signed up to ‘flee for her life’ on a survivalist reality show but finds herself contemplating running for the hills instead when her partner turns out to be her one-night-stand Tom Dereborn.

The two shared an unforgettable weekend of passion a year ago, but she hasn’t heard a word from him since. Now, trapped alone with Tom, with the show’s ‘hunters’ on their tails, suppressed emotions boil over and the past starts repeating itself. Soon it’s more than just the money that’s at stake – it’s also Lydia’s heart!

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Loved this book, and would definitely recommend! Loved the characters and felt very invested in both. I enjoyed how they had their own hardships which turned them into the adults they are today. Plus you can’t go wrong with enemies to lovers! I was a little nervous about the game show aspect but turned out to be a refreshing read. Last, I will note the book had some very HOT 🌶️ scenes which I throughly enjoyed.

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I really wanted to love this book but I just couldn't get into it.

It seemed like the author was trying to make the reader understand why Tom was unhappy with his job but it just made him come off as a dick. I didn't love how he acted at the beginning and I feel like he did little to redeem himself.

I chucked this on the DNF pile at 25%

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Lydia Smith is looking for extra money to fix the home that her grandmother left her. Tom Dereborn wants to make a movie and get out of the job he is doing. They had a fling a little over a year ago and who would have thought that after a work thing, they would both show up for the game show, but here they are let the games begin. Starts with her team winning the raft contest and then not knowing the two of them are put together as a team to get to London. Here is when the story takes off and not only do you find out about each character but you see just the strength that Lydia has and makes everything work. I enjoyed the book from start to finish and even the characters I did not like went with the story. A very good read and worth the time.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Hot Pursuit! It was such a fun read and loved the dialogue. I'm always up for a good rom-com and this was one of the best I've read in a while.

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I received this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was a fun light beach read. I enjoyed the plot with its tropes and predictable ending. A great warm feel read!

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Thanks NetGalley and the publisher for the digital arc!

This one surpassed my expectations! Tom and Lydia are a classic opposites attract, but their shared values make them really endearing together.

That being said as a reality competition aficionado the who competition didn’t make a lot of sense and would be a huge insurance liability so for that I deduct points.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Hot Pursuit' by Cassie Connor.

Honestly? I'm so fussy when it comes to reality tv shows in books. This is just a preference but I didn't really enjoy it in this book, which is frustrating because that's 90% of the concept of this book. The writing style was great so maybe I'd try another book by Cassie Connor.

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