Member Reviews

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Kate Johnson’s Hex and Hexability is a cute Regency/Bridgerton romance with a magic intertwined. The story follows Tiffany, a witch disinterested in marriage, and her dynamic with Santiago, a rugged pirate sort Duke.

While Tiffany’s circle of witches adds intrigue, their roles could use more depth. The romance between Tiffany and Santiago is enjoyable, marked by playful banter and genuine respect, though the slow build-up tested my patience. Additionally, the plot twist near the end felt out of place.

All that said, I liked it especially for this time of year, and will read more by Johnson!

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I was delighted to be granted the chance to read Hex and Hexibility. Kate Johnsons earlier novels have been truly excellent, and this one meets the mark.

A magical twist on era of the moment, Regency written with style and flair. Overall this novel is fantastically well written, captivating throughout. The characters are well developed and engaging. Kate's heroines are all brilliant.

A very fun, enchanting read!

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Loved it. The whole thing was just a joy to get to experience. I was pulled into the story immediately and it just kept going until I was sad to see those words (in my head) of The End.

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This book had definite Bridgerton vibes with a twist of magic. The book moves quite quickly, you meet Tiffany, Santiago and her great aunt Esme early on. It had me gripped from the start, wanting to find out more about them all. I really enjoyed the regency era, the balls and the activities the ladies did like going to dressmakers or going for strolls around the park. It was a lovely story of magic and mastering magic, I love the process Tiffany went through to learn about her magic skills. It was also a very cute love story, super gushy a real comfort but exciting read.

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I loved Hex Appeal and was so eager to jump into Hex and Hexability by Kate Johnson.
This was smart, fast pacing, humorous and also heartwarming fantasy.
Such a fun witchy book perfect for the fall season. There's spice, romance, magic, and some fun twists and turns.

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Hex and Hexability is an absolute delight and a slightly bonkers Regency romp.

I've been in love with the witchy world that Kate created, since she introduced it to us in Hex Appeal. Her witchy rom-coms are always delightful and bonkers, and Kate always takes her readers on a wild ride. Each book in this series is unique and fresh. I was particularly excited to read this book because it is set in the Regency era, which is different from the previous two books that are set in our time. I was curious to see how Kate would take this contemporary witch world she had created and transport it into the Regency era. I love it when an author tries something new and isn't afraid to push those boundaries. I honestly love what Kate did in this book; she took this Bridgerton-like story and put a quirky, fun, witchy twist on it. If you are a fan of India Holton's books, you will definitely enjoy this story. They have very similar quirky vibes to them.

This was an interesting and different read for me. I liked how there were several main plotlines in this story. First, Lady Tiffany finds out she is a witch and learns more about this hidden witchy world. Then you have Lady Tiffany and Santiago's growing relationship with these very stereotypical Regency vibes. And finally, you have this mysterious monster that is plaguing the sea and rivers. These are very different plotlines, and Kate does a great job at weaving them together and creating an entertaining story. It blows my mind at how cohesive this story was. Things could have gone terribly wrong, and this could have been a chaotic hot mess, but it wasn't. Everything had a purpose and helped to move the plot along. The witchy world was a lot of fun in this book. There were times when I wished they played a more prominent role in the story or in certain scenes. But overall, I really loved spending time with all these fabulous witches.
Fans of Kate's previous books will be delighted to see characters from previous books in this book. It was so great to get to see these characters that I've come to love in a new light and watch them live in the Regency era. Lady Tiffany is a different sort of heroine. She was raised to be a Lady in London society. Those restrictions and rules that High Society has placed on women are firmly set in Tiffany's head. Tiffany's main struggle in this book, is this internal and external battle to be her own person. She doesn't want to be defined by what London society thinks a Lady should be. She doesn't want to be her future husband's property. Santiago is a dashing hero who is trying to figure out how to function in London society. This book has this real reverse Pretty Woman feel to Santiago's journey. He has been a pirate most of his life and has no idea what any of the rules in High Society are.

The romance in this book was slow burn… very slowly slow burn. I liked Tiffany and Santiago together. It's always great watching two completely opposite-attract characters interact with each other. Their difference usually creates some delightful and spunky banter, and also, someone always seems to be befuddled or baffled by the other. There are definitely some major Regency vibes to Tiffany and Santiago's relationships. I can tell that Kate has done her research and knows what makes a good historical romance amazing. She got those perfect swoony moments right: a chance encounter in a garden (check), caught in a comprising position (check), hidden touches (check), and a ballroom dance scene (check and check). There is some miscommunication and mistrust between these two, which are the main hurdles they must overcome to get their HEA. Watching these two interact was a lot of fun!

Hex and Hexability is a swoonastic witchy Regency romance romp, and I can't wait to see what Kate writes next.

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A witch historical rom-com!!!!! What's not to like? These two characters were so different and yet they were a joy to read,the proper English girl who doesn't know she is is witch and a pirate that recently inherited a dukedom, I really did enjoy this book and would definitely recommend it. However my one critique would be that I could have done with out the time travel. Little hard to focus on and I did get lost once or twice at the end but otherwise a fantastic book

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I’ve never read Sense and Sensibility but this book definitely makes me want to go and read the Austen classic. This story was so much fun, with the magic, the characters, the suspense and all these elements worked so well together. I love the slow burns of historical romance, they get the pining, the desperatation and the love for each that makes the reader fall in love with both the characters and the love story.

