Member Reviews

Wow. Thank you so much to the publisher / publicist for sending me a finished copy of this book
This book was the complete opposite of what I expected it to be and for all the right reasons
I would describe this book somewhere between a domestic and crime thriller, with a hint of contemporary.
The book begins with Andrew and Sophie taking their little girl, Maria and her best friend Joe to the beach. When they arrive, storm is a brewing and the children are warned to only play in the little sea. Of course children being children, they don’t listen and disaster strikes leaving one of the children victim to the water
The story unfolds and the reader embarks on the journey of how one day can change everything and the fight to uncover the truth of what really happened out at sea
Although it initially annoyed me that the family even went to the beach when the weather was so bad, I quickly saw past that and allowed myself to be taken on the rollercoaster ride!
The book was superbly written and such a powerful book. You can feel the emotion of the parents through the book
This is an amazing debut and I can’t wait to see what the author delivers in future.

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A good read
Grief and loss are subjects covered in this book
But covered very well
A well written story
But an emotional one
Never read any books by this author but I will now
Thanks NetGalley

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Gripping and thought provoking mystery /thriller which would be a great book club choice.

Two families are torn apart when a visit to the beach ends in tragic consequences.

Best friends Maria and Joe are excited to be spending the day together as Joe's parents have to work. The families are so close they almost think of each other's children as their own.

The weather has deteriorated significantly since they mooted the idea of visiting the beach, but the children are adamant they want to go.

As the harrowing events unfold from multiple points of view, we explore the devastating aftermath and the choices they each face.

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First book I have read by this author

A well written thriller that I enjoyed
It was quite slow paced but still gripping and hard hitting

Very emotional

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Following a harrowing prologue that has you immediately gripped, After The Storm begins with two beautiful little families, merged as one happy collective group. Andrew and Sophie treat Joe as though he is one of their own, while Chris and Linda fight with their own feelings of guilt at having to work and not spending the time with Joe that they would like to. But when disaster strikes, and Joe tragically drowns while at the beach with Andrew and Sophie, their entire worlds collapse and life will never be the same for any of them ever again. What follows is a brutal fight for truth and justice.

I loved that this was told from multiple POV, as each POV brought its own emotion and depth to the story. It was also very easy to understand why each character felt the way that they did, even when you didn’t necessarily agree with their actions. As a parent, I felt conflicted on who to side with between Chris and Andrew, and it created a big internal battle with my own feelings. That’s another thing I loved about this book. It made you question how you would behave and react in similar situations, and honestly, it was extremely hard to answer that question.

Throughout the story, the intensity increases at a rapid pace, until it becomes like a hurricane ready to rip apart everything in sight. There were certainly moments that absolutely tore me to pieces. The final chapter took me completely by surprise, but was a brilliant way to end the story. It makes you re-evaluate your feelings towards everything that has come before it.

This book is devastating. It hit me harder than anything else I’ve ever read! I very rarely cry while reading, but this… this story had me absolutely sobbing, but it was impossible to put down. I highly recommend it, however, I strongly urge you to check the trigger warnings before picking it up, and certainly have a box of tissues to hand. An incredible debut from G.D. Wright, and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us in the future.

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Wow. This was seriously brilliant. It’s a long time since I’ve bi ged a book in a day and felt the need to stay up late to find out where it was going to go and what happened in the sea.
My only complaint would be that anyone who was brought up around the sea knows what it’s like. They wouldn’t have been in that situation to start with. We all get very frustrated by the idiot tourists who want to watch the waves.

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After the Storm delivers a gripping and emotional narrative that highlights how a single moment can irreversibly alter lives. The prologue immediately grips with its intensity, setting the stage for a relentless and immersive read.

The novel’s immediacy makes it feel less like reading and more like witnessing the events unfold in real-time. The vivid, evocative descriptions, especially of the storm and the sea, enhance the sense of being right there with the characters.

Beyond the action, the book delves into deeper themes with compassion and authenticity. It offers a sensitive portrayal of police work and the challenges officers face, providing a realistic and engaging perspective.

The shift from the mundane to the catastrophic makes the storm’s impact all the more dramatic. By developing characters like Linda, Chris, Andrew, and Sophie with care, the novel invests readers in their fates, amplifying the emotional stakes.

The character development is both layered and empathetic, even in the most challenging moments. Notably, the realistic portrayal of children like Joe and Maria adds to the novel’s depth.

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Sophie & Andrew & Linda & Chris are best friends as are their children, Maria & Joe. Linda & Chris work shifts so Sophie & Andrew step in to help with the childcare. One very wild & windy day after Joe has been dropped off Maria insists that they want to go to the beach- & what Maria wants Maria gets! After strict instructions to stay away from the sea Andrew keeps an eye on them until a dog jumps up on pregnant Sophie & in that moment loses sight of them. In spite of a terror of the sea Andrew goes in after them, but only one child survives. From that point all their lives change forever (although not sure about Maria's!)

