Member Reviews

I love a good witchy book, especially one that includes pirates, and this one was so much fun! I loved Lady Tiffany and Santiago! Looking forward to more of this series!

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Fantastic read. Not my usual genre but absolutely good fun. Easy to read and to be honest I could read it again. Well written and a good story.

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Hex and Hexability was a fun premise with evocative sensory details. Fun, cozy, and tongue-in-cheek!

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This one took me a little bit to get into, but when it got going, I enjoyed it! It was a light, cute read if you’re looking for a regency, historical romance with some witchy flare!

The initial back and forth of povs were a little confusing and rocky, so it was harder to keep my attention. There were just some parts where the writing was difficult to follow which would pull me out of the story, but thankfully didn’t pull me from the whole book completely.

The adventures, witches and magic were so much fun, but the romance didn’t quite hit it for me. I thought the main characters were great and well developed, but I didn’t quite feel their chemistry together. It was a very slowww burn but the buildup didn’t have the substance that would make you fall in love with the romance. It was pretty surface level, but still cute with bridgerton vibes.

It was an overall good read, and I would recommend for those looking for a lighthearted and magical regency romance.

Thanks netgalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy!

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4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you so much to HarperCollins UK and NetGalley for an e-arc of this book.

What a fun read. Magic and regency romance. What more can one want! I really enjoyed that this was just fun, and that the storyline was good but not too deep. The magic wasn’t really explained but it didn’t need to be, witches are witches, and the romance was enjoyable too

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This took me a minute to get into but ended up enjoying most of it. I don't read alot of historical romance but I was intrigued by the witches. I liked all the side characters too but had trouble remembering who was who for a little bit. I'm glad I gave this new author to me a shot and I will definitely be going back and reading the others!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This book reminded me a bit of India Holton's Dangerous Damsel series - not only in the fact that it is about witches and magic set in Regency England, but similar in its writing style and plot. I found Hex and Hexability to be a great deal of fun - we have a swashbuckling pirate (who is maybe from Brazil who somehow speaks Spanish instead of Portuguese?) as our main male hero and Lady Tiffany as our heroine, who can make her drawings come to life. The magic system is much less confusing that India Holton's books, which was a large factor in making that book a slower slog for me. This book is more straightforward, albeit still being too slow for my taste. 20% in, you've gotten multiple flash backs to Santiago's childhood (which I wasn't entirely sure were necessary, though well-written and certainly tugged on the heart strings, but in a way that made me feel not more attached to the character, but just sad) and some semblance of a mystery with ships disappeared off the ocean.

At the end of the day, the book a ton of fun with the best side characters in the great-aunt and her group of friends. If you are a fan of India Holton's book series, I could see this book being right up your alley!

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I had really enjoyed Hex and the City and was really looking forward to this read. Unfortunately I struggled to get into this, for me there was too much going on with the MC finding out she’s a witch, the love story and the regency setting (dare I say I’m not a fan of Bridgerton….?)

Not for me on this occasion, but I look forward to reading more by Kate Johnson. Thank you for my review copy.

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🎃 Supernatural period romance
🎃 Witches
🎃 Pirates
🎃 He falls first
🎃 Fish out of water

🌶🌶🌶/ 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶

The first of what I hope will be many seasonal reads for me, and the first book by this author that I have read.

Tiffany believes herself to be colourless and Santiago believes himself to be a successful tradesman, but in fact she is a witch and he is a duke.

This funny and sweet romance is improved by the cast of characters that build on the adventure story line and give this story its charm.

I can't wait to read more of this genre from this author.

I received an ARC of this book. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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A HUGE thank you to the author, Kate Johnson, and the publisher, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter, for giving me the chance to read an ARC of this wonderful book and provide my honest opinion about it.

Magical, witchy, British.
All of my favorite things in one place!
A delightful and light read.
Would DEFINITELY recommend.

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If you are looking for a great historical fantasy with witches. This book is for you. The write was great and I loved this book!

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Lady Tiffany meets a pirate, and discovers that her odd gift for making things come alive is actually a sign that she's a witch - possibly the opposite of what polite upper-class society requires of her. She's meant to be meeting eligible suitors and lining up a husband, instead she's teaching the pirate how to act and learning more about her magic from the witches who have found her.