I also love a duel scenes and this one was addicting, I read historicals slower than usual but I flew through that scene cause I couldn’t stop. Santiago has such a cool backstory, it’s mysterious, it’s dark and it’s addicting as both the reader and Tiffany, the main female character. Tiffany is a witch, and is discovering her family secrets along with her power at the same time, all this leads to some disasterous situations.

Go check out this fun, historical romance filled with witches, balls, and family secrets!

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Thanks to Harper Collins UK - One More Chapter, and NetGalley for providing me with a digital ARC of Kate Johnson’s Hex and Hexability. I really enjoyed this book. I would call this a cozy historical fantasy romance. At the beginning of the book we meet Tiffany, who is unhappy with the idea of marrying, even though she’s been trained to be a society wife for her whole life. She is also being faced with alarmingly uncontrollable powers she cannot explain.

She then meets Esme, and is swept into a whole new found family of British witches. Around the same time, she also meets a gorgeous gentleman named Santiago and sparks fly.

I loved Tiffany’s journey in the book. It started a tad slow for me, but then I got caught up in the characters and story. This is one of those where the side characters are just as much fun to folllow as the mains. I would definitely enjoy other books by this same author. If you loved The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton, I would definitely recommend this book for you as well. I also want to point out that while the title is adorable, this book is not a Jane Austen Sense and Sensibility retelling, as far as I can tell.

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Hex and Hexability was just as fun as the previous books in this series. This time around, the story was set in Regency England. Lady Tiffany is a young woman raised by her utterly conventional, much older brother and sister-in-law after both her parents abandoned her soon after her birth. Her sister-in-law is determined to find a titled husband for her, but Tiffany is well aware that strange things tend to happen whenever she loses control of her emotions. Paintings and sculptures come to life around her and if she tries to draw anything, it manifests as a real object.

What Tiffany doesn't know is that she is actually a witch, as was her absent mother. When her "Great-Aunt" Esme, who turns out to be a stylish, smart, independent woman, shows up in her life, she is introduced to a new world in which witches are hidden in plain sight. This causes Tiffany to start longing for a life where she is independent and doesn't have to marry. The only problem is that she's also met dashing, piratical Santiago, who turns out to be a long-lost nobleman and who is as attracted to her as she is to him. Now she's being torn between her attraction to him, and her newly found witchy independence.

These books have been so much fun and I hope there will be more. This one was more romance focused than the previous two, but there were still plenty of witchy hijinks. I loved watching Tiffany gain confidence as her eyes were opened to her own power and how to use it. Santiago was a sweetheart, resourceful, and conditioned by his own difficult upbringing to make the best of whatever situation he found himself in. He was a bit taken back by learning about witches but it didn't take him long to accept it and accept Tiffany wholeheartedly, especially given his strong, instant attraction to her. The plot was a bit muddled as the author tried to marry her Regency romance plot with all of her magical threads and elements, but I read these books for the fun characters and the witchy vibes, and on that level, it was great. My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.

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I eventually decided to not finish this book at 28%. Hex and the City was an amazing book. I enjoyed the setting, the chaos and most of all the characters and their magic. I was therefore really excited about this book and when I saw it on Netgalley I immediately grabbed a copy. However, over a quarter of the book in I still can't care less about any of the characters. The book seems to be a description of anything that is happening, but the emotional part of the book seems not present. Although I already read more than a quarter of the book, both characters are still strangers to me. The plot also feels all over the place. I didn't mind the chaos in the other book by this author, especially because it fit the heroine of that story, but this book truly lacks direction. There are mentions of disappeared ships, sirens and krakens, but the characters are also focussing on dance lessons and learning magic. There are also side characters who are barely introduced even though they are playing a big part. In general. I'm 28% in and there is so far nothing really grabbing me to keep reading. I've therefore decided to not finish this book and spent my time on books that interest me more.

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Thank you, Harper Collins and NetGalley, for the advanced copy of Hex and Hexability.

I loved Hex Appeal and Hex and the City, so when I saw Kate Johnson was tying in historical fiction with her hexiness, I was sold! This book did not disappoint. It had everything a great historical fiction should have but doused in some magical doors, drawings coming to life, future seers, pirates, and so much more!! Such a great fun read to get ready for the witchy season!!

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'Hex and Hexability' was a lot of fun. A pirate duke and a lady witch in a bit of a reverse Pygmalion/My Fair Lady set in Regency era London.

Lady Tiffany is sick of the restrictions placed upon herself by society just because she's a woman. A chance meeting at a ball with the pirate Santiago and suddenly she finds herself unable to not just control paintings but weird flutters in her chest.

Tiffany was just delightful and I loved her spark and banter with Santiago, as she tries to teach him how to fit into the society he was born into. It did drag out a bit too much in the middle though with the whole compromised scenario. I'd have rather Tiffany make her choice freely instead of essentially being forced to by societal rules (same with a development in the epilogue which would've made her thirst for travel and freedom curtailed). So I was disappointed the author made a 180 and basically made Tiffany conform.

