Member Reviews

This was unfortunately a DNF for me at around 30%.

The premise was so cute and I really wanted to love this, but I just couldn't connect with the main characters.

I really struggled to get behind Morgan's decision to go to America (she lives in the UK) so she can go to the Ren Faire while at the same time, not having a place to live. She takes a job she doesn't want so she can have more money so she can find a flat, while also spending what will be a shitload of money (I have done this trip UK to US, it is not cheap!) to go to the Ren Faire. I just wanted to tell her, honey, get your shit together first, make sure you have somewhere to live, and then maybe go on a vacation!

The main characters didn't feel very well developed, I didn't really know who they were or what was really driving them beyond dealing with bad break-ups. They all felt very one dimensional and surface level. Morgan seemed to have some social anxiety at the start, which gave her some depth, but then she just kind of decided that she didn't have it anymore because of something Jack said to her and then she invites what are essentially a bunch of strangers on her trip. Who, by the way, can all miraculously afford to take time off and pay for the trip. There was a level of privilege here that I found a little challenging. In the real world at least one of your friends is going to say - I'd love to, but I can't afford it. That friend probably should have been Morgan!

I could have maybe looked past all this if there had been some serious spark between the two MCs driving the story, but there was nothing. Zero spark. The connection between them goes from they fancy each other a bit, to suddenly they are clutching each other in a river, it felt very forced, just a bit awkward and flat.

If you're super into D&D and Ren Faires and like sweet romance you may still enjoy this as a quick read, but ultimately it just felt flat and underdeveloped for me.

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This book was SO fun! Im such a huge fan of the Ren Faire so it was right up my alley. I loved Morgan and following her journey and growth. The small town setting was fantastic, the slow burn romance was vibing.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟.5 (4.5 rounded to 5)
Must buy if you’re into D&D, RenFaire, & romantasy.

Now- for the actual review, I was def conflicted. I love all of the things mentioned above and feel like this is one of the not many books out there that blends all those interests. I am really happy authors are starting to go with certain tropes and bring in some everyday life fandoms etc into their tropes.

I wasn’t a huge fan of how the relationship worked out? Idk how to put it. It really annoyed me at times and def didn’t feel like it was very equal in some ways. I understand the book is about the MC so.. I’m not going to hate too hard.

Even tho it’s not perfect, I do think it’s a fun read and a good addition to people’s bookshelves.

Thank you for the ARC!

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This book was great! The characters were complex and interesting! The plot was well written and compelling, and the story was interesting.

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Thank you to publisher One More Chapter, NetGalley and author Sam Parks for this eARC.

Unfortunately You've Got Chain Mail was not my favorite.

I loved our FMC Morgan. Her character development throughout this book was such a joy to read and she deserves only the best!
And while I didn't love our MMC Jack as much, I still loved seeing his emotional healing journey.
The D&D and Ren Fair elements were fun and as a bit of a nerd myself i thoroughly enjyed them. Their friend group was fun, supportive and absolutely loveable!

Sound all great so far, right?!

The problem I had was that I felt zero chemistry between our two leads.
I loved their individual stories and character development, I loved them supporting and pushing eachother in that development but I did not feel a single spark beyond a great friendship between them.
Given that it is a romance book it sadly missed the mark for me. Still I enjoyed reading it so it gets 3.5 stars from me

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This is a bit nerdy for me. DnD, Ren Faire, etc. it’s cute but like I said, very nerdy!- and not judging (I’m a different kind of nerd- Star Wars) lol

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Estuvo entretenido.

Morgan trabaja en una organización beneficia para animales, dicho trabajo no le satisface, sin embargo, su razón de estar en ese lugar fue quedarse cerca de su mejor amiga, pero cuando dicha amiga se va del país y la deja sola tiene que enfrentar todas sus decisiones.
Poco a poco se da cuenta que se enfocó en no perder su amistad que quedó aislada y ahora no tiene a nadie, pero una compañera se da cuenta y la invita a jugar calabozos y dragones para que conozca gente.

En el grupo de juego se encuentra Jack un carpintero que trabaja en empresa de construcción familiar, ella cree que le cae mal a él, pero lo que él intenta es que no se sienta incómoda con su grupo de amigos y le crea oportunidades pata no estar con ellos, las cuales ella las ve como una manera de deshacerse de ella. Todo un malentendido

A lo largo del libro vemos como se van aclarando los malentendidos, se conocen íntimamente, él la ayuda a ciertas cosas, se vuelven amigos y finalmente se enamoran.

Spoilers ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Le iba a poner 3.5⭐️ pero no me gustó como se trató la parte final. Sentí que Jack la ayudó a encontrase, le dió su tiempo y espacio, sin embargo, cuando fue el turno de ella para apoyarlo no lo hizo y hasta condicionó lo que él debería hacer para que ella lo aceptara.

Estoy muy enojada con Jared por el tiempo que le hizo perder a la pobre de Fatima. El tipo sabía que no quería quedarse en un pueblo, aun así se quedó con ella sabiendo que ella no se iría a ningún lado y sólo hasta que consiguió el trabajo en otro país, decidió dejarla, cobarde.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review

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This book was a bit of me! The characters, the outdoor adventures, the fantasy ... Vibes, vibes, vibes.

I loved the D&D angle. I have never played, so I hit up Youtube to watch some 'live' play to fully understand the setting. I haven't read anything similar (not just Dungeons and Dragons based, but 'as told through an alternate universe' simultaneously) and I have read a lot. It was brilliant!