It's a nice blend of Regency romantic comedy and fantasy adventure, the concerns about a woman's future are always an undercurrent and Tiffany has to work out how to navigate the world's expectations of her, and what she wants for herself. I really enjoyed it!

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Bridgerton meets pirate historical fiction, Hex and Hexability follows Lady Tiffany Worthington who can make the world aorund her mysteriously come to life. This is an easy and cosy read, not the best in the series as I far preferred Johnson's earlier installments.

This can be read as a standalone and will be a great read for someone looking for a Bridgerton style magical historical fantasy in the autumn / cooler months.

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This was quite a fun historical romance slash paranormal novel. Lady Tiffany, our main character, learns she is a witch pretty quickly. She had the habit of accidentally making paintings come to life, so let's assume she knew something was a little different. Santiago, our pirate, business man extraordinaire, is a dashing, golden love interest with a scar down his cheek. Both characters grow quite a bit, both have somewhat sordid familial pasts. There is some excitement and mystery woven in. Towards the end there was a misunderstanding brought on by lack of communication, not my favorite way to bring in drama, but overall, an enjoyable read. Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the chance to read this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a highly interesting mix of several things.
Like a historical romance with cosy witchy vibes.

I had to giggle at the smut scenes because they were saying smut so fancy 🤣🫖☕️

I love the FMC realisation of how great it is when she finally pops the cherry 🍒 ❤️

"‘And there is more.’ His hands stroked her hips, her thighs. She was still trembling. ‘I’m not sure I can take more,’ Tiffany whimpered. ‘No?’ He stopped stroking. ‘Then we will stop⁠—’
‘Don’t you dare,’

And then there were some sweet swoony moment that just melted me, like this:

'The world had ended and remade itself, and there were only the two of them left in it.'

Overall, I liked the witchy vibes and the romance. I felt some parts were out of place, but still wasn't deterred from reading.

Would recommend primarily to fans of historical fiction, that also enjoy cosy witchy.

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Cute read that will be the perfect fall. A little bit of romance, magic and mystery stirred together makes this book a funny, light hearted read.

A few things that could have been done better

Some of the writing seemed a little convoluted and hard to understand
Needed more character depth and relationship building.

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Thank you to Kate Johnson and NetGalley for an ARC of Hex and Hexability. It was a pleasure to read!

Tiffany is a freshly debuted young lady of the gentry that discovers she is a witch. In the midst of this discovery, she also discovers an attraction for Santiago, a supposed wealthy tradesman that is clueless in regards to the rules of Society.

The romance in this is more sweet than spicy, with very little angst. I can see fans of Gail Carriger and the Bridgerton show loving this (as I am one!). The little bit of angst that exists near the end of the book felt a little contrived and both characters seemed to get over it quickly, without discussion. They discuss their argument later, but in the moment, they each individually decide their love for one another is more important.

I will say I think editing could have been fine-tuned just a little, as there are some areas where the meaning of a sentence can be difficult to determine and some words seem incorrect. Nothing major, very small issues.

Hex and Haxability is primarily a romance, but there is a little mystery that is solved at the end of the book.

This was one that was exactly what I was looking for when I read it. I sat down and finished most of it in one sitting!

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This book was such a great read. It was so fun to explore the regency era, but the addition of witches! The romance and adventure sucked me in immediately. Tiffany and Santiago are such an IT couple. It was also so great to see the main character learn to embrace her magic. Pacing was a bit of an issue for me in parts of the book, but otherwise it was enjoyable to read.

I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Lady Tiffany puede hace que sus dibujos cobren vida, nadie sabe sobre sus poderes, se esconde porque no sabe lo que es hasta que se le acerca una pariente y le dice que es una bruja.

Santiago es un pirata que acaba de llegar a Inglaterra, también es un comerciante exitoso y nuevo duque.

Ella no quiere casarse, él quiere casarse.

Estuvo entretenido, pero me hubiera gustado que se centrara más en la magia que en el romance.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really love this. Hex and Hexability is such a fun, romantic, magical read. Five stars from me. Tiffany and Santiago are a brilliant match, thank you to the author and publisher for the opportunity to read this.

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