Member Reviews

I absolutely inhaled this book! Granted it took me a moment to get going but once I did it was a quick read. There was so much to love here and I got so emotional throughout--which was a surprise. You might go be tempted by the romantic time travel element but the author honestly gave us so much more.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the advanced copy on this one.

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I remain unsure as to whether I enjoyed this book or just felt completely confused by it. It's one of those books I may well return to in the future.

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I am a HUGE sucker for time traveling books and this one did not disappoint. I found this one to be unique and moving. I loved how she had to say goodbye to actually end up being together with him. This one I couldn't put down with anticipating what would happen. One of my favorites for the year.

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this story was unlike anything ive ever read!! my first from this author and will not be my last. wonderful story that tugged at your heart strings. likeable characters and great pacing! would recommend this one!!

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wow!!!!!! i saw this book as an Amazon First Read with amazing reviews and decided to give it whirl. SUCH A GREAT BOOK!!!

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At first I had no clue where this book was headed, so it took me a while to get into it, however once it got going I was gripped.

Through out any movie that involved timetravel you learn not to touch anything. This book showed why. There were moments of tears and moments of laughter.

I enjoyed the representation of narcolepsy through out, it’s one that is not often discussed. As well as that of looking after a relative with high care needs at how that takes it own toll

I just wish that the plot picked up sooner as it was almost a DNF the only reason I persisted is my insistent need to know.

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Started out a bit slow as characters were introduced but I ended up having to stay up late to finish it because I just could not put it down by the end. I loved how everything was wrapped up, the little twists that I kinda saw coming but still enjoyed being unravelled.

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Thank you net galley and publisher for this ARC. The plot sounded really interesting to me and I enjoy this type of story. However I had a hard time getting into the story and characters. Others really enjoy this book though!

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Thank you NetGalley and Sarah J. Harris for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review. The concept of time travel in "Meet Me On The Bridge" was fun and lent itself to some surprises! I do think that it could have been a little more fleshed out in some parts, but overall, it was complex and interesting!

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I am an absolute sucker for a love story mixed with time travel. Ashley Poston's Seven Year Slip was a 2023 standout, I adored watching the Lake House as a teen, and I have a well worn copy of The Time Traveler's Wife. Of course I had to pick up Meet Me On The Bridge when I read the synopsis.

Meet Me On The Bridge finds Julia lost and alone until she falls in love with Alex. There's just one hitch, Alex has been dead for a year. Full of sweet, sorrowful, and funny moments, we watch as Alex and Julia find their way to one another. Such a touching, fast-paced read, sure to please readers who enjoyed Holly Gramazio's The Husbands.

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Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. This was a captivating read. I loved the concept, and this was a particularly well-executed romantic time travel story. I was utterly invested in Julia and Alex and rooting for their relationship throughout, and this was a warm-hearted, emotional read with unexpected twists.

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I love a good time travel/alternate reality book, and this one has all the feels. It breaks your heart, and then puts it back together. It does take a bit to get where you are going, but I never felt impatient getting there. I felt like we were on this journey with our FMC, and I was rooting for her to figure it out. You can tell the connection between the two main characters, and it was well portrayed. The side characters were well developed, and I was even surprised at the end by one thing that was revealed. Overall, worth the read!

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This was an incredible read that will stay in my head for a long time. The story of a woman with narcolepsy and the ability to go back and change history was gripping. The book has elements of mystery, romance, and family that all came together in the best way and makes you question how you would act if you were put in the same situation. Sad for the book to end! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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A different type of time travel romance.

Julia has narcolepsy which means she falls asleep anywhere, any time without warning.
She loves her grandmother deeply, who is suffering from Alzheimers/dementia.
She misses her mother just as deeply, who left 20 years ago.

She meets Alex and instantly knows he's the ONE for her.


here's where things get going

time travel, mysteries, secrets, suspense and love in many forms.

I loved all the different types of love in this book.

I of course loved the time travel element.

It kept me reading until I finished because i had to find out how it ended, was there a happy ending?

