Member Reviews

Wow. Such a cute book! It was such an easy read and I devoured it. The characters were amazing, and were perfect for the plot.

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I liked the general idea of the book, the D&D games, collecting XP points and the friend group. However, the romance plot felt rushed, especially in the second part. In the end, it was hard to keep track of what page the characters were on. At least they were self-reflecting a lot so that was a nice touch.

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A fun read, the story of Morgan and Jack. I like how the D&D story was also intertwined with the main story. Looking forward to more books from this author.

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This was a great slow burn friends to lovers. I really enjoyed it.

This was also a really fun read. I liked the original story line. Would recommend if you're looking for an easy read romance.

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This book is a must-read for friends-to-lovers and slow-burn romance fans—don’t worry, the spice 🌶️is coming!
Morgan and Jack have known each other through their usual Monday night D&D games, but being too shy, they never really connected. That is, until Morgan’s best friend Cara leaves town, and Morgan finds herself alone in a house that’s suddenly too big. A challenge with Jack to level up their adventurous sides ensues, and amidst all the trekking, sparks fly.
The story is incredibly sweet, and I absolutely adored the blend of contemporary and fantasy in the role-playing game chapters!
Morgan is a strong character who never loses her sense of humor, even in challenging situations, and I loved that about her. What can I say? I highly recommend it, but be prepared—the slow burn is slooow.

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I was kindly gifted this book as an Arc reader from NetGalley. I found myself very interested in the story in the beginning but then it began to drag. I liked that Morgan was a fellow bookworm and that they visited Hay on Wye. I didn’t enjoy the chapters which focused on the D&D world but that is a personal preference. I found the miscommunication between the characters to be quite childish and that issues could have been resolved if they just spoken about their issues. I liked how both of them were pursuing their dreams externally of their relationship but that seems to be the biggest cause of issues. I didn’t like how the friend Cara was mentioned repetitively but there was never any resolution around that situation. Overall the book was okay but just wasn’t for me.

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I really liked the sound of this book and was so looking forward to reading it. Unfortunately, I didn't find the reality of it as good as the fantasy in my head.

There wasn't actually that much of the Renaissance fair as it seemed there would be based on the cover and the blurb, it felt like there was a lot of whining and I found most of the characters boring.

One thing I did really enjoy though was the fact that the characters pushed eachother to be better, to follow their dreams and step outside of their comfort zone. Sadly, that wasn't enough to make up for the rest of the book.

I found Jack mopey and boring and Morgan was just very bland and sad.

This was not the book for me, although I would probably give this author another read, with different characters, in the future.

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You’ve got chain mail

Contemporary romance
Dual POV
Dual storyline
Small town
Blond MMC
DND/nerd MC’s
🏳️‍⚧️ and 🏳️‍🌈 side characters
Slow burn

This was a nerd’s dream when it comes to contemporary romance. Even as someone who has never played a campaign, I loved the secondary story from their DND group. It’s a celebration of your inner child!

The Legally Blond stuff was hilarious and right on the nose.

Each of the side characters are solid and unique! I would love a whole series about each of them finding love!

The pacing was a little off due to some time skipping. But overall I enjoyed so much of this slow burn! The little outdoorsy adventures, the nerdiness, the self work, the side characters. This was a really cute read!

Thank you NetGalley and Harper CollinsUK and One More Chapter for the eARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I think my new favourite niche in romance is D&D... I really enjoyed this book and I thought the plot was really nice. The mix of outdoor adventuring and Dungeons and Dragons and Renaissance Faire was a super interesting combination. The concept of the XP points was also very fun and I thought it was a good way to push both Morgan and Jack out of their comfort zones.

The settings throughout this book were so pretty and fitting with both the characters and the plot. I thought the side characters had enough of their own lives and spotlight without disappearing into the background or overpowering the main couple.

I found the main climax and love declaration to be a bit rushed and it didn't fully fit the direction of Morgan and Jack's development as individuals or as a couple. I would have loved more of the XP plot points to have come in at this point, just to tie everything in really well. Overall though, a great read!

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***Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins UK/One More Chapter for an advanced e-reader copy of You've Got Chain Mail by Sam Parks! All thoughts are my own!***

Morgan is learning how to be alone after her best friend moves away for a new job. She dreams for something more, so she goes on a quest to get out of her comfort zone and experience things for herself. And maybe she can become her own knight in shining armor.

Jack comes back to his hometown after a bad breakup. His life then becomes planned for him to take over the family construction business. But he starts to realize after being isolated, he needs to take his life and his career into his own hands.

So first things first, finding out that this book focuses on D&D and Ren Faires, I was immediately sold. The topic itself gave me 5 star vibes. They are literally two of my favorite things in the whole world. And it's set in the UK, which was very intrigued by. I absolutely fell in love with the friend group who made up the D&D party. They seem like the type of friend group you want around all the time and make up a great D&D party.

I loved the Captain Morgana Silversword chapters, where we found out what actually happened throughout their campaign.

My favorite parts of the book were, of course, when they got to the Ren Faire and the good time they had. I loved the montage of the making of their Ren Faire costumes. But my absolute favorite part was when Jack and Morgan took the hiking trail into the bookshop town in Wales and picked out a book for each other that reminded them of the other. I was kicking my feet and squealing; it was so adorable!

