Member Reviews

I just loved this book it’s about Lydia and Tom who had a two night stand which was amazing for both of them. They thought that was it, but it turns out that it wasn’t it for them at all. Imagine their surprise when they unexpectedly meet in Barcelona. It turns out that Tom has joined the company that Lydia works for so they are now work colleagues, neither of which let on that they remember each other. The company that they work for also has a production company and it is putting together a challenge in which you have to work as partners to get to London first without being caught and there is certain rules with regards this. Lydia has already signed up as there is a cash prize so Tom thinks why not and joins it.. When the challenge starts off they both think that they are paired off with other people but as again unbeknown to them they end up paired together and while they both thought they knew things about each other they learn that they don’t know everything about each other and are going to find out a whole lot more about each other.

This is just an amazing book and as I said before I just loved it and would highly recommend reading this book but be warned once you start reading this book you won’t want to put it down, I certainly couldn’t put it down once I started reading and read it from start to finish in one sitting.

I would highly recommend reading this book as it’s just amazing!

I would like to thank One More Chapter and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read this book early.

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Thank you to the publisher and to NetGalley for this advance readers copy to review. Really enjoyed this one. Well written and excellent character development. Enjoyed the reality show take on this book. Different in a good way for what I am use to reading in romance books!

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**possible spoilers**
I enjoy this novel but it should really come with a disclaimer saying don't try this at home because some of the decision these guys take during their adventure are borderline insane :)
I liked the background stories that shape the way the main characters acted even if I think Tom's relationship with his dad/mother/sibligling was a bit soap opera over the top.
Overall a fun read with some spice - possibly too much sex in the last few chapters and I think the pace could have been better without especially everytime I remember how badly injured one of the main character was (trying not to give away any spoilers).
Overall an original and entertaining story.

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3.5 stars! I was so excited to start reading this. This book has it all to make for a fun book and it delivers. Lydia signs up for a survivalist reality show, and things become interesting once she encounters Tom. I really really enjoyed the FMC and reading their thoughts. Cassie Connor's writing style was refreshingly clear and engaging. As a reader it was easy to picture various aspects of the novel, which isn't easy to do. Overall I really enjoyed the book; it had a fun plot and didn't take itself too seriously.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy!!

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this sounded a lot more fun than it actually was. the idea of this book is actually really good and i loved that.
i just didnt really enjoy the characters or felt them likeable.

better luck for the future. (the plot was fun!!)

Thank you netgalley and publisher!

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Hot Pursuit
Cassie Connor
Lydia needs the money to repair the house she inherited from her grandmother.
Tom Dereborn and Lydia Smith shared a weekend in bed a year ago; she hasn’t heard from him since. Of all the partners Lydia wanted, Tom wasn’t one. They are both contestants on a reality show, “Flee for Her Life.” How can they work together without allowing their emotions to surface?
I enjoyed the reality show. I found myself cheering Lydia and Tom on. The two main characters, Lydia and Tom, were very well developed. There is a lot of humor in this book.
Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a review copy.

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This book was very cute. The beginning was a bit slow going but after pushing through the first few chapters I really got into it. I personally loved Lydia. The fact that she was smart and incredibly self sufficient despite her upbringing was truly amazing. I was on the fence about Tom for a lot of the book. His actions and words were very contradictory throughout the story. Despite that, this book was pretty entertaining.

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Sadly Hot Pursuit just did not land for me, I did not feel the chemistry or connection between Lydia or Tom at all and at some points it felt incredibly forced (a lot of telling and not showing). Had it not been for the constant reminding that these two were love interests you would believe they were just casual acquaintances.

A shame for me as the premise sounded interesting and I was hoping it would deliver more. I am interested to see what Connor publishes next and hopefully will have more luck with the next release.

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I enjoyed this read for the most part. A surprise reunion after a "two night stand" brings our main characters together. With the opportunity to win a large sum of money, both enter a "flee for your life" reality show. The female main character, Lydia, overcame a challenging childhood and you can see how it shapes her behaviors through this book and motivationto win the prize money. .The male main character, Tom, while having a privileged upbringing, had challenges of a different sort and again needs the money to fund his dreams. I enjoyed the premise, but enjoyed less the interaction between the characters. While I don't mind bad language, it seemed to be Tom's primary way of communicating. He seemed annoyed often with Lydia, how on earth did she fall for him so quickly? If it wasn't for his point of view chapters, I really wouldn't have thought he liked her much, let alone feel for her completely. Overall, it was a nice read, but I found the language sometimes pulled me out of the story

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I wanted to like this more than I did. I felt that it was overdone. I have read a bunch of the reality tv genre and this was predictable and just blah for me. I didn't connect with the characters nor did I truly enjoy the plot. Overall I would only give this a 1.5 star rating

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This book is a real gem. When I read the plot, I knew I just had to read it. I was so glad I was able to pre-read this book.
It’s a perfect summer read. I devoured it in four days .
It covers it all Humor, adventure, Heartbreak, a love story with a side of spiciness.
This rom-com of two beautiful people with a second chance at love. Was a great read.
I can’t wait to read another one of Cassie’s books!!!

