Member Reviews

This was a really fun, magical (literally lol) regency romance book! The primary romance plot line was a solidly good time- Tiffany and Santiago really felt fleshed out, and I experienced their characters growing, both individually and together, throughout the book. Now that I've finished the book, I miss them! Their chemistry was great, and I really believed their budding love story. The side characters were also quite fun and interesting and there were some nice background sub-plots. Overall, I also thought there was good diverse representation in the characters. And I liked and related to Tiffany's hesitations around falling in love as she grapples with the patriarchy and historical cishet relationship norms of the time setting. Santiago was a great male lead who was considerate and reasonably communicative.
The secondary fantasy plot was also a good time. For the most part nothing really surprised me, and the foreshadowing throughout the book seemed fairly transparent to me, but I don't think this book was trying to be a mystery with surprising plot twists.
Overall, I really enjoyed this and will now go back into this author's back catalog! I recommend this book for lovers of cozy, witchy romantasy and/or regency romance with modern sensibilities.

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Thanks Netgalley for the E-Arc.
I love cozy books and i love bridgerton, and this delivered on both vibes.
It was a cute, fun, easy read

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Such a lovely read! Cosy and heartwarming with fantasy and romance all combined. Definitely recommend to fans of the author! Another great one from Kate Johnson!

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Hex and Hexability by K. Johnson is the third book in this series. The previous books are Hex Appeal and Hex and the City : Review:Hex and the City by new to me author K. Johnson, is a witty and fun rom/ com.
Poppy is a witch with many talents, hair like Rapunzel, works at a magic shop.
Nope, she's clumsy like a smurf, is a mess most of the day, is a terrible cook on a good day, you get the picture.
And to top it off, she sells a cursed pedant to a celebrity magician, gorgeous Axl Storm.
So what can go wrong ?? Everything, every little thing is.
An entertaining well written read, 4 beautiful stars.
But back to the most recent one, Hex and Hexability. The book is published by One More Chapter Harper Collins UK too.
Blurb: Essie Winterscale lives in a huge and ever-changing house in the village of Good Winter in Essex. She lives with witches of various ages, one of whom is still a bit salty.
All Essie ever wanted was to have a normal life but in the end she found herself drawn back to Beldam House because she just can’t stop her witchiness.
Into this coven of chaos stumbles gorgeous, clueless Josh, their new landlord – and he’s just discovered his tenants haven’t paid rent since the 1700s. As Josh is drawn further into the lives of the inhabitants of Beldam House, Essie is determined to keep him at broomstick’s length. That is, until a family secret, lying hidden for centuries, puts Josh firmly under her spell…
I greatly enjoyed reading this witty and fun story.

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Kate Johnson did a great job with ‘Hex and Hexability’ as her first historical fiction! This novel had everything; regency romance, the supernatural; found family, and a touch of spice!

The chemistry between Tiffany and Santiago was an electric slow burn that kept me invested. I loved the witchcraft storyline placed in the regency era; very unique and alluring.

Great read; looking forward to more from this author!

Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the ARC of this novel; all opinions are my own.

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It is Lady Tiffany Worthington's coming-out season, but she has no desire to find herself a husband and become his property. Tiffany's only concern is with getting through the season without accidentally making too many inanimate objects come to life. But then she receives a letter from a great aunt she never knew she had, and suddenly Tiffany starts to realise that her abilities are a gift, and her destiny is her own to choose...

There is far more to Hex and Hexability than this spoiler-free summary, as a Regency romance plot is peopled with delightfully unconventional characters, and combined with a fantastical world of magic and monsters. I always appreciate a good romance, and this one has plenty of tension and spice in its enemies-to-lovers storyline, all the while using a realistic Regency setting to think through issues that persist in today's society. I loved the way Kate Johnson used a fairly straightforward romance plot to guide the reader through the incredible world she creates, complete with witchcraft and time-travelling and a reasonably large cast of characters. This meant that I never lost track of who was who, or what was happening, and I loved the combination of familiar and unexpected. I gulped down Hex and Hexability in one day, torn between savouring the story and wanting to find out what happened next.