I just wish Morgan and Jack had better communication throughout the book. I felt like they were constantly fighting and not talking through their issues, not feeling fulfilled in their respective careers, and their fears of leaving each other. I think they needed to talk more and stop breaking up after every argument.

Overall, I really enjoyed You've Got Chain Mail and it made my nerdy heart happy!

You've Got Chain Mail releases August 13th, 2024!

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You’ve Got Chain Mail by Sam Parks was such an entertaining story.
A charming and fun romance story that had me flipping the pages furiously.
It is well written, fast paced and flows really well. I loved Morgan and Jack from the beginning which, for me, is half the battle. The novel is very romantic, funny and witty.

Thank You NetGalley and One More Chapter for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for letting me have an advanced epub of this book. I found this book to be a lot of fun and it combined a couple of my favorite things which are reading,TTRPG’s, cosplay and renfairs. Though I had a lot of fun reading this and the slow burn of it was fine, I was a little disappointed that no more did Morgan and Jack get together they then broke up. I thought they were really cute but they spent most of the book apart and not together. I really liked that they had really problems that they had to work through and they help each other with that. I would definitely recommend this book to friends

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Oh my goodness this book is so much fun and felt like something completely new and original to me! I adored the characters and found the role play aspect of the story to be different from anything i read before. A really good read!

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You've Got Chain Mail is a sweet and romantic friends to lovers story with some DnD and Ren Faire vibes.

Morgan is feeling a little lonely since her best friend Cara moved out of their house for a new job in London. She joins a colleague's DnD group that meets weekly, and is trying to open up more, but breaking into an established friend group is hard not to mention her sorta crush on fellow player Jack is sure to make things awkward. Meanwhile, Jack's life hasn't quite gone to plan either. After moving home after a bad breakup four years ago, he is set to take over his father's contracting business and has a set no dating policy to avoid any hurt and disappointment. Unfortunately for Jack, his attraction for Morgan is complicating his no dating policy. After a few weekend outings to help Morgan feel a little more brave before the groups trip to America to visit a Ren Faire in the fall, their relationship becomes more than just friends. But can these two get over their fear of being hurt and abandoned by those they love, and open up to each other for good?

This was a cute rom-com, and I loved the DnD and Ren Faire vibes. The biggest issue for our two main characters is their fear of abandonment, or being left behind. The risk of hurt is too great, and they struggle to open up to each other throughout the book, putting up walls and avoiding certain topics, leading to arguments when issues inevitably bubble up. Their relationship felt very real to me, as two people who are struggling to move past the hurt and learn to trust and love again. The side characters are also a ton of fun, and there is an excellent found family vibe with the DnD group. There is a lot of emotional growth and character development going on, in addition to the budding relationship and some sweet and spicy moments. I had a lot of fun reading it, and would love to see more novels with this group in the future.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and to HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter for the advanced copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I loved the premise of this book and really liked the beginning, but it lost me in the middle. The beginning, when Morgan and Jack have feelings for each other but don't act on them was cute, and I LOVED when they started hanging out.
But (spoilers ahead) pretty much as soon as they hook up, we start getting more of a focus on their problems. The cute happy moments are mostly glossed over (their whole first month as a couple isn't really shown, for example) so I wasn't grounded in the couple when their problems started--so instead of rooting for them to work things out, I honestly kind of just felt like they should recognize they're not particularly compatible and go their separate ways.
I also wished the DND scenes connected just a little bit more to the rest of the book--I found them interesting, but it felt a bit jarring to me to have those second-world fantasy scenes that didn't tie to the themes of the players' lives or parallel them at all. By the time I DNFd there was one moment that seemed like it might tie things together but I wanted a bit more cohesion there.
Overall there was a lot to love but it felt like a slow march to the 3rd act breakup starting around halfway through and that's just not what I want in a romance. I love angst but instead of feeling like delicious tension, it just kind of made me sad for them.

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This is an angsty novel about two lonely people involved in a weekly role-playing game and planning to participate in a Renaissance Fair. Though it’s called a rom com, I didn’t find it lighthearted or funny. The writing is good, though, if this sounds like something you’d like.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed and lovable. The pacing was perfect and left you wanting to read more. I can't wait to read more by this author!

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This is a cute, romantic comedy book with a little touch of spice!

I must admit this book took a bit to get into BUT for me it is because I am not in to fantasy/cosplay etc but when I got my head around that I really enjoyed it.

We follow Morgan and Jack, two lost souls longing for adventure and love through the world of role playing! Jack is still dealing with the effect of a bad breakup and Morgan is finding herself after the departure of her best friend. Their weekly game role playing sparks a fire between them and can it blossom in the real life?

I was routing for Morgan and Jack from the get go and I got fully invested in finishing this book and seeing their HEA! There is also another super cute HEA for another little cutie!

Overall I enjoyed this book and I would recommend it!

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ooooo role playing is kinda thriving right now! i reallly liked this book and the characters were so freaking great together! such a fun time and book

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It was refreshing to read a romance with a different theme. The settings and atmosphere for YOU’VE GOT CHAIN MAIL were done well. The characters took plenty of time and lots of drama getting over their issues. I found that to be a little tedious at times.

I didn’t read the book on consecutive days, so I found myself having to check back to previously read parts to figure out where we were in the story timeline. I base my opinion on an advance copy of the book I received from NetGalley. If you love the whole Ren Faire/D&D vibe, you will enjoy the atmosphere created.

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