Overall I breezed through this book as it was witty, fun and I adored the chemistry. I look forward to the next installment of this wonderful stand-alone but slightly interconnected witch books.

Thanks to One More Chapter and Netgalley for the ARC.

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I liked this book! It wasn’t my favorite witchy novel, but it was still a decent read. It started out slow but built up as we learned more about the characters.

The main problems for me were the pacing of the story and I felt it was hard to follow at times. The ending plot twist kind of came out of nowhere (I know there was a little foreshadowing throughout but…. it just felt out of place to me). There also wasn’t really any depth in any facet of the story; it was all mostly surface-level.

Tiffany and Santiago had some witty banter and funny one-liners, but overall they felt fairly flat and one-dimensional (with a LOT of miscommunication). They very much gave Daphne and the Duke vibes (if Daphne was a witch and Simon was a pirate).

It was a light, simple, cute, quick read if you’re into regency era historical fiction with a hint of magical flare!

And finally - thank you so much to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK and One More Chapter for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Such a great read! Highly recommend this one.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and Netgalley for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I love Bridgerton so this pulled me in to wanting to read this book and it definitely lived up to my expectations, I loved the regency meets witchy vibes.

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Hex and Hexability by Kate Johnson is her first foray into historical romance and it is quite successful. Set in the Regency period it tells the story of Tiffany, a.k.a. Lady Theophania Worthington , a young witch struggling to come to terms with both her magical abilities and her place in society. While at a ball she encounters the mysterious and slightly uncouth Santiago, a pirate/business man who seems to be disliking the ball just as much as she is. His unusual appearance and dress sense mark him out as someone who does not fit in but he certainly captures Tiffany's attention. What Tiffany does not know is that he is in fact a Duke, recently returned to the city having inherited the title despite the fact that his father abandoned him and his mother in Chile when he was just a child. When the pair are caught in a compromising position they are forced to marry and the fun begins as they try to save the city from a mysterious tentacled monster.
This is a fun light hearted read that brings a little magic to the typical regency romance. I did find the attempts at humour a little heavy handed at times and I was frustrated by the prolonged miscommunication between the couple, it really dragged on far too long which is a shame as I liked both characters, I just struggled to buy into their relationship, which is a problem when reading romance. I did really enjoy the secondary characters and found myself caring more about Tiffany's coven than her relationship.
I read and reviewed an ARC courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher, all opinions are my own.

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Don't let the title fool you. This is not a witchy retelling of Austen's "Sense and Sensibility." It's a delightfully spicy Regency romantasy! Perfect for your Summerween or Halloween TBR pile!

Lady Tiffany is new to her witchy powers and Santiago is new to his birthright - a dukedom. They are both black sheep in society and advanced in their beliefs (earning money is just as good as inheriting it, women should be able to have careers and families, equality of the sexes, etc). Of course, they are the perfect team to solve the problem of a violent sea monster targeting Santiago's shipping empire. Together with help from Tiffany's newfound witchy aunt and her friends, they set out to save the day and answer Tiffany's questions about her mysterious mother.

This was a quick read for me. The sex scene was open door and pretty well written. I didn't realize Johnson has a series of "Hex" books because Goodreads doesn't label them a series, but I plan to check them out. This is her only historical romance thus far.

I didn't give it five stars because I felt the feminism was a little heavy handed for too long and at one point it got preachy and annoying. By the last 80% of the book the couple should be fully stable and wrapping up as a team and they were still having doubts. It made me roll my eyes. If my husband called me "his" in front of someone trying to hurt me, it wouldn't send me on an existential tailspin. I wanted to slap Lady Tiffany. Instead, I docked her a star. Santiago is DREAMY! The kind of male lead you want in every historical romance.

Thank you to Harper Collins & One More chapter for the chance to review an advanced copy of this book.

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I have read the first two books in this series and really enjoyed them so when the chance to read the ARC ‘Hex and Hexability’ came out I jumped at the chance. I really loved the plot for this mildly spicy, open door historical fiction, fantasy romance novel. I loved Santiago as the MMC, he was this super caring and respectful pirate who protected his lady but also let her fight her own battles. I had mixed feelings about the FMC Tiffany who was very standoffish with Santiago and came off as snobbish at times. It was understandable due to her upbringing and she was able to fight against those judgements that were ingrained into her but it was hard to see her treat Santiago in an unkind or mistrustful way.

I loved the plot of a girl discovering she was a witch and fighting for her independence just when she also finds this undeniable attraction to a pirate turned Duke that can’t stay away from her. Together they keep getting thrown into the mystery of this sea creature that is sinking ships and killing sailors. I devoured the book in a day and a half. So much fun to read!

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This is the third standalone book in the series. I love me a witchy romcom. This is a unique and fun story about a witch learning she has powers in the time of the 1800s. What could go wrong when a Lady meets a pirate who has a secret identity. There is lots of Banter and funny moments and some mild spice. I liked how this played out and it had a great pace and enjoyable plot.

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