Hex and Hexability is the third standalone witchy romance by Kate Johnson, following Hex Appeal and Hex and the City, all of which exist in the same universe but can be read in any order. I hope there are many more to come!

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Lady Tiffany Worthington, who has always had an uncontrollable knack for animating her surroundings, discovers she's a witch when her great aunt Esme arrives before the Battle of Waterloo. This revelation introduces her to a hidden, magical side of London teeming with sea creatures, portals, time travel, and a dashing pirate-like duke who helps her learn to embrace her powers and defy societal expectations.

This was such a fun and easy read that I just sat and read it all in one go! Regency-set paranormal romances/romantasies are my holy grail and this one definitely didn't disappoint. The mix of the witchy plot and the romance development was perfect. There's no filler in this book and always something interesting happening so I just flew through it!

I loved all the characters. Everyone was distinct and interesting and I loved the group of witches and the found family vibe. I was immediately invested in Tiffany and Santiago's relationship and I loved the slow burn!

If you love a witchy romance, and particularly if you like regency romances too, this story is a perfect mix of the two and is super fun! I haven't read the previous two Hex books by Kate Johnson but this worked perfectly as a standalone and I know I'll be picking up the previous two Hex books in the future!

Disclaimer: I received an ARC from NetGalley but this is my voluntary and honest review.

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Hex and Hexability was the cozy witchy read I needed. Kate is such an amazing writer and really brings you into the story. Loved this addition to her previous books!!!

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Hex and Hexability is the third novel in the 'Hex ... ' series by Kate Johnson and each of the novels work perfectly well as standalones (though i recommend that you read the series in order and enjoy all of the hexing). The first novel is Hex Appeal and introduces us to Essie Winterscale and her family (found family mostly) as they try to live in harmony with the non-magical world around them. In Hex in the City, our protagonist is Poppy, a witch with hair that Rapunzel would envy and magical powers that are usual chaotic. And in Hex and Hexability, the storyline is firmly historical. Our protagonist is one, Lady Tiffany Worthington, a witch who is unaware of her powers and our pirate, who may prove helpful ... or aid to her woes. Add in a cast of crazy characters and you have another a funny, magical romance, the type of lighthearted read that lifts your spirits and makes you feel good.

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Regency with a twist and perfectly done. This was a fantastic read, inventive, fun, original and very true to regency history, which I loved. Georgette Heyer meets Deborah Harkness. I've read all three of Kate Johnson's witchy books and she's surpassed herself with this one. No one writes such brilliant independent heroines quite like she does or rakish heroes with an understanding side.

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This is a solid 4.5 star rating for me, rounded up to 5 stars.

I love historical fiction, but sometimes the tales can be quite heavy or serious. This story was a little bag of everything. There was a lightness and innocence mixed with witchcraft and tension. It was just the cosy magical read I was needing.

I really enjoyed the slow burn between Tiffany and Santiago and the friendship and loyalty of the other witches too. I hated Elinor. she was definitely a character written to push those modern day buttons.

That time period was such a man's world, with women only seeming to live to wed and bear heirs. Tiffany is a woman that realises she doesn't want to marry into a loveless marriage and to not have her independence. Then she meets the lovable pirate Santiago. He could be just the man she didn't know she was looking for.

The added bonus of witchcraft and spells, made this book so easy and enjoyable to read. It was highly entertaining and I was rooting for the two main characters to get their HEA and for Elinor to get a dose of humble pie.

This is my second read by Kate and I look forward to reading more from her.

Thank you to Netgalley and the author for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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Every new book in this series has always been a must read, as they’re the cosiest, loveliest and most easily readable books out there. Peppered with romance and magic, they’re easy to while away the hours into a good book with.

And this one, set in the regency era and with all the hype of Bridgerton, if you love witches, magic and this historical period, it’s a must read!

