Member Reviews

When friends Ari, Carla and Jody win tickets to a festival on an island in Greece they are all excited apart from Jody who is more reserved than them. She is glad to get away from her ex controlling boyfriend and hadn't told her friends what he had put her through.
The festival wasn't organised and was a bit of let down , drugs were being sold openly not somewhere that Jody was happy with. When Jody comes across a young woman that she has met there who is in a really bad way things start to go very wrong for her. Who can she trust now as she knows her friends and others have been lying to her.
Brilliant book . Will look out for her next book.

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From the get go this book was good, three girls living together win tickets to THE festival that everyone is talking about in Greece, what could go wrong?

It definitely is a slow burner, with all the action taking place in the last 50 pages of the book.

I imagine this will be a great book to sit around the pool with on holiday.

Overall I liked Sarah Goodwins writing but did find myself slightly bored.

A massive thank you to Avon Books UK and Net Galley for providing me with ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book.
I felt the scene was set well, with Jodi's personality and history. I didn't entirely see her as someone who could be exploited, but I think that was just the way I interpreted it. Saying that, she wasn't, and was able to stick up for herself and others.
I like it how the situation with Nick came full circle and she was able to collect her belongings and finally stand up to him
All in all, I liked it. Was a busy ending but a good one. Would read from this author again.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Although the first half of this book was quite slow, I found myself flying through the pages and the second half definitely made up for it. I really loved the concept of a thriller being set during a music festival as we are currently in festival season ourselves. I can't say I'm a festival girlie myself and definitely don't think I'll be after this book! I really liked the plot twist and all of the dark secrets within the festival, it definitely keeps you on your toes and Jody was a fantastic, admirable character who created the perfect heroine.

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I found the Island a bit slow and only really came together in the final third of the book. Having read Sarah Goodwins previous books I was a little disappointed with this one.
Thanks for the ARC

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Another brilliant read from Sarah Goodwin. I thoroughly enjoy her writing and imagination. Her writing is so captivating that it draws you in from the first page and doesn't let go until the very end

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Another great read from Sarah!

Three flatmates travel to Greece after winning tickets to the newest and most exclusive festival of the year. Jody is asked to go with Ari and Carla and even though she is reluctant to leave her home, she agrees. At least in Greece she will be many miles away from her abusive ex boyfriend Nick…..won’t she?

This book had me hooked when reading it whilst on holiday. Would highly recommend if you enjoy a twisty, engaging read.

Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to read and review.

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This is my second Sarah Goodwin thriller and it didn’t disappoint. A slow start to build tension, culminating in some big reveals.
After a bad break up Jody moves back in with her friends from university. Feeling pressured to succeed and make big life decisions she reluctantly joins her friends at a festival in Greece. She keeps thinking she sees her narcissistic ex boyfriend in the crowd, and then when a girl who looks like her goes missing, her anxiety kicks in. Who can Jody trust??
Suspenseful and atmospheric.

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You can always count on Sarah Goodwin to write a great book and this one doesn't disappoint

Jody has just gone through a bad breakup and moves in with university friends Ari and Carla, but struggles with anxiety and self confidence. . When her friends win tickets to a new music festival called Lethe in Greece they drag Jody along.

The festival seems a little strange, hardly any security, no big known acts and lots of drug selling amongst the crowd. Jody feels like something is amiss and she keeps thinking she can see her ex in the crowd.

When a girl goes missing Jody gets caught up in something she's not prepared for and everything begins to unravel.

Sarah Goodwin keeps things fast paced in this exciting thriller which is definitely worth reading.

Many thanks to the author and publisher for an advanced copy to review.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publisher for this ARC. The publication date is the 15th August. Another fantastic book by Sarah Goodwin this book was a twisty, unputdownable thriller with plenty of twists and turns that made it impossible to put down!

Overall, great characters and a fantastic plot with many red- herrings along the way!