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This one was just ok. Perhaps this book came to me at the wrong time? A month or two ago I read a book that had somewhat of the same premise. The main characters, Tom and Lydia were predictable. Their interactions werent fun. Tom was not a likable character and Lydia didnt have much to her. She wasnt funny, snarky, and she wasa just a bit whiny.
I wish I liked this book more.

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As someone who finds myself getting sucked into 'trashy reality tv shows" the concept of this book intrigued me. I was pleasantly surprised how well written the reality show portion of the book was, and it made it easy to feel like I was within that world. Both the FMC and MMC had depth and were relatable which made this book an easy read as well. If you're looking for a fun quick read, this is that book.

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I read Love Under Contract by Cassie Connor quite a while ago and absolutely loved the romance in that book so when I saw that she had a new book due to be published, I was so excited to get my hands on a copy. I am a sucker for a contemporary romance with some spice thrown in for good measure, so this book ticked lots of boxes for me.

I liked that this romance wasn't a simple boy meets girl, they fall in love and live happily ever after. Both of them had their own problems; kindly given to them by their parents. Whilst both Lydia and Tom didn't have particularly healthy family relationships, they were unhealthy in very different ways. And it was this that held them both back from succumbing to what it was they both really wanted, which was to be loved.

I had a great time with these characters and I really enjoyed the concept of the book. I thought that the reality show aspect would become a bit tiresome, but after a few chapters I realised that it really wasn't the focus of the book. There were moments that I was mushy over the romance, blushing at the spicy scenes and even tense at some of the more dramatic scenes (that shoulder bit had me grimacing). A great book that I sped my way through.

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Rating: 4/5
Spicinessl: 2/5

Imagine being on Hunted or The Amazing Race but your partner is your two-night stand. Lydia and Tom are stuck together out in the wild trying to evade the tv show's "hunters" all while evading their feelings for one another. After having an amazing two-night stand months ago, they discover they are now coworkers and after poor second meeting, they aren't exactly friends. But as fate would have it, they end up paired together for a tv show their company is involved with. Both has reasons they want to win the money, but they must learn to rely on each other to make that happen.

This is enemies to lovers, but less playful than the normal trope. Sure, there's the normal bickering but Lydia and Tom both have complicated upbringings that have warped their idea's of love. Eventually, they find strength through each other to learn to not only love others but themselves. Honestly, I loved them as characters so much individually. From Lydia's shame in her habits gain from a childhood of learning to rely only on herself to Tom's need to earn his parents' love through accomplishments, each chapter gave more insight into their behavior and it was both heartbreaking but amazing to hear.

I also love Lydia's strength. I feel like so often strong, independent woman are written as sassy woman which don't get me wrong I love, but it was so interesting to read about Lydia and how she never back down. She was reasonable and meet adversity head on every time. It wasn't showy, but it was so admirable.

Great, exciting read! (Only thing I'm mad about is there was no name reveal at the end.)

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me this arc. All thoughts in this review are my own.

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What a fun book! Cassie Connor’s book is lighted-hearted & so fun to read! Lydia & Tom are fleeing for their lives to win on a new reality tv show. The prize money will help both of them achieve goals they have been working for but they are going to have to work together to win. Just one thing, they don’t like each other very much.

Things I loved about this book:

💜 Lydia & Tom: Just love how they developed through the book
🥾 Enemies to Friends to Lovers: It really is complicated - they have history, lost touch, reunite (anger issues!) & are forced to work together to achieve their goals
💜 Opposites Attract: Both Lydia & Tom are very different but as the story moves forward the two find out they have a little more in common then they thought
🥾 Steamy Scenes: Extreme! I need to say no more.
💜 Vulnerability: Both Lydia & Tom fight this & are afraid of letting too much go. It is difficult to open up when there are so many reasons to stay closed off. However, I enjoyed the natural progression & what happens when they finally let their walls crumble a little at a time
💜 Strong Character Traits: The are both strong characters in different ways but the qualities they have end up complimenting each other & helping one another
🥾 The Cottage Stay: all time favorite part of the book! I cannot say anymore!!

Cassie Connor’s book brings both smiles and the perfect happily ever after. I will definitely be reading this one again!

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I found the spice to be over the top and I haven't even gotten to the actual spice... Lydia talks about sex like she's a 15yr of girl bragging to her friends and it's just not my jam...

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Thank you to Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This was sexy... my first game show driven spicy Rom-com. The banter .. he falls first. It was exciting to read and cheer them on. Honestly part of the begini Lydia got on my nerves. Lol

Over all I really enjoyed this book and will look for this author again.

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I’ve gotten into some reality show type books and this is probably one I would put at the top as well!

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Lydia has a glass half full outlook in everything in life. She is determined to leave her childhood unpleasantness behind, and she is on a mission to fix up her grandmother's house. When her corporate company announces a contest, well really a reality competition, she jumps at the chance. What throws her for a loop is discovering her one weekend stand, a hot one at that, works for the same company and is out for the same prize winnings.

Hot Pursuit is a very steamy romance where a one night stand that could have gone on forever is thrown together to survive a race to London through the English countryside. It plays out just like reality TV with harrowing mishaps, steaminess between the warring characters, and that competitive spirit that has you cheering the couple on to victory. This was an enjoyable adventure to read.

Thank you to Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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