Lady Tiffany is your typical regency lady, except she doesn’t want to get married, she loathes ruffles and the pink that dulls her complexion and finds out she’s a witch. So, maybe not typical at all! But when she meets an eligible duke with a somewhat of a piratical air, she is still adamant she doesn’t want to marry. Except…

It was so entertaining and certainly made my train journey go faster! As always, I seem to finish them in no time and thoroughly enjoyed the historical element of this book.

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I've read one other Kate Johnson, book and was eager to read the next "Hex" novel she wrote. I have not read all her books, as my TBR is bigger than one of my bookshelves at the moment (only slight exaggeration). Hex and Hexability was an overall quick and enjoyable read, with a few twists and turns along the way.

First off, I loved that for a Regency Era novel, Johnson embraced the "Tiffany Problem," or the problem when things in a historical novel are true but are almost too unbelievable for the reader. Naming the main character Tiffany, was definitely a fun little nod to the fact that Tiffany is not just a common name now, it's historically been a popular name for centuries.

Tiffany at first does not realize that she is a witch, even with some odd events that follow her before meeting her Aunt Esme. The story follows Tiffany as she discovers her powers and addresses a few magical crises along the way. Heads up, if you're adverse to the word "bosom," this is a word that frequently crops up in this historical romance. This book definitely kept my interest, and was a blend of romance, adventure, and witchcraft. Tiffany does start the novel as a very naive unwilling debutante, wanting nothing but to be independent and anti-marriage. The reader gets to watch as she evolves and learns of new ways life can be lived. We also get to see what happens when people have their own bias and misinterpret what others are communicating to us. It's a little like Bridgerton with witches without the questionable consent (I have some strong feelings on a certain scene in the first Bridgerton book which completely turned me off the book as a series).

Please be advised that I received an Advance Reader's Copy (ARC) from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was full of my favorite things: regency era, captivating characters, magical abilities, a cute cover and fantastic writing. I’ll be recommending this to all of my friends to read. Such a cozy vibe.

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Fairytale vibes weave through this rather magical tale of toleration, repression, and liberation! Pirates, sea monsters, witches, and those intolerable aristocrats that just can't seem to get over themselves and are locked in the world of boring. Genuine fun with a satisfying HEA !

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I was invited by the publisher to read this book. And I LOVED it. I mean just yes to it all - the play on the title, the Regency era setting, London, all of the magic elements with portals and creatures, all of it. The book is about Lady Tiffany who learns she is a witch who eventually learns that her magic is not a curse, but if she flips her perspective then she is able to see how her magic could be useful and helpful. All within the most amazing setting, and with some funny moments to boot.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollinsUK/One More Chapter for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I enjoyed this book immensely. When a young woman meets her great aunt, her world opens up to magic and self acceptance. Growing up without parents, her sister in law begrudgingly tutored her into a life of strict rules within the regency era. Fortunately, her skill as a witch is nurtured by her new family and friends and she finds a new world of adventure and love. There's humor, love and acceptance. I read this book on Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Lady Tiffany Worthington knows she’s different from the other debutantes, she has a talent she is trying desperately to hide. Elinor, her sister in law, is insisting that she try harder to attract a husband during her season and it would seem that anyone would do. When great aunt Esme suddenly appears on the scene, Tiffany begins to realise that she can live her life her own way, and the arrival of Santiago adds extra tension to an already nerve wracking situation.

A really easy read, I love the idea of Tiffany’s abilities, which get stronger as she gives into Esmes teaching and encouragement. Along the way she meets several like minded women, who all live exactly as they want, not conforming to societies many rules, that treat women as a commodity to be offered to the highest bidder..

The tension between Tiffany and Santiago becomes more interesting as the book goes on, especially when he is forced to try to become a gentleman and almost blackmails Tiffany into helping him. There are some really interesting characters, like Esme, who could have a book to herself. Elinor comes across as very bland and not at all likeable, a woman on a mission, to get the best possible marriage for Tiffany, that will reflect well on the family. Loved the unexpected twist that explains a lot of the background to the story.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I loved this book. This was a great mixture of historical fiction, witches and pirates with a great romance thrown in for good measure. The unique magic suggestion were brilliant, I loved some of the new twists. You'll have to read it to find out!

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