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Sarah Goodwin is one of those thriller writers who deserves every success. Her story Stranded remains one of my all time favourites, and this book The Island was also a really good read.

Jody, our protagonist, is hiding a lot of things, and battling anxiety and dysfunction as a result. After a bad breakup, she moves back in with her friends from university, Ari and Carla, but is unable to function normally. When her friends win tickets to a new music festival in Greece, Jody reluctantly joins them.

But the festival turns out to be an incredibly stressful experience for her - not least because she suspects that she has spotted her abusive boyfriend in the crowd. Is he stalking her?

And when a girl who looks very much like Jody goes goes missing, things starts to get even more frightening - to the point where Jody soon starts feeling unsure of whether she can trust anyone, including Ari and Carla...

Goodwin has delivered a suspenseful, exciting, atmospheric and entertaining read, that also manages to raise some underlying social issues - such as the pervasive nature of gender-based violence and exploitation. Well worth a read.

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Compelling, Immersive..
Winning tickets to what promises to be the very best festival of the year seems like a godsend for Jodi, Ari and Carla - but as they arrive on a private, sun soaked Greek island, they soon realise that not everything is as it seems. With a well done undercurrent of gradual menace, a well imagined backdrop and a propulsive plot populated with a credible cast, this is a compelling, claustrophobic and immersive one sit read.

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Jodi has just come out of a rather controlling relationship and moves back in with her uni mates Ari and Carla, when Ari wins tickets to the summers hottest music festival they head off the festival full of excitement.
Echo's of the Fyre Festival here as when the girls arrive they find the whole thing a bit off, bands nobody has heard of, no stewards or safety tents, a bit of a free for all.
Things get more sinister the further into the festival - it becomes a fight for their and others survival at the hands of the nefarious festival organisers who have there own awful reason for the festival,
A great read, a great thriller

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Sarah Goodwin does it again, a real thrilling read.
What should have been a wonderful festival on a beautiful island turns into anything but.
The whole place felt creepy and i just wanted the girls to get the hell out of there.
A real gripping read which i read in just a couple of sittings.
My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for my copy.

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I've loved Sarah Goodwin's other books so was excited to read this one. The Island is an escapist read but lacks the thriller aspects of the previous novels.

The tension felt somewhat lacking. Perhaps it's because I couldn't gel with the main character. I understand she's been through a lot and is broken by a couple of her relationships. She felt a little one-dimensional, though.

It is an interesting plot. I liked the descriptions of the festival and its atmosphere.

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With many thanks to Netgalley and Jessica Whitehead for this free arc and I am leaving this unbiased review voluntarily
Another winner from the talented Sarah Goodwin. The author sets the scene perfectly and chapter by chapter the pace ramps up more and more. Although the setting is a festival on a Greek island there’s a touch of eeriness about the story that draws the reader in and elevates the suspense. Good characters in this as you try and work out who is deceiving who. A solid and addictive read that will grip you from the start.

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The Island by Sarah Goodwin
Release Date: 15 August 2024

Jody, Ari, and Carla were ecstatic when they snagged golden tickets to the summer's most hyped music festival, boasting glamour, mystery, and a plethora of freebies. However, their excitement soon turned to dismay upon arriving at a secluded Greek island, surrounded by influencers and celebrities, only to find the festival site lacking the promised allure of music, art, and immersive experiences. Despite their disappointment, they resolved to salvage the trip.

Their determination wavered on day three when a startling revelation transformed the festival into a harrowing ordeal, leaving the trio stranded on the island with no way to escape.

I had no expectations when I picked up “The Island”, choosing it solely based on its cover and title. To my delight, it turned out to be one of those hidden gems that I thoroughly enjoyed.

“The Island” gripped me right from the start. I couldn't tear myself away and devoured it in just a few short hours. The eerie ambiance and suspense are crafted with such finesse, keeping you on edge throughout!

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Avon Books UK | Avon, and the author, Sarah Goodwin, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest and fair review.

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