Would Julia time travel forever or settle in one spot?

My first experience from Sarah J Harris and it wont be the last.


Highly recommended

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I'm a sucker for anything with parallel universes and/or alternative timelines (my parents' met on the tube, and I often what would have happened if dad missed that train!) so I was automatically on board with this one. There's a lot to like about it, in fact the worldbuilding is probably the best thing about the book - how the time travel works and the ripple effects of changing it - it's the characters that weight it down. They're all one-note archetypes - the lost & misunderstood female lead, the awful & emotionally distant boyfriend, the wonderful mystery man and the problematic bestie. Although I finished the book, it was more out of wanting confirmation that I guessed what was going to happen rather than wanting to spend more time with the characters. The interviewing plot points get samey and jarring all-too quickly. Ambitious but undercooked.

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Loved this one! Great and fun read. Highly recommend.
Many thanks to the publisher, Netgalley, and the author for my ARC.

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I really enjoyed this one! This was an emotional read, and I loved the whole time travel aspect. This would make a really good book club pick, as it brings up the whole philosophical discussion about if one person you love's life is worth more than those of multiple strangers.

It came very close to being a 5-star read for me, but I wish we would have had more time to really get to know Alex. While the whole concept of the book revolved around the relationship between he and Julia, we really only got small glimpses of the two of them together, mostly through one paragraph memories. It made it hard to really be invested in the relationship and why Julia was making the choices she did. Ultimately, I'd say this book was about the love between mothers and daughters though.

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Meet Me on the Bridge by Sarah Harris is a fantasy Ground Hogs Day experience. If you could travel back in time to change something in your history, would you? Naively, Julia followed her dreams to travel back in time and save Alex from dying. Thrilled with her new life and love, she's nevertheless drowning under a sea of guilt for changing other people's history. So she decides to try again and fix the repercussions she inadvertently created. But what she found is that every change in history has ripple effects that she can't control.

Like Julia - and ultimately Alex - I took a leap of faith to read this book. I'm glad I did. I learned a lot about narcolepsy and more about Alzheimer's. Ultimately this is a story about the bonds that bind families and lovers. Not easy reading but worthwhile.

Thank you to Ms. Harris, NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing an advance reader copy. The opinions expressed here are solely my own.

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Book: Meet Me On The Bridge by Sarah J. Harris
Tropes/Themes: Family Secrets, Love At First Sight, Time Travel, Multiple Timelines

Julia’s mother left her with her grandmother at a young age and questions as to why she never returned. 20 years after her mother’s disappearance Julia celebrates her 25th birthday. She suffers from narcolepsy which has only been getting worse. When she goes and visits her grandmother she finds a pendent, the same one she mother dropped out the train window as she left. Julia finds out that the pendent will send her back in time to May 2023 where she meets the love of her life Alex. She can’t stay in 2023 long and when she comes back to 2024 she finds that Alex died saving the lives of two people from a tragic accident on a bridge. Julia must now decide how to save Alex’s life and their future together but this comes with consequences as the events on the bridge effects other major events.

This story is heartbreaking and hopefully all at the same time. I was in tears at the twist at the end even though I saw some of it coming. It is slow paced at first but worth it on the end. I recommend this for those who love time travel stories with a romantic element.

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Julia works as a secretary for a newspaper and has narcolepsy, like her mother who left about 20 years ago. Her tendency to fall asleep really annoys her boyfriend Ed.
One evening Julia meets artist Alex after having coffee spilt on her by a man running to get on the Tube. Immediately feeling a connection, they arrange to meet the next day at Hammersmith Bridge where her grandfather proposed but things soon spiral out of control.
And so this amazingly crafted and heart-wrenching story gets underway. How all the elements – from time travel to her mother’s disappearance, from impossible decisions to an unsolved crime spree – all meld together make this a riveting story – the sort you may have to re-read to spot all the clues. Full of drama and the repercussions of trying to change your fate, it's a brilliant read.

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