I also loved the references to specific locations. As a fellow booklover, I have of course visited Hay-on-Wye. The Wye Valley setting made me laugh out loud, as my car broke down in Ross-on-Wye last week! (I had driven over the border to see King Arthur's Cave and, upon leaving the car park, my car broke down. Queue a long wait for the RAC and a tow back to Gloucestershire!)

This book would have been an easy 5 stars for me were it not for two things; Firstly, the pacing was off in a few places. I felt jarred by the amount of time (or lack thereof) that had supposedly past on several occasions.
Secondly, whilst it was nice that their issues were so alike - because of which, they both understood what the other needed to do - we as the reader got two sets of the same issues (and several arguments on the same thing, albeit for a different character). All of the self-sabotage and their subsequent spiel became very hypocritical very quickly because of this. By 80% I started to find their situation a bit tedious and just wanted the HEA to hurry up. Amy said it best when she said, "you know you're both the bad guys here, right?" Speaking of Amy..

Amy's character has so much potential! Sequel with Amy and Phil as the love interests? *Crosses fingers and toes* Hell, every character in the friendship group was strong enough to have a story in their own right. I want Fatima's arc right here, right now.

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This book is one for a niche audience of readers that enjoy D and D, ren faires and slow burns. While i have read a couple D and D and ren faire books, I still struggle a bit with the rules of both of those things so if you are not familiar with the game play and have never been to a ren faire you could get lost as I did. I found that due to that I had trouble getting into the book and connecting with the characters especially the cut scenes of captain morgana from the roleplay aspect.

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Sam Parks has done such an amazing job writing this book! Completely hit the nail on the head with characters, romance and humour! Definitely one I’ll recommend for others to enjoy!

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This was a great read. I enjoyed it from very first page to the very last page. Don’t skip over this read. Readers will enjoy it.

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You’ve Got Chain Mail by Sam Parks
Rating: 4/5
Release Date: 13 August 2024

In this charming romantic comedy, two souls yearning for adventure find love through the unlikely world of role-playing games.

Morgan, feeling adrift since her best friend's departure, longs to break free from her routine. She dreams of becoming her own hero, ready to write an exciting new chapter in her life.

Jack, disillusioned with his small-town existence after a painful breakup, finds his once-peaceful retreat increasingly stifling.

Seeking escape and excitement, both Morgan and Jack dive headfirst into weekly role-playing game sessions with their friends. As they plan an epic adventure for an upcoming Renaissance Faire, they begin to embody the bold, magical personas of their characters.

But as Morgan and Jack lose themselves in fantastical realms and heroic quests, something unexpected begins to take shape in the real world. Could their in-game connection be blossoming into a real-life romance?

“You’ve Got Chain Mail” is a heartwarming tale that blends the whimsy of role-playing games with the charm of small-town romance. Perfect for fans of geek culture, Renaissance Faires, and love stories that celebrate embracing one's true self.

This fun rom-com offers:
- A celebration of geek culture and role-playing games.
- Two endearing protagonists finding their way to each other.
- A charming small-town setting.
- A sweet, slow-burn romance with a dash of spice.

This is an cosy romcom, that is absolutely delightful, a story that you can easily lose yourself in, a story where fantasy and reality intertwine, proving that sometimes the greatest adventures - and the truest love - begin with a roll of the dice.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter | One More Chapter, and the author, Sam Parks, for a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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i can't express how much i love this
cheers to the author for writing this masterpiece

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I was captivated from the start by the Renaissance Faire setting, which provides a charming backdrop, especially for readers who love the ambiance of small towns. I found the author's approach of bringing two characters together through role-playing, helping them discover new aspects of themselves and gain confidence, particularly intriguing.

All in all, a fantastic book! Thank you so much for the opportunity to read it.

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Morgan has been feeling lonely. Since her best friend moved away and isn't answering her calls and texts, she is on her own a lot. She wants to be more adventurous but doesn't really know how to do that.

She started going on weekly D&D games with a group of people who are quickly becoming her friends. They even agree to go to the Renaissance Fair in the States together.

Jack's life is very carefully planned out. There is no room for romance or change. After his bad breakup, he gave up on that and kind of dedicated his life to just staying as it is.

As he takes Morgan out on their little adventures, they get closer and closer, but he is nowhere near that and the change she is about to bring into his life. He makes her more adventurous and she forces him to face his emotions-a perfect match...

They make each other better, but they both come with baggage that threatens to keep them apart.

Is such a sweet story, of letting go, of taking a chance and letting yourself go. A slow-burn romance, but totally worth it!

Highly recommend it!

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I was invited by the publisher to read this book. I really loved that the Renaissance Faire was a backdrop to this book - readers who love that world as well as smaller towns should read this book just for that element alone. I also liked the characters becoming familiar to each other through role playing - I thought it was an interesting take by the author to bring two people together who maybe didn't have the confidence as "themselves". My personal tastes like a little more oomph with the romances - this was a bit slower for my personal liking, but I felt like there was adequate chemistry between the two characters and I really, really enjoyed their personal adventures coming out of their comfort zones, putting themselves as individuals first, and growing as a person.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollinsUS/One More Chapter for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Slooooow burn. 3rd act break up. Kinda closed door romance. Ren faire annnnd D&D. I wanted to like the characters more but I felt like both needed to get their act together! At least Pablo got his HEA

Thank you NetGalley for the arc

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This book was so entertaining that I read it in a single day. Short but sweet and I loved the role-playing game part because it reminds me of my friends in high school who used to dress up to go to the local renaissance fair back in my hometown of Los Angeles, CA.

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Absolutely delightful! This book had me laughing out loud and swooning in equal measure. The characters are loveable, the humour is spot-on, and the romance is heartwarming. A perfect feel-good read!

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