This was a heart breaking story, told well & sensitively so that I felt equally sorry for both families. I thought the police procedural element was well done. I did guess what has actually happened & wonder if it would, one day, come back to haunt them. Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for letting me read & review this book. A warning to those interested in reading it- if you are feeling down & depressed don't!

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I'm struggling to find adequate words to praise this book, the best I can come up with is absolutely phenomenal!

The author has completely captured every single possible emotion, sweeping you along until you are gasping for breath. Heart wrenching, heart stopping, the description of the storm and the human factor going against the full force of nature put you on the verge of tears as you read, unable to put it down. Seriously brilliant writing. And the ending..... Seriously good.

I cannot recommend this book enough.

My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy in return for an honest review.

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This is a harrowing story about a tragic event which tears apart two families previously close to each other. It’s very well written but the subject matter makes it difficult to read. It is possible to see where the story is going from the start and each fateful decision creates a butterfly effect which compounds the tragedy, making it the book equivalent of watching a horror film from behind your fingers.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advance copy.

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This was an emotional rollercoaster of a book. Andrew and Sophie are looking after their friends Chris and Linda’s son and take him to the beach with their daughter. With the adults momentarily distracted the kids are swept out to sea, but only one comes back.
What follows is a harrowing journey through grief and how it affects everyone.
There are trigger warnings as there are some emotive topics written about.

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The prologue sets the emotional tone and intensity for the story that follows. The initial chapters show everyday family life, but the reader waits for something catastrophic. The storm scenes are dramatic and terrible and engender many emotions as you read. The aftermath is claustrophobic, poignant and toxic as accusations are rife, families and friendships are destroyed. A detailed police investigation connects the story's dramatic and emotional elements; the fallout for the professionals of such a tragic case is authentic and compelling. I like the characterisation, the sensory imagery that brings events to life and the balance of intensity and reflection as the story progresses.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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I don’t know what made me request this, it might have been the blurb. I’m so glad that I did.

What a first novel to publish. This had me hooked from the get go. Two children go into the sea. A parent goes in after them but only one child comes out. What happened in the water?

The characters were amazing. They were carefully crafted and very realistic, especially as a few of them had specialist jobs.

It’s a hard hitting book, I’m not going to lie. Reading this just after having a baby probably wasn’t the best idea but it still had me devouring every page.

There are many trigger topics in this, so look them up to decide if this book is for you. But I was fully invested in every second of this emotional book.

And the twist at the end? Very clever!

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A harrowing story about the loss of a child made worse when you have entrusted someone else with their care. Why had they taken Joe to the beach and allowed him to go into the sea in such dreadful weather and why did their own child survive yet theirs died? Two couples, once friends are now estranged with emotions running high. Another tragedy ensues and it takes many twists and turns before the truth begins to be known. Not till the very last pages do we discover the whole tragic incident. A gripping, turbulent read

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I found this book to be a difficult read, not because of the writing (which I felt was good), but the story was so very emotional I almost had to abandon it part-way through as I felt totally wrung out and depressed by it. I have to say that this story seemed well-plotted and very well written for a debut novel and I hope to read more from this author .
Certainly a good, but emotional read, parents of young children would be advised to avoid it.

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efore I get in to the negatives, I just want to start with a positive, the writing was great and I will definitely pick up another book by this author but unfortunately I didn't enjoy this.

What sort of irresponsible people take their children to the beach to play in the storm?! That just wasn't believable to me and I don't feel like the author was going for a 'suspend your disbelief' type of story. However I'm not a parent so how can I comment, and that's how I felt for a lot of the book.

Maria was the most annoying child to ever exist. I didn't believe Chris could be that angry over an actual accident.

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An exceptionally disturbing and horrific book which left me shattered. It was excellent throughout with the unpredictable storyline. The knock on effect the tragedy had on both families was palpable.

What a compelling and emotional read.

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A Brilliant thriller, written superbly. I should imagine the death of a child must be the worst thing that could ever happen. When the child was in the care of best friends it must be even harder to comprehend. Will the truth ever come out? It left me reeling.

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A novel rich with emotion of every kind grief coming from happiness and hate coming from friendship follow the drowning of Joe the only child of Chris, a police officer and Linda a paramedic. Joe has died while on a beach trip with his young friend Maria and her parents. Things continue to go downhill for both families and Joe’s parents are racked with a grief so strong it takes over their lives completely. T his is a desperately sad story with family loyalties at its heart. Not a book to be taken lightly and one which will play with the emotions from the outset to its climactic ending. Not one for the fainthearted. A very good debut novel.

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Very emotional page turner. Two families both destroyed by one tragic event. Will either family ever find a way forward. This book really does pull everything from you. So well written.

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